Chapter 42 Outer Bookman and Mysterious Rewards!

Qingcheng Square is centered on the gymnasium. It is a leisure and entertainment venue that can accommodate tens of thousands of citizens. It is empty all year round.

But now, it cannot be squeezed.

Even the basketball court dedicated to the square dancing aunts is occupied by enthusiastic people in the western suburbs, which is simply a sign of the times.

Su Luo randomly walked into a temporary building similar to Shandong Daji, and almost walked out with support on the wall.

The price of snacks in Daji in rural areas is often much lower than that in cities. A serving of [-] fried scallion and meat buns costs only three yuan.

In addition, there are also mouth-watering folk delicacies such as hot and sour noodles, sausage noodles, tofu brains, steamed buns, egg-filled pancakes, and roasted pig's trotters.

The average price does not exceed five yuan.

Su Luo couldn't help but think back to his previous life. When he was shopping in a university town in a certain first-tier city, he often unknowingly disappeared hundreds of dollars from his pocket. He sighed inexplicably:
"A world of low prices is really beautiful..."

At this moment, a soft female voice suddenly came from my ear:

"Brother Su, are you here too?"

Su Luo turned his head to look, and found that the speaker was none other than Wang Shiwu's sister, Wang Chuyi.

She was wearing a black and white professional dress, with a mutton skewer in her left hand and a ham sausage in her right hand, and said with a mouth full of oil:

"Do you like lamb kebabs, or starchy sausage? Help me share some, please."

When it came to this point, Su Luo couldn't refuse. He took the starch sausage, carefully reviewed the taste of the supreme childhood food, and asked casually:

"Didn't your sister say that you are organizing a celebration ceremony for mountain hunting?"

Wang Chuyi froze, and said with a sarcastic smile:

"Work is to exchange labor for remuneration, and fishing is to make money for yourself."

Su Luo nodded and agreed:

"Reject introversion, start with me."


Wang Chuyi looked around like a chicken thief, and after confirming that there were no acquaintances nearby, she said with a wicked smile:
"Secretly tell you, I'm actually an outsider!"


Su Luo slowly made a question mark.

There was a slight sneer at the corner of Wang Chuyi's mouth, and said softly:
"I started from my freshman year. Although I was not looking for a job, I would regularly post some resumes online. When the personnel asked me about my salary, no matter how much it was, I would tell them that the salary was too low for this job. Let the capitalists realize that this salary is really hard to recruit people, prompting them to come up with the idea of ​​raising recruitment wages.”

"Hey, this kind of reverse exploitation of capitalists, making them roll inward and benefit the workers, is the outsider!"

Su Luo directly called the expert, although it may not be very effective, but this spirit of selfless dedication still made him admire:
"Are you the goddess who saves the workers?"

With a smile on her face, Wang Chuyi sang softly, with dimples on her cheeks:
"Who said that those who sincerely apply for a job are considered heroes?"

The two chatted for a long time, and unknowingly strolled around the market until noon, and Su Luo also obtained the details of the celebrations in the mountains and forests from Wang Chuyi.

Two hours later, that is, at three o'clock in the afternoon, every monk who has participated in hunting in the mountains can climb up to the high platform for a short time, donate the Yalong's blood to the three major martial arts halls, enjoy the cheers of the people for a while, and then the next A monk, or the next team of monks come on stage to donate.

After everyone has donated, the Wuguan representative will count the donation points and issue corresponding prizes.

Wang Chuyi reviewed the prize information and added:

"The [-]th to [-]th place in the points ranking can each get a middle-grade Ningqiao Pill, which is worth about one million yuan. For big families, it doesn't mean much.

However, it is very difficult for ordinary people to obtain medium-grade Condensing Aperture Pills, and they often need to pay a premium of [-]% to [-]% to buy them. Therefore, the goals of many small families and powerful monks are these medium-grade Condensing Aperture Pills. "

"Starting from No.10, the prizes are more precious."

"In addition to the middle-grade Ningqiao Pill, those who score six to ten points will also get a middle-grade sharp weapon grade material. It is basically no problem to find an excellent swordsmith and make a high-quality low-grade sharp weapon that suits you. of."

"Is it very precious?" Su Luonei looked at the visualization map of the Supreme Sword Tomb. There were almost a hundred middle-grade materials stored in the storage box. He suddenly realized that his wealth might be more than he imagined... billions of points.

Wang Chuyi squinted at the person who was temporarily accompanying her while shopping, and said with a smile:
"Brother Su, could it be that you are a descendant of a hidden family who came out to experience life?"

Su Luo quickly denied it, and with a smile on his face, he asked the beautiful and kind senior sister Chu Yi to carry out the science popularization to the end.

Wang Chuyi chuckled and said:

"Actually, I don't know much about the rewards for the top five.

At the Xingkong Dojo, Uncle Fan Huaimin has a wide network of contacts, and at a discounted price, he bought 25 middle-grade Condensing Aperture Pills from the Tulong Xuegong as a reward.

The five sharp weapon materials come from some prairie dragon beasts, which I happened to see when I was working in the morning.

The remaining rewards are in charge of the Devouring Martial Art Museum and Da Xia Martial Arts Hall, and the value should be very high.

Even Fu Qingyang, the eldest son of the first family in Qingcheng, personally participated in the hunting in the mountains and forests. The promotion of fame was part of it, but it might also be for the mysterious rewards for the top five. "

at this time.

Wang Chuyi glanced at his watch, it showed [13::02], his face changed suddenly, and he said hastily:
"Uncle Fan should be here soon, I can't continue fishing, let's chat when I have time."


There was only a little scent of shampoo left in the air, and the girl beside Su Luo disappeared without a trace.


"What about people???"

"What happened?"

Su Luo looked around, but he didn't find Wang Chuyi's trace, so he couldn't help being suspicious, and said in a strange tone:

"Did I see a ghost in broad daylight?"


after an hour.

The persons in charge of the martial arts gym, including Fan Huaimin and Wu Chuanliu, have all arrived at the Qingcheng Gymnasium to confirm the details of the hunting celebration.

Su Luo kept a low profile among the people, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Fu Qingyang, the eldest son of the Fu family, surrounded by many warriors.

Many monks are like wholesalers, outputting their flattering words like crazy:

"Follow Brother Qingyang, the road will only get wider and wider."

"Brother Qingyang is here, and Qingtian will be there."

"It's true that the tiger father has no dogs, brother Qingyang's talent is not inferior to your father's!"

Fu Qingyang looked around, most of them were people who were stalking people.

According to the usual way, he will make good friends with these people, accumulate popularity, gain the recognition of the monks and the people of Qingcheng, and strive like this for 30 to [-] years to inherit the goal of being the head of the Fu family.

When seeing the almost invincible soaring sword energy in the mountains, forests and grasslands, it is very likely that it is the mysterious sword master with great power to cut Dao...

Fu Qingyang's heart felt like it was being eaten by hundreds of ants. It was so itchy that he couldn't continue to linger in interpersonal communication, and he secretly roared in his heart:

"Master Ice Flame Sword Saint, where are you, accept me as a disciple..."

Su Luo sneezed inexplicably and passed by in a low-key manner.

(End of this chapter)

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