Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 351 The Day of Hunting

No.40 nine floors.

When Lu Shan rode out of the Fudou portal, the sky above his head.

The clouds were thick and the rain was heavy.

Endless rain, as if poured from the sky.



All of a sudden, Lu Shan and Fudou were poured from the beginning to the end.

"Bah bah bah bah..."

Due to the body structure of the drowned chicken, most of the rain that falls leaks in from the two nostrils on the top edge of his chicken beak.

It made him spit wildly.

As for the other underdog, it's even better.

Instinctively shake off the water stains on his body.

Immediately, the drenched chicken on his body was thrown out.

"Pfft" sound.

Lu Shan plunged headlong into the nearby pool, splashing a large amount of water.

When he emerges from the pool.

A flattering dog's face was already stuck in front of him.



Admitting your mistake in advance will block Lao Tzu's temper channel, right?
Ha ha.

I'm afraid you are thinking too simple!

The moment Lu Shan stretched out the chicken head from the water, he immediately asked out loudly:
"What's wrong!?"

These words immediately stunned Fu Dou.

A dog's face stood there in a daze, and after a long pause, he faltered and said:

Before Fudou finished speaking, Lu Shan jumped out of the pool, staring at the corns.

"No! It's not your fault! It's my fault!"

"I shouldn't be sitting on you!"

"I shouldn't have caught you when you were throwing the water!"

"it's me!"

"It's all..."

But it hasn't waited for Lu Shan's play to continue.

A thick black silk tail has already been thrown to his face.

"Clap" sound.

Throw Lu Shan's body into the water again.


Just when Lu Shan was in a daze.

The thick tail fished his body out of the pool again.

Put it on the water and shake it.

"are you awake?"

"woke up…"

"Then... let's go..."


Fu Dou threw Lu Shan on his back.

Then stepping on the pool, braved the heavy rain, and started to move forward.

Lu Shan was woken up by the heavy rain on his face.

He lowered his head and looked at Fudou who was walking quickly under him.

My head is buzzing...


If I had known that this bastard would not play the cards according to the routine, why would labor and management still act like this.

What a slap in the face.

The troubled Lu Shan shook off the rainwater on his body.

Want to prop up the aura shield.

But as soon as some blood spiritual energy was sent out, before the shadow was seen, it was swallowed up by the spirit-eating layer.

This made Lu Shan have to curse.

no way.

He could only find an unknown coir raincoat from the boundary bag.

Modified it to make it fit my size.

Then put it on the body.

But as soon as he put it on, he felt a thick tail, pulling himself away from Fudou's back.



After Fu Dou shook off the rainwater on his body, he continued to put Lu Shan down.

that's it.

Lu Shan was hoisted dozens of times by Fu Dou's tail.

at last.

After the sky completely darkened.

The amount of rain around the body becomes smaller and smaller, until it finally disappears.

this will.


Fu Dou stopped in his footsteps, raised his dog's head, and showed a vigilant expression.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan also secretly raised his vigilance to the maximum.

Be ready to hunt and go out at any time.

And then.

Fudou moved his nose.

I don't know if I smelled something.

Suddenly, he flew up to the side hillside.

Not for a while.

When Fudou was about to climb to the top of the mountain.

Lu Shan also seemed to feel three faint auras of blood aura.


His gaze followed the breath.


It was a valley.

Lush and lush, full of green vegetation.

And the growth is very good.

Even if Lu Shan looked down from the top, he could only see a sea of ​​green surrounded by plants.

"What's down here?" Lu Shan asked in a low voice.

"Three...spiritual aperture...monsters..." Fu Dou's voice continued intermittently.

Hearing that there are monsters below, and they are only monsters in the Spirit Aperture Realm.

Lu Shan suddenly became interested.

Pulling the soft flesh on Chiafudou's neck, said:
"Go, go down and have a look!"

Hearing the sound, Fu Dou didn't say a word, turned his head, followed Lu Shan's instructions, and rushed down quickly.


As the distance got closer, Lu Shan seemed to smell a strange fragrance.

A bit like the taste of overripe durian.

The fragrance is very heavy, and there is a strong smell of alcohol.

It smells good.

