Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 226 The Bigger the More Violent!

Chapter 226 The Bigger the More Violent! (Please subscribe!!!)
"Your Highness!?"

"You finally woke up, Your Highness!!"

The female guard, Xiaoruo, was the first to kneel beside the bed, making a choked sound.

Qingliu on the side couldn't help shouting to the outside of the house:
"His Highness is awake!"

"His Highness is awake!"


Tian Xiaorou trotted in from outside the house, her body was covered with dust.

No one minds that.

Because everyone's eyes were on the eldest princess lying on the bed.

See the concerned eyes of these people.

The eldest princess smiled slightly and was about to sit up and talk.

But she was stopped by the female guard next to her, Xiaowei:

"Your Highness! You just woke up! Your body hasn't recovered yet..."

"Yes, Your Highness! Your body is important!" Qing Liu followed suit.


Zhao Xi waved his hand.

"I feel very good now."

"Better than ever."

After speaking, he got up from the bed and sat on the edge of the bed.

Then, Zhao Xi looked at the three girls in front of him, fell silent for a moment, and said:
"These days, I have suffered for you."

Hearing the concern, the female guard's eyes turned red.

"No! As long as His Highness is fine!"

Regarding this, Zhao Xi didn't say much, but stood up and patted the female guard's shoulder lightly.

Then, she spoke again:

"Xiaowei, close the door."

Upon hearing this.

Xiaoruo immediately understood that the eldest princess had something to say.

Get up quickly and close the door.

And told the servants not to approach without permission.

Then returned to the house.

Wait for everyone to arrive.

Zhao Xi glanced around and suddenly said:
"Where's the chicken?"

"It's resting in the side room..." Tian Xiaorou said with some distress:
"The chicken cub has been saying that his back hurts in the past few days..."


Zhao Xi was silent for a moment.

"In recent days, it has also worked hard."

"I will remember what it has done to me."

Although the few people present didn't know what the 'elixir' of the chicken cub was.

But it can also be guessed that the condensation of this thing probably requires a lot of energy from the chicken cubs.

It may even have overdrawn its bloodline ability.

to this end.

Although Zhao Xi didn't say much, his gratitude was already etched in his heart.

Then, she changed the subject and asked aloud:

"During the few days when Ben Gong was in a coma, is there any major event?"

Hearing this, after Qingliu and Tian Xiaorou looked at each other, the former said:

"The Ninth King, Zhao En, captured the first level of the Yuan Dan Realm, a 'Panda', and has paid tribute to the Hall of Merit."

follow closely.

Tian Xiaorou also said:

"No.15 King Zhao Liao announced that he would donate half of his assets for infrastructure construction in the royal city."

"No.17 Wang Zhao Zhi, searched the mansion of inspector Hu Duchu, and handed over all the searched gains to the Hall of Merit."

He said several times in a row.

It can be seen that Tian Xiaorou has been busy collecting information these days.

Wait until she tells all the information she knows.

The house fell into a brief silence again.

a while.

Zhao Xi sighed faintly, and said:
"They're all fighting with all their might."

"But this palace is about to fall."

As soon as the words came out.

With a clear mind, Qingliu suddenly heard other meanings in these words, and asked aloud:


"Your Highness, you...?"

Qingliu didn't finish his sentence, but the doubts he expressed were very clear.


Facing Qingliu's question, Zhao Xi just shook his head and said:


"I just experienced the king's warning this time."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to leave the palace to help Jiajia in the short term."

Say this.

Both Qingliu and Tian Xiaorou were a little anxious.

To know.

The eldest princess Zhao Xi is Zhao Jiajia's bright card for the first return test.

If it is restricted in the middle, don't let it contribute.

Then in the second return test, judging from the existing merit points.

There is a high probability that there will be only slight progress.

It is also possible to stand still, or even go backwards, which is not impossible.

Unless the hole cards of the last round of regression testing are revealed in advance.

But if this is the case, what about the last round?
"Sister Elder Princess! No way!" Tian Xiaorou said anxiously:

"If you do this, Jiajia will be in danger!"

In this regard.

The eldest princess could only respond in silence.

Compared to Tian Xiaorou's directness, Qingliu understood a lot.

"His Royal Highness, did King Taizhao put pressure on you?"

Hearing this, the eldest princess remained silent.

Obviously, that's the way it is.

Upon hearing that this was the case, Tian Xiaorou became angry.

"How could he, Zhao Chun, do this!?"

