Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 368 Lu Shan's Curiosity

Chapter 368 Lu Shan's Curiosity (Please Subscribe!!!)
Hear the sound.

White Snake's expression changed.

Immediately swinging his body, he drew his snake tail towards the source of the sound.

"Clap" sound.

A crisp thumping sound reached White Snake's ears.

But before it had time to rejoice, the White Snake found out in astonishment.

Its snake tail was clamped down by a huge force.

Look back.

It was the monk wearing the bamboo hat, who was using his arms to tightly hold the white snake's tail.

While hooping it, he stretched out a hand and touched its snake tail.

"Still slippery..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, so this is the taste of a reckless hero?"

The White Snake didn't know the meaning of the bamboo hat man's words, turned around, and used the strength of his waist to counter-shock his body.

At the same time, it absorbs the snake scales, making it extremely slippery.

I want to rely on this ability to get out of the hands of the bamboo hat man.


This tried and tested escape skill failed this time.

The white snake just slid its body a little bit, but the next moment.

A heart-wrenching sting came from the white snake's body.


The White Snake roared in pain, then started, wanting to see the reason for the sting.

But right now.

A huge shock force was transmitted from the tail of the white snake.

Under the attack of this force, the white snake's waist was almost broken.

In the end, he could only rely on the blood spirit energy in his body to hold on.

But the white snake knew.

If they just passively resist in this way, even if the Monster Race's natural blood and spirit energy is amazing, it will be difficult to resist such continuous consumption.

to this end.

White Snake calmed down.

'Blood Skill: Frost's Fall. '

Say it silently.

next second.

A large amount of white air can be released from the white snake's snout.

In an instant.

A large amount of white gas enveloped the white snake and the man in the bamboo hat behind it.

At this time.

Not far away, the praying mantis 'Qing Jie' moved his saber, but he had no intention of going forward to help.

in its view.

As long as the White Snake unleashes such bloodline skills, even a high-level monk in the Spirit Aperture Realm.

There is no way to get out of the whole body.

For this reason, it retreated tens of feet.

Avoided the scope of the cloud of white gas.

The same goes for the two monsters on the other side. When they saw the white gas released by the white snake, they stopped paying attention to that side.

Instead, he turned his gaze and stared at the two women and a man in front of him.

For a moment, the mid-level goat-headed demon 'Yang Mou' shook the horns on top of his head.

When it noticed the jade pendant on Li Geng's waist, it suddenly laughed:


"It's still a few big fish."

As soon as these words came out, the five-tailed male horse 'Wu Shi' also saw the badge on Li Geng's waist.

Immediately he looked happy.

"Slightly slightly!!"

"I didn't expect there to be a surprise."

Saying that, it flicked its tail.

"Are you going with us by yourself, or are we asking you to come with us?"

Seeing the strange expressions of these two monsters, they looked ecstatic.

You don't need to guess, you definitely want to catch the three of them alive, and then use their identities to do something.

And in this situation, there are several sets of special coping methods in the imperial city.

But the current situation.

There is a high probability that there is only one way to deal with it...

But just when the three of you looked at me and I looked at you, when their opinions converged.

Not far away, a miserable cry suddenly reached their ears.


When they follow the sound,

In the white fog, a man in a bamboo hat who was burning with flames suddenly walked out.

On his shoulders, he carried a woman with only the upper body left.

There is also a long snake tail dragging on his hand.

Silver-white liquid was still flowing from the tail of the snake, like fresh blood.

When the man in the bamboo hat found out that someone was looking at him.

He lifted the female corpse on his body, shook it in his hand, and said:

"Dont look at me!"

"I just want to see how this guy reproduces!"

"It's really not my fault!"

Everyone who looked at the aggrieved and innocent look of the bamboo hat man was stunned.

If it weren't for the silvery white blood dripping from the corpse in his hand, everyone would believe him

The nearest Volunteer Mantis yelled, and then raised the knife in his hand, and rushed towards Lu Shan like crazy.

Seeing the other party's crazy appearance.

Lu Shan guessed something, smacked his lips, and immediately threw the snake tail and half of the corpse in his hand to the lying mantis.

"Whoosh" sound.

But the Volunteer Praying Mantis did not choose to step aside, and actually hugged the half snake tail and half body body at once, and retreated tens of feet.

Then stepped back on a big rock, and very preciously joined the two half corpses together.

