Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 313 The Perverted 'Shan Tan' Family


There are many manners.

All kinds of styles.


If there is no such sentence just now.

Lu Shanneng believed that this woman conformed to the fantasy of all men.

What the hell! !

why! !

Lu Shan swung his wings and pushed his brother down.

Then look up.

Looking at the evildoer not far away, he raised his paw.

'Dry blood'!
'Supracavitary bursa'!
'Yan Yan'!
next second.

Under the blessing of anger, he came in front of that monster at an extremely fast speed.

Raise your paws.

In the astonishment of the monster.

It hit his full chest violently.


A stream of scarlet blood sprang out in response.

The scarlet blood was burnt clean by 'Xian Yan' in the air.


'Yanyan' also spread to the monster's body along with the blood.

next second.

"Hoo" sound!
The bright yellow flame started from the demon's chest, and at an extremely fast speed, included the entire demon's body.


The demon let out a miserable scream.


"who is it!!"

"Help! Help!!"


The flame burns extremely fast.

After a few breaths, the monster's body was completely wrapped.

this will.

Under the invasion of 'Yan Yan'.

The demon couldn't hold on any longer, screamed, and fell from the sky to the ground.


In mid-air, the demon turned into dust and dissipated with the wind.

But this time.

A system prompt appeared in Lu Shan's mind.

It made his whole body startled.

[System prompt]: Successfully killed a middle-level 'Shan Tan' in the Infant Transformation Realm, and gained (120000) hours to be promoted to the middle-level Spirit Aperture Realm.

[System Prompt]: Due to the characteristics of the 'Shan Tan' race seeking strength and chasing mates, the host will face all the 'Shan Tan' race's frantic courtship.


What race of monsters?
If you kill one, you will face the love of the whole family?

What is the worldview of this ghost race?
I am in a daze.

A woman's slightly surprised voice suddenly reached Lu Shan's ears.


Look back.

Wang Qingrong, who looked surprised, was flying towards his position on that giant gray eagle.


When old friends met, Lu Shan greeted him very politely.


What greeted him was that face-to-face hug and that magnificent heart.

Do this again! ?
It has been said that the old man will not bow down because of beauty!
Lu Shan glanced at the woman who was coming behind him, quickly rolled his face inside twice, took a deep breath, and broke free.

Then Yizheng sternly refused:
"Benefactor Wang! Please respect yourself!"

"I'm a chicken with a bottom line."

"Please don't bombard me with beauty!"

See this scenario.

Wang Qingrong couldn't hold back, she smiled and said:
"Is it?"

But right now.

Mu Wanliu, who followed behind, suddenly asked:

"Jiba, did you kill that monster just now?"

Upon hearing this.

Wang Qingrong's expression changed instantly.

Looking around for traces of the demon just now.

When she glanced around and didn't find any ghosts, she involuntarily turned her attention to Lu Shan.


"Where was that monster just now!?"

Lu Shan knew why they were so anxious.

He sighed softly, waved his wings, and said:

"I can't help it."


Upon hearing this.

Both women had annoyed expressions on their faces.

Including Mu Wanliu.

This inevitably made Lu Shan very puzzled.

After all, Mu Wanliu knew part of his combat power, so in this case, he still looked like this.

Lu Shan couldn't help but asked aloud:

"What's wrong?"

Hearing the sound, Wang Qingrong explained:

"This monster is a humanoid monster named 'Shan Tan'."

"Live in groups, with extraordinary combat power and not weak cultivation base."

"Especially good at fighting with poison and flesh."

"The defense is also extraordinary. Except for water and fire spells, the other resistances are very high."

"It can be said that as long as you are targeted by them, even in the Spirit Aperture Realm, you can easily be poisoned."

"The most important thing..."

"The most important thing..."

Having said this, even after saying it twice, Wang Qingrong couldn't get her follow-up words out of her mouth.

And under Lu Shan's observation.

This girl even blushed a little indescribably.

See this scenario.

Mu Wanliu followed behind and continued aloud:
"The most important thing is that the monsters of this race are especially vengeful."

"And their bloodlines still have the character of worshiping the strong."

"Two strange properties fused together."

"It becomes the weird nature of the 'Shan Tan' race."

"Either hide far away, or find a way to get rid of them with speed."

