Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 299 Where's the Smell?

Chapter 299 Where's the Smell? (Please subscribe!!!)
Busy for a long time.

In the end, I let myself fall into a one-to-one situation.

Lu Shan felt that his overall combat ability was almost useless.


Look at these malicious eyes in front of you.

Lu Shan turned his head sideways and looked at the two 'Wu Lian' which were less than five feet away from him.

Heart is a sideways.


'Boiling blood'!
'Supracavitary bursa'!
All speed enhancements are turned on.

next second.

Lu Shan's figure disappeared completely in place.

With a terrifying speed, it galloped towards the position of the two 'Wu Lian'.


His figure just moved.

Three snowballs galloped towards Lu Shan's position in the shape of characters.

so fast.

In an instant, he flew in front of Lu Shan.

All directions of his travel were blocked.


Lu Shan could only raise his Qi, and while urging out the 'sac on the cavity', he used the fastest speed to pull out several crescent-shaped light blades in the air.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

All the crescent-shaped light blades hit the same snowball.

next moment.

Lu Shan's chicken feet also hit the snowball.


That moment.

Lu Shan seemed to feel that he had hit a mountain.

The powerful impact caused him to be knocked back several feet.

Relying on the jet of air from the 'supracavitary sac', he barely stabilized his body.

At this time.

Only then did Lu Shan feel that his chicken feet were numb.

Look down.

In the middle of the hard chicken feet, it has been flattened by the terrifying impact.


It's just a snowball.

Is there such a fierce one?

Lu Shan couldn't help but spit out a few words.

But this will.

He heard several more cracking sounds.

Look up.

Endless snowballs were thrown from the hands of those who came back.

Although the attack power of these snowballs is not as good as that of the old monkey.

But if it is really hit by so many.

Even if it can pass away directly on the spot.


Lu Shan cursed angrily.

Then think wildly in your mind.

What kind of posture should be used to escape from this predicament.

First of all, hard resistance is unbearable.

And dodge words.

Such a large-scale attack, unless it is outside, there is no gravity to suppress the situation.

Then relying on one's physical fitness at full strength, it is possible to dodge it.

Change here.

It is almost impossible to dodge.

So now I can't resist hard, and I can't dodge.

Dead end?
Looking at the snowball that was about to fly in front of him, the size of a millstone.

Lu Shan narrowed his eyes.

After silently making a decision in my heart.

Suddenly opened his mouth.

When the snowball was about to hit in front of him.

A low drink.



In an instant.

Lu Shan felt the blood aura in his body plummet at a terrifying speed.

The physique of 40 million.

It fell to less than [-] in an instant.

But the result of doing so is.

at this moment.

All the snowballs within a radius of tens of feet were fixed in midair.

Such a weird picture.

All the prostitutes were stunned.

Including the old scorpion, the eyes at this moment only showed shock.


There is not much money squatting in the distance, and he was also frightened by this picture.

Smacking in the mouth.

"Fixing spell...? No, right..."

"Air arrest? It doesn't look like..."

I have said several times, but none of them can meet the current situation.

And while he was still wondering what was going on.

in sight.

Several roosters, no, dozens of roosters jumped out from the back of those snowballs.

Fly outward one by one.

a few breaths.

Two or three hundred roosters were dug out, and they flew up and down.


Those sluts immediately realized what was going on.

A lot of snowballs were rubbed out, and they continued to hit them.

And among these hundreds of roosters, there was a pair of eyes that were closely watching the movement of the old man on the other side of the pit.

After finding that it hadn't moved for a while.

In mind.

Then keep switching shapes and changing positions.

He cut his figure from those stopped snowballs to a position less than three feet away from the two 'Wu Lian' in the big pit.

At this time.

The second wave of snowballs hit again.

But this time.

With the feint attack of hundreds of chickens, Xueqiu's position was also in all directions.

Facing such a scattered attack.

Lu Shan relies on his own body skills, as well as shifting shapes and changing positions.

The distance was narrowed to less than Zhang Xu from 'Wu Lian'.

Look at 'Wu Lian' right in front of you.


Another extreme sense of crisis suddenly appeared.

next moment.

Lu Shan instinctively switches places with the nearest chicken.


"Bang" sound.

Lu Shan could clearly feel a wave of air passing over the position where he had just stood.


The fierce force, the sound almost sonic boom, hit his ears.

But at this time, Lu Shan did not stop because of this fierce attack.

