After studying Taoism for three years, is it still time to change majors?

Chapter 28 Bitter 1 Bitter surname, I will bear the infamy!

Chapter 28 The bitter people, the infamy, I will bear the burden!
late at night.

City Lord's Mansion.

A phone rang suddenly.

Zhang Ping picked up the phone.

From the other end of the microphone came Qin Shouren's kind and gentle voice:
"I'm really sorry for calling late at night, but Shou-jen does have something to tell you."

Zhang Ping frowned, and said coldly:
"Speak up if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to do. There is a lot of resistance to wildlife breeding and protected areas, and the resentment of the people in the western suburbs is also very heavy. You classical Taoists, you should rest. After all, it is just a rumor!"

The corners of Qin Shouren's mouth on the other end of the phone raised slightly, and he spoke in a devil-like, alluring tone:
"If, I'm just saying if, then the rumors are true?"

Zhang Ping's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said quickly:
"Is this true?"

The female secretary at the side frowned slightly, suddenly feeling ominous.

Qin Shouren let out a hearty laugh, hit the Enter key, and sent some of the experimental data of the Dragon's Blood Potion to the special account of the City Lord's Mansion.

Zhang Ping briefly reviewed the experiment report, with a strange emotion in his eyes, "The estimated life expectancy is over [-] years old?"

"Such shocking effects of the world, even if you pay millions of cash, or even pay for precious spirit stones, you classical Taoist masters will not hesitate to bid!"

There was no hint of teasing in Qin Shouren's tone, he pursed his lips and said with a smile:


"My lord, it is imperative to apply for a wildlife sanctuary. Only the freshest sub-dragon blood can be used as the main ingredient in life-prolonging potions. As for the compensation for the people in the western suburbs, half of the compensation will be paid by classical Taoists. The city lord's mansion pays half, which is very easy to solve."

"According to my calculations, the dragon's sex is so promiscuous, and hunting is prohibited for at most two years, the total number of dragon blood beasts can reach more than 20.

On average, every ten dragon-breeding beasts can produce one liter of sub-dragon blood.

We conduct large-scale purchases from those martial artists at a price of 10 yuan per liter, but the finished medicine produced can be sold at a high price of millions, and the difference has reached hundreds of times!
The total output value of a year will never be less than tens of billions!

And the indirect economic benefits are even more immeasurable, tens of billions, hundreds of billions, are numbers that you can expect and... reach!
Let me assure you, when the industrial chain takes shape, Qingcheng's annual taxes will increase by at least RMB 50 billion!
No matter what difficulties you have, no matter what resistance you encounter, for the sake of the people, please push forward the application as soon as possible.

In half a month at most, the dragon species in the western suburbs and forest areas will be wiped out by the monks.

When the prairie dragons are also dead and the mysterious sub-dragon monster is discovered, it will be too late even if you take the medicine of regret!
Don't lose time, lose-no-again-come! "

For the last four words, Qin Shouren deliberately elongated his tone, which greatly aroused Zhang Ping's inner impulse.


The phone hangs up.

Qin Shouren looked up at the operating table.

The unconscious person lying on it is no longer his son - Qin Shutong, but the monk with whom he had a deal yesterday - Laogou.

His tone was cold, and he said with a smile that was not a smile: "In order to keep the secret of the formula, you are the price, and the people in the western suburbs are also the price."

"Only by purchasing dozens or hundreds of sub-dragon blood at the same time can we truly hide the real raw material source of the life-extending potion!"

"The core raw material of the longevity potion is ape-like dragon blood, and it must be a dragon-species ape that has awakened the supernatural powers of dragons among humans. They eat people!"

"In other words, the final raw material is actually..."

The beastman smiled slightly, "Unfortunately, in this case, the real profit of the life-prolonging potion will be much smaller... Well, the compensation should be paid in a few years later, anyway, half of the compensation from the City Lord's Mansion is enough for the people to live on." gone."


City Lord's Mansion.

Zhang Ping pondered for a long time at the desk, and then with a fanatical face, he confided his plan to the female secretary in a particularly passionate tone:
"I figured it out!"

"Transform the western suburbs and the large stretches of mountain forests in the west of Qingcheng that are difficult to open into wild animal breeding and protection areas.

The monks have a place to use, and they can get a lot of spiritual materials and excess wealth every year. They are all local monks, and all the money will be used as consumption, driving Qingcheng's economy;
Classical Taoists will obtain life-extending potions, the longer the lifespan, the older and stronger they are;
And Qingcheng can also reap 50 billion in taxes, as well as massive indirect economic benefits!

I will not waste any of this money. I will use it to build bridges and pave roads, improve people's livelihood, and develop Qingcheng's economy and people's livelihood!

Within ten years, I will make Qingcheng the number one economic city in Qingzhou! "


Zhang Ping's passionate words did not affect the female secretary at all, she still maintained a certain degree of rationality, and said bitterly:
"My lord, I know you are a self-motivated person, but have you considered the consequences?"

"There are a total of 28 households in the western suburbs, about 5000 people. They are threatened by dragon beasts all day long, and they have been looking forward to the city lord's mansion and many monks to end the dragon trouble as soon as possible, but...

Now you have to tell them that the dragon species are gone, and you have to confiscate the land they live on, and then hand over their villages, fields, and homes that have lived for decades to those wild beasts.

You say, can they agree? "

"Besides, do Qingcheng and a small number of classical Taoists really have the financial resources to expropriate the entire western suburbs?
That's not a road, a street, but a land of more than 1000 square kilometers, and there are 10,000+ people living in it! "

"At least in the early stage, we simply cannot afford the cost of permanent migration of 10,000+ people. Are we going to give IOUs to the displaced people in the western suburbs?"

"I am very clear that once the agricultural nature of the land is changed to a nature reserve, the first to suffer must be those ordinary people who have no money, no power, and cannot resist any economic fluctuations!"

"more importantly!"

"Once the dragon beasts flood, with Qingcheng's meager strength, can it really withstand the impact of the beast tide? Can you afford this risk?"

The female secretary looked distressed, and she spoke out all the troubles that the wildlife reserve might bring, as if she didn't want money.

Zhang Ping was stunned, and a bit of anger was ignited in his eyes looking at her, but he held back because of the years of friendship, and patiently explained:
"I can only do what I can."

"In the past few years, everyone tightened their belts together, started the industry, and waited for the cost to be recovered and the economy to develop, and then make up all the IOUs, isn't it good?

Anyway, Qin Shouren also said that he will bear the other half of the compensation. This money is enough for the people in the western suburbs to maintain their livelihoods for several years. It doesn't matter if we issue an IOU here. "

"The people who are suffering, I will bear the blame!"

The female secretary was speechless and walked out of the office in frustration, but when she looked up at the sky, she saw an unprecedented strange sight.

The sky is full of stars, falling down to the western suburbs, and there are even sword shadows soaring into the sky, criss-crossing the mountains and forests!
at the same time.

The patrol captain of the temporary camp - Zheng Dong, reported the great news to the City Lord's Mansion:

"My lord, I want to tell you some good news!"

"The dragon species in the forest has been cleared!"


Zhang Ping was astonished like thunder, and slowly raised a question mark.

(End of this chapter)

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