Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 317 Chicken bully, that can't be eaten...

See so many eyes.

Do not know why.

Lu Shan resisted instinctively.

Then the next second.

Several sharp sensations came from nowhere, passing by his body.

In a hurry.

Lu Shan immediately drives the 'transition'...

when he opened his eyes again.

She has already returned to Mu Wanliu's side.

And at this time above the sky.

Flesh and blood flew.

Those monks and monsters who had no choice but to escape were all under the attack of those invisible wind knives.

The body is in pieces.

Even if it is a scale monster with strong resistance.

In the face of this strange wind knife attack, there is no way to make effective resistance.

One by one, dragging their stumps and broken arms, they fled around the sky.

After a while.

There were two monks in the sky, who couldn't bear the physical torture.

After destroying the body, Nascent Soul galloped away towards the distance.

Immediately there were two monks holding heavy weapons, chasing after the two Nascent Souls flying away.

This scene immediately stopped many people who still wanted to rush up to pick the 'Hao Liu' fruit.

It seems.

Many people's goals are not just the fruit on the 'Hao Liu'.

Faced with the suddenly strange situation around.

Lu Shan didn't move at all.

Compared to those Nascent Souls who fled.

His bigger goal is still on the fruit of 'Hao Liu'.

Although the appearance of the fruit is very eerie.

But if the effect is really as Mu Wanliu said.

It's never impossible to fight.

So ever.

Lu Shan dropped a chicken feather again.

Simultaneously speak:
"I will try again."

"Be careful around yourself."


The figure flashed.

next second.

When Lu Shan's body reappeared in everyone's sight, it was already in mid-air.

Faced with this situation, the monster who went up to pick the fruit.

Many people and demons have an unattractive attitude.

Many of them have even begun to change direction, making the gesture of capturing the baby at any time.

At this time.

On the other side of the ridge.

Brothers and sisters of Yuan Baozong who just escaped under the note of 'Hao Liu'.

At this moment, one person is on duty and one person is recovering.

I saw the woman in the yellow and white clothes chattering endlessly:


"The ability of this 'Hao Liu' is really abnormal."

"Thanks to our wind boots."

"Otherwise it was really dangerous just now."

Speaking of which.

Her voice suddenly paused.

Some tongue-in-cheek continued:


"You say a willow tree spirit, why is it so capable?"

"Obviously the root of the tree is more than 50 layers, but this branch can appear in any layer at will..."

"If only I had the ability to do it."

"In the entire Spirit Grinding Pagoda, don't you just go to whichever floor you want?"

Speaking of which.

The woman in yellow and white with a broken mouth began to lament the horror of that 'Hao Liu' again.


When she discovered that someone was attacking that 'Hao Liu' again.

Can't help sighing:

"In the face of such a powerful 'Hao Liu', there are still people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for money."

"Such spirit, I really admire Fei Miao."

But just after she discovered that the figure in the sky was a chicken-like rooster.

There was a sudden surprise.


"I didn't expect a beast to have such a belief?"



Fei Miao's complexion collapsed, and she resentfully said:


"I lost."

"In the belief of pursuing treasures, I actually lost to a chicken..."

At this moment, Feiyao opened her eyes from recovery.

Eyes cast to the sky.

As a result, I saw a smaller rooster with a terrific attitude.

Rush to the position of the branch of that 'Hao Liu'.

this chicken...

Do not know why.

Feiyao always felt that this chicken looked familiar.

It seems to have seen it somewhere.

At this time.

Fei Miao on the side suddenly said:

"Senior Sister! I remembered!"

"Isn't that chicken the pet of your Meishan sect friend?"

As soon as the words came out.

Fei Yao also remembered.

An hour ago, the rooster sitting beside Mu Wanliu.

At that time, she thought that the chicken was Mu Wanliu's pet.

There is still a little doubt in my heart.

How could a dignified peak master of the Meishan Sect raise a poultry?

But now.

Watching the chicken dance on the branches of 'Hao Liu' with a weird pace.

Feiyao seemed to understand something.

So this chicken is the demon companion brought in by Mu Wanliu?

Sure enough, it is very powerful.

this will.

The other monks and monsters also stared at the rooster in the sky.


They also wait and see with a spectator mentality.

But wait until they find out.

That rooster actually had extraordinary strength.