Lu Shan subconsciously jumped off Fu Dou, trying to follow the scent.

But this time.

A slight stabbing pain suddenly appeared from the depths of his mind.

The irritated Lu Shan frowned impressively.

When I was wondering.

Accidentally discovered that Fu Dou beside him was also walking forward unconsciously.

Seeing so.

Lu Shan immediately sensed the danger.

Immediately facing Fu Dou's buttocks, he slapped fiercely.


A sound like metal rubbing reached Lu Shan's ears.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Dou stopped in his tracks, turned his head and cast a somewhat resentful look at Lu Shan.

Good guy.

Blame me for waking up your dream?
Lu Shannei rolled his eyes at Fudou angrily.


He just kept going.

When he passed through a piece of vegetation and came to the depths of the valley.

A strong smell of blood.Suddenly attacked Lu Shan.


He stopped.

Look down.

Several dark brown spikes are hidden in the grass on the ground.

If it weren't for Lu Shan's short body, he could see the spike in his field of vision.

I'm afraid that if it was an ordinary person, I would have stepped on it by accident.

Especially with the blessing of a confusing smell just now, it is easier to step on the spikes.

Lu Shan didn't know who set up the trap.

But just look at the way these spikes are arranged.

Either yin or bad.

Anyway, it's not a good thing.

to this end.

Lu Shan patted his wings, and his body rose into the air.

Then, after throwing Futo a look of waiting for me, he flew forward in the form of flying.

Did not fly for a while.

Lu Shan saw a gnawed leg bone on the ground.

Take a closer look.

Next to the leg bone was a dirty head.

Judging from the hairstyle of the head.

Appears to be a young woman.


Lu Shan frowned and continued to fly forward.

Along the way, I saw quite a few corpses, including men and women, some demons.

They are basically black in complexion and purple in body.

At first glance, it looks like poisonous death.

The sharp-eyed Lu Shan saw the dark brown spikes on the bodies of these corpses.

It seems...

This spike is quite poisonous.

is sighing.

Lu Shan seemed to hear something.

Immediately, he flapped his wings and flew to a nearby treetop.

Hide your breath and wait quietly.


A hunched rat-faced monster with countless spikes on its back suddenly came out from the depths of the jungle.

When it saw the body of a poisoned male monk on the ground here.

With joy on his face, he quickly walked to the corpse.

Bending down, opening his mouth, he tore open one arm of the corpse.

Then he sat down majestically on the ground and gnawed.

See here.

Lu Shan made no other moves.

Still on the tree, quietly watching the hedgehog eat the monk's arm until there was only one bone left.

finished eating.

Show a satisfied expression.

Then throw away the hand bones.

He licked his mouth and continued to move forward while dragging the corpse.

See the monster go forward again.

After thinking about it, Lu Shan chose to follow silently.

After all, this is just one of the three blood auras.

There are also two senses of blood aura nearby.

Lu Shan was not going to startle the snake, so he followed the monster.

a while.

Lu Shan flew in the air above the treetops, trying to minimize the sound as much as possible.

that's it.

When the hedgehog demon found three more corpses.

Just carried these corpses and started to return.


Lu Shan followed the hedgehog demon to the side of a lake.

The lake in front of him is extremely blue.

Looking from top to bottom, the visibility is at least a dozen feet.

You can vaguely see many small fish walking around in the lake.

There are still many.

Suddenly at this time.

The hedgehog threw the body of the friar, whose arm it had eaten at first, into the lake.

next second.

"Wow" sound.

A large number of fish jumped out of the lake.

Go to the chrysalis of the corpse.

In a blink of an eye, the corpse was covered with small fish.


Lu Shan stared at the little fish for a long time.

Do not know why.

He always felt that these fish were a little strange.

Such a small size, but it is still a carnivorous fish.

and so.

Now comes the problem.

Why did the hedgehog monster throw all the things he couldn't bear to eat into the lake to feed these little fish.

Do you feed fish?

Or do these fish have other functions?

Just when Lu Shan was meditating.

The school of fish below suddenly dispersed.

In the water, only a dense white bone was left, slowly sinking to the bottom of the lake.

It took only a cup of tea to swallow up the corpse of a monk.

