Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 233 Promotion, Infant Transformation!

Chapter 233 Promotion, Infant Transformation! (Please subscribe!!!)

Well known.

Thunder tribulation, that is a kind of law of heaven for all living beings.

It is also a test.

But since ancient times.

in the recorded data.

No one has ever attacked the Thunder Tribulation that represents the way of heaven.

Because the way of heaven is justice.

The way of heaven is the law.



There is a giant cock that stands tall.

He launched an attack towards the thunder cloud representing the way of heaven.

I saw the boulder covered with flames rising against the wind.

From the original rocks the size of a house, they have skyrocketed to nearly tens of feet, like a piece of rock.

Wrapped in fiery red fireworks, it flew towards the sky!

At this moment.

The thunderclouds in the sky seemed offended.

The color rolled directly from the original dark green to a color close to light blue.

The most direct sensation brought about by the change of color is the soaring spiritual pressure.

The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the inspiration.

So those soldiers who retreated to Li Qi's side didn't feel so terrible.

Instead, a baby-changing monk like Li Qi.

Under such terrifying coercion, it was as if the body was suppressed by a [-]-ton boulder.

It's a little hard to even move.

Li Qi and others are like this.

Lu Shan, who was in the center of the thunder disaster, felt the terrifying pressure even more.

But Lu Shan is a stubborn kind.

The more pressure you have, the harder he will be.

play pressure, right?
Lu Shan held up his chicken head.

A pair of corns filled with chicken blood, glaring.

When he discovered that the 'covered sea' wrapped by the 'corrupted fire' could not cause any damage to the thunderclouds in the sky.

Calm down.

[System Prompt] Do you want to consume five unlimited points to strengthen the talent skill 'Big Belly Chicken Intestine'?
Follow Lu Shan's words.

The unlimited number dropped directly from the original 20 to 15.


An introduction in the properties panel begins to become blurred.

A moment of effort.

A new prompt popped up.

[System Notification]: The talent skill 'Big Belly Chicken Intestines' has been successfully promoted to 'Chicken Intestines'.

Just the second after the prompt appeared.

Lu Shan could clearly feel his body suddenly swell again.

From the original height of about twenty feet, it soared directly to nearly thirty feet.


While expanding.

He also felt that every inch of muscle, blood, and bone in his body had been further strengthened.

Followed by.

Seeing the thunder in the sky began to gather.

Lu Shan, who was locked by Lei Yun, did not rush to make other reactions.

Instead, he suddenly started shaking the chicken feathers all over his body.

One by one, the chicken feathers were shaken off the body surface.


Waiting for the moment when the chicken feather hits the ground.

A rooster ten times smaller than the current Lu Shan suddenly appeared at the position where the chicken feathers fell.

Everyone is 'spreading beans into soldiers'.

Labor is different.

'Scattered into a chicken'!
a few breaths.

When Lu Shan shook off all the [-] chicken feathers all over his body.

In the sky.

The green gang thunder that pierced through the sky descended from the sky.

Straight hit the cockscomb on the top of Lu Shan's head.

In an instant!
Lu Shan felt that his soul was blasted out.

Floating in the air, staring at the bald chicken in front of him in a daze.

next moment.

When the wings of other roosters around touch him.

Lu Shan's feeling of being out of his body suddenly disappeared again.

Once again, I sensed my own wings, chicken legs, chicken neck and other places.

Back in control of the body, while feeling the severe burns on his body, Lu Shan was also startled into a cold sweat.

Because he suddenly understood.

That should not be an illusion just now.

Rather, his real soul was struck out by the lightning.

If it wasn't for the surrounding chickens touching him and helping him share the hurt...

Think of this.

Only then did Lu Shan notice the large groups of chickens that surrounded him.

I don't know how many have exploded at this moment.

Even the chicken feathers in those chickens turned into powder.

How cruel!
Lu Shan, who came back to his senses, raised his chicken head and put his angry eyes on the thunderclouds in the sky again.

In the sky at this time, it seems that the thunder has not disappeared.

It looked like he wanted to hit him a few more times.


Lu Shan took a deep breath.

He looked back at the only two or three thousand chickens left around.

[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume two unlimited points to strengthen the secret technique 'Zhenxinming'?
Lu Shan responded, and the prompt on the property panel immediately became blurred.

But in a flash.

A new prompt appears.

[System Notification]: The secret technique 'Zhenxinming' has been successfully promoted to 'Sound Waves'.

Scanned the skill tips.

