Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 261 The Rock Candy Durian Flavored Spiritual Baby

Chapter 261 The Rock Sugar Durian Flavored Soul Baby (Subscribe!!!)
to be frank.

Lu Shan has never paid attention to this skill of his [Silver Claw] before.

Especially after being promoted to the Pulse Builder Realm.

When he was fighting with others, he basically used skills that could be used at a distance.

If it doesn't work, he will be in the state of dynamic trend prediction.

Playing close combat with each other.

And with less close combat, the characteristics of the claws are naturally forgotten.

But today.

Only then did Lu Shan realize that he seemed to be a little wrong.

[Silver Claws] Chicken claws made of spiritual silver have a hardness and sharpness far exceeding that of copper claws. At the same time, they have a certain tearing effect, which greatly increases the conduction of spiritual energy, and the claw scraps can provide a purification effect on the refiner.

among them.

Hardness and sharpness are just appearances.

The strong conduction with a certain tearing effect and aura is really powerful.

Just like Zhao Chun's body protection spell just now.

Another example is now.

The chicken feet pierced into Zhao Chun's neck without hindrance.

Simple and easy.

Completely ignoring the physical defense that a baby-changing monk should have.


When Lu Shan's claws rubbed against the neck bone inside, he felt inexplicably happy in his heart.


The claws bent.

Buckle the neck bone, and slightly hook it outward.


A crisp sound.

From Lu Shan's paw, a piece of bone with blood and flesh was pulled out, and it was pinched in the paw.

And at this moment Zhao Chun.

After losing the neck bone.

The head of the whole person immediately lost its support, and wanted to turn back, but found that the body fell straight forward.

Finally, in all eyes.

With a "snap", he lay on the ground without moving.

next second.

When a light blue spiritual baby suddenly floated up from Zhao Chun's body.

Everyone present realized what was going on.



And the craziest among them is none other than Tai Zhao Senior, Zhao Xile.

I saw him growl.

"I want you to die!!!"

Then gathered killing energy, raised his big hand, and condensed two handprints.

One handprint embraced Zhao Chun's spiritual baby, and the other handprint directly raised its claws, and attacked the chicken demon with a killer move!


Facing a wrathful blow from a Spirit Aperture Realm.

The chicken demon actually did not retreat but advanced.

At an extremely fast speed, he chased after Zhao Chun's spirit baby!

The result was that the chicken demon used his own body to forcibly eat the killer mark.

"call out!!!"

Under the huge force of the killer mark.

The figure of the chicken demon disappeared in place in an instant, and plunged into the ground near the wall of the hall at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.


A pitch-black hole just appeared in everyone's sight.

But then.

Someone made a voice of doubt.

"Where is this... the baby...?"

One sentence immediately attracted the attention of other people to look for the position just now.

as predicted.

Zhao Chun's spiritual baby was still galloping in mid-air just now, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Is it...

Zhao Xi subconsciously turned his gaze to Zhao Xile.

But the latter's complexion at this time was extremely ugly.

Obviously, Zhao Chun's spiritual baby is not in his hands.

However, if it is not in his hands, where can it be?

Zhao Xi couldn't help but cast his eyes on the new big hole in the hall.


A somewhat embarrassed rooster.

Walked out of that hole.

He patted the dust off his body and wiped some blood stains from the corners of his mouth.

Then, in front of everyone.

A light blue spiritual baby was squeezed out of the creaking nest, placed in front of everyone, and shook.

"Are you looking for him?"

"Oh, that's unfortunate."

"He's still in my hands."


Zhao Xile made a low voice.

"Let go, let go, him!"

"Don't let go!" Lu Shan refused flatly.

At this time.

Mu Wanliu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:
"Chicken Overlord, listen to my concubine..."


Lu Shan didn't even let her finish her sentence, and directly replied:

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you?"

With a retort, what Mu Wanliu wanted to say later got stuck in his mouth.

His face darkened, but he still didn't say anything after all.

And this will.

Others in the hall also shouted angrily:
"Monster! Let go of the king!"

"Bold and crazy monster!! If you want to live, let me go, my lord!"


Many people scolded, but no one shot.

Including Zhao Xile.

I don't know if it's a slap in the face or just out of fear of making a move.


It doesn't matter whether it's a mouse-throwing weapon or fear.

It has no effect on Lu Shan.

Because at this moment, he had already picked up the spirit baby in his hand, and threw it into his mouth without any scruples.

