The evil layer.

It is located in the No.60 seventh to No.70 seventh floors of the Moling Pagoda.

It belongs to the seventh stage of the Lingling Pagoda.

All creatures who have entered this stage.

Don't just be careful of the attacks of other creatures.

You also need to beware of the ubiquitous evil spirits.

Be it mountains or plains.

Whether on the lake or in the valley.

As long as it is a place where creatures can go.

It will be full of all kinds of evil spirits.

Moreover, these evil spirits also have the ability to infect.

Anyone who is attacked by evil spirits will start to transform themselves into evil spirits if they are injured to a certain extent.

The whole process is irreversible.

Unless it is a monk who practices some Zhengyang skills or a monster with Zhengyang attributes, it is possible to slow down this process.


He could only look at himself helplessly.

Slowly turning into the kind of evil that only knows blood and killing.

Eternal sinking.


It is located on a high mountain on the third floor of No.70.

There is an unusually huge skeleton of a strange beast. The skull hangs from the top of the mountain, and the bones of the body run down the mountain along the ridge until it reaches the abyss.


And above this huge skeleton.

Three figures wrapped in soft light were suspended separately.

One above the skull.

One at the lumbar spine.

One above the abyss.

Suddenly this time.

The same light and shadow flew from a distance.

Extremely fast.

After a few breaths, he came to the skeleton.


Just when the light and shadow just stopped.

On the three lights and shadows here, several yang-type magic attacks flew out impressively.

towards that shadow...

No, it was attacking behind the light and shadow.



With a blazing sun, it exploded brightly.

Behind the light and shadow, an evil creature hidden in the void was shot out.

It was an evil creature whose upper body was covered with a blue rag, but whose lower body was made up of sixteen human hands.

Seeing that it was attacked and broke the concealment.

It seemed that he opened the palms of those sixteen hands angrily.

Then start clapping each other.


A series of high-fives made a weird rhythm and passed to those lights and shadows.


The light and shadow on the skull said impressively:
"It's the magic barrier of ecstasy!"

"Shut down the sense of hearing, turn on the blood shock!"

Falling with the sound of light and shadow.

The other three lights and shadows, including the one that flew over later, released monstrous blood energy together.

rub together.

There was a grinding sound.

The evil clapping sound was quickly covered up.

Seeing that his attack was covered up like this.

I don't know if it's something to be afraid of.

After being silent for a while, the multi-handed evil spirit turned around and left.


Under the signal of the light and shadow above the skull, the other three lights and shadows opened up their sense of hearing.

this will.

The light and shadow of Shanyuan suddenly said:

"Nanao, why are you so careless?"

"Fortunately it's just an 'many hands'."

"If it's 'Multiple Eyes'."

"We can only give up on you."


The light and shadow called 'Seven Tails' also knew its fault, but it seemed to dislike such a lesson.


Retaliate directly.

"Qiduo, how about we change?"

"I'll guard the 'Awakening God Formation', and you'll be responsible for transporting the 'Astral Body' for us?"


In a word.

The light and shadow named 'Assassination' has no sound.

Because everyone present knows it.

All about speed.

Even if it's the one with the highest cultivation, the one who sits on the skull.

In terms of speed, it is much worse than that of 'Nanwei'.

Not to mention the other two.

That's right.

The four lights and shadows here are the four city lords of the Extremity Demon City protected by the magic weapon of Zhiyang.

among them.

In charge of transporting the 'Astral Body' is the patriarch of the Flying Bird Demon Sparrow Clan, 'Scorching Sparrow' Nanao.

In charge of the mountain abyss circle is the patriarch of the beast monster wolf clan, the 'Phase Armored Beast' stabbing.

The person in charge of the mountain ridge array is Dali, the patriarch of the ape clan, 'Vajra Giant Ape'.

And the person in charge of the magic circle on the top of the mountain is the patriarch of the scale armor clan, and the rest of the 'Fire Jiao' is exhausted.

at this time.

The rest of the 'Fire Jiao' on the top of the mountain suddenly said:
"'Nanao', you are slow..."

'Nanao' who heard the voice immediately put away his mood, and said respectfully:

"Go back to the city lord."

"I was followed by a group of eyeless ghosts on the way, so I came a little slower."

Eyeless ghost?
As soon as these words came out, Shi Duo's mind suddenly froze.

That was a particularly difficult thing to deal with.

Each one has a spiritual aperture level and likes to live in groups.

As long as you are stared at by them, it is good to shed a layer of skin.

Even one not paying attention...