Proceed forward.

When it was less than two meters away from the two 'Wu Lian'.

The snowball from the old man slammed down again.

This time.

That old man smashed the snowball on Lu Shan's only way to "Wu Lian".

As long as he wants to pick 'Wu Lian', he will be hit by a snowball.

I saw what the old man was thinking.

Lu Shan snorted lightly.

Immediately, it turned around and threw a long cyclone from the 'cavity capsule' at the tail.

When the snowball hit the cyclone.

Because it is a gas.

The snowball's entity cannot do any damage to it.

At best, the cyclone is dispersed in the air, but after the snowball penetrates.

The cyclone gathered together again, turning into a big hand made of gas.

I fished out those two 'Wu Lian' in one go.

Then retract quickly.

When you get 'Wu Lian' and throw it into the boundary bag.

The most ferocious attack appeared above Lu Shan's head.

Snowballs slammed down the sky and covered the sky.

That power is powerful.

I am afraid that there is a tendency to destroy everything.

But at this moment, Lu Shan has already succeeded.

He has no scruples.

Let go of the throat directly.

He poured all the blood and spiritual energy in his mouth with only tens of thousands of physique left.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

A rooster crow that shocked the sky resounded through the sky!
Under this sound of 'stimulating the heart'.

Everything within a radius of several feet oscillated to the extreme.

The resulting shocking force also expands outward at an exaggerated speed.

Wherever sound waves go.

All smashed.

Except for the old slut in the pit.


As long as everything is within ten feet.

Under this extreme shock, they appeared broken, even smashed.

Those huge snowballs that hit at high speed were also broken countless by the impact of the shock force.

break down, shatter.

Then collide with other snowballs.

Few of the snowballs that actually fell on Lu Shan were left.

Based on Lu Shan's current physical functions.

It is not a big problem to resist the snowballs thrown by these baby-changing realms and the Yuandan realm.

So after pulling my throat.

He ran away immediately.

Before these sluts woke up from the influence of the sound waves, they ran away.


What Lu Shan didn't expect was that.

After he just ran out of the range of this mountain.

At the top of the snow-capped mountains behind.

Under the influence of the crowing of the rooster, the so-called perpetually frozen mountain ice suddenly cracked several cracks.

It's long and deep.

Followed by.

Under the chain reaction of the ice layer.

Countless snow and ice slipped from the top of the mountain.

Add up.

With a cracking posture, it turned into an avalanche and swooped down from the top of the mountain.

The loud sound of "Boom Boom" immediately attracted Lu Shan's attention.

When he looked back.

The snow on the mountain has been photographed violently like a tsunami.


Such an avalanche is not limited to this mountain.

Within a radius of tens of miles.

There are dozens of snow-capped mountains, large and small.

There have been avalanches, large or small.

And because of the geographical influence.

Most monks can't fly in the air.

Even sprinting was a bit difficult.

Such is the case.

In the face of these overwhelming avalanches, the only choice they can make is to use their strongest strength to bear the avalanche.

and so.

In Lu Shan's astonishment.

All the snow-capped mountains within the range of sight collapsed.

A large amount of snow, like washing, scrubbed the mountain and then filled the valley.

[System Prompt]: Successfully killed a Yuan Dan Realm '狌狌', and gained 12000 hours of promotion to the Spirit Aperture Realm (Beginner).

[System Prompt]: Successfully killed a 'Husheng' in the Yuan Dan Realm, and gained 12000 hours of promotion to the Spirit Aperture Realm (beginner level).

[System Prompt]: Successfully killed...

Wait for all the 'boom' to stop.

It was almost a quarter of an hour later.

Looking at the snowy mountains and snowy seas in front of me.

Listening to the system prompts that still pop up in my mind from time to time.

When Lu Shan heard that there was a human voice in the voice prompt.

First stunned.


He seemed to remember something.


Aiming at a hidden location on another mountain.

As soon as it fell, it started to scrape the snow with chicken feet.

But after digging for more than ten feet, nothing was found.

Then Lu Shan changed another place to plan the snow again.

Still nothing.

Just when Lu Shan thought that a fat man had completely disappeared.

A faint inspiration suddenly appeared at a position tens of feet below his feet.

After half a cup of tea.

Lu Shan dug out a little money from the depths of the snow.

Looking at the dying fat man in front of him.

Lu Shan raised his eyebrows, and then tore open a corner of Jie Pouch's panties.

next second.

