Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 301 Spirit beast bag is standard equipment?

Chapter 301 Spirit beast bag is standard equipment? (Please subscribe!!!)

Clan guy?

If I'm not mistaken...

The one that was thrown out was...

Spirit beast bag?
and so…

The ancestor of this four-eyed crow is a spirit beast bag?
What the hell? !

Lu Shan watched in bewilderment that the spirit animal bag was swallowed up by his own 'Ye Yan'.

But right now.

A sharp cry appeared from the 'Ye Yan'.

Followed by.

A powerful air wave suddenly appeared, and directly blasted away the gathered 'Yuan Yan'.


An owl with five eyes appeared in Lu Shan's sight.

Feel the sea-like spiritual pressure of this owl.

Lu Shan frowned, and assumed a posture of fighting at any time.

At this time.

The five-eyed owl is still moving.

It seems that it has been simmering in the spirit beast bag for a long time.

Spread the wings vigorously, spreading out every wingtip.

a while.

The five-eyed owl's attention was only on the surroundings.

First, he glanced at Lu Shan who was not far away, when he realized that Lu Shan was just a monster with an obscure cultivation base.

He turned his head in disdain, and set his eyes on the Four-Eyed Crow King.

"Because of this guy."

"You call this old man for help?"

Zhi Nu could hear the lack of surprise and anger in the clan's words, and quickly explained:

"The family and grandchildren are wronged!"

"That chicken demon's bloodline is extraordinary!"

"It can release a flame that is close to the real fire of ambiguity!"

"The ignorant cold fire of the clan grandson is more irresistible!"

"Really?" Hearing this.

Reminiscent of the identity of the four-eyed crow king in front of him.

Knowing that with its personality, there is absolutely no need to play with itself.

and so.

The five-eyed owl Ling Shize turned his eyes back to the chicken below.

He said calmly:

"You are the only chicken that injured my people?"

Hearing this, Lu Shan did not choose to answer, but instead asked loudly:

"You are hiding in a spirit beast bag in the spirit aperture state, and you were brought in as a bottom-press move."

"Don't you feel ashamed?"


Shize let out a sneer, and then looked at the chicken with a look of looking at a fool.

"As long as you have a little family background, who doesn't have one or two spirit beast bags?"

"Which spirit beast bag doesn't have one or two monsters as cards?"

"Only a rootless and invincible ant like you would ask such a question."


Lu Shan immediately turned his head, turned his eyes to a rock not far from him, and asked loudly:

"Is there such a word?"

After two or three breaths.

From the snow in that place, a figure suddenly protruded, looking at Lu Shan with a particularly puzzled look.

"Uncle Chicken! How did you know I'm here?"

"Do not talk nonsense."

Lu Shan asked impatiently:
"Do you have this stuff on you too?"

Not much money and nodded embarrassingly.

Yo heh.

It turns out that hiding monsters in the spirit beast bag is already a standard configuration?
No wonder Mu Wanliu asked herself if she wanted to take the 'human-faced tiger' with her before she came up.

But then came the problem.

"Why didn't you let it out before?"


Face this problem.

Not much money but replied with a depressed face:

"Uncle Chicken."

"You don't know, the one in my pocket is the real ancestor."

"Come out and help me once, and you need 20 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, and I can't do without one piece..."

It turned out to be the case.

Service fee.

Sure enough, it was a monster of Yuan Baozong.

That said.

Is there a monster in Mu Wanliu's pocket?

Based on the background of Meishan sect.

Could it be that old turtle?
Gee tut.

No wonder, no wonder...

But then.

Another question came to Lu Shan's mind. He raised his head and looked at the five-eyed owl floating in the sky.

"Is there any limit to the power brought in by the spirit beast bag?"

Hear this.

Shize let out a mocking laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"As long as you have the strength."

"What's the matter with putting an astral-level monster in the spirit beast bag?"

Spirit beast bag?
Astral realm?
Lu Shan's face suddenly became a little strange.

Because he thought of it, there seemed to be such a spirit beast bag in his crotch.

Moreover, what is contained in this spirit beast bag...

Lu Shan tentatively probed his crotch with his thoughts.


There was no movement in the spirit beast bag.


It seems that this guy is not awake yet.

Or still in a deep sleep state.

Since you can't count on it.

Lu Shan didn't think anything, and once again set his sights on the five-eyed owl.

