Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 228 Taoism [Scattering Beans into Soldiers]

Chapter 228 Taoism [Scattering Beans into Soldiers] (Please subscribe!!!)


The sun is dazzling.

A carriage slowly drove out of Prince Jia's Mansion.

After stepping on the main road of Wangcheng, the ground paved with horseshoes and bluestone slabs made a sound of "patta, clatter, clatter".

Inside the carriage.

The little princess Zhao Zhi sat cross-legged in the back alone, propped her face with one hand, and stared blankly through the curtains that were raised from time to time.

He stared out the window blankly.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

And on the table in front of her.

sits on a rooster.

He kept pecking Lingmi on the table in a 'beep beep'.

Pecking and pecking.

The rooster suddenly raised its head, tilted its head to look at Zhao Zhi, and asked aloud:
"I'm a little curious."

"What price did you pay for Mu Wanliu to help you leave?"

Hear this question.

Zhao Zhi's eyes gradually returned to his senses, his eyes were drawn back, and his eyes were cast on the rooster in front of him.

"A property that is not weaker than that of the eldest princess, is it enough?"

"Is a detailed royal court survey map enough?"

"A list of some of Youfangge's contacts in Wangcheng, is it enough?"

Hearing this one is more explosive than the other.

Lu Shan couldn't help but gasped.

If it is really like what this girl said.

That doesn't mean that you have sold all your partners.

The purpose is just to get away and leave.

Cruel enough!

Could it be the legendary exquisite egoism?
Lu Shan looked at the girl who had just turned 15 years old in front of him, his face was full of astonishment.

a while.

Only then did he recover from his astonishment.

"Paying such a high price."

"Just to leave?"

"does it worth?"


Zhao Zhi shook his head with a smile, then turned his gaze out of the window, and said faintly:

"I don't have the elder sister's concern for the country and the people."

"I don't have the humiliation of the second sister."

"In terms of intelligence, it can't compare to Third Sister's intelligence."

"In terms of personality, Fourth Sister is pure and lovely."

"Compared to ability, the fifth sister is good at singing and dancing, and the sixth sister is literary and martial arts."

"Which of the six sisters is weaker than ordinary people?"


"Have you seen their condition?"

"Imprisoned, blocked."

"I can only stay in the backyard all day, and even visits between sisters need the permission of the internal affairs officer."

"In the end, I can only discuss that certain is the king's spiritual power reserve."

"On a day like this, if it were you, would you like it?"

Hearing Zhao Zhi's words with endless resentment, Lu Shan opened his mouth.

For a moment, he couldn't say anything.

However, Zhao Zhi's resentment continued.

"If it's just that, then forget it."

"Sis Wang, Zhao Ying."

"Such an innocent and lovely girl, she was forced to commit suicide by swallowing poison."

"Not even a funeral."

"The reason is disrespecting the elders and ruining the reputation of the royal court."


Lu Shan smacked his lips, but chose to shut up.

But Zhao Zhi seemed to have lost the desire to continue talking.

Sitting there cross-legged, staring out the window blankly.

to be frank.

Lu Shan also stayed with the princess for some time before.

Originally, I was curious why I had never seen other princesses come to visit.

Now after hearing this little princess clarify some issues.

Lu Shan can be considered to have a general idea of ​​the interior of the harem of the Taizhao Royal Court.

have to say.

This Zhao Wang Zhao Chun is really a scumbag.

If there was such a monster on Jiba Mountain, Lu Shan would have to kill him first.


There was silence in the carriage.

Only the noise from the street outside came in from time to time.

Idle is idle.

Lu Shan thought about it, and took out the cool bamboo slip from his crotch.

Holding it on the wings, while eating Lingmi, follow the way Mu Wanliu told him to open it.

Carefully opened the bamboo slip.

The back buckle rotates two weeks...

Lower right corner raised to press...

Rotate half a turn around the central axis...

at last.

After hearing a 'click'.

The bamboo slip was lifted from the middle, revealing a thumb-sized opening.


In this opening, Lu Shan saw a pale golden leaf.


He took out the leaf and put it on his wings.

If I remember correctly.

What Da Mumu said was to stick the leaves on the position between the eyebrows, and use spiritual thoughts to sense them.

And the position between my brows...


It must be the chicken comb.

Lu Shan tentatively covered the cockscomb with leaves.


Close your eyes.

Use divine sense to sense.

The result was just a reaction.

He just heard a reminder.