A tube of orange-yellow liquid drew a parabola in the air, and accurately fell into Qian Qian's mouth.

A few breaths.

When Lu Shan tidied up the pocket panties.

A fat man let out a loud coughing sound.

"Cough cough cough cough!!!"

After coughing, Qian Buduo opened his eyes, looked at the gray sky, and murmured:

"Am I dead?"

"It turns out that the sky in the underworld looks like this..."

"But why is there still a foul smell in the aura of the underworld..."


The money is not much and the neck turns.

After looking at the cock in front of me.

Suddenly thought of something.

He got up, came to the rooster, and said a few words.

"Uncle Chicken! You're dead too?!"

"Uncle Chicken! Where's my 'Wu Lian'?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Shan had black lines all over his head.

"Have you ever seen someone who died and took the boundary bag to the underworld?!"

"That's right..." Hearing the words, Qian Buduo had a dejected expression on his face.

"Hey, it's a pity that I haven't tasted the taste of 'Wu Lian' until my death..."

Hearing this, Lu Shan was completely speechless.

Throw out a 'Wu Lian' at random, and throw it in front of the person who doesn't have much money.

"Pick it up! Hurry up and lead me the way!"

"If you don't find a few more tribes to come out, I will let you really go to the underworld!"

Just when Lu Shan reprimanded him for not having much money.

No.20 four floors.

There is a group of monsters who are also looking for the tribe of Suzu.

The gang is huge.

And all of them are composed of monsters, monsters, and spirit beasts above Yuandan Realm.

Flying, escaping, beasts, scales.

There are hundreds of scales.

And at this time they.

Has wiped out at least three tribes of Hun.

That belongs to the special product of the Hun tribe, 'Wu Lian' also collected four flowers.

They were all hung on the leading four-eyed crow.

This is a "multi-eyed" family with the blood of a "barren" beast.

The cultivation base has reached the high level of infant transformation.

As for why the high-level baby-changing environment came to this No.20 fourth floor.

Don't ask.

Those are special arrangements.

And there are many monsters with special missions like this.

It took a lot of money to come down from above.

'Wu Lian' is just one of their missions.

The most critical thing is to find the positions of the astral bodies below the 33rd floor.

for this purpose.

The four-eyed crow's wrath has swept across the entire 24th floor.

I don't know how many monks were killed and how many monsters were swallowed.

But still did not find any information about the astral body.

Is it true that No. 20 has no astral body on the fourth floor?
I am restless.

A three-eyed crested ibis flew in front of it, lowered its head slightly, and said:

"The King of Four Crows."

"The subordinates found two ways."

"One leads to the 23rd floor, and one leads to the 25th floor."

"Excuse me, what is your direction?"


The Four-Eyed Crow was silent for a moment, then squinted and said:
"If I remember correctly."

"The multi-tailed clan among the beasts went to the fifth floor of No.20, right?"

Hearing this, the three-eyed crested ibis immediately nodded and responded:

"My lord, you have a really good memory."

"The four-tailed sky monkey is on the fifth floor of No.20..."

Four-tailed Sky Monkey...

to be frank.

Qi Nu didn't want to confront that crazy monkey.

At least before the final showdown, he didn't want to see that crazy monkey.

That guy is a monster who went crazy and even ate his own tail.

So on balance, it still said in a deep voice:

"Call the little ones."

"Let's go around the third floor of No.20."

"As long as whoever finds the astral body, the 'Enlightenment Lotus' of the 'Xuan' clan will reward five!"

Hear this.

The three red eyes of the three-eyed crested ibis instantly lit up twice, then lowered their heads and said:

"Follow the instructions of the King of Four Crows!"

at the same time.

No.20 has three floors.

Led by not much money.

They also touched a tribe of 狌狌.

This time the tribe is a small tribe.

The highest cultivation base is the high-level cultivation base of the Infant Transformation Realm.

Most of the others are Yuan Dan realm.

The only regret is that there is only one snow-white 'Wu Lian' in the snow pond of the tribe.

Adhering to the mentality that mosquitoes have small legs and are meat.

Lu Shan was ready to touch it.

But right now.

Suddenly, a huge hole appeared in the clouds in the sky.

Even bits and pieces of stars can be seen from this void.

Just when Lu Shan was wondering what this was.

There was not much money not far behind him, and he suddenly yelled:



(End of this chapter)

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