Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 320 Caught a White Chicken

Chapter 320 Catching a White Chicken (Please Subscribe!!!)
Be careful?

Be careful of what?
Lu Shan raised his head suspiciously.

But at this time.

A cool swishing sensation appeared on his paw.

Lu Shan looked down in astonishment.

I saw that the hand that he had cut off a finger of, suddenly clasped on his paw at some point.

fuck! !

Fraud? !

Lu Shan was startled.

Subconsciously turned and ran.

But when he wiped his body and pulled it up a little bit.

Suddenly remembered.

What the hell is he now a chicken of cultivating immortals.

It's just a limp corpse.

What are you afraid of?


He lowered his head and prepared to give the corpse a shot.

But this will.

through physical contact.

Lu Shan found out by accident.

There was still some movement of spiritual power in this corpse.

Is it...

Lu Shan, who was stimulated by the cold, didn't think too much, and immediately asked Maoji to pull him up.

As for the hand clasped in the paw.

Think of it as a fee to save lives.

and so.

After the whole body completely escaped from the river.

Lu Shan, who was already so cold that he was fighting with his mouth up and down, hurriedly stimulated the blood aura in his body.


The cold air attached to his chicken feathers was swept to the end in an instant.

completely disappeared.


Waiting for Lu Shan to be pulled back to the boat.

He casually placed the body soaked in river water in front of the bow.

Considering that the river is still flowing on the corpse.

Lu Shan asked Mu Wanliu to lean back.


Lift the wings.

Several bright yellow flames popped up and flew onto the corpse.

"Call" sound.

The flames burn at the touch of a corpse.

All of a sudden, several feet high flames rose.

Almost burned the strings of the treasure ship.

At this time.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

When the bright yellow flame burst out in front of him.

Whether it was the cold air or the vague mist around, they were completely dispelled.

Lu Shan turned his head and looked around.

Less fog blocking.

His visibility was several notches higher.



Only within a unit of tens of feet.

Lu Shan saw at least three corpses.

Two people and one beast, and there is also a woman with disheveled hair.

Don't say it.

The shape of this woman dying in the river is extraordinary in terms of visual impact alone.

Especially this woman is wearing a dark purple robe...


Can't you change it to another color?
Just when Lu Shan's childhood shadow was about to be drawn out.


In the flames, there was a faint smell of meat...

This scent comes.

Lu Shan seemed to have remembered something, and quickly put away 'Ye Yan'.


Look down.

The man's body was lying flat in front of him, all the clothes on his body had been burnt.

Even the top of the head, the chin, and some hairs have been burned away.

all over.

Burnt up.

Seeing this appearance, Lu Shan frowned.

I was almost ready to throw this white chicken back into the river.

If it wasn't for the aura in the opponent's body getting stronger and stronger...

Forget it.

Take money to work.

Lu Shan randomly picked out a piece of clothing from his spoils and covered it up.

Then sit by and wait.

this will.

A piece of jade pendant that fell next to the man's body suddenly caught Lu Shan's attention.

He waved his wings.

The jade pendant immediately flew to the tip of Lu Shan's wings.

A moment of clues.

Touch again.

Creamy and tender.

Well, it's a good piece of jade...


Mu Wanliu's voice came from behind.

"This is the camel bell fat jade, which is the jade of the Ming royal family in the Central Territory..."

Zhongming royal family?

Lu Shan pointed at the white chicken with some surprise.

"Is he royal?"

I heard Lu Shan's surprise.

Mu Wanliu nodded and said:
"Camel bell fat jade is a specialty of Zhongming Mountain. The birth of each piece represents the birth of a royal family."

"And in the same way, every royal family is born, there will be a camel bell fat jade on Zhongming Mountain..."


What about binding equipment?

Lu Shan immediately became interested in this piece of jade.

Tentatively probe inside with blood aura.

Results in the next second.

A burst of domineering energy drove out Lu Shan's inspiration.


Spilling energy while spinning in mid-air levitation.

After a breath.

It turned into several inexplicable symbols and hovered over the jade.


What do you mean?
The illiterate stared blankly at the symbols.

Fortunately, Mu Wanliu behind him also saw those words.

Suddenly he murmured:
"Zhongming... Shuo... Three..."

After a moment of silence, Mu Wanliu let out an exclamation.

"Jiang Shuo?!"

"The third heir of the Zhongming royal family?!"


Lu Shan was also a little taken aback.

Originally, I just wanted to catch some treasures.