Then he hugged the upper body of the white snake with a painful expression on his face.

Seeing this scene, Lu Shan confirmed his guess even more.

Then he asked aloud:

"Brother Mantis, can I ask you a question?"

Hearing the sound, the praying mantis on the ground raised his head and stared at Lu Shan with a very disgusting gaze.

And this time.

Lu Shan suddenly felt something.

Leap forward.

next second.

A figure rushed over from the position where he just hovered.

Look down.

It was the centaur.

Flying by like rushing.

After rushing out for dozens of feet, it stopped.

But as soon as he stopped, he immediately turned around, ready to attack Lu Shan again.


At this moment, a voice suddenly stopped the centaur.

"Ten noon! Back off!"

"he's mine!!"

Hearing this voice, Lu Shan looked back.

I saw that the Volunteer Mantis was already standing in the air, with silvery white blood on its mouth.

Seeing this, Lu Shan subconsciously glanced sideways.

I saw that the upper part of the white snake's chest was hollowed out.

All internal organs are exposed.

Lu Shan frowned at such a bloody scene, and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's bloody and violent..."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Between sighs.

The centaur actually stopped and stood up in the air.

"Sanliu! Are you sure?"

"Since he can kill Baixi silently, you may suffer a loss if you face him alone!"

The centaur spoke in a low voice, but it didn't want to arouse the glaring of Volunteer Mantis.

"The revenge of killing a wife is irreconcilable!"

"I swear by the blood of the 'Chonglang' clan, that I will kill my opponents with my own hands!"

"'Noon Ten', if you don't want me to make enemies with you, then leave!"

Perhaps seeing the determination of Voldemort Mantis, the centaur 'Wu Shi' finally retreated several tens of feet, and said:

"I'm watching, if something unexpected happens, don't blame me for taking action!"

Hearing that the centaur was not going to intervene, Lu Shan waved his hands helplessly, and said in a particularly regrettable tone:

"You're so cowardly, back off with just one word."

"I thought it was really that bad."

Hearing this, the centaur glared immediately.

"Humans and animals! Court death!!"

With a big drink, he was ready for movement.

But the Voldi Mantis attacked Lu Shan before the Centaur.

Just hear a "huh" sound.

Lu Shan turned his head when he heard the sound, but he could see two sharp hand knives, which had already come in front of him.

Good guy.

Supersonic? !

It was the first time that Lu Shan encountered such a fast enemy.

Excited, he couldn't help but fully activate himself.

And right now.

Those two knives had already cut into Lu Shan's body.


There was a sound of cutting into the flesh.

The body of Voldemort Mantis also penetrated through Lu Shan's body.

Being penetrable once is not enough.

Over the next two or three breaths.

The mantis on the ground used the two knives to shuttle back and forth dozens of times on Lu Shan's body.

the last time.

Volunteer Mantis even disappeared with his hands shaking.

Such a quick attack shocked Li Geng and others in the distance.

But they didn't move.

Because the goat-headed human-body demon has been guarding by their side.

Although they also paid attention to the distant battle like the three of them, Li Geng and others knew it.

As long as there is movement from one's own side.

The goat-headed monster will respond immediately.

That was a monster with the least spirit aperture, one could beat the three of them and still have the strength to spare.

So at this moment, Li Geng and the three can only stay where they are, praying that fellow Taoist Dulushan can repel all these monsters.

In this case…

They don't have to die.


Can that Du Lushan really beat these big monsters?
Seeing a praying mantis lying on the ground completely beat him to the point where he couldn't move his body.

a time.

Li Geng and Ma Yingying were filled with despair.

Relatively speaking.

Du Yixin is much better.

After all, she has seen that there is also a 'Fau Dou' beside him.

Moreover, based on Du Yixin's understanding of that chicken demon.

Although it doesn't matter to fight against these monsters, it shouldn't be a problem to support them.

As long as they can support it for a while, the living surface of the few of them will become larger.

To know.

There are not a few monks from the five domains who were sent over.

As long as you meet a few masters in the spirit aperture state, you can save them safely.

Think of this.

Du Yixin was also slowly praying that Lu Shan could last longer.

And right now.

A "bang" explosion sounded from the person in the bamboo hat.


The man in the bamboo hat suddenly exploded in the air, turning into green smoke and a yellow-brown feather, and slowly fell to the ground.

See this scenario.

Everyone stared blankly.

