Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 327 An 8-year-old minor?

The fire is everywhere.

Miasma filled the air.

When Lu Shan knew the cultivation level and type of the fire bear.

I thought about it.

After all, he took a few steps back.

Leave space for Fudou.

Although he really wanted to practice on this fire bear.

See how far your combat power has reached.

It can be considered that the fire bear came out because of the cry of Fu Dou.

If I rush ahead to make a shot...

At this time.

Huo Dou raised his head and screamed.



The fire bear on the ground immediately raised its palms and slapped itself on the chest fiercely a few times.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

From the momentum point of view.

It even faintly overwhelmed Fu Dou's aura.

Good guy.

Look fierce.

But just when he thought that Fu Dou would come up to educate this brat who knows nothing about the sky and the earth.


Fu Dou turned around directly, and said to Lu Shan:
"Let's go..."

Lu Shan was dumbfounded.

It was obvious that the two sides were shouting at each other with a lot of momentum.

My emotions have been mobilized.

Are you going to leave now?
What do you mean?
Are you kidding me?

I don't know if I saw Lu Shan's lack of surprise.

Futo said in a deep voice:
"Let's go..."

"It's...only...eight...hundred...years old,"

[-]-year-old minor?

So what is my eight months?
The newly formed fertilized soft?
Considering that he is not the opponent of this black dog, Lu Shan finally did not say this.

Instead, he changed his method and asked aloud:


"You call it out of the ground..."

"Just to take a look?"

It is clear.

Fu Dou was surprised by Lu Shan's question.


"It's called... the house. It was the bottom"

Lu Shan looked at Fu Dou with a dazed expression, then turned his head and set his eyes on the fire bear standing on the ridge in the distance.

If I remember correctly.

Just now, the two obviously yelled at each other.


Is the communication over?

Is this roaring 256g hard drive?

Lu Shan was full of shame, but he didn't dare to show it.

In case Fu Dou thinks he is a different kind, he will be finished if he starts to study himself.

So he immediately laughed twice, following the question of Fu Dou, he asked aloud:

"I heard, I just don't understand..."

"What does it mean to guard here...?"

Hear this.

Futo turned the dog's head back, and looked up at the sky covered by miasma.

"Grinding spirit..."

"Responsible for... guarding the... channel between... the upper and lower floors..."

Every ten floors?

This is down to more than 20 layers.

I didn't see a useful shocking thing either.

Even guarding the passage in front is a bunch of man-made puppets...

Lu Shan immediately asked his own question.

As a result, Futo immediately received a negative word.

"This place...No.40"


What? !

No.40 four floors! ?

Lu Shan immediately denied it.

After all, he was still having a snowball fight on the 28th floor in the previous step.

This suddenly jumped to the 44th floor.

It's not so fast to take the elevator, okay?
Lu Shan followed and prepared to say something.

But then he thought of the place where mental retardation was everywhere...

Is it.

That place is the special channel connecting each floor?

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

Lu Shan decided immediately.

When you have a chance to leave this black dog, you must go and see it again.

Maybe he could touch the top floor that no one has ever entered.

At this time.

The sound of fighting is still going on.

"44... Guarding... Move and..."

"Hi fire... Lethargy..."


Hearing that Fudou knew a lot about this race named 'Yiji'.

It is time to continue describing this race.

Lu Shan immediately seized a gap and asked:
"Master Hei!"

"Do you know who the guardian of the spirit-eating layer is?"

Doubt about it.

Fu Dou just exhaled lightly, and continued to fly forward without saying a word.

It seems...

It doesn't know what is guarding behind it.

after that.

Lu Shan turned his head and took a deep look at the huge fire bear.

Then he chased in the direction of Fudou.

at the same time.

No.20 eight floors.

On the ruins of the large '狌狌' tribe by the Wangchuan River.

Three figures were ushered in.

It was the Master of the Heavenly Book who bloodbathed the 'Hao Liu' area, and his two lovely wives.

I saw the three of them get off a treasure ship.

Looking at the area in front of him where the liver marrow is flowing and corpses are strewn all over the place.

One of the beautiful girls gently fanned the folding fan in her hand, frowned and said:

"The smell of the chicken demon, why did it disappear here...?"

Xiao He, the Master of the Heavenly Book who heard this.

The expression on his face suddenly became ugly, and he asked a little unwillingly:

"Is there really no smell at all?"


