Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 357 Give birth to a child before leaving

Chapter 357 Give birth to a child before leaving (please subscribe!!!)



What do you mean?
Du Yixin was dumbfounded.

He even forgot to take out his hand for a while, and was held tightly by Lu Shan.

However, just when Du Yixin realized it and wanted to pull out his hand.

Kuang Tianheng at the side suddenly shouted.

"it is good!!"

"That `s a deal!!"

"Uncle and grandpa agreed to this marriage!!"

As soon as the words came out.

For an instant.

Not to mention Du Yixin, even Lu Shan was confused.

What do you mean?
I just went into the water for Radu, and said casually, are you serious?
"Well, I actually mean..."

Just as Lu Shan wanted to explain, Kuang Tianheng waved his big hand.

"Stop talking! The old man understands!"

"Worrying about the blood of the shemale?"

"Don't worry! As long as the child's surname is Du! Even if you give birth to a bird! The Du family will recognize it!"

so horny?


hey not right.

Your mother just gave birth to a bird!
Lu Shan was about to retaliate, but it seemed that Kuang Tianheng didn't want to give him room to speak.

Directly using a persuasive tone, he explained aloud:

"Think about it."

"As long as the child's surname is Du, you can enjoy the treatment of the emperor's relatives in the Ming Dynasty."

"I'll give you whatever you want."

"Like your current cultivation in the spirit aperture realm, if you have the status of a relative of the Zhongming emperor."

"Within a hundred years! It will definitely stack up to a high level of Spirit Aperture Realm for you."

"At that time, let the Du family think of a way, spend some resources, and send you to Tianchi..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, is the astral realm still far away?"

Makes sense...

Lu Shan nodded instinctively, but then he thought wrong.

Have you ever relied on these foreign things to upgrade yourself?
Which promotion is not all based on the strength of one's own system?


If you really follow what this guy said.

Then what is the difference between me and those who eat soft rice! ?

Ever seen chicken eating soft rice?

Lu Shan immediately refused with righteous words:
"I don't need any external force to promote my cultivation."

"Then what do you want?"

"'Wu Lian'."

"Is five hundred flowers enough?"

"make a deal!"

After two breaths, Kuang Tianheng left here with a satisfied expression on his face, and flew towards the old woman not far away.

this will.

Lu Shan suddenly felt Du Yixin's hand twisting.

Subconsciously thought of something.

Let go of your hand and look back at the girl beside you.

At this moment, Du Yixin moved his joints expressionlessly.

"I won't have children with someone who doesn't have feelings."

"Oh, I know."

"No! You don't know!"

Du Yixin's volume suddenly increased by a few decibels, and then he said in a questioning tone:
"You don't know the situation of the Du family! You don't know what it means to be a child with the blood of the Du family!!"

"I don't even know what kind of impact this promise will have on my future!!"

A series of questions were heard.

Lu Shan couldn't help turning his head to look at Kuang Tianheng in the distance.

After confirming that the other party did not hear the conversation here, he bluntly replied:

"Then why didn't you just refute it when we were just talking?"

"Do you have to wait for the person to leave and can't hear you anymore, and then come here and get mad at me?"

In a word.

Du Yixin, who had just been aroused, was stunned and bored.

Not a word came out for a long time.

And compared to Lu Shan.

When he saw Du Yixin's appearance, he seemed to understand something.

In a slightly joking tone, he said:

"I understand."

"You are not only helping me, but also using me as a shield for you."

"Am I right?"


Du Yixin turned his face away stubbornly, as if he didn't want to discuss this issue with Lu Shan further.

But she didn't want to discuss it, but Lu Shan was interested. He raised his eyebrows and asked curiously:

"Come on, tell me about it."

"What makes you so repulsive at home?"

"Hmm... Did you have a blind date at home?"

"The other party is ugly?"

"Cultivation is very low?"

"Rich playboy?"

"Hey, hey, don't go, you..."

"Have a baby before leaving!"

After half an hour.

Lu Shan and Du Yixin came to the site belonging to the monks in the middle area under the leadership of the monks in the middle area.

It was a valley full of birch forests.

There are many monks in the valley, both men, women and children.

At a glance.

Either standing, or sitting, some gathered in twos and threes, and some sat alone with their eyes closed.

At this time, the monks in the valley also found Lu Shan and Du Yixin who had entered the valley.