Rock sugar durian flavor.

Sweet and glutinous with a bit of stinky sweetness.

Not to mention, it's quite delicious.

[System Prompt]: Killing one of the 'humans' at the first stage of the Infant Transformation Realm will give you 120000 hours of time to advance to the Infant Transformation Realm (advanced level).

[System prompt]: For a complete kill, the reward will be tripled on the original basis.

[Settlement]: Get 360000 hours of time to advance to the baby transformation stage (advanced stage).

After eating.

Before Lu Shan took a look at his attribute panel.

A spiritual pressure with a strong destructive aura appeared instantly.

When he lifted his eyes up a little.

a sun...

Oh no.

It was a bright light almost like the sun, which had already hit Lu Shan in front of him.

Faced with this sudden appearance of a big killing skill.

At this moment.

There is only one thing Lu Shan can do,

next moment.

When Lu Shan opened his eyes again.

His figure had returned to the outside of the hall, squatting on Tian Xiaorou's lap.


He sticks out the chicken head.

Glanced out.

As a result, he saw the towering palace at a glance, and there were only three walls at present.

And look in the direction that Lu Shan can see.

From this hall to another hall tens of feet away in a straight line.

A huge gully.

Even with another palace, they were all destroyed to scum.


Lu Shan felt that the opponent's murderous intent was still alive.

Before the other party found him, he turned his head and jumped up from Tian Hanhan's lap.

At a terrifying speed full of 'cavity-on-sac'.

Towards the outside of the king's court, he galloped away.

next second.

A faster figure, full of murderous aura, flew out of the hall and chased it out.

Just one chase.

Lu Shan in front felt the pressure from behind.

I thought about it.

He took out hundreds of chicken feathers directly from the boundary bag.

Sprinkle it behind you.


A moment of effort.

These chicken feathers turned into chickens exactly like Lu Shan.

Stayed in the air for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he greeted Zhao Xile.


Before the chickens could be killed, hundreds of dazzling lights shot up into the sky.

All of them flew towards those chickens.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

With a series of blasting.

Zhao Xile's speed didn't stop at all, he passed through the explosion zone in a daze, and continued to chase after him.

I felt that my chicken didn't cause any drag on the guy behind.

With a bad premonition, Lu Shan could only turn on "Boiling Blood" again.


With the addition of 'Boiling Blood', Lu Shan's speed was a little faster.

But it seems that he is about to fly out of the royal court.

A series of shiny magic circles stopped in front of Lu Shan.

It was too late to brake, so it could only hit hard.

"Crack, creak, creak..."

There was a dragging sound from the wall.

after that.

This magic circle became extremely vigorous.

No matter how Lu Shan impacted, even with the impact of flames, there was no way to poke any cracks in the magic circle.

At this time.

Zhao Xile chased after him, suspended in the air.

With a pair of almost fire-breathing eyes, he stared at Lu Shan closely.

"Chicken-headed demon!"

"You hurt the innocent, ruined the competition for the rank of king in Taizhao's royal court, attacked the king, and treasoned the country!"

"Punishment for several crimes!"

"Now, you are sentenced to death!!"


at the same time.

Meishan sect.

Diyan is secret outside the country.

Three days have passed since the last time the Cinder Demon City attacked, and the underground demon clan broke through the ground.

The cohesion of the dharma plate was naturally delayed for three days.

during these three days.

Everyone in the entire Meishan Sect.

Up to the suzerain Mu Chaohai, down to the disciples of the General Qi Realm.

They are all working hard for the stability of this Dharma plate.

Today is the last day for the Dharma plate to condense.

As long as you can get through the day safely.

The crisis of closing the door of Meishanzong was naturally solved.

Early in the morning.

The first ray of sunlight in the sky shone into the mountain pass that day.

On the light gate of the Earth Flame Secret Realm, a faint white light suddenly began to appear.

Under the blessing of white light.

The funnel flowing with the silver-white liquid also vibrated slightly,

And seeing the appearance of the halo.

The suzerain of Meishan Sect, Mu Chaohai immediately said:

"The light of the Dharma plate has appeared!"

"The next step is to stabilize the Dharma plate!"

"As long as you can survive this disaster smoothly."

"Our Meishan Sect is safe!"

"Don't worry! Sovereign!" Huang Darong, the owner of Qingya Mountain, promised with full confidence.

