Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 304 Was Surprised...

Chapter 304 Was Surprised... (Please Subscribe!!!)

No.30 four layers, dry temperature layer.

This place is the first place to enter the baby-changing environment.

From the No.30 fourth floor to the top of the No.40 fourth floor.

The temperature increases in an increasing manner.

it's here.

No extreme gravity constraints of the next level.

Therefore, the strength gap between monks and monsters will not be so obvious.

It is even said that monks have taken advantage of a lot of spiritual energy for body protection.

The resistance to heat and heat and poison is much higher than that of monsters.

And this time.

In a volcano on the fourth floor of No.30.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman with a haggard and embarrassed face flew out.

It was Mu Wanliu, the peak lord of Meiling in Meishan Zong.

I saw that she immediately looked around as soon as she flew out of the crater.

After determining a certain direction.

Immediately flew in that direction at extreme speed.

While flying, he looked back from time to time.

It was as if something was chasing after her.

And just after the tea time when Mu Wanliu left.

Suddenly, a soaring flame erupted from the volcano.

Followed by.

A wolf-headed monster with pointed spines and scales came out from the billowing smoke.

I saw the wolf-headed monster first look around after coming out.

When it doesn't see what it wants to see.

Wolf's ears flicked and his nose moved.


It seemed to smell something.

next moment.

The corners of the mouth were raised, revealing bared teeth.

"Little baby, do you think you can escape from Wu Tusi's palm by running down?"

"It's so naive."


The figure of the wolf-headed demon butcher moved.

At an extremely fast speed, he chased after Mu Wanliu in the direction he left.

at this time.

Mu Wanliu in front seemed to sense something too.

The complexion changed.

gritted his teeth.

Take out a glass bottle from the boundary bag.

Pour out a drop of milky white, stick out your tongue and lick it in.


Mu Wanliu's pale face instantly looked better.

The speed has also increased by a level.

Continue to fly forward hard.


This front speed changes.

The wolf-headed demon butcher behind him also felt surprised.

Calculate it based on the aura of the woman in front.

By this time, the limit of aura consumption should have been reached.


He can even run faster.

I'm afraid he swallowed some forbidden drugs.

Thinking of the body or spirit of the woman in front will be damaged because of forbidden drugs.

The wolf head monster butcher's complexion became a little ugly.

But now that they have reached this level.

As long as the woman in front doesn't blow herself up.

Other wolf-headed monster butchers can accept it.


Body or something.

Definitely fresh is best.

to this end.

The wolf head demon butcher also had to take out a scarlet elixir from his boundary bag.

Stuff it in your mouth.

next moment.

With a surge of blood spirit energy.

The speed of the wolf head monster butcher has also increased by a point.

Speeding, chasing after the woman in front.

at the same time.

Lushan on the fourth floor of No.20.

Running into a little trouble.

A group of monks from an unknown domain set up an ambush formation between the two snow-capped mountains.

Especially hidden.

There is no fluctuation at all.

Waiting for Lu Shan to step over the edge of the magic circle.

He just sensed something.

But by now it was too late.

A magic circle wall with electric flashes blocked his and Qian Qian's escape route.

Seeing so.

Not much money, his face suddenly changed.


"It's the Shining Array!"

"The Shining Formation?" Lu Shan muttered suspiciously.

Then he put his eyes on the person who didn't have much money.


"It's the Shining Formation!"

Qian Qian's body couldn't help taking two steps back, as if he was a little afraid of the magic circle wall with electric flashes in front of him.

At the same time, he also said:

"The flashing array."

"The full name is 'Trapping Body, Strangling God and Killing Formation'."

"It claims to have the ability to trap and kill all creatures below the spirit aperture level."

"It's the kind that traps and kills both the body and the spirit."

The voice just fell.

A slightly surprised voice came from outside the magic circle.

"Yo, where is the little fat man?"

"I know a lot."

"Then do you know how to break this formation?"


Lu Shan followed the voice and looked.

Outside the magic circle, a young man with a thin face and wearing a blue robe suddenly appeared.

And with the appearance of this young man.

Dozens of monks of different ages, men and women, but all wearing azure blue clothes suddenly appeared around.

"Blue shirt, live to see the battle, the spiritual finger Taoist town Tiannan."

"It turned out to be the monks from the Washing God Valley in the Southern Region."