Lu Shan was not too satisfied with the power of this new secret technique.

So reinforce it again.

[System Notification]: The secret technique 'Sound Breaking' has been successfully promoted to 'Heart Breaking'.

"Heart Destroyer": Based on aura and supplemented by sound waves, they complement each other. After release, it can cause regional concussion damage, and at the same time have a short-term shock effect. (can be superimposed)
This time.

When Lu Shan saw the three words 'can be superimposed' after the skill.

Without further ado.

open mouth.

Take a deep breath.

And just as he opened his mouth.

The two or three thousand feathered giant chickens all raised their heads and opened their beaks at the same time.

This uniform mouth opening movement.

Several people who were watching not far away showed puzzled expressions.

Because they really don't understand, what's the use of letting these clones do the same actions as the main body after splitting up so many clones?

Really think that Lei Jie has no eyes, so he can't tell who is the master and who is the avatar?
ridicule relative to others.

The "living lion" who is also a monster is much more sensitive.

Through an instinctive reaction, it seemed to be aware of something.

It had just regained some mobility, and immediately issued a "woo hoo" notification sound to Li Qi.

This made Li Qi also vigilant.

While carrying the little princess, he warned the few remaining subordinates:
"Jinyi Army! Withdraw!"

Soldiers are not stupid either.

The first reaction to hearing the prompt is to retreat.

a few breaths.

Hundreds of people retreated a distance of tens of feet.

And at this time.

far away.

The center of Thunder Tribulation.

Suddenly there was a loud cock crowing.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Followed by.

An extremely terrifying cry followed closely behind.

Everyone who heard this sound felt like a drill had been drilled into their ears.

Nonstop, frantic, drilling holes in eardrums.

The cultivation base is weaker.

Immediately started bleeding from both ears.

Accompanied by a violent buzzing sound, these soldiers with lower cultivation levels fell down on the spot.


There is no resistance.


"Boom bang!!"

"Bang bang bang!!"

A series of explosions.

Those who cannot resist the sound waves will fall down.

Heads all explode.

a time.

There were many casualties on the Jinyi Army side.

Li Qi is not bad.

Basically still able to resist.

But at the moment, his attention is on the little princess Zhao Zhi and his mount 'live lion'.

When he saw the translucent sound wave coming, he had already used all his spiritual energy.

Several earplugs were condensed.

It was stuffed into the ears of the little princess, the 'living lion', and the soldiers closest to him.

With the help of these earplugs.

The little princess and the others temporarily escaped the first wave of noise.

But despite this.

A little scarlet blood still flowed from the ears of the little princess who had plugged the earplugs.

At this time.

Without waiting for Li Qi to heal his wounds.

The second wave of cock crowing came from afar.

When Li Qi saw the bursts of translucent sound waves sweeping over like ocean waves.

The whole person immediately felt bad.

In the end, he had no choice but to grit his teeth, take the little princess with him, drag the 'live lion' and some soldiers beside him, and fly to the distance at his fastest speed.

Li Qi is like this.

The same goes for the Red Shamo, the Purple Shahun, and the Six-Eyed Ghost.

Faced with such a terrifying sound wave, they ran faster than anyone else.

They all used the fastest speed in their lives.

As for the rotten corpses summoned by Zishahun.

All in this sound wave, was obliterated and shattered.


Waiting for the three of You Fangge to retreat hundreds of feet and come to a relatively safe place.

Haven't had time to catch my breath yet.


They saw a scene that made them all feel shocked and horrified.


A giant bald-haired chicken with thousands of burly chickens.

He raised his head and faced the several sound waves ejected from the sky at the same time.

After hitting the thunder cloud in the sky.

Unexpectedly, in an instant, the thunder cloud in the sky was shattered...

That's right.

It was those layers of sound waves like ocean waves that shattered the thunder clouds in the sky that represented the way of heaven.

a few breaths.

The world sees light again.

Those thunder clouds completely dissipated into the sky and the earth.

[System Prompt]: If you successfully accept some of the gifts of the laws of heaven and earth, unlimited points will be added (10).

[System prompt]: You have successfully passed the thunder disaster, and the promotion task has been completed.

[System prompt]: The baby-changing environment (primary level) goal has been achieved, and the next task will automatically start. The target baby-changing environment (intermediate level) (23999999:59:59)

——You have taken a big step forward on the road of evolution, but you still have nothing to do with being strong.

[System prompt]: Turn on the energy infusion, please prepare the host.