"It was agreed not to intervene in any changes in the ranks of kings!"

"Why do you go back on your promises!?"

However, no matter what Tian Xiaorou said, the eldest princess remained silent.

This made Tian Xiaorou even angrier, and couldn't help but want to say something more exaggerated.

But at this moment, Qingliu held her back.

"Xiaorou! That's enough! Stop talking!"

Although usually laughing and joking.

But at the critical moment, Qingliu still showed the posture of the senior sister Meiling to stop Tian Xiaorou from talking.


Qingliu put her eyes on the eldest princess, arched her hands, and said:

"Since this is the case, we will not bother Your Highness anymore."

"I hope His Highness can remember the original agreement."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Tian Xiaorou, who looked unwilling, to retreat from the house.

After waiting for the sound of closing the door.

The female guard on the side was weak, and couldn't help asking:

"Your Highness, you..."

Zhao Xi didn't reply.

He just stared in the direction of the door as if in a daze.

Silent for a long time.

She suddenly said:

"Xiaowei, if I remember correctly, your hometown is Dongye, right?"

"Your Highness has a really good memory." Xiaowei replied with a depressed head:
"This subordinate only said it once, but I didn't expect His Highness to remember it all the time."

Hearing Xiao Ruo praise herself, Zhao Xi smiled and said:

"The yellow flower field in Dongye should be beautiful, right?"

I heard that the eldest princess talked about things in her hometown.

Xiaowei immediately boasted:


"If you have time, you must take your Highness down to have a look!"

"Is that so..." Zhao Xi's eyes were in a trance, as if he was staring at something.

For a moment, she seemed to see something.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"It's a deal..."


When Tian Xiaorou broke into Lu Shan's room.

He was holding a bundle of leeks, eating with big mouthfuls.

While eating, he also massaged the back of his waist with Lingshi.

Feeling refreshed.

Tian Xiaorou rushed to Lu Shan angrily.

He picked up Lu Shan and walked out.

"Chicken! Let's go home!"

When he was waiting to come out of the room, Lu Shan realized something.

Suddenly jumped out of Tian Xiaorou's arms.

"Etc., etc!"

"what's the situation?!"

"What happened?!"

Facing the confused questions of the chicken cubs.

Tian Xiaorou said angrily:
"The eldest princess is awake!"

"and then?"

"Then the eldest princess withdrew!"

what? !

quit? !

What the hell?
What he said made Lu Shan feel even more confused.

Fortunately at this time.

Qingliu's voice suddenly came over.

"Tai Zhao Wang Shang intervened."

"Warned the eldest princess, so that she is not allowed to leave the royal court until the last return test."

"What does leaving the palace have to do with quitting?" Lu Shan turned his head and looked at Qingliu full of doubts.

"If the news of the confinement warning of the eldest princess in the royal court spreads, the meritorious service hall will directly deduct the part of the eldest princess's merit points..."

Qingliu's explanation made Lu Shan involuntarily surprised and said:

"The value of meritorious service is the foundation of establishing a king rank!"

"This is so close to the second return test, if you don't add a reverse button, then you are still playing a ghost!?"

"That's what it means!" Tian Xiaorou interjected at the right time, expressing her great anger.

"Is there no room for maneuver?" Lu Shan asked unwillingly.


Qingliu couldn't answer Lu Shan's question.

Can only reply:

"Let's go back and ask the master for instructions."

Think about it too.

How can the two girls deal with this kind of thing?

I can only ask Mu Wanliu for instructions, let her consider the next move.

So the two walked out of Yueche Palace, got into a carriage, and left.

at the same time.

Zhao Chun from the Palace of Pure Heart also got the news that Qingliu and others had left Yueche Palace.

He looked at the messenger flying talisman in his hand, and involuntarily snorted twice.

Immediately after crushing the Messenger Flying Talisman, he picked up the scroll on the table and read it slowly.

A quarter of an hour later.

When the carriage had just driven out of the inner city and came to the range of the outer city.


A burly man suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, blocking the position of the carriage.

This forced the carriage to stop with a "wow".


The coachman raised his voice and shouted:

"Who are you waiting for!"

"Why block the way!"


The burly man suddenly raised his hand, clasped his fists together and said:
"I am a disciple of Taohuaguan! I heard that King Jia has countless talented people, so I came here to challenge!"

Listening is a challenge.

Pedestrians around gave way one after another.

A large area is set aside for the challenge here.