A surprised voice suddenly reached Lu Shan's ears.


Hear the sound.

Lu Shan looked back.

A man with fair complexion, delicate face, and fluttering clothes... was running towards him with a happy face.

There is also the 'Shan Tan' family here? !

Lu Shan immediately clenched his fists and pulled Du Yixin behind him.

But just when he was accumulating strength and was about to punch him.

A calm voice came from behind.

"Don't be nervous, that's one of my fiancés..."

Are you sure you're not a fiancé...wife?
Lu Shan turned his head and glanced at Du Yixin, then turned his head and set his sights on the transgressive being more than ten meters away.

and many more.


Lu Shan suddenly set his eyes on Du Yixin again, and couldn't help asking:

"How many fiances do you have?"

"Including this, there are seven in total. The eight major families in the imperial city, except for the Du family, each has one."

Speaking of this, Du Yixin's face was full of ridicule.

Good guy.


Is it the female version of Wei Xiaobao?

No wonder the bitch is willing to run away from home.

if it were me...

Lu Shan subconsciously looked back at the guy who had come to him.

Looking at the other person's face full of rouge and blush.

After all, he couldn't help it, and stretched out his legs.

" do you...ah!!!"

A scream.

The shemale face disappeared in front of Lu Shan just like that, and his whole body flew upside down.

This sudden shot made everyone else present stunned.

After all, they are acquaintances.

All of a sudden, he was beaten, and many people surrounded him.

However, due to the relationship with Du Yixin next to him, the people who surrounded him only asked loudly:
"Who are you! How did you hit someone?"

"Du Xuelun! Don't go too far! This is not the Imperial City compound!"

"Come on! Come and take this guy!"

Seeing that the atmosphere here suddenly became chaotic, more and more people also turned their attention.

Compared with the people of the Zhongming Dynasty, the people of other sects in the Central Region mostly had the mentality of watching the excitement.

after all.

Everyone knows that the entire Zhongyu is dominated by the Zhongmingshan family represented by the Zhongming Dynasty.

If we can see the infighting in the Ming Dynasty, it is also a disguised matter for other sects.


The people of the Ming Dynasty were not fools either.

Seeing that the incident had a tendency to expand, someone in charge immediately stepped forward.


There was a deep sound.

A wave of spiritual pressure belonging to the high-level spirit aperture realm suddenly appeared from the nearby forest.


A middle-aged man in official uniform walked out of the birch forest with a calm expression.

"Noisy and noisy! How decent!?"

Following this questioning, the monks who were noisy just now shut up one after another.

It is clear.

This official's status in the Ming Dynasty was not low.


Wait until everyone quiets down.

The guy who was kicked out by Lu Shan was supported by a man, and came to the official with a grievance on his face.

"I pay my respects to Mr. Yin Xu of Jingzhao Mansion, and I ask you to make the decision for me!"

After finishing speaking, she directly pulled out a silk handkerchief from her waist, covering her face like a pissed off daughter-in-law, and choked up.

The people around seemed to be used to it, but they didn't react to the scene.

But the governor of Jingzhao subconsciously withdrew his gaze and turned his gaze to Lu Shan.

"Who are you waiting for, dare to attack the important officials in the court?!"

Good guy.

A ladyboy can be an important minister.

What the hell?
Lu Shan said goodbye, showing a disdainful expression.

However, because he was wearing a bamboo hat, no one saw his contemptuous expression.

Without waiting for him to speak.

Du Yixin on the side had already held his arm.

As soon as this little action is made.

Lu Shan immediately understood what she meant.

Immediately closed his mouth.

At this time.

Du Yixin opened his mouth and said:

"Master Xu."

"This is my husband, Master Lu Shan."

"He is from the Western Regions. He doesn't know the situation of our dynasty. He just acted in a hurry because he was worried about my safety. Please forgive me, Lord Xu."


Is Du Yixin married? !

a time.

Everyone present was stunned.

Because in their cognition, Du Yixin had obviously only run away from home for a few months.

Moreover, there was no news of Du Yixin's marriage in the Du family in the dynasty.

Otherwise, that Qian Shaofu just now would not have rushed forward so ecstatically.


Since these words were spoken by Du Yixin himself, it at least shows that the relationship between this bamboo hat man and him is extraordinary.

Figure this out.

Immediately, many people's eyes were full of playfulness when they looked over.

