Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 332 Have you ever seen such a big chicken?

If I remember correctly.

I seem to have a skill that can be enlarged and reduced.

'Size Technique': Consume a lot of energy to expand or shrink itself by twenty times on the original basis.

Lu Shan glanced at the skill introduction, then raised his head.

next second.

His size swelled again.

In the posture of an inflatable version, it expands extremely rapidly.

Two interest time.

Lu Shan's size has already expanded several times before.

There was a direct collision with the eight stone hands that blocked the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The stone hand is very powerful.

The hammer hit Lu Shan's body, which almost gave him a feeling that his body would be exploded at any time.

But despite this.

Still relying on his swelling body, Lu Shan pushed away the eight stone giant palms one by one.


Regardless of the stone giant staggering back.

Lu Shan's body continued to swell.

It's just a dozen breaths.

When Lu Shan opened his eyes again.

The chicken head is already above the clouds.

Looking at the successive gray-brown clouds.

Lu Shan took a deep breath.


Large swaths of clouds were sucked into his mouth by him.

Wait until the clouds dissipate.

Lu Shan looked down.

The eight-handed stone giant that he originally looked up to.

At this moment, she was looking at him with an upward attitude.

This extreme sense of contrast.

Lu Shan actually had an inexplicable feeling.

this moment.

He is the one who really understands.

Back then when he was awakening the bloodline of the [Ancient War Rooster].

That sense of contempt that looks down on enemies of all kinds.


A reminder sounded in his mind.

[System prompt]: Comprehend the true meaning of the blood of the 'ancient war chicken', and the effect of 'chicken intestines' will be doubled.

With the appearance of this prompt.

Lu Shan immediately felt his body swell again.

The height, which had already pierced through the clouds, suddenly doubled.

This time.

Watch the clouds regroup around the wings.

Lu Shan let out a hearty laugh.

Immediately, he raised his chicken paw and stepped on the eight-handed stone giant.

"Book that ants!"

"Don't let the old chicken die!

The chicken feet are like mountains.

Any movement is like a world falling apart.

Such a big cock.

Step out of the sky-like chicken feet.

For Wendao that week.

Even with the blessing of strong star power.

In the heart, it is inevitable that there will be an emotion called fear.

But this emotion is also fleeting.

Then he was taken back by the strong pride of the lord.

So what?

Empty has the air of vanity!

Compared with the power of the stars, it is all false!

to this end.

Zhou Wendao gathered all the star power in his body and gathered it in his eight arms.

Then, go to the top of the sky with the momentum of immortality.

In the sky.

The golden chicken paw broke through the clouds, and pressed down from top to bottom with an overwhelming force.


One pushes up and one pushes down.

The force of mutual impact instantly produced a strong air pressure.

Spread out in all directions.

A wave of "huh"!
The miasma suspended around was suddenly blown away.

Makes it convenient to be within a range of thousands of feet.

For the first time in days, there was clean air.

At this time.

The two opposing forces collided silently.


There was no evenly matched scene.

Instead, the eight-handed stone giant on the ground was pressed down by the chicken paw without any resistance.

"Boom" sound.

a time.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.


A ground-shaking force was felt in a radius of ten thousand zhang.

Fortunately, due to the previous volcanic eruption and miasma.

The monks and monsters on this floor have basically left.

Otherwise, there will be a chain reaction of this collision.

The number of casualties will definitely not be small.


As a guardian of the hot layer.

Of course, the 'Move is' house felt the violent vibration in the fourth floor of No.40.

But it's not stupid.

It obviously belongs to the battle fluctuation between astral realms.

Even if it is a 'Xuan' beast-level monster at the peak of the Spirit Aperture Realm.

In the face of such power.

It is also powerless.

rather than worry.

Might as well just ignore it.

Anyway, it depends on the hardness of the Lingpao.

Let alone the astral realm.

Even if it is a higher level of refining gods.

There is no way to destroy the structure of the Lingling Pagoda.

Think of this.

'Moving is' Ji She simply cut off the communication between himself and the fourth floor of No.40.

Eyes closed.

Turn over.

The body slowly sank into the magma, and fell asleep after a while.

At this time, No.40 is on the fourth floor.

After Lu Shan stepped on his feet firmly.