Listen to this series of prompts.

Lu Shan's expression was in a trance.

The whole chicken body is wobbly.

Attention and spirit can't be concentrated.

There is always the sound of 'oh' in my ears.

Although the sonic attack just now was released by himself, the superimposed shock force is invalid for him.

But no matter how ineffective the attack is, thousands of roosters crow at the same time.

It was so shocking that Lu Shan's mind was always filled with 'ohhhh' and 'ohhhhh'.

a while.

When a surge of extremely turbulent energy gushed out from his heart and violently swept across his whole body.

Only then did Lu Shan recover from his trance.

Available in the next second.

My mind was filled with severe pain that tore through my whole body.

Such an outrageous and unreasonable energy impact.

Grass! !

Hold! ! !
It's so painful!
The pain caused Lu Shan's body to bow uncontrollably.

Wings hugged the chicken head and rolled on the ground.

To know.

He is now a giant rooster nearly thirty feet tall.

Rolling on the ground, the movement was incomparably huge.

This made Hong Sha Mo and others not far away frown involuntarily.

"Going crazy?"


"Do you want to go up and kill him?"

"...look again."

Under the suggestion of Liumugui, the three decided to wait and see.

A direct result of doing this is.

Let Lu Shan pass through the dangerous period of energy tube infusion in severe pain.

a while.

After the surging energy in the body travels through the whole body.

Only then did Lu Shan feel a little better.

But then.

A new reminder appeared.

[System prompt]: A total of 1596 bloodlines and spirit bodies have been found, do you need to select them?
Hearing the prompt, Lu Shan was obviously taken aback.

If I remember correctly.

The option of selecting bloodlines has already been selected in the last Yuandan realm.

Why is it still there?

And he doesn't seem to have heard other monsters say that they can select bloodlines again when they transform into babies?
But when I think of other monsters, it seems that they won't be struck by lightning when they transform into babies.

Immediately relieved.

There is a system of labor and capital.

Labor and capital are the most unique chickens in the world!

After figured it out.

Lu Shan looked inside again, looking at the filtered blood in the veins.

Choice phobia strikes again.

no way.

Lu Shan could only refer to the selection method last time, and read silently in his heart:
'I want the most powerful, the most promising, the largest, the most suitable, and the most stable optimal bloodline! '


After a while.

Three options popped up.

[System Prompt]: Found the blood of 'Tricolor Bird', do you want to choose this blood to condense?
[System Prompt]: Discovered the 'Huanhuan' bloodline, do you want to choose this bloodline to condense?
[System prompt]: Found the blood of 'Yan Yuan', do you want to choose this blood to condense?
Why are there three more?
Lu Shan looked at these three bloodlines in a daze.

I wonder if this is already the best option?

Why are three more popping up?

For a while, Lu Shan was in trouble.

How about choosing a 'three-color bird'?
No no no.

The name sounds like a three-color cup.

Why not choose 'Huanhuan'?
Here comes the problem.

What is 'Huanhuan' and what does it look like?
What if it was a pig with chicken blood?
Not safe not safe.

and so…

Only the last 'Yan Yuan'?

tsk tsk...

After choosing for a long time, I can only guess. It would be great if I could attract all three bloodlines.

Lu Shan's mind wandered, and he thought about something.

But at this moment, a new system prompt appeared.

[System prompt]: Do you want to consume nine unlimited points to synthesize three blood vessels for fusion and absorption?

And this game? !
Lu Shan quickly responded.

next second.

The three bloodlines immediately began to fuse...

at the same time.

The energy that was still raging all over his body just now suddenly poured into the position of his chicken core.


under these energies.

Lu Shan suddenly felt that his chicken pill was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

I couldn't help covering my stomach with my wings.




With the disappearance of a strange tingling sensation.

Lu Shan glanced inside.

Suddenly discovered.

Unexpectedly, at some point, his own chicken ball had turned into a little cock squatting cross-legged, exuding scarlet blood.

This is…

Chicken baby?

is amazed.

A system prompt suddenly appeared.

[System prompt]: The energy infusion is complete, and the bloodline evolution is complete.

[System Prompt]: Congratulations to the host, successfully evolved into [Announcement Chicken].

——Ancient scriptures: There is a chicken in the world, the sound is loud, the Yin is restrained, the world is known, the sound is integrated with the Tao, it is famous, and the dawn...

 Damn, dozens of words were deleted.I searched around and forgot to delete it...

(End of this chapter)

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