And this Jing Zhaofu Yin obviously knows more about the Du family's prostitute.

So when he heard that Du Yixin used the word 'husband' to introduce the man in the bamboo hat beside him.

His eyes froze for a moment.

Then he frowned and asked in a deep voice:
"Du Xuelun, it's important, please be careful."

Facing the official's distrust, Du Yixin threw Wang Zha directly.

"Yixin has already obtained the approval of the painting sage, presumably the ancestors also know it at this moment."

Hua Shengzun is the former prince of the Jiang family, whose main name is Jiang Tianheng and who claims to be Kuang Tianheng.

If it is true what Du Yixin said.

The husband she is looking for has been approved by the painting saint.

For some members of the Eight Great Families, this was simply a bolt from the blue.

For example, the young Bao of the Qian family.

When I heard that Du Yixin moved Kuang Tianheng out.

His face changed instantly, and he shouted "Impossible"!
Then he got up, ignored the injuries on his body, turned his head and ran out of the valley.

While running, he muttered:
"Impossible! Impossible!"

"Dangtang Huashengzun, how could he agree to a guy from outside marrying Du Yixin?!"

"I want to find the ancestor..."

"I want to find the ancestor..."

In fact, it's not just Qian Shaobao.

Many insiders present also showed expressions of disbelief.

at the same time.

on top of the mountain.

At this moment, more than 30 Astral Realm Venerables have gathered.

Everyone is discussing something.

Suddenly this time.

A figure suddenly flew out from the clouds in the distance and flew towards the top of the mountain.

The venerables looked back.

When they see who is coming.

Surprised and puzzled expressions suddenly appeared on each of their faces.


Unanimously, they turned their gazes to Prince Tian, ​​Jiang He, who was on the high platform again.

And the expression on Jiang He's face at this moment is also a little unsightly, even a little annoyed.

Facing the figure flying down on the top of the mountain, he shouted coldly:
"Jiang Tianheng, don't go too far!!"


Facing such angry words, Kuang Tianheng waved his hands.

"Don't make trouble with Xiaohe, I'm not looking for you."

As soon as the words came out.

Jiang He was obviously taken aback, then said expressionlessly:
"I don't care who you are looking for, trespassing on the top of the mountain, you should pay the price!"

After speaking, he saw his arms raised slightly.

In an instant.

An invisible force pulled Jiang and the stone under his feet.


A few crackles.

Several huge stones were torn apart by that invisible force.


Jiang He pushed with both hands.

next second.

Like flying swords, several boulders attacked Kuang Tianheng's position with a sound of '咻'.

Can face such a violent attack.

Kuang Tianheng took out a pen from his cuff and drew a few random strokes in the air.

Afterwards, an outline with curved brush and ink appeared in front of Kuang Tianheng.


When the gravel hit the outlines, they all flew aside along the arc of the outlines.

Seeing so.

Jiang He frowned, Dang even prepared to strike again.

But right now.

Kuang Tianheng suddenly shouted at a kind-eyed old man in the crowd.

"Grand Master Du! Your great-granddaughter has returned with a husband!"

As soon as this word comes out.

All the monks were taken aback for a moment, and then they all thought of something.

Immediately, a bunch of astonished gazes were all on that Grand Master Du.

Including Prince Tian Jiang He.

As Du Taishi, who was still watching the fun just now, he was obviously a little slow to respond to this role change.

But when Grand Master Du realized that Kuang Tianheng was talking to himself.

The smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he became as calm as water.

After a moment of silence, Grand Master Du asked aloud:

"Jiang Daoyou, may I ask if you are talking about one heart?"


The moment Kuang Tianheng landed on the ground, he put away the pen holder, then looked at Grand Master Du with a look that you understand, and said bluntly:
"It's your family's precious great-granddaughter, Du Yixin who has the blood of Baiwu, Du girl."

Hearing this, Grand Master Du did not respond immediately, but stared at Kuang Tianheng with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Painting holy nonsense, Yixin is not just a child of the Du family."

It was not stated explicitly, but almost everyone present had heard of the relationship.


Just when Kuang Tianheng was about to continue talking.

The complexions of the high-ranking digital astral realm lords present suddenly changed.


Their gazes all turned in one direction.

"The portal... something happened!!"

 good news.

  Bet on the score.

  bad news.

  I just bought it for [-] bucks...

(End of this chapter)

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