Chapter 271
Difficulty is difficult, offline payment and payment have been made as a template, and Ma Yun has experienced it. If Alipay follows suit, the QR code is really an irreplaceable application.
Anyway, Ma Yun convened the engineers of the whole company to conceive, and there was no way to design another application to replace the QR code.
Of course, there may be, but the invention and design will definitely take a long time and capital. By that time, Pinpay may have unified the offline payment market and formed a monopoly. So for now, the QR code is the most useful application,
There is no way, Ma Yun will only put down his face, and personally go to Hengda Group to beg Wang Heng,
Wang Heng crossed his legs and said to Ma Yun with a smile,

"Old Ma, I don't care what you think, Yanxuan Group will eventually be controlled by Hengda Group,

Of course, as long as you do well, I won't easily take down your position as president,
Let me tell you this, whether you want to compete with Pinpay or Pinxixi, even if you knock down these two companies, I won’t care.
In my eyes, no matter whether it is fighting Xixi, Yanxuan Group, or paying, there is no so-called difference between a real son and a godson, and I treat them equally.
Survival of the fittest, competition will make progress, I will not intervene in the competition between you, if you want to authorize the QR code, you can go and talk to Wang Yue in person. "

Ma Yun piled up a smile, took Wang Heng's words and said,

"Wang Dong, since you have said so, I absolutely believe that you will be fair and just. I will discuss authorization with Wang Yue, and Alipay will start offline promotion activities in a week."

"Old Ma, you don't need to tell me about Yanxuan Group, just run it according to your ideas. I hope that one day, Yanxuan Mall, Taobao Mall, and Alipay under Yanxuan Group can be listed, and each of them can Breaking through trillions in market value."

As Wang Heng said, he suddenly remembered something and asked,

"Old Ma, I remember that when Yanxuan merged with Ari, Ari had a domestic Yahoo website, is it still there? Has it closed down?"


Apart from Wang Heng, Ma Yun himself almost forgot that the domestic Yahoo acquired by Ari has been operating half-deadly, and it might have been closed that day. Ma Yun didn't care much about it.

"It's not a problem to delay so much. Have the four portals, Sina, Wangyi, Sogua, and Tencent, ever thought about acquiring your website?"

"Yes, they sent me an acquisition offer."

Wang Heng asked curiously,
"How much did they pay?"

"5 million RMB."

In 2005, Ma Yun exchanged 40% of Ari’s equity for Yahoo China + 10 billion US dollars.
At that time, Ali was valued at 100 billion, and the Mayun team accounted for 60% of the shares, Softbank 40%, and Ma Yun was worth 36 billion.
After the acquisition of Yahoo China, Ahri’s valuation exceeded 200 billion RMB, with Yahoo’s 40% stake, Ma Yun’s team 31%, and Softbank’s 29%.

Calculated in this way, 40% of Yahoo’s equity is equivalent to 80 billion RMB, and Yahoo contributed 10 billion US dollars. The exchange rate at that time was 1:8, so 10 billion US dollars was equivalent to 80 billion RMB.

So Yahoo China is actually just a piece of cake. It’s no wonder that Ma Yun doesn’t pay attention to Yahoo China at all. After all, no one will cherish things that don’t cost money.
"Sell it for 5 million yuan, and you can earn a penny. Not only will it cost money to procrastinate like this, but also how long you can procrastinate, at most a year or so, and you won't be able to close it."

Ma Yun thought about it, and now Yahoo China doesn't have much traffic, and it can't divert traffic for Taobao and Yanxuan Mall. It's better to sell it while it still has some value.
Wang Heng just mentioned in passing that he doesn't care whether Ma Yun sells it or not, it's only 5 million yuan. Yanxuan Group can afford to lose, and so can he.

This society is very realistic. When Wang Heng showed strong capital, whether it was Laomao Capital, Red Three Capital, or Softbank, they were all convinced.

Although cursing, none of them chose to withdraw their shares. None of these capitals would be arrogant. They didn't care about conflicts and only cared about interests.

Even the capital has been subdued, Ma Yun has no temper, his arms can't twist his thighs, although Ma Yun really wants to control the Yanxuan Group absolutely,
But when there was no other way, he had no choice but to give up and return his identity to the company manager.
QR code company Wang Yue, when he received Pinpay’s request to develop and cooperate with Pinpay to add friends, collect money, and pay with QR codes, he felt that it was time for the QR codes to take off.
Then without further ado, he asked Feng Lei to ask for 10% of the profit to be paid as the authorization fee for the QR code.

Feng Lei has overestimated the general trend of fighting to pay, with an annual income of tens of billions, is it possible to give the QR code billions of authorization fees?

Immediately, it was a one-off price, "Pinpay only accepts a fixed authorization fee, [-] million a year, no more."

Wang Yue didn't know about the development of Pinpay. At that time, Pinpay was valued at less than 10 billion, but he was willing to spend [-] million a year to buy authorization. Of course, he agreed immediately.
Then it dragged on for more than half a year before the QR code of Pinpay was launched. At the beginning, the results were not satisfactory.
Then after the big promotion of Dangpin Payment, Dangpin Payment was revealed to be valued at 200 billion, and after the daily transaction capital was 50 billion,

Wang Yue kept complaining about losing money in the company, and then Ma Yun came to him at this time,

In Wang Yue's mind, Alipay and Pinpay are similar software, so if Pinpay can scale up to such a large scale, so can Alipay.
Then this time, without further ado, Wang Yue insisted that he would pay 10% of Alipay's profits.

Ma Yun is not stupid, so naturally he would not agree, so he said,
"The QR code application will be used in various aspects in the future. With a QR code application, every company needs 10% of the profit. Then your company will make more money than any company in the world. Is this possible?
Let me tell you that it is impossible to pay the authorization fee on a percentage basis. I have inquired about it, and it is only [-] million per year for Pinpay, and Alipay will also pay [-] million. "

"One hundred million is too low, I don't accept it."

"Then I will apply for a public patent compulsory authorization, and I will give you up to 1000 million at that time."

After Ma Yun finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

Wang Yue did not have Ma Yun's courage, and this software was not invented by him in the first place. Seeing that Ma Yun was so determined, he quickly said,
"One hundred million is one hundred million, and I ask for cash."

Yanxuan Group is rich now, and after seeing Wang Yue agreeing so quickly, they turned around and signed an agreement with him directly.

In fact, although QR codes are widely used, offline payment is the main one.
Alipay and Pinpay only pay [-] million yuan. If Tencent develops WeChat payment in the future, it will not pay more.
Therefore, when the price is set in this dominant market, QR codes will not receive much money at all in other applications, and in the end they can only rely on offline payments to survive. Listed, the highest market value will not exceed 100 billion,

So the future of QR codes, in fact, was restricted from the very beginning.

At this time, Wang Yue didn't know that after putting away the Alipay contract, he was still thinking about the fact that there are so many applications on the entire network, and each application has a scanning box. With so many software on the entire network, the QR code can be received in one year. How much is the licensing fee? 100 billion or 200 billion?
He thought, the QR code is going to make money this time.

(End of this chapter)

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