Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 279 The Cruel Xu Su

One dead, two seriously injured...


Two serious injuries...

"Do not!!"

Lu Shan yelled out loud.

"hold onto!!"

"I'm here to save you!!"

After shouting, I went all out, burst out all the states, and even used the newly learned 'Wind Travel'!
next second.

With a whirlwind in his body and flames blowing from his tail, Lu Shan, who was covered in fire, flew out at an extreme speed.

There was a sound of "whoosh"! !

With a speed close to a sonic boom.

A journey of more than ten miles, just a few breaths.

And when Lu Shan came to the scene of the incident.

Look down and see.

The range of several miles is scorched earth.

It was full of devastation and smoke.

But Lu Shan didn't mind the smoky eyes at all, his corns widened and he looked for signs everywhere.

a while.

He just found Fu Dou's figure in a deep pit.

I saw Fu Dou soaking in a pond full of blood.

Collapsed on the blood surface, motionless.

Like a dead dog.


Lu Shan flew straight over.

He fell down and stood beside Fu Dou.

He looked at the unconscious black dog in front of him.

Lu Shan hesitated for a while, and the days he spent with this black dog in recent days flashed through his mind.

Although it can't be called happy, it seems that it can't be called sad either.

Even the black dog helped him a lot.


Consider the danger of fighting.

He finally raised his paw.


Just at this time.

A ray of light suddenly exploded from the ground beside it.

With lightning speed, he got into Lu Shan's ass in an instant.




Lu Shan, who was suddenly exploded, couldn't help but raised his head and let out a sharp cock crow.

"Oh your uncle!!!"

Loud and loud!

In an instant, it spread in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

at the same time.

On the other side of the cloud in the Meishan Zong land boundary.

When the sound of cock crowing reaches here.

Tian Kui Xing Gao Yan and Tian Xian Xing Ji Bing are leading people to search in the sky of Meishan Sect.

The task they received was to wait nearby.

As long as the signal is received, the entire magic circle will be activated at the same time, and the sky demon disaster will be suppressed with overwhelming power.

And the sudden cock crowing surprised them a little.

But because there is no such thing as cock crowing in the password for advance notice.

So they can only continue to search, waiting for the opportunity to control the magic circle.

Fortunately these forces did not act.

Otherwise, when they come to the source of the sound, they will see a cock with fried hair.

Curled up on the ground with a distorted face.

As for why curl up...

Ever tried the feeling of being a slippery thing in an ass?
Lu Shan just hates that he has no hands, can't reach in and buckle...

and many more.

Lu Shan's expression changed, and he suddenly shook out two chicken feathers.

After landing, the figures of two chickens appeared behind him.


The two chickens conceived the state of a demon body together.

With one hand on each side, he stretched out towards Lu Shan's buttocks.

After a while.

A luminous body like a long worm was dragged out like this.

Looking at this strange luminous body, Lu Shan held it in his hand, not knowing what to do for a while.

But right now.

The luminous body pinched by the wings suddenly emitted a burst of electric light.

The sudden tingling sensation made Lu Shan uncontrollably let go of his wings.


next moment.

The luminous body exploded.

There were bursts of luminous gas, which penetrated into Lu Shan's mouth and nose.


What the hell?
When Lu Shan reacted.

The glowing gas in front of him has completely disappeared.

Instead, there was a burst of coolness in the body, which began to divide into two along Lu Shan's meridians.

One part rushed to the heart, and the other part rushed to the brain.


Lu Shan seemed to understand something, and stayed where he was, without any reaction.

After a few breaths.

[System Prompt]: Discover consciousness intrusion, do you agree to change the host?
Need to say more?
Definitely refuse.

[System prompt]: The host refuses to replace, and the strangulation mode will be automatically activated.


'Start strangling! ! '

When this sentence appeared.

Lu Shan heard an extremely angry voice.

"who is it!?"

"Who are you!?"

"Why are you here!?"

"Do not!!"

"Do not!!!"

With the end sound of the word 'no' disappear.

A new system beep followed.

[System prompt]: Successfully kill a middle-level human in the astral realm, and get promoted to the high-level infant transformation realm (12000000) hours.

[System Prompt]: Going two-level and six-level kills, bonus attribute points (36).

[System Prompt]: The two-level kill will reward unlimited points (10).

[System Prompt]: Probably because the 'human' is in the spirit state, the reward is halved.