Qian Buduo cupped his hands at the young man who just spoke, and said:

"In the Yuanbao Sect of the Lower Western Regions, there is not much money."

"I've seen you all."

"Yuan Baozong?" The thin-faced young man obviously knew the name of Yuan Baozong.

Immediately, he used a sizing gesture to look at the small amount of money from head to toe.

Finally, the corner of his mouth curled up.

"I heard that the purpose of your Yuan Treasure Sect is that everything has a price, and you use money to do things. As long as the price is right, the sect can be rented out to others."

"Is there such a word?"


Not much money scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's not that exaggerated..."

"In other words, I have dealt with money a little more..."

Hear this.

The thin man suddenly narrowed his glasses, raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at Lu Shan who was beside Qian Buduo.

"Since everything has a price..."

"I don't know..."

"How much is the life of the chicken demon next to you worth?"

For an instant.

The eyes of all the monks outside were focused on Lu Shan.

Including not much money...

Of course, Qian Qian just glanced at it subconsciously, and immediately put on a state of righteous speech.

"What are you asking!!"

"This chicken... is my friend!!"

"Friends are priceless!!"

Seeing that the words about the lack of money were a little floating, Lu Shan pulled him behind with a wing.

Just step forward and hold your head up.

Looking at the monks all over the sky, he asked calmly:

"You want my life?"


The thin man shook his head.

"not us…"

"It's a family of multi-eyed birds."

"With the price of ten 'Enlightenment Lotus' plus three books of spiritual law, I will exchange your life of this baby chicken."


It turns out they are...

The price is quite high.

If it weren't for being unable to fool around, he would have thought of a way to send a few chickens to exchange for prizes without much money.

Hearing the honest reply of the thin man.

Lu Shan doesn't go around in circles either.

"Two hands at once."

"My dick's life is here."

"Come if you want!"

An angry shout.

The blood aura burst out on his body.

The spiritual pressure belonging to the high-level infant transformation realm soared into the sky.


When these spiritual pressures touched the wall of the magic circle.

"Crackling" electric sparks flashed.

All the extended blood aura was blown to pieces.


These flashing electric lights wanted to spread towards Lu Shan's body along with the surging blood aura.


Lu Shan immediately withdrew the blood aura pouring out.

This made the electric spark that broke the extension immediately fall to the ground.

"Clap clap clap..."

The ground was blown out of several large potholes.

From the size of that pothole.

Lu Shan probably judged the power of the electric spark.

It is already close to the scope of spiritual law.

This made Lu Shan frowned uncontrollably.

At this time.

Not much money came up behind him, and whispered:

"Master Chicken."

"be careful."

"The lightning on the wall of the magic circle also has the effect of paralyzing the body and attacking the soul..."

Magic and martial arts double attack?

Lu Shan was a little surprised, and asked aloud:

"How to break?"


There is not much money, and some are hesitant to talk.

After deliberating for a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"It's a little difficult..."

"Either kill the people who set up the formation from the outside."

"Either you have to use the spiritual aperture level to attack the four base points of the magic circle at the same time."

"After causing the formation to vibrate, you can break through the formation wall and break through..."

so troublesome?

Lu Shan frowned deeply, and asked again:
"Is it necessary to attack four base points at the same time?"

"Space attack doesn't work?"

"This..." Money is not much, obviously knows and not so detailed, replied with some hesitation:

"What does it say in the book..."

"I didn't say specifically whether it would work or not..."

Since it is not clearly stated, it means that it is possible to have a certain possibility.

to this end.

Lu Shan continued to ask in a threaded voice:
"Where are the four cardinal points?"

"do not know……"

Three words.

It made Lu Shan feel bad all of a sudden.

Turning around, he glared angrily.

Want to get angry, but look at the timid look of not much money.

Lu Shan suddenly had no thought of fussing.

Withdrawing his gaze, he focused his attention on the thin man.

next second.

Three crescent-shaped light blades came out of Lu Shan's chicken claws at an extremely fast speed.

He flew towards the thin man.

But in the face of such an attack.

The thin man did not make any response, still standing in the air.

Stand quietly in place.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

There were three bursting sounds in a row.

The three scarlet light blades hit the wall of the magic circle like this.

Same as before.

Hundreds of sparking electric lights blocked the crescent-shaped light blade's only path.

"Clap clap clap clap..."

a few breaths.

