Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 284 Returning to the Meishan Sect


Looking at the strangely shaped big rooster in front of him, Xu Su's eyes changed drastically.

Because from this rooster, she actually felt the breath of more than a dozen kinds of insects and beasts.

From the huge and powerful independent individual "belly worm", to the "mosquito bee" that infested in groups and devoured everything.

Their breaths were actually felt on this rooster.

What exactly is going on?

Xu Su frowned, staring at the cock in front of him for a long time.

And in her sight.

The cock was tickling the bald spot on his body.

Wherever it scratched, chicken feathers began to grow slowly at the bald places.


As the chicken feathers gradually grew, the breath in the rooster's body unexpectedly weakened a little.

This made Xu Su's doubts even deeper.

"How did you do it?"

"Huh?" Lu Shan clasped the chicken feather on his crotch, raised his head, and asked suspiciously:
"What do you say?"

"'Abdominal Worm', 'Liaozheng', 'Long Worm', 'Mosquito Bee'..."

Several names in a row.

Lu Shan suddenly understood what was going on, patted his belly, laughed, and said:
"Hey hey hey..."

"It's all delicious."


When he found that the middle-aged woman in front of him looked a little unhappy, he immediately changed his words:

"Cough cough cough..."

"That... I have a special innate skill... It can also be used in the case of forbidden spirits..."

Upon hearing this.

Xu Su's eyes suddenly lit up.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


"I can expect more from you."


Tianhen Mountain.

It is located on the border of Taizhao Kingdom.

The land here is sparsely populated, and there are few people.

Coupled with the surrounding of the boundless green plains on the periphery.

It can be said.

On the entire mountain, except for the native creatures.

Others basically do not see a human being.

But the situation here suddenly changed more than a month ago.

All of a sudden, a large number of immortal cultivators came.

It landed on the top of Tianhen Mountain.

They opened mountains with spells and formed mountains with formations.

Not a few days.

Here has become a fairy mountain filled with aura and hazy mist.

At last.

They also placed a huge stone tablet at the entrance of the magic circle.

On the stele, two rows of large characters are engraved in Lingwen.

- Daoyi Xiling Flowers and Plums;
—Chengtiandi Wangyuan Mountain;

Horizontal exposure: Meishan Zongli.

And today.

At the gate of the circle.

A rooster raised its head, staring at the stele in front of it in a daze.

Facing the cock that suddenly appeared.

Yang Hu, who was stationed at the entrance of the magic circle, was taken aback for a moment.

Then he immediately chased him away, and yelled as he chased back:

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Hear the yelling.

The rooster slowly withdrew its gaze, and cast its gaze towards Yang Hu:
"What are you?"

As soon as the sound came out.

Yang Hu took a few steps back in an instant, pulled out the magic sword behind him, laid it in front of him, and said defensively:
"Where is the evildoer!"

"How dare you come to Meishan Sect to play wild!?"

Hear this.

The expression on Rooster's face was visibly relaxed.

"So it's really the Meishan sect!"

"I thought I was going wrong."


The rooster continued with a look of disgust:
"But speaking of it, your current mountain gate is too shabby."

"It's completely incomparable with the previous one."

"Tsk tut tut."

Hear this.

Yang Hu couldn't bear it again, and shouted loudly:
"Monster! How dare you insult my teacher!?"

"Suffer to death!!"

After drinking, the body jumped up.

In three or two steps, he flew to a height several feet above the ground.


With the help of agility, one's body is suspended in mid-air for a short period of time.

next moment.

Yang Hu, who had exerted all his strength, swung his sword and slashed.

A light blue sword light appeared from the magic sword in his hand, and slashed at the rooster.

Seeing the sword light.

The cock's reaction seemed to be very slow.

Even a little unhurried.

I saw it raised its wings and stretched forward slowly.

"Whoosh" sound.

Jian Guang made an intimate collision with the chicken wing.

But it was different from Yang Hu's imagination.

The sword light he unleashed with all his strength couldn't even cut off a single feather from the tip of the rooster's wing.

how can that be! ?
I am one of the most outstanding among the new generation of disciples in the mountain gate.

The cultivation base even touched the boundary of the pulse-building state in the double tenth year.

Coupled with Dahuafeng's 'Qingfeng swordsmanship'.

Such a power that is infinitely close to the pulse building state.

Why can't even the fur of a poultry be knocked off?

Yang Hu expressed his incomprehension.

And Lu Shan didn't know the shock and confusion of the gatekeeper.