[Settlement]: Get 36000000 hours of time to advance to Baby Transformation (High Level), get attribute points (18), and get unlimited points (5).


Although this is not the first time I have heard of this kind of cross-border killing.

But every time he heard it, Lu Shan couldn't help being excited.


A new system prompt appeared in his mind.

[System prompt]: The goal of Baby Transformation Realm (advanced level) has been achieved, and the next task will automatically start.

Gee tut.

An experience of the astral realm and soul, let me have more than 1000 million time to go from the baby to the middle stage.

Directly shrinking to the current high-level baby-changing environment, there are only more than 1000 million hours left.

If again.

Wouldn't it be possible to break through in place at the Spirit Aperture Realm?
Happy room.

Lu Shan suddenly heard the word 'fire' softly.

Subconsciously, I looked along the source of the sound.

Fu Dou had woken up at some point, and was staring at himself with dog eyes.

Although I know that the black dog is in a very bad state now.

But who knows what other flipping moves this black dog has.

It's fine if you're unconscious.

Lu Shan is still willing to try.

But now I wake up.

He thought about it, and decided to put away the plan of making up the knife.


Fudou made a sound for the second time.

But this time in the voice, Lu Shan could hear the haste.

I pondered for a few breaths.

He still rubbed out a few 'wrong flames' and threw them into Fu Dou's mouth.

However, after Fu Dou ate the 'Yu Yan', his figure suddenly turned into a black light.

At an extremely fast speed, it flew into Lu Shan's crotch.

next second.

Lu Shan, who came back to his senses, quickly stretched out his wings and groped in his crotch.


He seemed to understand.

This Huo Dou seems to have got into his world bag, no, it got into his spirit beast bag.


When Lu Shan infiltrated his spiritual thoughts into the spirit beast bag.

All of a sudden, he 'saw' the black dog, curled up in the middle of the spirit animal bag.

With his eyes closed, a faint black air rose from his body.

Looks like it should be healing.


Lu Shan will be a little at a loss for a while.

At this time.

A ray of light suddenly galloped over.

Lu Shan raised his head and looked towards Dunguang.

It's Xu Su.

Although it looked very embarrassing, most of the reddish-brown armor was broken.

Even revealing the white body inside.

That complexion, that body shape.

If it is a double ten girl, people will believe it.


It's a middle-aged woman.

I saw Xu Su standing in the air, looking down at Lu Shan coldly.

"Chicken demon."

"Where is the fight!?"

Such a straightforward question.

Lu Shan didn't know what to say for a while.

Could it be said bluntly that the disaster is in his own spirit beast bag?

You hurry to kill it?
Let's not talk about what this middle-aged woman thinks about her relationship with Fu Dou.

He said that he gave Fudou to her, but she took him away and killed him.

Where can I find my own experience?

I'm so annoying.

The old woman should have been killed just now.

Lu Shan buried it in his heart.

However, I really want to let him re-elect.

Eighty percent of the time, I still come to find trouble first.

After all, the old woman Xu Su is not alone.

There are subordinates and backgrounds.

In case it gets killed.

What will happen to a few more such days?

and many more.

Lu Shan thought suddenly.

It seems that I have killed a general.

Although he is a heavenly general in a state of spirit.

Shouldn't be able to find it?

Lu Shan was a little uneasy.

And this time.

The questioning voice from the sky reappeared.

"Chicken demon!"

"Ben Yun will be asking you!"

"Where is the disaster!?"

Seeing that this woman is only asking Fu Dou, she doesn't care about the other guy's spirit.

Lu Shan seemed to understand something, and immediately shivered.

Showing that he was still in shock, he said aggrievedly:

"Old, old ancestor..."

"I, I don't know..."

"I just saw that black dog chasing a worm-like golden light and flew away!"


Xu Su stared.

Instantly understood something, dropped a little height, and asked in a deep voice:

"Which direction?!"

"When did it happen!?"

Seeing that Xu Tianjiang just believed his own words, and even followed his own words to ask questions.

This made him a little surprised.

But he didn't show it.

Instead, he pointed to the position of the crater in the sect with an aggrieved face.


Xu Su raised his hand and squeezed out a few marks.

next second.

I saw these marks suddenly flying towards the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Then there was a "bang".

A strange symbol exploded.

Do it all.

Xu Su raised his hand.

Attract the rooster on the ground to his own light.

after that.