"As long as you shoot and kill any of them."

"The whole group will be after you."

"Unless you can kill all of them, they will use any means to... pass on to you..."

When it comes to the last four words.

The blush on Mu Wanliu's face flashed across.

Combining with its shape, Lu Shan actually had an urge to not mind even if the one she took out was bigger than himself.

Boo Boo Boo!

Lu Shan immediately shook off this terrible idea.

At this time.

The gray-feathered giant eagle under Wang Qingrong's seat suddenly trembled inexplicably.

Then it kept flapping its wings and flew backwards.

While flying, it made a low 'woo-woo' sound.

No matter how Wang Qingrong tried to appease her, it was useless.

Lu Shan was wondering.

A voice reached his ears.

His doubts were immediately resolved.




Lu Shan didn't turn his head back and threw a 'Xianyan' down.


When Fu Dou's figure was chasing after 'Xian Yan'.

The restless state of the gray-feathered giant eagle suddenly and slowly disappeared.

It was replaced by an inexplicable grievance, screaming '呖呖', and rubbing the eagle's head on Wang Qingrong's body repeatedly.

The whole thing is asking for comfort and a hug.

Lu Shan couldn't help but said something while watching.

"Bah! Hawk bitch!"

in the later time.

There is one more man and one eagle in Lu Shan's team.


Facing Huo Dou who has been hanging behind.

The gray-feathered giant eagle's reaction was very strong.

No matter what, I don't want to fall from the height.

Even if it was Wang Qingrong's call, there was no way for the gray-feathered giant eagle to fall within ten feet.

Unless Wang Qingrong jumps out of this range...

Faced with such resistance from his own partner.

Wang Qingrong didn't make things difficult for the gray-feathered giant eagle, and let it soar in the sky at a height of hundreds of feet.

Because, she recognized the breed of the black dog behind at a glance.

The ancient "Xuan" beast, known as the disaster of drought.

There must be a severe drought.

Wherever it is, no water will grow.

Of course, these words must be exaggerated.

But as long as Fudou is willing, with his astral cultivation base, it is not a big problem if he wants to evaporate some of the water in the big rivers.

So Wang Qingrong was very curious.

Why is such a fierce beast willing to silently follow behind a chicken.

At the beginning.

Wang Qingrong thought that this troubled fight was a trump card released by Meishanzong to protect Mu Wanliu.

But slowly she found something different.

Fu Dou only recognizes roosters.

As for Mu Wanliu, Fudou didn't even glance over.

to this end.

Wang Qingrong became more interested in chicken cubs.


"I want to hug you..."

Look at the two big truths that fly towards you.

Lu Shan took two deep breaths before controlling the urge to reason with Wang Qingrong.

The figure jumped away, and said indignantly:

"What are you doing!"

"Speak up if you have anything to say!"

"Don't keep trying to force me with reason!"


Wang Qingrong raised her brows, and her eyes pointed to the black dog behind who seemed to be shopping.

"Tell me?"

"Talk about it!" Lu Shan guessed that this scumbag girl became interested in disasters, and said bluntly:
"If I say it is attracted by my handsome appearance!"

"Do you believe it or not?!"


When Wang Qingrong heard Lu Shan's obviously fooling words.

The whole temperament changed immediately.

It became soft and waxy, with pleading eyes.

"Please...tell me..."


Seeing Wang Qingrong in such a state, Lu Shan's whole body became energetic.

But compared to the standing up of the little brother...

I can't just reveal my 'Xian Yan' secret like this.

After all, this girl is not her own.

And even if you are one of your own people, there will be a day when you slip of the tongue.

To know.

Innate supernatural powers are the bottom-of-the-box killer.

What others experience, and what you voluntarily say are two completely different concepts.

From ancient times to the present.

How many great monks, great demon saints, have fallen because of their innate supernatural powers being understood.

So, for the end of life.

It is impossible for Lu Shan to disclose any information about his innate supernatural powers.

But Wang Qingrong saw that acting like a baby was useless.

Immediately prepare to switch to another posture.

Right here.

Not far away, there was a large fluctuation of spiritual power.


Wang Qingrong noticed that the chicken in front of her immediately changed her direction.

Instead, he galloped towards the position where the energy fluctuated.


Doesn't my wife look better than lively?