Even their astral realm is in danger of falling.

But 'Seven Tails' was able to escape unharmed from the hands of a group of eyeless ghosts.

Either it is lying.

Or its speed is so fast that even the Eyeless Ghost can't catch up.

Think of this.

'Taboo' closed his mouth, and continued to stabilize the magic circle below without saying a word.

this will.

In the light and shadow of 'Seven Tails', four bright stones suddenly flew out.

Fly to the location of the mountain top.

After the remaining light and shadow belonging to the 'Huojiao' caught the stones, they gave each of the 'Dali' on the ridge and the 'Jianduo' at the deep valley a bright stone.

And when they received the bright stone.

Without further ado.

Almost at the same time.

All of them pressed down on the animal bones below.

Two on the top of the head, one on the spine, and one on the tail.

Just when these four brilliant stones were successfully pressed on the animal bones.


29 incomparably bright lights suddenly appeared around the body of this animal bone.

Continues from the skull to the tailbone.

Formed a magic circle.

See here.

'Dali' above the mountain ridge suddenly said:

"There are still seven 'star spirit bodies'..."

"This 'Awakening Array' can be completed..."


Before it finished speaking, 'Nantail' suddenly said:
"Your Majesty the City Lord!"

"There are not many 'astral bodies' above the spirit-eating layer."

"I propose, let the brothers go to the lower floors to search!"


As soon as this word comes out.

'Assassination' puts forward different opinions.

"The lower-level search will definitely start a war with Renxiu."

"With my full strength of the Earth Demon City, I can only fight in one domain at most."

"But human cultivation has five domains."

"No way!"

Hearing this, 'Dali' in the light and shadow of the mountain ridge echoed the point of view of 'Suduo'.

Seeing that the two deputy city lords opposed his proposal.

Standing in the light and shadow, 'Nanao' frowned and did not speak.

He cast his gaze directly into the light and shadow above the skull.

faintly visible.

There was a burly figure in the light and shadow, shaking his head gently at him.


'Nanao' sighed.

"Astral body..."


Another astral body?
Lushan on the 44th floor.

After hearing that voice, he couldn't help cursing in his heart.


Lu Shan was furious.

Taking advantage of the gap between the other party's voice, he directly pulled out 'Yu Yan'.

Without looking back, he threw it towards the source of the sound.

"Hoo" sound!
'Yuyan' immediately turned into a flaming spear.

With lightning speed.

Disappeared in Lu Shan's hands.

But when he turns around.

Surprised to discover.

The opponent had already been on guard.

Between the two, a thin sand wall glowing with bright luster was released in advance.

But it's this wall of sand that's as thin as sandpaper.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shan's flaming spear composed of 'Yan Yan' was directly blocked from the outside.

No progress.

This scene.

Lu Shan frowned involuntarily.

And this time.

The middle-aged man suddenly said:

"Chicken demon."

"You are very good."

"It's actually possible to hurt the deity with the strength of the spirit aperture."

"But that's all."

"Because you don't understand at all..."

"What is the astral realm!"

"What is the power of the stars!"

between words.

I saw the middle-aged man's hand move.


The bright sand wall in front of him suddenly pushed forward.

With a flat push posture, he directly slammed into Lu Shan's position.

Looking at the flat wall coming from the front.

Lu Shan backed away quickly.

But the speed at which he retreated could not compare to the speed at which the wall was pushed flat.

a few breaths.

The bright wall was about to hit.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan had to accumulate strength in his paws.

Then with all his strength, he pushed forward head-on.


Something unexpected happened to Lu Shan.

I saw the moment the bright wall touched his claws.

It actually broke down directly.

It shattered into long strands of bright color.

It formed a flower knot and tied it towards Lu Shan.

What is this stuff? !

Surprised, Lu Shan immediately flung out dozens of chicken feathers.

Then at the moment when the flower rope was tied up.

Both the body and a feather chicken made a change of shape.

A moment of effort.

Wait for Lu Shan to regain his vision.

In the middle of the flower knot in front of you.

That chicken has been tied up.

At this time.


Zhou Wendao found out that what he caught was actually a parting body.

Surprised for a breath, then moved an idea.

Those flower ropes exploded on the spot, turning into a starry mist.

Rapidly spread around.

Seeing so.

Driven by the vigilance in my heart.

Lu Shan used his tail to throw out a large number of 'supracavitary sacs'.

Then, using the soft and hard function of the 'supraluminal capsule', several large propellers were constructed outside the body.

"Whirring" began to spin.

