Chapter 116 Expulsion from the Family
"That's right, is it because of the two of them that our Han family has to go into the water?"

"Once the Han family is dragged down from the position of the No. [-] wealthy family in the fifth sector, it will be difficult to get up again."

"In these years, how many family forces have been staring at our Han family's mistakes. If this continues, the Han family will not only lose its reputation, but the fifth star district will also thoroughly investigate the Han family's handling of the Han family."

"The Wu family is really courageous. Violating discipline and killing people is so natural."

"Hmph, who made our good second brother dote on his wife and daughter so much, he really dares to speak like that, even our Han Patriarch dare not say that."

"Others will think that this is the upbringing of our Han family."

"This time the Han family is really in crisis. If we want to keep the Han family, we can do without Wu Erqin and Han Lujiao."

Everyone in the Han family became dissatisfied with Erye Han's family, each with complaints and anger.

Han Erye wanted to identify something, but he was beaten back.

The Han family's meeting in the afternoon is not like the meeting in the morning, and they can still keep calm.

The Han family is about to be dragged into the water by the Wu family, so they can take it easy.

Seeing that they were about to scold and fight.

Mrs. Han said loudly: "Shut up, everyone. In order to keep our Han family, Wu Erqin and Han Lujiao must be expelled from the family."

Han Erye's face changed drastically, and he stood up directly, "Mother, Erqin is my wife, and Lujiao is my daughter and your granddaughter, how could you bear to drive them out of the family."

Mrs. Han said with a dignified look on her face: "A person like Wu Erqin is not worthy of being your wife, and Han Lujiao is even more unworthy of being a girl from the Han family. There are still many people in our Han family. We should not let their reputation be affected by these two bugs."

Mrs. Han puts the interests of the family first, and acts decisively. She decides to expel these two people from the Han family.

"But, how can the two of them survive after that?"

Once expelled from the wealthy family, one can imagine how Wu Erqin and Han Lujiao would be hit and attacked.

Mrs. Han will not be merciful, "It's their own fault. They don't know how to maintain the reputation of the Han family outside, so they slander the Han family like this."

Mrs. Han hated Wu Erqin so much, she didn't even like Han Lujiao.

In the past, Mrs. Han turned a blind eye to her second son, and Han Lujiao passed the exam as a pharmacist, and with her good looks, she managed her reputation well.

Going out to marry in the future may be beneficial to the Han family.

But today's Han Lujiao will only harm the Han family, and Mrs. Han naturally wishes to drive Han Lujiao out of the family immediately.

"Mother, I beg you, they are innocent. Our Han family has a great career and a solid foundation, so we won't be affected. I can send them out for a while, and wait for the wind..."

Han Erye still wants to argue with reason.

Mrs. Han snorted coldly: "Shut up, I didn't agree with such a thing entering the Han family. You have to insist. I said before that if she dares to ruin the reputation of my Han family, she will be the first to forgive her."

"Since you can't bear them, you should leave the family too."

Second Master Han's face turned pale, "Mother, no, no..."

How could Erye Han be willing to leave the Han family? After leaving the Han family, he was nothing, and all his halos were gone. In a place like the Fifth Star District, his survival was a problem.

Mrs. Han said indifferently: "Since you want to stay in the Han family, you should put the interests of the Han family first. That's it. Fourth, let the public relations team send a message. The Wu family, Wu Erqin and Han Lujiao will meet with the Han family again." It doesn't matter."

The Han family works very fast.

Soon, the news that Wu Erqin and Han Lujiao were expelled from the family was published online.

(End of this chapter)

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