The light flickered, and it flew towards a certain position in the sky at an extremely fast speed.


When Xu Su came to the position between the three white clouds.

Above the white clouds, several monks in silver-white armor suddenly appeared.

See these monks.

Xu Su suddenly said in a deep voice:
"Open the big formation!"

Hear this.

Tian Kui Xing Gao Yan and Tian Xian Xing Ji Bing looked at each other.

Then, the former arched his hands and asked aloud:

"Master Xu Yunjiang."

"I don't know Le Yun will..."

As soon as the words were asked, Xu Su interrupted directly:

"Le Changrong died in the line of duty with his own body, and the art of transforming his soul into form has restrained Huo Dou's attention."

"It's for great merit!"

"My Upper Realm will trace the credit for General Le Yun."

"Now you just need to operate the magic circle and kill Huo Dou in the circle."

Speaking of this.

Gao Yan and Ji Bing couldn't say anything.

They arched their hands and retreated to their positions together.


Under Lu Shan's gaze.

The color of the clouds below suddenly darkened.

Followed by.

Several thunderbolts surged back and forth in the clouds at the foot of Mount Lu like a swimming dragon.

At last.



A few thunderclaps suddenly appeared.

The pouring rain poured down from the clouds.

"Wow!!!" sounded.

There was a lot of rain.

Lu Shan, who was standing on the clouds, couldn't see anything below.

It was all blocked by the rain curtain.

and so.

Use rainwater to deal with monsters of Fudou's level.

is that useful?
Lu Shan was very puzzled about this.

Unable to bear it, I bent down and scooped up a little rainwater from the clouds, ready to hold it on the wings for a look.


When Lu Shan touched the rain curtain with his hand condensed with spiritual energy.

In an instant.

His aura big hand was broken.

Those raindrops were like hard falling rocks.

It directly penetrated Lu Shan's big aura hand, and fell to the ground.


Lu Shan condensed his aura again with a little unbelief, wanting to fish out a few drops of rainwater to have a look.

At this moment, Xu Su spoke up.

"Don't bother."

"This is ternary heavy water."

"Restrains all low-level real fire, and has a certain penetrating effect on aura."

Hear this.

Lu Shan's big hands trembled with aura.

After thinking about it, curiosity still got the upper hand.

Carefully squeezed out Qiaojin, brought out two drops of heavy water, and brought them to his wings.

I weighed it.

The weight is extraordinary.

Both drops feel like tens of kilograms in weight.

Calculate according to this algorithm.

If you are below at this time.

I'm afraid it has been smashed to death by the rain.

And even if it can't be smashed to death.

The penetrability brought by the 'ternary heavy water' is not something ordinary people can stare at.

Coupled with such a large amount of rain falling on the ground.

There will definitely be patches of lakes accumulated.

At that time, with the characteristics of this heavy water...

Even a black dog in the all-victory stage might not be able to withstand it.

So is this the final kill move?

Three consecutive sets.

One set is better than the other.

One set is harder than the other.

You know, judging from the meaning expressed in Lu Shan's words just now.

In the area below, there are her colleagues.

In the end, she ignored her colleagues and still chose to release this indiscriminate attack.

Or she felt that this thing couldn't hurt Le Changrong.

Either she felt that Le Changrong would definitely die at the hands of Huo Dou, and that's why she killed them all so directly.

This is such a cruel character...


Lu Shan had a new understanding of General Xu Yun beside him.

a while.

About an hour passed.

The rain under the cloud layer just stopped.

But at this moment.

From Lu Shan's point of view.

The Meishan Sect below has changed from a mountain group composed of many high mountains to an island lake composed of many islands.

This is the old place of Meishan Sect...

Were the previous peak masters of your Meishan Sect just so sabotaged?

If your ancestors in the mountains knew about this, how would you be angry?

Lu Shan no longer knew what to complain about.


Time passed for a while.

The rain just stopped below the clouds.

Just when Lu Shan thought it would stop.

Xu Su's voice appeared again.

"Yun Minlei..."

Those three words made all the soldiers and the two star officials in the package startled.

"Xu've already..." Ji Bing said with deliberation.


Facing subordinates' questions.

Xu Su's complexion was still deep, and he said bluntly:
"Huo Dou, that's a mysterious beast."

"Any kind of profound beast is not so easy to kill!"

"There are so many examples in the upper world, isn't it enough for you to warn you!?"

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