Resist all the radiant mist spreading towards him in front of him less than ten feet away.

When Zhou Wendao saw that his attack was resisted again.

The emotion in my heart has changed from the surprise at the beginning to the current impatience.

Consider the urgency of time.

Zhou Wendao gestured to the sky again.

"Star Technique: In the Sky!"

next second.

Another beam of light tore open the sky, descended from the sky, and covered Lu Shan again.

Same as last time.

In such an attack, Lu Shan didn't have much resistance at all.

The whole body is exposed to the scorching rays.

burning sensation...


sharp tingling sensation…

All kinds of discomfort hit again.

Under such brilliance, Lu Shan flung out as many chicken feathers as possible.

Want to rely on shifting to avoid.

But this time.

As soon as the chicken feather left his body, it was incinerated into flying ash by Guangyao's intense scorching rays.

Once, twice, three times, it's all like this.

When the fourth time.

Before Lu Shan flung out the chicken feathers.

A sense of icy restraint appeared impressively.

Lu Shan looked down.

I don't know when several bright flower ropes have appeared on my body.

Tie yourself tightly.

No matter how hard he tried, how he pecked with the beak of the chicken.

The slender flower rope did not move at all.

When the glory is over.

Except for the body that cannot move.

Lu Shan also found that a lot of chicken feathers on his body had been burned.

It turned into a bald chicken.

This Nima.

Lu Shan was angry again.

Immediately decided to release the 'chicken intestines', ready to forcibly stretch the rope on his body.

What can I do.

The blood and aura in the body are consumed extremely quickly, but there is not much movement in the body.

It was as if there was an inexplicable force that forcibly suppressed it.

If one skill fails, Lu Shan will change again.

'Star' is on!
Immediately, Lu Shan's body began to change, to the appearance of a chicken-headed human.


The transformation of the demon body was successful.

But the flower rope on his body is still there, and it has even changed into a tied knot.

Just when Lu Shan didn't believe in evil and was about to change another skill.

The middle-aged man's voice appeared again.

"Don't bother."

"Hand over the 'astral body', and I might consider giving you a whole corpse."


As soon as his voice fell.

Lu Shan felt the flowery ropes outside his body begin to tighten rapidly.

The irresistible powerful force strangled his body to death.


Lu Shan has a stubborn temper.


The tougher the opponent is, the easier it is to arouse his rebellious psychology.

Even if the rope on his body has been slowly strangled into his flesh.

Can be under constant stimulation of pain.

Lu Shan clenched his lips tightly and didn't say a word.

This is a state of being beaten to death.

It made Zhou Wendao's anger rise.

Originally, he saw that this chicken demon had a good background, as long as he was willing to hand over the 'astral body' and soul to be controlled by him.

He is confident in training a fighting chicken that is not much weaker than him.

But this is annoying again and again.

Zhou Wendao also lost his patience.

Since you don't want to hand over your 'astral body', let's die forever!

Zhou Wendao raised his hand.

"Star Technique: Strangling..."

As his voice fell.

The flower rope that bound Lu Shan suddenly produced hundreds of barbs.

One by one, they pierced directly into Lu Shan's body.

In an instant.

Lu Shan was struck by lightning.

The severe pain that tore through his body made him almost cry out.

But this is just the beginning.


When the flower rope began to stir around Lu Shan's body like a twisted snake.

That avalanche of pain.

It violently hit Lu Shan's nerves.

That moment.

Lu Shan's mind was blank.

And as the cramping continued.

The subsequent pain, like a tide, hit Lu Shan's nerves wave after wave.

this moment.

Lu Shan wanted to die.

But he will not seek death.

Even if he really wanted to die, he would tear the middle-aged man in front of him to pieces before he died.

Can his current combat effectiveness.

There is simply no way to fight this 'astral realm' guy.

Be it speed or strength or skill.

There is no place where Lu Shan can prevail.

and so…

Just wait to die?

Or after obediently handing over the 'astral body', let the other party dispose of it?


If you really have to make a choice.

Then I choose the third option.


Lu Shan, covered in blood, raised his chicken head, facing the middle-aged man not far away.

Asked aloud for the first time:

"Hey, man with kidney deficiency."

"Is this what you're looking for?"

between words.

Lu Shan opened his mouth.

A stone exuding a bright luster was revealed.


In the surprise eyes of the other party.

He swallowed this bright stone into his mouth in one gulp.

Want to grab the baby with Lao Tzu's iron cock?

Go dream!

Ha ha ha ha!

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