Poison Demon Immortal

Chapter 322 Chapter 339-340 Mengze 1 Night

Chapter 322 Chapter 339-340

Misty Outpost.

In a wheat field.

A vegetable rabbit is gnawing weeds in the wheat field, and next to the little rabbit, there is a turtle shell.

There is a hole in the turtle shell.

In the small courtyard of Dongtian.

Jiuji sat at the stone table.

Xiaofang was washing his feet while he was holding a cup of tea in one hand and reading a book in the other.

There is also a wooden box on top of the stone table, and there are several books in the wooden box.

What Jiuji read was another "Notes on Gu Refining".

This "Gu Refining Notes" was obtained from Chen Shushan.

"Gu Refining Notes" records in detail the refining methods of poison gas Gu and venom Gu.

Jiuji only read a small part of the first part of the Gu refining notes, as for the latter part of the hybridization of sex and living people to test Gu, it was useless to Jiuji.

In the wasteland not far away...

A huge bronze Gu Cup continued to emit miserable insect sounds.

Now there are only three dung beetles left in the Gu cup.

Two of the dung beetles and their troops were killed.

Now the bronze Gu cup has formed a three-legged pattern.

One gas Gu, two venom Gu.

Among them, poisonous gas Gu suffers the most, because Jiuji ordered this Gu insect not to release poisonous gas. Fortunately, its poison resistance is also very high, and the venom of other dung beetles cannot cause the slightest damage to it. They rely purely on the insect shell in the bronze Gu. , Lizu fights with a group of ferocity.

The three dung beetles have been refined by Jiuji, so even through the bronze Gu cup, Jiuji can clearly feel the process of their fighting, which is impossible for other Gu cultivators.

While truly feeling the primitive struggle of Gu insects, he was flipping through the "Notes on Refining Gu".

Jiuji is not studying, but exploring the deep secrets of Gu refining from a high-level perspective.

If Jiuji's guess is right...

The final winner should be poisonous gas Gu, it is a dangerous insect, it has not completely lost its ability to reproduce.

This means that if this poison gas Gu is implanted into the human body, it will use the human body as a breeding ground for reproduction. Perhaps it is because it has not completely lost its ability to reproduce, so it is the most vicious, stronger than the other two venom Gu. a cut.

"Xiaofang...don't just rub your feet, rub your top too..." Jiuji ordered.

"Hmm..." Xiaofang nodded in agreement.

Jiuji put down "Gu Refining Notes" and took another book from the wooden box.

This is a talisman book.

There are three kinds of fire talismans recorded in the talisman book.

One is the Flame Explosion Talisman, the second is the Fireball Talisman, and the third is the Fire Snake Talisman.

Then Chen Shushan should be the fire vein of refining...

"A person who refines the fire veins and the poisonous gas Gu can be integrated with the human Gu. The so-called sentimental way is to distort human nature." Jiuji threw the talisman book in his hand on the table, his face full of disdain.

"Human nature is very malleable. It's not Gu worms that distort human nature but human nature." Jiuji said to himself.

"Okay...let's wipe your feet." Jiuji said as he put down the book in his hand.

the other side.

Li Xiaocui and Xiaohua are making a green-haired costume for Jiuji.

The materials of the Lvmao Shenzhuang are very simple, cotton quilt, twine, soil and grass.

Jiuji asked to add a skeleton to the green-haired costume, so that he could come out of his shell with a golden cicada at night.

Put the green-haired god costume outside, sneak into the turtle shell by yourself, and enjoy the warm and fragrant nephrite.

Jiuji didn't leave the tortoise shell all day.

until night.

Jiuji sat up from the bed, put on a pajamas, and walked to the wasteland.

After two days and two nights, the fight in the bronze Gu cup was over.

In the whole bronze Gu cup, there was only one Gu left, the poison gas Gu with the ability to reproduce won the final victory, but it was also dying.

A flash of silver light.

Poison gas Gu came into Jiuji's hands.

The real silver essence constantly nourishes it...

But even so, the vitality of poison gas Gu is still losing...

Even if this poison gas Gu is put into its own aperture, it will surely die.

How to make it survive?
The only way to survive is to let it parasitize on the living person, nourished by the flesh and blood, and it will naturally be able to bring the dead back to life.

Flesh nourishes...

Jiuji's eyes became sharp.

Inside the turtle shell...

Xiao Hua, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, felt that someone was patting her on the cheek.

"My lord..." Miss Xiaohua said shyly.

"I want you to do something for me."

"I can't... You can find Xiaocui and Xiaofang, I'm bleeding..." Miss Xiaohua's voice was like a mosquito.

"I just want your blood..."


Xiaohua let out a miserable scream, which resounded through the entire tortoise shell.

There was no sound outside the turtle's shell.

After such a big commotion, Xiaofang and Li Xiaocui had already put on their clothes and got up.

They usually grow flowers and plants in the tortoise shell. Even if they don't sleep at night, they still have time to make up for sleep during the day.

After Xiaofang got up, she ate melon seeds by the moonlight.

"Does she feel like this every time she hurts?" Li Xiaocui asked with a frown.