Everyone was astonished.

Some monks even asked their companions in private.

"Have you ever seen such a powerful chicken?"

"Can the blood of chickens be developed to this extent?"

After a few questions.

One by one, whether it is the Eastern Territory, the Southern Territory, the Northern Territory or the Central Territory.

Anyway, there are monks from the Western Regions.

He began to think about everything else, and when he returned to the mountain, throw all the chickens raised in the dining room in the mountain to the spirit animal garden to have a look.

Not much.

Even if one is cultivated, it is comparable to the half-strength chicken in the sky.

They are all earned.

Therefore, Lu Shan didn't think of it either.

Because of my own temporary attempt.

Let many compatriots avoid the disaster of tongue.

At this moment, Lu Shan is paying attention to the prompt information on his corns wholeheartedly.

When he saw something strange in the prompt.

Quick response.


Two or three wind knives that were hard to distinguish with the naked eye just stuck to his body and passed by him.


As long as there is a strange prompt on the panel, Lu Shan will use his dexterous body to dodge in response.

All the way.

With the help of corns, Lu Shan landed on the cane of 'Hao Liu' again.


It clings to the rattan, clasps the surface of the rattan with its claws, and then spreads its wings to stabilize its body.

Slowly came to the fruit full of eyes.

Look at the fruit full of eyeballs.

Lu Shan frowned.

Raising the claw is a scarlet light blade.

The light blade comes off its claws.

At an extremely fast speed, it flew towards the fruit.

Seeing that the light blade is about to cut the fruit.

As a result, the branches next to it suddenly began to twist again.

Crazy cut out dozens of small wind knives.

It collided with the scarlet light blade and made a low explosion sound.

"Boom" sound.

The scarlet light blade was blocked.


Unexpectedly, several scarlet light blades were chopped out in a short period of time.

As a result, they were blocked outside without exception.

Just when Lu Shan was in trouble.

Several wind knives.Flying from behind him.

Because of the silence of the wind knife.

He didn't feel it until he flew behind Lu Shan.

'Shape shifting'!
next moment.

Lu Shan returned to Mu Wanliu's side.

Frowning, he looked at the huge vine in the sky in the distance, and fell into deep thought.

Why can't I touch it.

How can I get the fruit down.

Just when Lu Shan was thinking.

A few more monks and monsters left.

Some of them rely on magic weapons, and some rely on innate magical powers.

But without exception.

When everyone falls on the surface of that 'Hao Liu'.

They were all attacked by those silent wind knives.

After watching the wind knife cut off the tail of the last long-tailed fox in half.


Lu Shan thought of Fudou.

I thought of the picture of how the black dog got several fruits from this 'Hao Liu' just now.


What did he think of.

Throwing out a chicken feather, he was ready to start again.

At this time.

Mu Wanliu dissuaded:

"Chicken bully...or we'll forget it."

"The fruit of this 'Hao Liu' is good, but there are very few people who can get the fruit from this 'Hao Liu'."

"Or we'll just wait.

"As long as the branches of 'Hao Liu' are harvested, it may drop a few fruits."

"At that time, we will not be in a hurry to make another move."


Lu Shan shook his head.

Drop a sentence.

"try again."

Then set off again and fly to the sky.

Within a few miles around here, there are at least hundreds of monks and monsters.

And the number is still increasing.

Each of them is at least the cultivation base of the infant transformation environment.

Although Lu Shan is confident that he can grab the fruit among so many monks and monsters.

But wouldn't it be better if we could get it in advance?
And when Lu Shan appeared in the sight of others again.

Still the same, no one or monsters are optimistic about him.

They all got ready to watch the excitement.

Although I don't understand how the cock escaped last time.

But does it matter?

So ever.

Lu Shan was once again under the attention of so many monks and monsters.

Fly to 'Hao Liu'.


Just when everyone thought that the rooster would rely on its body skills to land on the surface of 'Hao Liu' like last time.

This rooster was before it entered the attack range of the 'Hao Liu' rattan.

A large amount of bright yellow flames suddenly rose from his body.


Dragging a long tail flame.

The rooster plunged into the attack range of 'Hao Liu'.

this will.

That 'Hao Liu' threw out a long and narrow wind knife with a touch of luster.

Killed the rooster in the past.

Look at this wind knife, which is twice as big as before.