At this moment, he didn't want to spend too much time at this door.

The guy in the spirit animal bag started making noise again.

If not, quickly find a place to appease.

I'm afraid that the Meishan sect will have to change places to rebuild the gate.

But just when Lu Shan was about to enter directly from the entrance of the magic circle.

The little gatekeeper actually pulled out a talisman from his waist.

Then throw it into the sky.

next second.

The talisman flew into the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Finally, there was a "bang".

A plum blossom imprinted fireworks exploded in the air.

After throwing away.

The guard boy was still staring at him fiercely.


"Even if your cultivation base is advanced!"

"I, Dahuafeng Yanghu, will not let you step into the sect!"

Oh heh.

Called someone?

Just call.

Lu Shan thought that even if he went in directly, the handover issue would not be resolved in a short time.

He simply sat at the door, and with [-]% of his mind, condensed the fire to appease the ancestor in the spirit beast bag.

With one point of divine sense, pay attention to the outside situation.

It didn't take long.

There are two escaping lights galloping out from the mountain gate.

After landing, he looked at Yang Hu and asked:

"Yang Hu, what happened? Why did you use the 'Amulet of Urgency' to summon us?"

In the face of inquiries from several elders of the division.

Yang Hu hurriedly pointed his finger not far away.

"Uncle Du! Uncle Hua!"

"It's that monster, trespassing on the sect!"

Du Daofeng and Hua Lisong immediately followed Yang Hu's direction.

As a result, I saw a big rooster sitting on a rock, with its wings still rubbing against its lower abdomen.


The two looked at each other.

They all saw a little disbelief in each other's eyes.

Because with their eyesight in the Yuandan realm, they couldn't tell the strength of this rooster.

If it weren't for Yang Hu's extremely alert look.

They were afraid that they would really think that it was just a big cock that walked in randomly.

and many more.

big cock?
Hua Lisong couldn't help but think of the beginner disciple competition in the mountains a few months ago.

He was there.

I was very impressed with the rooster raised by the disciple of Meishanzong.

Although the combat power is not high, the combat characteristics are still very impressive.

From the outside it looks.

It seemed to be seven or eight points similar to the rooster in front of him.

But at that time, the rooster's cultivation base was only about the level of general Qi.

Compared with the unfathomable rooster in front of him now.

It is simply a sky and a place.

And Du Daofeng on the side is not as thoughtful as Hua Lisong.

He is jealous.

I shot the cock the first time I saw it.

Condensate, gather momentum.

"Wow" sound.

Several fiery red fireballs suddenly appeared behind him.

Then with a billowing viciousness, dragging the tail flame, roared towards the rooster.


The rooster still only slowly raised its wings and laid them in front of it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were three muffled bangs in a row.

When the blue smoke dissipated.

The big rooster is still squatting on the rock, touching its belly with one wing, and laying the other wing in front of its body.

Unscathed! ?
In an instant.

Du Daofeng and Hua Lisong looked at each other again, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

And the two who have been partners for many years.

After being shocked, they unanimously began to accumulate strength, preparing for a joint attack.

But at this time.

A figure suddenly landed in front of them.

At the same time, there was a voice that was familiar to them all.


"This is not your enemy."


The three of them looked at the person coming at the same time.

I saw a solemn and well-dressed figure standing proudly in front of them.

And through the traces on the back.

The three of them immediately recognized the identity of the visitor.

Unanimously, they made a big gift.

"Da Hua Peak disciple, Yang Hu."

"Tian Dufeng's executive elder, Hua Lisong."

"Deacon Elder Wei Mingyuan, Du Daofeng."

"Meet the Sect Master."

Know the sound.

Mu Chaohai waved his hand lightly, his body remained still, but the sound came.

"Leave it to me here."

"Wait a minute, back off."

Hearing that the Sovereign personally came to resolve the matter.

Du Daofeng wanted to say something, but Hua Lisong's eyes signaled him.

Out of trust, despite doubts.

But he still chose to join Hua Lisong and Yang Hu, bowed again, and then retreated.

Waiting for all the disciples to leave.

Mu Chaohai turned his eyes back to the rooster not far away again, and said coldly:
"Chicken Demon King, what are you waiting for?"

Perhaps it was because he could hear the impoliteness in Mu Chaohai's words.

Lu Shan, who couldn't stop moving his hands, simply pulled out a charm from his boundary bag.

Throwing it towards Mu Chaohai, he said at the same time:

"See for yourself."