Lu Shan became more and more interested in these fish.

At this time.

After the body of the last pig-headed demon was thrown into the lake.

The hedgehog demon clapped his hands.

He suddenly raised his head, and said to the treetop beside him:

"Your Excellency, after watching it for so long, are you not interested in coming down to chat?"

talking room.

The hedgehog demon's back shook.

next second.

Dozens of dark brown spikes flew out from the back of the hedgehog demon, and stabbed towards where Lu Shan was standing.

Faced with this sudden attack.

Lu Shan snorted coldly.

Pulled out a fan from the tail, facing the attacking spikes, gently fanned it down.

"Call" sound.

A strong whirlwind slammed downwards.

Immediately, almost all the spikes were dashed to pieces.

Falling towards the surface of the lake.

Seeing that all his attacks were easily resolved in this way.

The hedgehog demon's complexion suddenly darkened.

Raising his head, a pair of dark eyes rolled around.

next second.

It opened its mouth and made a 'squeak creak' sound from its mouth.


Lu Shan was immediately ready to take the move.

Can wait for a while.

After discovering that there was no blood aura fluctuation, Lu Shan followed suit and prepared to fight back.

But right now.

The strange scent that was somewhat familiar to him reappeared on Lu Shan's nose.


Lu Shan seemed to feel the symptoms of lightness in his body.

As long as he doesn't grab something, he may lose control of his body and fly up.

a time.

Lu Shan couldn't tell whether the floating feeling was real or not.


A chuckle came from behind Lu Shan.

"It turned out to be a chicken..."

And Lu Shan, who heard this voice, rushed out immediately.

At a distance of tens of feet, he came back to his senses and looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a spider demon with a human head and a human body, but with eight spider legs, behind where Lu Shan had just stood, swallowing a white spider web.

It is clear.

It wanted to drag Lu Shan into the spider web.

Just when Lu Shan was on guard.

In the lake, the group of small fish suddenly churned.

Crowds gather together.

Just two or three breaths.

A mermaid whose upper body was hundreds of times larger and whose lower body was a fishtail mermaid suddenly appeared in the lake.


This mermaid floated out of the lake with a smile on her face.

Floating out her white upper body, she stared closely at Lu Shan on the shore with a smiling gaze.

"The chicken demon in the spirit aperture realm..."

"Is this one?"

The mermaid spoke, and the voice sounded like she was singing.

And the spider demon who heard the sound hung upside down with a spider silk.

With scrutiny, staring at the rooster, he said with some uncertainty:

"do not know."

"But it smelled strongly of blood."

At this time.

The hedgehog monster said bluntly:

"Two sisters."

"Stop talking, I'm hungry..."

As soon as this word comes out.

A "cuckoo" sound came from the spider demon's stomach.

And this voice is like a call.


The eyes of the three monsters were all focused on the rooster surrounded by them.


What they don't know is.

At this moment, Lu Shan is remembering the forms of these three monsters in his heart.

The hedgehog demon, the spider demon, and the underwater mermaid demon.

Now it's complete.

Lu Shan patted his wings contentedly.

Then he shouted into the depths of the jungle.

"Don't hide."

"Come out for supper!"

The voice fell.

A pitch-black shadow suddenly leaped out of the jungle.

It fell beside Lu Shan.

There were two low-pitched "boo hoo".


At the moment when Fudou appeared.

The three monsters all turned around and ran away in a tacit understanding.

The hedgehog demon ran into the jungle, and the spider demon hung on the treetops.

As for the mermaid.

Then he turned his head and plunged into the lake.

The prey he saw were actually scared away by Fu Dou.

Lu Shan said anxiously:
"Little blackie!"

"The hedgehog and the spider are yours!"

"I'm going to catch that mermaid!"

After finishing speaking, he also followed a fierce son and plunged into the lake.

After half an hour.

When Lu Shan carried the mermaid out of the water.

Fudou was skinning the hedgehog demon.

The tender red meat inside was exposed.

Not to mention, it looks quite tempting.

As for the other spider demon.

All eight legs were taken.

The body is covered by a long branch, which penetrates through the mouth and exits through the tail.

Standing on a pool of fire, slowly roasting...

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