[System Prompt] Found an unknown method, do you want to try to learn it?

Following Lu Shan's reply.

next second.

A series of readings appeared in his mind.

Start with 1% and increase slowly.

a while.

The reading article finally came to the 99% number.

Just when Lu Shan was worried about whether there would be a freeze.

The read article jumped to 100% without hindrance.

[System Prompt]: Unknown method read successfully, start to extract...

[System prompt]: It is detected that the extraction condition of the unknown skill is the hairy monster race...

[System Prompt]: Meet the requirements, extract successfully, start learning...

Hairy monster? ?
It was the first time that Lu Shan heard that the qualification for the exercises was this thing.

What's the meaning.

Do you dare to think that if you are a fish, you will not be able to learn this method by yourself?

There is such a condition.

So what if you encounter some peerless technique next time and ask yourself to be a mother?
Lu Shan couldn't help lowering his head, looking at his little brother with a worried face.

I'm thinking about it.


An indescribable energy overflowed from the blood, rushing towards every feather on his body.

Crispy and fluffy.

It's as if there are countless small tongues, licking every feather of his own.


As the numbness feels longer and longer.

Lu Shan could clearly feel that every feather on his body was a little different.

As for what is different.

For a while, he was a little unclear.

It was as if he could dance with every feather in his body to do a Thomas twirl.

a while.

As soon as the numbness was over, a new notification sound appeared in Lu Shan's mind.

[System prompt]: You have successfully learned the unknown method, do you want to name it?

Is this done?
Lu Shan subconsciously focused on his attribute panel.

At the bottom of all the introductions, there is a bunch of new tips.

[Unknown]: Consume a fixed amount of (100) essence and blood, transform it into hair, combine the power of essence and blood, and become an incarnation outside the body.

Incarnation outside the body? !
I didn't understand the others, just these few words, Lu Shan's blood pressure rose instantly after reading it.


He regained consciousness and was ready to try.

But when he opened his eyes, he discovered it unexpectedly.

The carriage I was riding in had stopped at some point.

At this time, the little princess Zhao Zhi was looking at herself with a questioning look.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Shan put away the leaves on the cockscomb, and then asked suspiciously.

The little princess Zhao Zhi stretched out her hand and pointed outside.

"Someone is blocking the way."

Outside the carriage at this time.

Seven strong men holding various weapons stopped the carriage at the gate of the city in a semi-surrounding posture.

"In the car!"

"Get down!"

"Let labor and capital see what role the subordinates of the Queen of Girls are!"

The one in the lead had a hammer in one hand.

While speaking, he knocked on 'dongdong'.

It didn't take long to attract the attention of many people.

There were even quite a few soldiers on vacation standing on the city wall not far away.

Take a look at the challenge here.

"That's the seven chiefs of Hushan, right?"

"That's right. It's the seven bandits who were recruited by No.80 Wang."

"The cultivation bases are all guys close to the Yuandan realm."

"I heard that there were a lot of burning, killing and looting in the past, but after Zhao'an was crowned with a military post, all the bad things done before were canceled."

"Can this kind of villain be recruited? Then let's stay away."

a time.

Such whispers spread among the surrounding crowd.

Many onlookers were afraid of the notoriety of these seven strong men in the past, and timidly left directly.

And the rest of the courageous ones retreated a lot.

all of a sudden.

The surrounding space is all emptied.


On a restaurant not far away.

Two figures wearing bamboo hats, at the window position, stared straight at the challenge at the gate of the city through the crowd of tens of feet.

Seeing that the seven strong men yelled several times, there was no movement in the carriage.

One of the people in the bamboo hat asked aloud:
"Old Zi, whose carriage is this?"

The other man in the bamboo hat was silent for a moment.

"No.60 Second King, Zhao Jiajia's carriage."

Hearing this, the man in the bamboo hat known as Zi Laogui did not speak.

Instead, after a moment of silence, he asked again:
"I remember, before Zhao Zhi met the old black ghost, the last place he went to was the No.60 second king's mansion, right?"

"What? You suspect..."

"The things on the old black ghost are too important. I would rather kill ten thousand by mistake than let one go."

Hear this.

Another man in a bamboo hat nodded and said:

"I understand."

At this time.

The boss of the seven leaders of Hushan, after a long delay in waiting for the reaction in the carriage.

He winked at the other brothers.


The two bald heads at the bottom set off immediately.