Mu Chaohai took the spell and rubbed it in his hand for a moment.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Afterwards, he opened the spell, bowed his head and began to read silently.

A moment of effort.

Mu Chaohai raised his head expressionlessly, and said:
"It turned out to be the recommendation of the cloud general in the upper realm."

"If that's the case, then please."


Mu Chaohai put on a gesture of invitation and gave way to the inside of the magic circle.

But the cock didn't move at all.

Even the movement of wiping his stomach on his wings didn't stop for a moment.

Just when Mu Chaohai frowned.

The rooster suddenly made a sound.

"If I say, I just ate too much, I have a little indigestion, and now I need a massage for a quarter of an hour."

"Do you believe it?"

Mu Chaohai: "..."

the other end.

Du Daofeng and Hua Lisong, who had already flown a certain distance, separated from Yang Hu.

The former looked back at the Zongmen gate in the distance.

Then he looked away and asked aloud:
"What the hell is going on with that chicken?"


Hua Lisong paid attention to his surroundings.

After confirming that no one was there, he said in a deep voice:

"Daofeng, before the Zongmen's catastrophe, you have been busy breaking through."

"I didn't know that in this land of the Western Regions, there appeared a demon king named Ji Ba."

"The demon king? Just that rooster?" Du Daofeng immediately grasped the key point in Hua Lisong's words.

Unable to bear the horror, he said:
"You said that the chicken, which is yellow or not, is a big demon king?!"

"Keep your voice down!" Hua Lisong carefully looked around again.

After making sure that no one is paying attention to his side, he continued to speak:

"This name is now a taboo in the sect."


Hearing Du Daofeng's question, Hua Lisong nodded, and then began to talk in a low voice.

While they were communicating, news of a chicken demon came from outside the door, and slowly spread in the sect.

When the news reached Xinmeiling Mountain.

Zhao Qingqing is pruning pines and cypresses on the cliff.

Listening to the disciple telling himself, when a chicken demon came to the gate of Meishan Sect.

Her first reaction was the chicken demon in Wangcheng.

Think for a moment.

He immediately put down the things in his hands, and flew towards the gate of the sect without looking back.

And other peaks.

Anyone who knows the inside story of the Wangcheng incident.

All of them flew towards the gate of the sect at an extremely fast speed.

The owner of Xiaohua Peak, Li Danghe.

The owner of Qingya Mountain, Huang Darong.

The owner of Skygreen Valley, Xu Guochen.

The Lord of Liao Jing Yuan Yuan, Tang Zhi Festival.

Mountain Master Ao Ling, Shi Zong and other mountain masters who had transformed into a new realm all came to the gate of Meishan Sect.

After landing, he bowed to Mu Chaohai.

Followed by.

One by one, they put their eyes on the big rooster sitting on the rock not far away.

Among them, the vast majority of people have heard the name of the chicken bully demon king, but have never seen him.

So very curious.

What kind of monster is it.

Can rely on one's own strength.

The chaos in Taizhao's royal city forced a powerful monk in the spirit aperture state to kill him but was killed instead.

And now, they see it.

The legendary demon chicken actually looks like a chicken.

It even looks a little more like the poultry in the back mountain kitchen.


It looks exactly like a native chicken.

This disappointed some people a bit.

But those who can cultivate to this level are not fools.

He will not provoke a big demon king who has been famous for a long time because of his appearance.

Just when everyone was silent.

Another Escape Light flew over.

It's Mu Wanliu.

She was pale and her limbs were weak.

It was obvious that he was dragging his injuries and came galloping.

And after she lowered the height, she landed directly in front of the rooster.

"Chicken bully! What are you doing here!"

"Hurry up and go back to your Jiba Mountain!"

Facing Mu Wanliu's remarks.

Lu Shan just glanced lightly and said nothing.

Because, at this time, he has reached the final critical moment.

As long as the output of a little 'false flame' is stable.

According to past experience, the state of the fire dog in the spirit beast bag will definitely sink again.

Seeing that the cock in front of him ignored him at all.

Mu Wanliu wanted to continue to say something.

But at this time.

A cold questioning voice reached Mu Wanliu's ears.

"The evildoer is present in the world, and everyone can punish him!"

"My lord, Xiao Changyun, is willing to lead by example and make that sword No. 1 for fellow Taoists."


Just listen to "噗".

A full moon scimitar came out of Xiao Changyun's hand.

At an extremely fast speed, he broke the sound barrier and slashed at the big rooster!

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