How did you manage to catch the top three heirs of the royal family?
Is this the fun of fishing?
is amazed.

The spiritual energy condensed in the words suddenly shattered, turning into a wisp of faint spiritual energy.

Circling, rushing into the body of the white chicken...

Just a few breaths.

A violent cough appeared from that Bai Zhan...uh, that man named Jiang Shuo.


The cough is getting worse.

Finally got up, bent over and coughed fiercely.

"Cough cough cough cough vomit!!"

That last hit.

In an instant, a large pool of cold liquid was vomited out.

Flowing on the bow of the treasure ship.

Looking at the liquid, there are still a few nematodes that keep twisting their bodies.

Lu Shan couldn't help but swallowed.

Relying on excellent psychological quality.

I finally suppressed my instincts.

At this time.

The man had already propped up half of his body, was wiping his mouth, and was taking heavy, deep breaths.


After his breathing gradually stabilized.

The man just opened his eyes.

"My humble Jiang Shuo, a member of the Zhongming clan."

"Thank you both for saving your life!"

Saying that, he cupped his hands at Lu Shan and Mu Wanliu.

It's just a big move.

The clothes she was wearing fell off naturally.

The whole picture of Bai Zhanji was exposed.

When you say it is urgent, then it is fast.

When Bai Zhanji was about to appear.

Lu Shan threw out a chicken in an instant, blocking Mu Wanliu's vision.

At the same time he said:

"Not suitable for children!"

"See no evil!"

Although understand the purpose of doing so.

But Mu Wanliu, whose sight was blocked, still shook her head amusedly.

this will.

Jiang Shuo also realized something.

He lowered his head and looked at his body.

Then he lifted up the clothes again and put them on his body.

After putting it on, Jiang Shuo got up, clasped his hands to the person in front of him and asked:
"I don't know the origin of the two benefactors."

"Be considerate of me, and I must thank you two for your life-saving grace!"

Hear this man's assurance.

Think about his background.

Lu Shan suddenly became very happy, and said directly:

"Thank you?"

"I will do my best to satisfy the wishes of both of you."

Hear such assurances.

Lu Shan was immediately overwhelmed with surprise, stretched out his wings, and pulled the tips of the wings.

"Cough cough..."

"In this case, I won't embarrass you too much."

"Just [-] top-grade spirit stones, hundreds of 'Wu Lian', and one hundred and eighty deniers for treasures like 'Zhuzhu' are almost enough..."

Finished speaking.

The scene fell into an inexplicable silence.

Even Lu Shan's chicken seemed to have forgotten to flap its wings at this moment, and it hit the ground with a "plop", turning into a emerald red chicken tail feather.

Seeing so.

Looking at Jiang Shuo with a stiff face.

Lu Shan showed a surprised expression, and asked aloud:


"Do you think it's too little?"

"How about I add some...?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Jiang Shuo's face instantly turned from a stiff white to a strange flush.

Excitedly said:
"Don't! Don't! Don't!"

"A lot! A lot!"

"Oh..." Lu Shan smacked his lips when he saw that Jiang Shuo was quite excited.

"That's fine..."

"Then after everything is over, you can just give me the things..."

"Something? I..." Jiang Shuo's mouth seemed to be knotted, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

this will.

Mu Wanliu suddenly made a sound and gave Jiang Shuo a step down.

"Don't take it seriously..."

"We save people just at will, you don't need to pay too much attention to it."


Jiang Shuo immediately bowed his hands politely to Mu Wanliu.

"It's just what you want to do with you, but it's what you do to me."

After speaking, he bowed to Lu Shan again.

"Brother Jibayao, although what you just mentioned is serious, it is incomparable compared to my original destiny."

"Therefore, brother's request, I will do my best."

This said.

Lu Shan felt a little sorry.

Originally, he was the lion who opened his mouth just now.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually accepted everything.


More points?
For example, there will be another hundred Meijiaoniangs?


If it weren't for Da Mumu, Gao Low would have to attach this condition to it.

that's it.

On a small treasure ship, there was such a royal youngest.

He sits on the prow of the boat and meditates for self-cultivation.

Lu Shan and Mu Wanliu were at the helm and punted at the stern of the boat.

As for why that finger puller and Jiang Shuo almost died in this Wangchuan River.

Lu Shan didn't mention it, and neither did Jiang Shuo.


Half an hour later, when Lu Shan was able to use his inspiration to explore the contents of the finger without hindrance.

Lu Shan immediately understood what was happening, and had no choice but to show his thumbs up to the white chicken.

light and spacious!