The folding fan girl closed her eyes.

With the fan in his hand, he waved it lightly against the air several times.

Then took a deep breath.


when she opened her eyes again.

Still shaking his head slowly.

The meaning it expressed made Xiao He's anger no longer bearable, and he waved his hand angrily.

next second.



A long and narrow gully suddenly appeared in the sight of the three of them.

Feel Xiao He's anger.

The pen on the side raised his hand and showed his arm, and put it lightly on Xiao He's shoulder.

"Husband, don't be angry..."

"It's easy to get angry when you get angry..."

"After all, no one would have thought of it."

"On a little chicken demon, there will be an 'astral body'..."

"Yes, my lord." The Folding Fan Jiao Niang also echoed.

"Do not be angry…"

"Dao, the two venerables, Lu and Lu, probably won't blame your husband for this matter."


"Yes, Husband, the two venerables just asked Husband to come down to pick up a few 'Hao Liu' fruits..."

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After the persuasion of the two beautiful girls who sang together.

Xiao He's complexion really looked better.


Embrace him affectionately.

The three hugged each other in the air.

At this time.

Mo'er with the most sensitive perception.

It seems to sense something.

A raised eyebrow.

He raised his hand, facing the pine forest beside him, and immediately popped out a white ball.

next second.

The beads instantly burst into tens of thousands of white round beads.

In the form of casting a net, it falls into the pine forest below.


A crippled '狌狌' was dragged into the air by those white balls.

Seeing so.

The figure of the pen beside him flashed.

Came to the only '狌狌' in front of.

Raise your hand.

Put it very gently on the top of that '狌狌' head.

With a faint white light flickering.

Pen closed his eyes.

It didn't take long.

when she opened her eyes again.

That '狌狌' was already covered in dead wood, and died tragically in mid-air.

after that.

The figure of the pen flickered back.

Returning to Xiao He's side, lowering his head, his peach lips moved slightly.


"The chicken demon didn't know what method it used, it pierced through the sky and disappeared."

As soon as this word comes out.

Mo'er first asked in astonishment.

"elder sister…"

"Pierce the sky? You read that right?"


Pen shook his head.

"I saw it with my own eyes in 'Soul Search'..."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao He couldn't help frowning.

Bi'er's other abilities are mediocre, but his superb "soul search" has made countless contributions to Xiao He.

It even saved his life twice.

So Xiao He trusted Bi'er's words very much.

But then.

Here comes the problem.

Is the sky in the Spirit Grinding Pagoda so easy to penetrate?
The three remained silent for a moment.


Mo'er suddenly said:
"Husband, instead of thinking about it, let's go back first..."

"Didn't it say that Venerable 'Law' has been active on the fourth floor of No.40 recently?"

Makes sense.

Instead of getting together with a few people with limited knowledge, it is better to consider going back and reporting the inquiry.


The three of them turned their heads and headed towards the upper floor.

At this time.

It is located on the No.40 sixth floor of the Devouring Layer.

Four spiritual aperture monks are laying down a magic circle for gathering spirits.

Relying on the spirit-gathering effect of the magic circle, a monster that became a spirit from a locust tree was surrounded in the middle.

This monster is unique to the Devouring layer.

On weekdays, it is hidden among many ordinary trees.

Only when nutrients need to be replenished will it reveal its body and start attacking any creatures with aura around it.

Although this kind of tree-grown monster has a congenital weakness in movement.

But this does not hinder their own exaggerated combat effectiveness at all.


Its most special point is that the recovery speed of blood aura is extremely fast.

Only their root system has been connected to the ground.

They will have a steady stream of blood aura to replenish.

to this end.

The four spiritual aperture monks had a whim.

First, he used the blood aura to dig a hole with a radius of tens of miles around.

Surrounded the 'locust tree demon' in the center.

Then, build a magic circle.

The 'locust tree demon' and the area that its roots can reach are all isolated from the ground.

At last.

Start attacking in batches.

Using the method of grinding, the locust tree demon was completely dragged to death in the magic circle.

After the 'locust tree demon' uttered an unwilling scream.

"Peng" sounded.

The body of the 'locust tree demon', together with its soul, exploded suddenly.

The most direct cause was that one of the four monks in the spirit aperture state was accidentally hit by the flowing explosion energy.

His body was shattered on the spot.

Fortunately, she let Shenpo leave in advance.

Otherwise, with that explosive energy.