The three crescent-shaped light blades exuding scarlet blood just disappeared from everyone's sight.

See this situation.

The other monks outside also laughed mockingly.

"On this level of attack?"

"Can you still defeat a monster in the Spirit Aperture Realm?"

"Is your monster race made of paper?"

This is sarcasm.

And ridicule and abuse.

There are even those who kindly persuade them to surrender.

This made the money that was not the main purpose feel hot on the skin.

In contrast, Lu Shan.

As the main purpose, he doesn't mind others scolding him.

Because he had memorized the faces of these people.

Spending too much cursing is not as effective as a burst of killing after going out.

to this end.

Lu Shan kept his eyes on the guy who took the lead.

"what's your name?"

The thin man didn't expect that a chicken demon who was scolded by so many people would ask his name so calmly.

There was a sudden look in his eyes.

"Xishingu, internal law disciple, Wan Jinlin."

"You can also call me Jinlin Yuanjun..."

Lu Shan heard the words.


"So, Wan Jinlin, are you going to trap me like this?"

"of course not…"


Wan Jinlin clapped his hands.

next second.

A large number of electric flashes suddenly appeared on the wall of the magic circle.

Flash and jump.

Like countless thunder lights, coiled on the wall of the magic circle.

Seeing this scene.

Qian Qian's body couldn't stop retreating.

While returning it, weeping and saying:

"Actually, we don't have to fight..."

between words.

Suddenly, the nearest wall flickered with light.

next second.

Countless electric lights jumped out of the formation wall like mice.

Then, at an extremely fast speed, it jumped irregularly in the magic circle.

One will go up and one will go down.

For a while, it rushed forward, and for a while it hit the ground and rebounded.

a few breaths.

Dozens of flashes of lightning jumped in front of Qian Qian.

Originally, I didn't have much money and wanted to try hard resistance.

But when he saw a Bingshuo mouse in his sight was hit by an electric flash.

The scene of the instant explosion gave me a shock.

Immediately with a mournful face, he took out a dozen or so glittering golden coins from his pocket.


The coins melted and turned into shield light.

More than a dozen gold coins were melted in a row.

The thickness of the shield light has also reached an astonishing dozen or so layers.

after that.

Watching those electric flashes jump and explode on the surface of his own shield light.

While the money is not much heartbroken, he still does not forget to look back at the rooster not far from him.

As a result, it didn't look good.

I was startled.

I saw it in his sight.

The rooster's body was surrounded by hundreds of electric flashes jumping, rubbing, and blasting.

But even so.

The rooster still didn't release any body protection skills.

This makes Qian Buduo startled, while the rooster has a strong physical fitness, but at the same time admires the strength of the rooster's spirit.

In fact, the attack intensity of these electric flashes on the body is not too strong.

It is estimated that they are monks in the Yuandan realm.

Being blasted out of the body by a hundred and eighty lightning flashes, the damage caused was not too great.

The main key is that these things attack the soul too hard.

If not prepared.

As long as ten or so lightning flashes are enough, it can kill the soul of a cultivator in the Yuan Dan realm.

Even if it is the spirit of a baby-changing monk.

without any defense.

At most a few hundred lightning flashes can turn a monk in the baby-changing realm into a body that has lost its spirit.

And this time.

There are at least a thousand electric flashes jumping around this rooster...

In fact, Lu Shan's body at this moment is not as turbulent and terrifying as it looks on the surface.

Whenever an electric flash rubbed against Lu Shan's body.

There will always be an indescribable stabbing flow, along the friction position, directly shooting at the position of his soul.


Most of these spurs were sucked in by his core when passing through his body.

Only a small part of the fish slipped through the net.

So this is why Lu Shan can stand still and resist with his body.

a while.

Wait until the energy of those electric flashes is exhausted and completely dissipated in the air.

Lu Shan's calm expression suddenly appeared in the sight of those around him.




It is full of everyone's eyes.

But right now.

On the face of the rooster in the magic circle, a shocked expression suddenly appeared.

[System Prompt]: Successfully absorbed 1162 strands of 'flash energy', and obtained the first-level time (116200) hours for promotion to the Spirit Aperture Realm.

[System prompt]: The promotion condition has been fulfilled, and the Five Nine Heavens Tribulation will be automatically triggered, please prepare the host...

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(End of this chapter)

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