One waved the long stick in his hand, swung it with a 'whoosh' sound, and then walked slowly towards the position of the carriage.

And the other one starts sealing in place.

The light red glow slowly gathered in his hands.

Seeing that the battle is about to start.


The curtain of the carriage was thrown back.

A big rooster with yellow-brown body hair and a red crown came out from inside.

Slowly jumped out of the carriage.

Where did the chicken come from?

Everyone is wondering.


Like crazy, the big cock raised its wings and launched a cock at the nearest strong man with a stick.


Facing this sudden attack.

Hushan Qikui was taken aback at first.

But when they sensed that the spiritual pressure of blood qi emanating from this rooster reached the pulse building state.

All of them greeted the weapons in their hands and rushed towards the rooster.

The rooster of the Pulse Builder.

That is the monster.

In an instant.

Several color spells.

Different types of weapons and skills.

They greeted the big rooster one after another.


The movement of the big cock is particularly fast.

After avoiding most of the cocks with ease, he turned around and launched a counterattack in turn.

In just a few breaths.

This big rooster left several claw marks on five people.

Only the big leader with the deepest cultivation base and the four fastest leaders did not suffer any damage.

Such extraordinary fighting power.

Let everyone present look at this cock with admiration.

After all, no one expected it.

It's just a rooster that looks like a poultry, and it's fighting with seven high-ranking bandits at the Pulse Builder level.

The people watching the battle didn't expect it.

The seven leaders of Hushan also did not expect it.


After all, they are old bandits who have been in Hushan for decades.

Being able to hang around for such a long time without being wiped out can still be recruited into the throne of the king.

There is no special skill at all.

How can it survive until now?
So ever.

Under the shout of the big leader.

Seven people gathered together at once.

Using different weapons, they combined into a strange pattern.


gap time.

A red light flashed from the pattern and shot straight at the big rooster.

There was a sound of "whoosh"!
The red light hit the big cock straight.

Followed by.

It's just a blink of an eye.

When the red light dissipated.

The figure of the big rooster has evaporated on the spot.


See enemies destroyed.

The seven leaders shouted.

Then he was ready to attack the carriage.

But at this time.

On the carriage, the curtain was lifted again.

Another rooster that looked exactly like the one just now jumped out of the carriage.

Then, at the moment of landing, he launched an attack on the seven leaders.


This scene.

Not only the seven chiefs were puzzled.

The surrounding onlookers were also stupefied.

"That's right."

"Didn't the chicken demon just now be killed by the Seventh Chief?"

"Why do they all come out exactly the same?"

"Is it a mirror image spell?"

The same question hovered in everyone's mind.

See here.

The boss of the Seven Chiefs of Hushan gritted his teeth and said:
"Why are you standing still!?"

"Don't say two! Even if there are ten more!"

"Our Hushan Seven Kills can kill all of them!"

Under his encouragement.

The others also came back to their senses, and once again performed the joint move just now.

There was a sound of "whoosh"!
The result was a miss.

The rooster jumped into the air with a strange pace and dodged it.


After a few steps, they came to the sky above the seven people.

Seeing that the rooster was about to attack again, the eldest of the seven chiefs forcibly used his own cultivation to lead the actions of the other brothers.

Together, they raised their quasi-hearts to the sky.

There was a sound of "whoosh"!
Barely hit that cock in the air.

Same as before.

The whole body of the rooster was beaten off.

Only a chicken feather was left, and it slowly fell from the air.

Look at this chicken feather.

Do not know why.

A bad feeling flashed in the heart of the big leader.

as predicted.

Followed by.

He saw another big rooster that looked exactly the same, jumping off the carriage again.

At this moment.

Not only the seven leaders of Hushan, but even the surrounding crowd and the soldiers on the city wall were a little shocked.

Everyone was guessing what was going on.

Could it be that the interior of this carriage is actually the mobile chicken coop No.60 Erwang used to raise chickens?


At the same time, the interior of the carriage.

The little princess Zhao Zhi also showed the same shocked face.

Because in front of her.

There are more than a dozen roosters that look exactly the same, either still, moving, standing, or sitting.

"You, you, you..."

The voice just fell.

A dozen cocks, at the same time.

Unanimously, they turned their gazes to Zhao Zhi, and at the same time tilted the chicken head, and said in unison:

"Have you ever heard of "Soldier of Beans"?"

"Well, nothing to do with that."

"My name is Sa Mao Cheng Ji..."

(End of this chapter)

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