In the next journey.

Lu Shan went down and caught several corpses along the way.

But without exception.

All dead can't die anymore.

Even the Naxu items he was carrying were too frozen to be opened.

This made Lu Shan annoyed for a while.

Throw those corpses into the river casually.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

There were several consecutive sounds of heavy objects falling into the water.

Jiang Shuo, who was so startled at the bow of the ship, also subconsciously opened his eyes.

When he saw that the rooster was able to drive away the cold air that touched his body.

A certain light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

But only after a breath.

He closed his eyes again, and continued to replenish the spiritual energy for his deficient spiritual baby.

After a night.

Sitting on the string top of the treasure ship, Lu Shan looked out.

Suddenly, in the mist not far away, he still saw a winding shadow.


He stared at it for a long time.

When he saw clearly what the meandering was, he immediately said to the bottom:
"Big Wood, there are two engraved lands on the right!"


Mu Wanliu immediately turned the rudder to the right, followed Lu Shan's direction, and leaned towards the direction two quarters to the right.


Not for a while.

The shadow of the mountain not far away appeared in everyone's sight.

But at this time.

Mount Lu on high.

Suddenly, on the distant shore, many tall shadows were seen.

Take a closer look.

Good guy.

Hundreds of '狌狌' were gathering at the bank of the Wangchuan River, surrounded by a bonfire, not knowing what they were doing.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan immediately conveyed the words to stop the boat to Mu Wanliu.


The treasure ship just stopped less than a hundred feet away from the river bank.

At this time.

Sitting on the bow of the boat, Jiang Shuo opened his eyes at some point, stood up straight, and looked straight at the shore.

"They're having a camp dinner..."

"That is, after every major battle is won, the body of the loser will be dragged back, cooked in a bonfire, and swallowed up..."

Jiang Shuo's voice was calm.

But when this word reached Lu Shan's ears, the latter seemed to have seen a feast of gluttony.

Can't help frowning.

this will.

Mu Wanliu's voice suddenly came over.

"Let's log in somewhere else."

But the voice just fell.

A dozen or so huge snowballs suddenly flew towards the treasure ship from the shore.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan couldn't help cursing in a low voice.


Can this be found?

After cursing, he turned around and prepared to fight.

But this time.

The treasure ship retreated at a very fast speed.

Not for a while.

He retreated a distance of tens of feet.

When the dozen or so snowballs passed through the fog and fell down.

Only the calm river surface was hit.

after that.

Under the control of Mu Wanliu.

The treasure ship advanced several hundred feet.

Then slowly docked.

At this time, the shadow of '狌狌' has disappeared from the shore.

But wait until their boat reaches the shore.

Bloodstains all over the ground, broken instruments, all over the entire river bank.


Just fought?

Lu Shan was the first to leap out of the treasure ship.

After landing, he lowered his head and picked up a broken sword on the ground.

Weigh it on the wings.

It's pretty heavy.

Seems to be quite enough.


Lu Shan pinched the broken sword in his wings, used it as a rolling stick, and picked it up on the ground to see if any good things had been missed.


Lu Shan felt a strange breath in a small pit burning with faint flames.

Walk quickly.

The broken sword kicked the fire away.

Available in the next second.

A spiritual light suddenly appeared from under the fire.

Then at an extremely weird speed, it crashed into Lu Shan's chicken mouth.

With a strange warm current entered from his mouth.

Then rolled down the throat and into the stomach.

next second.

A system prompt appeared.

[System Prompt]: Discover consciousness intrusion, do you agree to change the host?

Who can't think so hard.

Door-to-door delivery experience?
Reject immediately.

next moment.

[System prompt]: The host refuses to replace, and the strangulation mode will be automatically activated.


'Start strangling! '

With a burst of tragic tweets in the past.

A new reminder came out.

[System prompt]: Kill a middle-level 'Baitu Tit' in Yuandan Realm, and gain 12000 hours of time to advance to the Spirit Aperture Realm (intermediate level).


Hundred tits?

Why is this name so familiar?

Followed by.

Mu Wanliu's voice came from behind Lu Shan.

"Jiba, why is Lord Huangshan's 'No Fear of the Sword' in your hands?"

Master Huangshan?
Not afraid of the sword?
A very familiar figure immediately appeared in Lu Shan's mind.

But the next moment.

A question followed.

Why did Huang Darong's sword break here?

and also…

Why did the Baitu tit die here...?
Is it...

(End of this chapter)

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