There is only one option of extinction.

Wait until the smoke clears here.

The three monks joined together to come up.

One of the tall monks rummaged through the body of the 'locust tree demon' for a while using secret methods.


He took out an irregular sphere exuding a green luster from it.

fist size.

There is also a faint tree shadow in it, looming.

Seeing so.

The three people around are all happy.

"Since I got 'Huai Xin', Xie Shuang's physical damage is not too bad."

Hear this.

The short monk next to him nodded.

"That's right! Even if you sell 'Huai Xin', you can prepare Sister Shuang with a good body for her to take away."


The tall man did not participate in the conversation between the two.

Standing there with a cloudy face, I don't know what I'm thinking.

At this time.

The short monk noticed the strangeness of the tall monk, and couldn't help asking:
"Brother, what do you think?"

Another monk on the side also echoed:
"Yes! Brother Gao, what do you think?"


The tall man surnamed Gao was silent for a moment.

"I say…"

Halfway through.

Suddenly, two flashes of light appeared from the tall man's body, and directly passed the necks of the two monks.

next moment.

The heads of the two monks fell to the ground.

Followed by.

Two spirits flew out of the bodies of these two monks, and flew towards two opposite directions at high speed.

See here.

The man surnamed Gao immediately took out two talismans, protruding two mouthfuls of blood on them.

With the blood soaked.

The color of the spell suddenly appeared in a strange bright red.

But the face of the man surnamed Gao was inexplicably pale, as if he had lost a lot of blood all at once.


The man surnamed Gao cast two spells on the two gods respectively.

At the same time, he said fiercely:
"Don't blame me, brother!"

"If you want to blame it, blame it..."

Not finished yet.

A faint voice suddenly came from not far away.


"Brother Gao Ling is a good method."

"For the sake of the 'astral body', even the close relatives of the family can be slaughtered."

"If this news spreads to the shallow river beach in the southern region, Brother Gao Ling's master, Venerable Longtan, will know..."

"Tell me, will he praise your decisive decision?"

Hear this.

Gao Ling's expression darkened instantly.

Turn around slowly.

I saw a middle-aged man with a calm complexion, wearing Taoist robes, and a wine gourd hanging around his waist.

Carrying a simple giant sword on his shoulder, he stood on a rock not far away.

"I don't know who it is."

"It turned out to be Master Chaoyang, who is known as holding swords in clusters."

"You don't go to the upper floors to fight against the demon cultivators of the Endless Earth Demon City."

"What's the point of coming down to embarrass us, the Zongmen who are in the sect order?"

He heard the meaning of Gao Ling's words.

Master Chaoyang smiled faintly.

"Zongmen order?"

"Brother Gao Ling, are you sure you will hand over the 'astral body'?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Gao Ling's face suddenly became extremely ugly, with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice:
"Master Chaoyang, I have long heard that your Chaoyang sword has no front, and the Dunyang sword has been famous in the Northern Territory for a long time."

"I wonder if I can get a lesson today?"


Master Chaoyang suddenly laughed three times.

Then pinch with one hand.

Under the control of the mudra.

The giant sword under his feet instantly glowed with azure blue light.

suspended in front of him.

"bring it on!

a day later.

Master Chaoyang, holding a huge sword, stood on the top of the mountain with a tired face.

And in front of him.

On the other hand lay a monk with only half of his body.

It was the shallow river beach monk, Gao Ling.

At this moment, Gao Ling had only his last breath left, looking at Master Chaoyang with a pale face and a kind of resentful gaze.

"Even if I fall into hell, I won't let you go!

Get a big drink.


There was a violent surge of spiritual power in Gao Ling's remaining upper body.


Faced with this, Master Chaoyang remained unmoved.

Gently raised the huge sword in his hand, and swung it down at the half of the body.

"Zeng" sound.

The head and neck of the man on Gaoling are separated.

A lot of blood was sprayed out.

next second.

A bright light floated out of the body, and immediately flew away into the distance.

Seeing Gao Ling's soul leave.

Venerable Chaoyang did not choose to kill the grass.

Instead, he lowered his head and slashed at the ground with his giant sword.



With the appearance of a ground breaking sound.

Followed by.

A shining stone flew out from the ground.

Seeing so.

Master Chaoyang had a happy expression on his face.


Just when his hand was about to take over the shining stone.


The bright stone seemed to be drawn by some force, turned straight, and flew outward...

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