The same is true for the praying mantis lying on the ground, except that while it was in a daze, its body was still receding instinctively at a very fast speed.

Seeing that it has already retreated tens of feet.


A deep voice suddenly appeared behind it.

"Nice speed..."

"But you haven't told me..."

"How did you ooxx with a white snake?"


Volunteer Mantis turned around and counted knives.


The speed of the knife light was so fast that it completely disappeared from sight.

But the knife in his eyes and hands was about to hit the mask of the man in bamboo hat.


The man in the bamboo hat in front of him disappeared.

With this disappearance, Volunteer Mantis' mind was suddenly vigilant.

Followed by.

With a sudden nervousness, it instinctively swung a knife towards the side.

There was a "bass".

The incomparably sharp sound reached the ears of Volunteer Mantis, and immediately after that, an incomparably powerful force attacked its whole body along the knife in its hand.

Under the surprise attack of this powerful force.

The body of Volunteer Mantis was thrown out without any resistance.

Available in the next second.

The body of Volunteer Mantis appeared next to the man in bamboo hat again.

For the next dozen or so breaths.

Whether it's Li Geng and the others around, or the monsters of 'Wu Shi' and the others.

You can only hear the sound, but not see the shadow.

At most, monsters with similar cultivation bases can barely see a little shadow.

Time passed like this for a while.


At the nearest 'Noon Ten', I suddenly felt a faint evil spirit.

At first, it thought it was emitted by the Voldemort Mantis.

But it didn't take long before it felt something different.

It seems that it is not the same as the "chongmao" evil spirit of the mantis on the ground.

This evil spirit seemed even more manic.

Just when 'Noon Ten' was still hesitating what was going on with this evil spirit.


A unique cock crowing sound from the 'birds and birds' resounded in the ears of everyone and the demon.

"Oh oh oh!!!"


Li Geng, Ma Yingying and Du Yixin, almost at the same time, their eyes went blank and their minds froze.

I fell into a shock that I couldn't extricate myself for a long time.

The same is true for Volunteer Mantis and Centaur, who were caught in a brief shock.

In the whole area, only the goat-headed human-body demon 'Yangjie' was in the distance. After being shocked, it took two or three breaths to recover.

But when it just regained its vision.

When he entered his eyes, he could see that the mantis lying on the ground had already been lifted high by the man in the bamboo hat.


next second.

The image that made the pupils of the goat-headed monster shrink, appeared in its sight.

I saw that the man in the bamboo hat just pulled it hard.

Volunteer Mantis' body was directly torn in half by him.

The emerald green blood immediately sprayed out all around.


Seeing that the bamboo hat man dropped the corpse in his hand, he turned around and attacked the centaur.

In a hurry.

The goat-headed human body demon immediately gave up the task of guarding, raised his hands, turned them into hooves, and shouted "stop".

Lift the hoof and press down.

"Om" sound.

A huge goat's hoof made of energy gathered appeared on top of the man in the bamboo hat, and immediately smashed down.

Facing the oppression of this giant.

Sure enough, the man in the bamboo hat gave up on the centaur, changed his body shape, and made a dodging movement.

But just when the sheep-headed demon Xiaosong let out a sigh of relief.

The figure of the man in the bamboo hat suddenly flashed.

next second.

A sudden sense of crisis suddenly appeared beside the sheep-headed monster.

face this.

The goat-headed human-body demon subconsciously completely released the spiritual pressure belonging to the middle level of the spirit aperture.

He completely disregarded the attraction force that releasing such a huge spiritual pressure would have on the evil spirits within a hundred miles.

But just as its spiritual pressure was released, it suddenly went dark.

Then it doesn't know what it feels like.

It's been a long time.

When Li Geng and others regained their sanity.

A group of bright yellow flames just appeared in their sight.

And in that group of flames.

I can vaguely distinguish that it seems to be a centaur inside...

It's just that at this moment, it has been roasted alive into coke...

And when their eyes subconsciously glanced around.

Surprised to discover.

The monsters that made them feel hopeless just now are already dead...

Four monsters in the Spirit Aperture Realm...

Less than time for a cup of tea...

kill all...


In the minds of Ma Yingying and Li Geng, the same question flashed out.

Who the hell is this Dulushan? !

Is he really a casual cultivator? !

 Recently, the bronchus has been bad, coughing constantly...

  I spent two days of water ten days ago, but it didn't get better. I went again yesterday and today...


(End of this chapter)

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