Although Wang Qingsong didn't understand why Jizai was so excited, she still chased after her after she cursed in a low voice.

Just rushed over.

Haven't come out of the pine forest yet.

Wang Qingsong saw a snowball almost the size of a man galloping from a distance.

Finally, it brushed against the top of her head and flew backwards.

After a few breaths.

A loud "bang" sound.

Wang Qingrong turned her head subconsciously.

As a result, she saw a large pit with a diameter of tens of feet, which suddenly appeared in her sight.

So powerful, so destructive.

The '狌狌' who threw this snowball has at least a mid-level Infant Transformation Realm.

Even higher order is possible.

Under such pressure.

Wang Qingrong couldn't help but retreated.

But she was about to say something to Chick.

Look back.

The figure of Chick had disappeared from her sight.

Can see.

There was only Mu Wanliu's back, and that Fu Dou who was left behind, his whole body was pitch black, and his four claws were on fire.

Feeling the almost abyss-like pressure in Fu Dou's body.

Wang Qingrong was so beaten that she didn't even dare to move.

She waited until Fu Dou's figure passed her by, and walked straight out of Songbailin.

Only then did Wang Qingrong regain control of her body.

And when she walked out of the pine forest.

The scene in front of her really frightened her.

Spells all over the sky, bright sword lights, wave scale charms...

Hundreds of lights.

Hundreds of attacks.

Plus there are not a few snowballs.

All kinds of monsters attack.

At this moment.

All concentrated on a big rooster standing on the corpses of more than a dozen monks.

Hold your head high.

Standing on top of the crown.

Defy all.

Wang Qingrong saw the rooster's current posture, and was stunned, as if seeing a peerless power.

Standing there, cold but with contempt for everything.

Domineering and invincible.


Seeing that those attacks were about to fall on that rooster.

A wave of scarlet air suddenly gushed out from under the rooster.

In an instant.

The air wave turned into a scarlet barrier, suspended above the rooster's head.

next second.

So many attacks hit that barrier.

Followed by.

A miraculous scene appeared.

I saw that the scarlet barrier immediately undulated like waves after being attacked.

after that.

Whether it is sword light, surgery light, rune light and other energy attacks.

It was still attacks like monster claws, bites, and snowballs thrown by you.

All of them changed their falling postures following the ups and downs of the barrier.

In an instant.

Hundreds of lights.

Dozens of snowballs.

Dozens of small monsters.

All thrown by the undulating power of the barrier.

Reverse the original route and smash towards the crowd who made these attacks.

'Spell Reflection'...

These four words flashed through the hearts of all the people in this picture.

But this technique sounds powerful.

In fact, there is one biggest shortcoming.

Reflexes are slow.

Compared with the speed of the attack, the speed of rebounding may not be half of the original.

and so.

When so many monks saw their attacks being bounced back.

There is not much sense of crisis one by one.

There are even quite a few monks who, after being misplaced, cast spells again, preparing to make a time difference.

But just when the rebound spell was about to hit back.


A clear and loud "ding" word.

appear in the ears of all.

next moment.

All the monks were shocked to find that they couldn't move their bodies.

Totally non-stop.

Even if the aura is activated, the effect is not great.

At most, there was an extreme tremor all over his body, as if there was some kind of confrontation between two energies.

Wang Qingrong is also like this at the moment.

A strange energy took control of her body.

In addition to the eyes, some small movements such as the mouth can move in a small range with the help of aura.


Totally out of control.

And just when Wang Qingrong was trying to break free.

not far away.

Most of the rebounded spells have fallen on the monks who cast the spells.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Wait for a series of explosions, cutting, burning, and collisions to happen.

Only then did Wang Qingrong's body resume its movements.

And when she raised her head again and cast her gaze into the distance.

Not far from the ruined walls and ruins, gunpowder smoke filled the scene with blood dripping down.

It really shocked her for a long time.

That was a gathering group of hundreds of monks, monsters, and aborigines.

Many of them are the cultivation bases of the Infant Transformation Realm.

But that's the group.

When facing a fowl.

It was defeated so easily? !
When did the chicken's strength become so terrifying? !

In an uproar.

Wang Qingrong seemed to see dozens of lights and shadows with different shapes and postures.

Behind the rooster, faintly emerged.

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