Considering that the opponent has the ability to 'melt the soil'.

So ever.

Lu Shan immediately released 'Yuyan' and set his chicken feet on fire.

But because the current volume is too large.

Even with all his strength, it took more than a dozen breaths before the 'Yuyan' covered part of the bumped feet.


Under the burning of 'Yuyan'.

The ground that Lu Shan stepped on was immediately scorched very hard.


I don't know if it's too late to cook.

A few breaths are enough.

Lu Shan felt a fierce attack on his bare feet.

Great power.

Almost shook his body.


That's just barely there.


Lu Shan immediately raised his heel in response.

But it hit nothing.

One paw down.

Planed half of the mountain, but missed the eight-handed stone giant.

At this time.

Lu Shan also understood why so many people would rather amplify their moves than use 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' when they were fighting before.

got bigger.

Strength increased.

But the speed is also relatively slow.

As long as the opponent is faster and better.

The giant phase of 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' can be defeated by water grinding or the ability to break weak points.

Thinking of this, Lu Shan couldn't help asking himself in a muffled voice.


If I have grown so big, will it help this battle?

Thinking room.

A piercing pain came from the root of his thigh.

Surprised, Lu Shan hurriedly tightened his legs in response.


Lu Shan felt a huge force acting between his legs.

Probably perceived the thoughts of the eight-handed boulder man.

Lu Shan sank.

Immediately, some countermeasures came to mind.

Head down.

Looking at the eight-handed stone giant who continued to attack the root of his thigh.

Heart is a sideways.

The next three players, right?

Find shit!

next second.

Lu Shan opened his legs directly.

Open the lower door wide.

exposed to the opponent's field of vision.


While the other party has not responded yet.

'Supracavitary sac' a force.


A large amount of mixed yellow and white liquid poured out from Lu Shan's chicken buttocks and fell down.

It is clear.

The eight-handed stone giant didn't expect Lu Shan's move either.

In a hurry, he could only move his eight arms, trying to create a barrier in the air.


That yellow and white mixed liquid is too much.

The eight-handed stone giant tried its best to resist more than half of the yellow-white mixed liquid.

And the remaining half directly submerged the eight-handed stone giant from head to toe.

Just started.

Zhou Wendao, who turned into an eight-handed stone giant, still doesn't know what the yellow-white mixed liquid is.

But when he subconsciously tested it with his sense of smell.

whole person.

No, it was the complexion of the entire eight-handed stone giant that changed.

red, yellow, blue, green...

Several colors appeared alternately on Zhou Wendao's face.

In the end, it turned into a blank in my mind.

And take advantage of this time.

Lu Shan kicked his legs lightly.

The whole body then jumped hundreds of feet upwards.


Lu Shan combined his legs.

Push down hard.



Without exception.

It was another shock that was almost a collapse of the sky.

In a very short period of time, the entire four floors of No.40 were covered.

It is even located outside the transmission channel between the upper and lower floors.

Cultivators or monsters with keen perception subconsciously cast their eyes on the inside of the portal.

in their induction.

In the fourth floor of No.40, there seems to be a shock force that shakes the earth.

Want to teleport through the portal.

This startled the monks or monsters outside the portals on both sides.

There is such a terrifying energy impact across the portal.

If it really came out of the portal, then it's okay?

So ever.

A piece of news that there is a big murder in the fourth floor of No. 40 spread like this.

At this time, the fourth floor of No.40 is almost in the center.

Looking at the terrifying giant pit stepped on by himself below.

Lu Shan took back the chicken feet in good time.

Take a step back.

Lower your head and look down at the ground.

The central position of the huge pit at this moment.

The eight-handed stone giant was completely limp in the pit.

Of the eight giant hands, only three have been broken at this moment.

And his body was slowly being swallowed by the surrounding magma.

But that's the case.


Lu Shan didn't receive any system prompts in his mind.

and so.

Lu Shan raised the chicken paw again.

Ready to go up and make up a few more.

But at this time.

The eight-handed stone giant's body slowly melted.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan clawed out again.

Step on it according to the head position of the eight-handed stone giant.

But it is still a bit late in terms of speed.

There was a loud bang of "Peng".

Lu Shan's foot still missed.