Everyone and the demon seem to have seen the end of that cock.

Or find a way to get rid of it.

Or you can only use your body to resist.


Just when everyone was waiting for that cock to die suddenly.


A faint word "wind" reached some people's ears.

next second.

in their sight.

Suddenly, he found that there was a whirlwind around the rooster.

And under the blessing of flames.

Those whirlwinds swelled to an exaggerated size in a few breaths.

Like a whirlwind of flames wrapped in bright yellow flames, it appeared in the eyes of everyone and demons.


Is it...

Some quick-witted people immediately understood that the chicken demon wanted to copy the technique of the previous black shadow.

But how big is the flame tornado of the black shadow.

How big is the whirlwind created by this chicken demon.

In comparison, he is simply a father and a son.

Not on a level at all.


Just when everyone was watching the cock jokes.

Three consecutive "big! big! big!"


The whirlwind actually expanded to the level of a hurricane at a terrifying speed.

Compared with Sombra's tornado before, it was worse than it was.

Even look closely.

The power and size are a bit bigger than the flame tornado.

Followed by.

Just in the astonishment of everyone.

Such a 'hurricane of flames' came into contact with that wind knife.


Everyone saw the wind knife that should have been transparent on the edge of the flame hurricane.

The shape was set off by the flame hurricane, and it was blowing towards the eye of the wind.

But in the eyes of everyone.

The wind knife actually followed the wind of the hurricane, bypassed the eye of the hurricane, and swiped past.

Wind against wind?

There is such a routine?

Everyone was shocked.

He watched helplessly as the rooster drove an almost exaggerated hurricane, swallowing the body of 'Hao Liu'.

a while.

Wait for the hurricane to dissipate slowly.

A kind of people, monsters, all put their attention on the branches of 'Hao Liu'.

It doesn't look good.

When I saw it, I was stunned.

I saw that the branches of 'Hao Liu' were still swaying.

Also the 47 fruits that should have been hanging on it.

At this moment.

Only a dozen or so fruits that are leaning against the roots above are still there.

Nearly half of the fruits were gone.

This time.

The monks and monsters around couldn't sit still.

Many monks couldn't believe their eyes, soared into the air one after another, and flew towards Hao Liu.

As a result, these people became more and more frightened.

When they came to the edge of the attack range of 'Hao Liu'.

The holes made them have to accept the fact that the fruit had disappeared.

But when they look for that rooster figure.

But unexpectedly found that the rooster also disappeared.

Not even a trace of the beautiful woman who came with the rooster.

This is just great.

Countless monks and monsters were furious.

I want to find this figure of a man and a chicken.

After searching for a long time, I found nothing.

Now that 'Hao Liu' has reached the time of harvesting.

Those monks and monsters had to choose to focus on the trembling 'Hao Liu'.

It is in a valley less than twenty miles away from here.

A pothole was suddenly excavated from the mountain.


From it crawled out a chicken and a beautiful woman.

It was Lu Shan and Mu Wanliu.

As for why they dig holes out of the ground.

The main reason is still inspired by Fudou.

When Lu Shan discovered that his flame storm had successfully scraped off thirty pieces of the 'Hao Liu' fruit.

He is well aware of Huai Bi's sinful ideas.

Brain move.

After collecting all the fruits into the boundary bag, the skill of 'shifting and repositioning' was activated.

Switched the figure to Mu Wanliu's side.

Then utilize the tearing and penetrating abilities of the 'Golden Talon'.

Lu Shan dug out a pothole in an instant, and pulled Mu Wanliu in together.

Just buried himself casually.

He even released a 'Land Lock Formation' by the side of the pit to cover his spiritual power.

After finishing, he dragged Mu Wanliu all the way underground...

It is estimated that the time is almost up.

It was dug out from the ground.

When Mu Wanliu finished arranging her dress, before she had time to speak.

Lu Shan casually took out a piece of fruit the size of a millstone and placed it in front of Mu Wanliu.

"It's for you... eat it..."


Lu Shan also took out a fruit, put it under his feet, lowered his head, and quickly picked it up.

But right now.

But Mu Wanliu suddenly said:

"Chicken bully..."

"This fruit is not for eating..."

Ah? ? ?
Lu Shan raised his head in bewilderment.

Mouth full of slimy stuff...

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