At this time.

The five-eyed owl seemed a little impatient, looking down with a faint gaze.

"Crack out the soul and surrender to me."

"Otherwise, die!!"

face such threats.

Lu Shan took a deep breath, raised his paw, and threw out several scarlet light blades.

It was a very direct reply to the five-eyed owl.


The five-eyed owl snorted coldly.

"Since you are looking for death, then don't blame the old man for being cruel."


Wings move.

next second.

There were several gusts of wind.

Layer after layer, mixed with the blizzard wind, under the flapping of the five-eyed owl's wings.

Howling, scraping down.

in an instant.

It collided head-on with those crescent-shaped light blades.

The results are odd.

The crescent-shaped light blade released by Lu Shan seemed to have no obstacles.

Go straight through the gust of wind.

But at the next moment of Lu Shan's doubts.

The crescent-shaped light blades he released suddenly changed color.

From the original scarlet, it directly turned into snow white.

It's like a thick layer of ice is covering the surface.


Those crescent-shaped light blades lost their flying power just like that.

In the form of a natural falling body, it began to fall downward.

Just when Lu Shan was astonished.

The gust of wind mixed with ice and snow had already howled in front of him.

In an instant.

The mighty force of the gust of wind is mixed with extreme ice cold.

While Lu Shan retreated, his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

This is because his own ability to resist the cold is extremely strong.

I also felt the bone-piercing cold.

If the other baby-changing monsters are here.

If you insist on such a trick.

I'm afraid that the ice slag has been frozen away.

And Ling Shize in the sky, after discovering that his ultimate move did not bring any effective damage.

His face turned cold.

Immediately increased the flapping of its wings.


The icy and snowy wind also became stronger by several percent as the five-eyed owl's wings beat faster.

Seeing that even the 'temperature' can't resist.

Lu Shan gritted his teeth.

"Hoo" sound!
A large number of 'false flames' gushed out from his body.

But even so.

Lu Shan still could barely keep himself from being completely frozen.

It seems unrealistic to break free from this icy, snowy wind alone.

Seeing that this ultimate move is about to evolve into a protracted battle against the consumption of blood and spiritual power.

Shize secretly let go of all the bursts of spiritual power at the same time.

"Feather Eye Skill: Zhan Han!!"

A low drink.


A wind mark suddenly appeared from its side.

Followed by.

This wind mark turned bigger and bigger.

In just a few breaths, it grew into an exaggerated hurricane.

While connecting the sky and the earth, it also caused the ups and downs of the surrounding blizzard.

See this scenario.

Without much money, he turned around and ran away.

And the Four-Eyed Crow King was furious, and its remaining subordinates, when they heard the five-eyed owl say the name of the skill.

Also turned around and ran.

Even the running speed is several points faster than when they flew.

Waiting for all the creatures around to run away.

This hurricane has expanded to almost cover half of the sky.

At this moment, Lu Shan also wanted to run away.

But his body was still anxiously seeing-saw with the icy and snowy wind.

Want to break free and run away.

almost impossible.

But he's no fool either.

Know how to let the opponent's hurricane skill accumulate again.

What greeted me was either frozen to death or dismembered by the wind.

And now as a few skills to resist the cold.

The first is 'warm air', and the second is 'wrong flame'.

Other skills, in the current situation where the blood and aura in the whole body are about to be frozen.

Most skills are difficult to unleash.

Even if it is "follow the chicken's wish with the heart" it will not work.

Because at this moment, he couldn't even growl.


Lu Shan glanced at his unlimited points.

Three more points...

And to strengthen 'Yuyan', if I remember correctly, you need unlimited points of five points.

'Temperature' is enough.

Exactly three o'clock.

and so…

[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume unlimited points to strengthen the skill 'Warm Qi'?
Following Lu Shan's reply.

He could clearly feel a hot current appearing in his heart.


Through one meridian after another, it flows through the whole body at an extremely fast speed.

[System Prompt]: The skill 'Warm Qi' has been successfully enhanced to the skill 'Balanced Qi'.

After the whole body is covered by the heat once.

Lu Shan's body can move.

Although the range of animals cannot be too large.

But in the end the first step is to step out.


Lu Shan took the second step, the third step, and the fourth step.

When he reached the tenth step.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Lu Shan looked up.