"Hmph...Of course I pretended to show you, Young Master." Xiaofang said angrily.

Under the dual nourishment of Miss Xiaohua's waste blood and Jiuji Baiyin's true essence, the loss of life from the poisonous gas gu did not stop, and she still died in the end...

If this poison gas Gu is implanted into Xiaohua's body, maybe he won't die.

But it's not necessary...

Gu worms are just tools.

But Xiaohua is someone who can cup himself.

Besides, there is no shortage of Gu worms in Mengze.

Because Jiuji didn't understand the laws of refining Gu, and he was just trying now, so the failure this time was completely reasonable, and the success was an accident.

And the law is summing up the lessons of failure and successful experience countless times. As long as you have perseverance, good at observation, good at summarizing, and dare to think and try, you can finally grasp the law and finally let yourself succeed in refining Gu every time.

It was dawn at this time.

Jiuji put on the green-haired costume made by two girls, Li Xiaocui and Fanghua, and appeared outside the turtle shell.

Jiuji, who was dressed in green, found General Qiao, and General Qiao had already recruited all his staff.

Counting Jiuji, there are five people.

A group of five people left Calabash Pass and headed towards the depths of Mengze.

General Joe brought a total of four people.

Except for Song Xinyuan, everyone, like Jiu Ji, followed General Qiao into Mengze for the first time.

Everyone, including General Joe, was wearing a green-haired god costume.

Luscious green...

The walking speed of the crowd was not fast, after all, the green-haired divine attire was very heavy.

Along the way, there was silence.

Everyone kept marching silently.

After half a day.

"You guys eat some dry food here, I'll go to find out the wind..." After General Qiao finished speaking, he got into the dense jungle.

"Brother Song...why are we going to steal that swamp dragon's egg?" Jiu Ji asked suddenly.

Song Xinyuan glanced at Jiuji strangely and said, "Of course it's for military merit."

"A swamp flying dragon egg has a thousand military merits. As long as you can dig out a nest, everyone present can be a sergeant..."

"I mean, why did the General's Mansion issue this mission?"

"The tribute requested by the imperial court."

"Recently, the court has asked for a lot of tribute."

"I heard that the little prince is going to become a prince, and the imperial court is going to feast the world, after all, we need to prepare some strange things."

"The little prince?" Jiuji asked suddenly.

"Of course it is Feng Zhuyu, the only son born to the empress of the current dynasty." Another captain said.

"Feng Zhuyu is going to be the crown prince?"

"It should be... Prime Minister Zhong's daughter has become the queen, so naturally his grandson should also become the prince."

Everyone, you say what I say...

Jiuji listened silently without interrupting.

It seems that Queen Zhong has found another person to play her son.

This is really interesting...

I don't know which family Zhong Shunhua sent the child to be the crown prince.

"Brother Huang... what are you eating?" Song Xinyuan asked suddenly.

At this time, everyone was holding corn buns in their hands, and one of them not only had corn buns in his hand, but also had meat in his hand.

Meat is a rarity in Mengze, vegetables and rabbits are very common, but rabbits are poisonous and need to be quarantined in the desert for more than ten days before they can be eaten. Eating a rabbit requires at least 20 merit points.

Therefore, the people present seldom eat meat.

Huang Dazhu glanced at the crowd, smiled and said, "Fried grasshoppers."

Song Xinyuan licked his lips.

"Is it not poisonous?"

"It's not poisonous... try it." Captain Huang Dazhu took out a few fried grasshoppers from the storage bag and handed them to several people.

Jiuji also took the grasshopper, wrapped it in a steamed bun, and bit it down. The suma was crispy and delicious.


"What kind of grasshopper is this?"

"This should be a locust." Jiuji said with a frown.

"Yes, this is indeed a locust."

"There are no locusts in the fog." Song Xinyuan said
"That's right... There are too many powerful poisonous insects in Mengze, and they restrain each other. There is no chance for locusts to become demons." Jiuji also echoed.

"I was caught in the desert."

"Desert locusts... taste good, are there any more?"

"I don't have many of these good things." Huang Dazhu showed a look of embarrassment.

Exactly at this time.

General Qiao returned, and said to everyone with a serious expression: "There is a poisonous miasma ahead, have you all brought the Qingling Pill?"

Everyone nodded together.

The five of them set off together, each with a Qingling Pill in their mouths, and penetrated into the yellow poisonous miasma.

There was an earthy smell in the yellow poisonous miasma. Jiuji not only maintained the body protection of Xuangang, but also opened the cloud mirror heart lake.

The cloud mirrors the heart lake, and sees oneself.

Through the sparkling lake, Jiuji can observe his state at any time.

In the yellow poisonous miasma, except that the vision cannot reach far, there is no other discomfort.

Judging from the state of Yunjing Xinhu, Jiuji doesn't seem to need Qingling Pill either.

Walked for an hour.

The five of them just passed through the yellow poisonous miasma and came to an extremely muddy swamp.

In this muddy and silent swamp, the five of them walked carefully for a day until evening...

it's getting dark.

General Joe found a place for everyone to rest.

It was a dilapidated house in the mountains.