Zhao Baoli, the peak master of Unstable Peak, and other mountain masters and peak masters also agreed.

after all.

In the past few days.

Take advantage of the rotation interval.

They have wiped out all threats within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Beasts, birds, insects, plants.

As long as there are signs of becoming refined, all are cleaned up.

Dozens of warning spells were applied along the way.


Around the mountain pass, several large formations were also set up one after another.

Judging from the current defense methods.

Even if there are enemies like the Cinder Demon City invading.

They were also able to keep all those monsters out of the sect for as long as three days.


Even if it is a monster at the level of Tai Wu.

Don't even think about coming here to interfere with the condensation of the Dharma plate here.


Just when everyone was concentrating, trying their best to maintain the stability of the silver-white funnel on the Dharma plate.


A strange burning sensation suddenly appeared under everyone's feet.

As Mu Chaohai, who has the highest cultivation base here, was the first time this hot feeling appeared.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and instantly opened up the inspiration in his body to the maximum.

a time.

The surging spiritual energy swept away in all directions with a fierce posture.

And Mu Chaohai's strange behavior.

It immediately aroused the doubts of everyone around.


Hun Shenzi questioned aloud.

But Mu Chaohai didn't respond, and even increased his output of spiritual power.

Seems to be looking for something.

Just now.

Others also sensed that strange burning sensation.

"what is this?!"

"Why is it getting hotter and hotter?!"

"Impossible! The Earth Flame Secret Realm is almost sealed, how could it be getting hotter?!"


Here is the fact.

All the mountain masters and peak masters were fooled by the sudden hot feeling.

Facing this circumstances.

Hun Chenzi is the person in the sect who knows the most about the secret realm of Earth Flame.

I can only speculate based on my past experience:

"Maybe this is the last surge of Diyan!"

"Everyone work hard!"

"Just hold on tight!"

Is this really the case?
Mu Chaohai glanced at Hun Shenzi, did not speak, but continued to use his powerful inspiration to sense the surroundings.

Seeing him seep his inspiration into the ground.

When planning to find something underground.


A scorching heat that made him feel fear surged up from the ground!

Pushed his whole inspiration back.


When the scorching heat rushed to the surface.

temperature on the ground.

Instantly raised dozens of levels.

Even Huang Darong, who was cultivated in the Infant Transformation Realm, felt a little hot under his feet.

That's not to mention those disciples whose cultivation bases are only at the Qi level and the Pulse building level.

The latter was okay, and flew up as soon as it felt the heat of the ground.

The former is miserable.

While the reaction is half a beat slow, he still can't fly, at most he can only move around with light steps.

But the scorching heat here is very wide.

The move can only move in this area.

If you want to escape, don't even think about leaving this mountain pass without a cup of tea.

and so.

Just a moment.

A dozen or so disciples in the General Qi state were scorched and screamed incomparably miserable.

But okay.

The next moment, the nearest mountain master, the peak masters came to help one after another.

Utensils, spells, and even spiritual spells and spirit beasts lifted all the disciples of the General Qi Realm and the Pulse Establishment Realm into the air.

Toss a good disciple.

Standing on the ground where the heat is constantly rising.

The owner of Xiaohua Peak, Li Danghe couldn't help asking:
"Who can tell me what's going on?!"

Faced with this question, the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one could explain it to him.

Including muddy sinker.

and so.


All eyes were on Mu Chaohai, the suzerain.

Waiting for Mu Chaohai to say anything.


The rising heat disappeared.

The temperature of the ground also dropped at an extremely fast rate.

It quickly returned to its original temperature.

"Dharma plate... was it condensed successfully?"

I don't know who asked this question.


But no one answered him.

Because, as long as you are not blind, you can see that the silver-white funnel on the Dharma plate is still working.

The light curtain on the light gate at the entrance and exit of the Earth Flame Secret Realm is still condensing.

All of these obviously have nothing to do with the condensation of the Dharma plate.

Just when everyone was wondering.


Mu Chaohai's expression changed.

Immediately roared:

But the voice just fell.

In the position of the Light Gate in the Earth Flame Secret Realm.

A bulge suddenly raised.

Followed by.

A beam of light covering the entire line of sight suddenly appeared from the bulge.

next moment.


An explosion shock wave that almost enveloped the entire mountain.

And so it came out...

 Thanks to book friend Yu Shisan for rewarding 3000 starting coins for this book! !

  thanks, thanks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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