Those who are willing to wait and see will stay, and pedestrians who are unwilling will leave on their own.

After all, it's a challenge in the street.

It has happened several times almost every day since the competition for the throne.

But generally it's all over.

Techniques and combat skills are also controlled within a certain range.

Rarely get hurt by mistake.

In any case, they are all practitioners, and while comparing combat power, they are also comparing control power.

If there is no way to control the spells released, it will only lose the face of the people behind it.

At this moment, when the groom heard that he was here to challenge, he hurriedly turned his head and asked behind the curtain of the carriage.

"Miss, what do you think of this?"

The voice just fell.

A girl with a delicate face came out from behind the curtain.

See here.

The groom kindly said:
"Be careful, the disciples of Taohuaguan are notoriously brave and aggressive..."


The delicate girl turned her head and smiled:
"Uncle, don't worry, in the same situation, no one is braver and more aggressive than me!"

Just when the groom felt absurd about what the lady said.

I saw her coming straight to the burly man.

She arched her hands with a smile.

"Your Majesty Jia, Qingliu, please give me your advice."

When the burly man saw that his opponent was a beautiful girl with an exquisite face and a graceful figure.

His eyes lit up immediately.

"This little lady..."

The words just started.

The girl suddenly pulled out a black stick from her cuff.

Then it gets longer and longer.

In the end, it turned out to be a mace that was eight feet long and covered with nails and rakes.


In the astonishment of this burly man and the passers-by around him.

The girl raised the mace, and at an extremely fast speed, hammered at the burly man.


The burly man also pulled out the horse-cutting sword at his waist, and greeted him upwards.

The burly man at this time was very confident.

Especially in the competition of strength.

As long as the cultivation base does not reach the Yuandan realm, even a high-level combat cultivator in the Maidan realm.

In terms of pure strength, they are all a little weaker than him.

And according to reliable information.

The little girl named Qingliu in front of her is only at the high-level of the Meridian Building Realm...

If you can catch her...

Bring back……

The burly man who became more and more excited when he thought about it, actually became a little stronger in terms of the strength of his shots.

Seeing that the two weapons are about to touch together.


The body of the mace in the girl's hand suddenly shone with azure blue light.


The burly man felt an irresistible force coming from the sword that cut the horse.

next second.

"Clap" sound.

In the eyes of all the onlookers and the groom.

With the mace in her hand, the girl smashed the burly man to death without hindrance!
a time.

There was an eerie silence in the middle of the road.

But only a few breaths.

With a "wow".

Almost everyone around let out a shocked exclamation.

After all, no one expected it.

Such a delicate and beautiful, graceful girl.

It was so violent, and the fighting power was so tough.

And that girl, after hammering a person.

It turned out that he just put away his weapon very naturally, and saluted the surrounding passers-by.

Then he turned around, walked gracefully, and returned to the carriage step by step.

"Uncle, let's go."

"Uh, oh, good!"

The coachman who heard the sound suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly drove over the puddle of meat mud, and continued to drive forward.

And the passersby watching around.

They also consciously gave way to allow the carriage to leave.

In the carriage at this time.

Tian Xiaorou held Qingliu's hand excitedly.

"Senior Sister! You are amazing!"

"Really amazing!"

"That's a high-level battle repairer at the Vein Establishment Realm!"

"Just like that, you smashed it with a stick!!"

"The hammer exploded with ease!!"

"Senior sister, you didn't see it! Those people around you who were staring at you!"

"After this hammer, everyone was shocked!"

"Senior Sister! You are really amazing!!"


The sharp-eyed Lu Shan could see it through Qingliu's trembling fingers.

It doesn't seem that easy to hammer a person.

In this regard.

Lu Shan couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Could it be that the situation has reached the point where we need to make an example... Bah!

Has it knocked the mountain to the point of shaking the tiger?
Seeing Qingliu covered in blood, Lu Shan stepped forward with some distress, took out a small glass bottle from his crotch, and handed it out.

"Eat some."

"It's good for the body."

Hearing the sound, Qingliu turned her head and saw the glass bottle handed to her by the chicken cub.

Qingliu, who knew what was inside, quickly refused:
"No, it's just a little bit out of strength."

"Your 'elixir' is too precious, save it for later when you need it."


Chicken Cub handed over the glass bottle again solemnly, and said in a deep voice:

"Do not worry!"

"It's hard for others to tell you about this medicine. If I give it to you..."


(End of this chapter)

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