Except for a large amount of magma, and the five broken arms, there is nothing else.


Lu Shan wasn't sure.

After all, the other party is a genuine astral realm monk.

It shouldn't be that easy to defeat.

So ever.

Lu Shan raised his vigilance to the highest level.

While using the excess energy in the body to investigate the surroundings.

While trying to repair those cracks on the body surface.

From chicken head to chicken comb, from chicken breast to chicken leg, from chicken wing to chicken root.

From top to bottom.

A total of 63 cracks.

There are big and small.


Almost split from the chicken neck to the chicken belly.

The smallest is at the root of the chicken.

Hardly split one fork.

By patrolling the moment of breathing.

Lu Shan even gave it a try.



and so.

When Lu Shan waited for half an hour, he didn't wait for the figure of the middle-aged man.

It is estimated that the other party should have run away.


Most of the whole mind is put on repairing the cracks in oneself.


Distraction is distraction.

At this moment, Lu Shan didn't dare to put away this giant form.

One is that you need to rely on this form to consume the energy in your body.

The second is that he still can't guarantee that the middle-aged man really ran away.

Where is the cat in case.

Prepare to wait for him to recover his body and then make a surprise attack and it will be over.

to this end.

Lu Shan crossed his legs and sat his whole body into the lava in the pit.

While feeling the lava hot ass.

Lu Shan focused on the smallest and most precious Baogen.

Use aura to nourish the waves?

Repair with blood aura?

still useless...

Chicken essence?

still useless...

Is it really necessary to develop a strong bond?

It might as well just sew it up with a needle and thread.

Lu Shan sighed in frustration.

At this time.

He suddenly felt that the energy gushing out of his stomach suddenly weakened a little.

Is it...

The 'Astral Body' has finally run out of energy?
But before Lu Shan was happy.

A weak energy fluctuation suddenly appeared from the rock behind Lu Shan.

sensed this.

Lu Shan quickly spread his wings and clapped them in the opposite direction.



A hurricane-like gust of wind suddenly appeared from Lu Shan's wings.

next moment.

It rushed towards the energy fluctuation.


In an instant.

The strong wind shattered the huge rock into slag.


The energy fluctuations in that rock were also exposed to Lu Shan's vision.

It was a huge stone heart.

One sheet shrinks.


Beating silently.

And that extremely slight energy fluctuation also came from the heart of this stone.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan frowned involuntarily.

But then.

He was moved.

Secret channel is bad.

as predicted.

When Lu Shan turned his head instinctively.

At a distance of less than a hundred feet from his chicken head.

Appeared was a middle-aged man covered in blood, with a sluggish expression, who couldn't even stand upright.

"Chicken demon."

"I admit that I underestimated you."

"I didn't expect you to have such combat power."

"Presumably you should have a bloodline of 'Chaos' level."

Speaking of which.

The middle-aged man suddenly coughed a few times.

Then he took something out of his pocket.

Because the distance is too far, plus things are too small.

Lu Shan could only vaguely tell that it was a square box with a charm on it.

Although I don't know what this middle-aged man is doing with all this nonsense.

But just to be on the safe side.

Lu Shan didn't intend to talk to him.

Raise the chicken head directly.

Concentrate the energy on the beak of the chicken.


So fierce that he stabbed at the middle-aged man!

Oddly enough.

Facing the attack of falling from heaven and earth.

The middle-aged man didn't even have the slightest intention to dodge.

Still holding the square box.

He stretched out his hand, tore off the spell on it, and then said:

"This is the 'Son of God', from the hands of a master outside the sky."

"It does what it says it does."

"Let it devour the soul, replace it, and it will be available for me to use after it is completed."


Speaking of which.

The eyes of the middle-aged man looking at Lu Shan suddenly became extremely greedy.

"Become the slave of my Zhou Wendao!"

Shut up.

Zhou Wendao opened the box, and a four-winged caterpillar flew out of it.

At an extremely fast speed, it flew towards Lu Shan's face.

And Lu Shan at this moment.

Because the distance is too close.

Can't make any evasive action at all.

He could only watch helplessly as the four-winged caterpillar flew to his chicken beak.

Then from the nostrils, crawled in...

Cultivation begins with a chicken

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