The roof is gone, the walls don’t have four sides, only three sides, and on these three walls, there are only broken walls that are only one person high.

Fortunately, there is a bluestone floor here, at least sleeping on the floor is still dry, which is many times better than sleeping in the swamp mud.

The ruins are ruined, and the ground is covered with moss.

"There are a lot of nocturnal monsters in the swamp. You can't hurry at night. Let's lie down here tonight..."

"Remember, don't make any noise at night, and don't snore. If you like to snore, keep your eyes open and don't sleep!"

After General Qiao finished speaking, he came to the corner and lay down.

Looking at the shape, it looks like the corner of the wall was pulled by some large monster, and grass grows on it for a long time...

"I rested with the general." Song Xinyuan immediately came to lie down beside General Qiao.

One lump of grass becomes two lumps of grass.

"I'll find a place alone." Jiuji glanced at the remaining two and said.

The other two nodded.

After a moment.

The five of them quickly found places to lie down in this abandoned house...

300 years ago, the Human Race Expeditionary Army discovered Mengze, and the former Human Race Expeditionary Army fought all the way to the depths of Mengze.

Among them was a human general who even planned to transform Mengze, a place full of poisonous insects, into a land of fish and rice.

However, only two or three hundred years later, the attack and defense changed, and the Terran Expeditionary Army was forced into the desert to establish General Mengze's Mansion, leaving only an outpost in the Mengze area.

And this ruined wall is the remains left by the Human Race Expeditionary Army in Mengze.

Five tufts of green grass suddenly appeared in the corners of the ruined walls.

One of them even crawled to a place near the swamp.

Jiuji put the tortoise shell on the broken wall, and then quietly activated the Heavenly Remnant Formation.

Jiuji disappeared, but the thick green-haired divine attire remained outside.

There is a keel support in the green-haired costume, and Jiuji can completely escape the golden cicada's shell.

The person disappeared, but the quilt was still there.

Jiuji entered the tortoise shell and smelled the aroma of fish hot pot.

At this time, the vegetables in the tortoise's shell have not yet grown, and the chicks have just come back. The toxicity of the vegetables and rabbits has not been resolved, and they can only eat fish at present.

The fish is sliced ​​very thin and crystal clear.

Four people sat together and started eating hot pot.

After eating one fish, the four of them were still not full.

But it doesn't matter.

Pour two catties of noodles into the fish soup.

Fish noodle soup.

One bowl per person.

Drink the fish soup, it is delicious.

Take a shower after eating.

Jiuji needs to relax after a long day of driving.

Take a comfortable bath in the hot tub.

After taking a shower and cupping.

It was late at night.

The Misty Swamp is the Misty Swamp.

There are many trees and dense jungle here, even in the daytime it is gloomy, let alone at night, it is completely dark.

"Master, drink tea..." Xiaofang brought the hot tea to Jiuji's mouth.

Jiuji took the tea and looked up while tasting the tea.

outside world……

buzzing buzzing...

in the dark.

Mosquitoes the size of washbasins appeared.

More than one, in groups.

These mosquitoes have patterns like tiger skin, and when they flap their wings, they buzz together.

This should be the swamp fly.

A swamp poisonous fly is good enough to deal with swarms, even Wu Xian will surely die.

The huge swamp poisonous flies did not fly away, but stayed in densely packed.

Now General Qiao and the others must not even dare to take a breath.

Swamp poisonous flies are swarming in groups, covering the sky and covering the sky. In Mengze, there are existences like overlords. Wherever they pass, no matter whether it is a person or a rabbit with vegetables, they can only pout their buttocks and pretend to be plants to escape. Passed a catastrophe.

After about half a stick of incense...

hum hum...

A large number of swamp poisonous flies flew away again, but a few remained in place.

Maybe it was an injury, maybe it was tired.

Among the broken walls, about three or five swamp poisonous flies were left behind.

This kind of number is not a threat at all, if there is only Jiuji alone, maybe he will grab a few swamp poisonous flies and throw them into the bronze Gu cup to see if any new species can be born.

Exactly at this time.

A pink tongue pops out, piercing a swamp fly.

A lizard dripping with mud crawled out of the night...

puff puff puff...

The pink tongue pierced through and swallowed all the poisonous swamp flies continuously.

This is a swamp lizard that hides in the mud during the day and comes out to hunt at night.

It has a very keen sense of smell.

Its forked tongue was constantly spit out and retracted, and the grass mats seemed strange.

The swamp lizard crawled towards one of the big lumps of grass, with its pink and soft tongue, it kept licking the grass mat.

It's really grass...

The grass was indeed covered with dirt.

There is only a thin layer of soil, and under the soil is a quilt, and under the quilt is a martial artist, and that martial artist is Huang Dazhu.

Jiuji, who was lying on the stone bed, already felt the tension of the sword.

With Huang Dazhu's cultivation as a second-rank martial artist, it is not difficult to kill this little lizard.

The difficulty is that after the killing, the bloody smell will attract a steady stream of other monsters.

Once there are too many monsters, everyone can't pretend. If Jiuji is still alone in the tortoise shell, it may be inappropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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