A hurricane that covered the sky fell from the sky.

With the position of the eye of the wind, it shrouded in his direction at the moment.

Lu Shan didn't want to try the feeling of being bathed by a hurricane.

Open your mouth immediately.


Let out a breath.

next moment.

The icy and snowy wind that trapped his body immediately opened a gap.


Lu Shan rushed out in an instant with the greatest speed.


After rushing out, he flew forward frantically again.

A few breaths.

When the hurricane that covered the sky hit the ground.

Lu Shan had already rushed tens of feet away.

Although he is still within the scope of the hurricane.

But compared to the horror of Fengyan.

At present, Lu Shan is considered safe for the time being.

Followed by.

He just looked up.

Following his memory, Lu Shan saw through the hurricane, carefully in the shadow of the wind, and saw a figure shining with wind.

See here.

Lu Shan suddenly took a deep breath.

He blinked his corns.

'Corns: Hitomi Hitomi'

[System prompt]: There are two spells detected within the field of vision, one is the concealment technique, and the other is 'Feather Eye Technique: Zhanhan'.

[System Prompt]: Which one to choose to expand into 'Ri Tong'?
After a breath.

Lu Shan's face darkened, and he suddenly spread his wings.

The wingtips spread out, and then began to draw imprints in the air.

One lap, half a lap, one stop, one print.


A red wind trace began to spin around Lu Shan's body.

At this time.

Shize felt a very familiar energy fluctuation appearing not far behind him.

Look back.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered that the chicken had escaped from its own hurricane domain.

Although a little surprised.

But it still smiled ferociously, and controlled the hurricane to turn.

Yet at this moment.

Shize found out.

On the side of the rooster, there appeared a wind trail burning with a bright yellow flame.

Just like your own natural skills.

The wind marks are expanding at an extremely fast speed, becoming bigger.

When Ling Shize turned his ice hurricane direction around.

In front of it, around the rooster, a flame hurricane composed of endless flames has appeared.

Started to scrape towards its position.


"How do you know the innate skills of my Feather Clan!!"


Shouting angrily, Shize suddenly seemed to understand something, and shouted loudly.

"The old man understands!"

"Is it the learning skill of the 'Blood Parrot' family?!"

"It's useless!! It's only superficial, not deep, and blindly follow!!"


It laughed wildly, manipulated the snow-covered gust of wind, and pressed towards the chicken.

Looking at the hurricane of ice that covered the sky and the sun.

Lu Shan also lowered his face.

Ice storm, right?

Ice Hurricane, right?

Let you see it.

What is Red Flame Gust.

"Chicken Great Skill: Burn your whole family!!"

With Lu Shan's loud shout.

The hurricane of flames surrounding him immediately escaped, and slammed into the hurricane of ice with an overwhelming momentum.

a time.

The world here seems to be divided into two colors.

Bright yellow that burns everything.

And the cold white of the cold day.

Two extreme energies.

Under the control of both sides, they collided violently.

But what surprised Broad and Bright was that.

Over time.

These two hurricanes with contradictory energies unexpectedly merged slowly and gradually melted away until finally, they completely disappeared.

And when Ling Shize discovered that the chicken also disappeared from sight.

Vigilance immediately came to the end.

But right now.

It was not far from the right, and found the figure of a chicken.

Just about to make a move.

Another identical poultry jumped out of the jungle below it to the left.

Followed by.

When the third chicken jumped out of the snow below.

Shize immediately thought of a skill.

'Incarnation outside the body'.

Can wait for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh...

In the end, hundreds of chickens jumped up from below.

It overturned its guess again.

Because the "incarnation outside the body" can only be divided into three incarnations with the same combat power as the main body.

And the skills of differentiation and multiple clones.

It often means only one meaning.

That is, the avatar's combat power is extremely stretched, and at most it can only be used as a blindfold when escaping.

and so.

Ling Shize immediately came to the conclusion that the chicken wanted to run away.

Immediately, it exploded the spiritual pressure, and probed every poultry as much as possible.

In order to find the leak, one hit kills.


at this time.

Hundreds of chickens flew out.

at almost the same time.

"Hoo" sound!
Burn up!
"A world of ice and snow, brilliant fireworks."

"At this moment, let the chicken bully me and offer you the most sincere blessing."

"Happy Death Day!"

(End of this chapter)

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