Chapter 149 Shredded Green Tea
Bai Luoxiao stood at the gate of the school, looking at the words Wuhu Academy, his expression was a little dazed.

Bai Luoxiao said: "I passed by here many times before, and if I wanted to go in and take a look, I could only take a look from a distance, and never came in."

Yes, Shi Jiajia has been in the university for almost four years, and Bai Luoxiao has never been here.

Shi Jiajia didn't allow it, even if Bai Luoxiao was waiting for Shi Jiajia at the school gate, Shi Jiajia wouldn't let him.

At the beginning, he was worried that Shi Jiajia would love her dearly, and when he came to the Fifth Star District, he wanted to bring her something.

I also want to buy some gifts and clothes for her.

But Shi Jiajia always disliked it every time, saying that the things in the eighteen star district are very dirty here.

He thought about taking Shi Jiajia to go shopping in the fifth star area.

But Shi Jiajia also said that she was very busy and had no time.

Bai Luoxiao thought about it, so he went to the mall to buy it, and brought it to Shi Jiajia.

Then Shi Jiajia said that he would not pick girls' things.

Bai Luoxiao was messed up by Shi Jiajia, he was restrained and felt inferior.

He didn't even think he knew anything.

Bai Jinyao became even angrier and said, "Uncle, now everyone knows Shi Jiajia's true face, let's go in, no one will dare to look down on you."

Bai Jinyao knew how good her uncle was.

After seeing the chat records in her uncle's mobile phone, Bai Jinyao wished she could kill Shi Jiajia with a big knife.

She was angry with her uncle.

However, the content she posted on the school forum of Wuhu Academy is enough to let people in this school know Shi Jiajia's true face, and it will also win a good reputation for uncle.

Bai Luoxiao looked at Bai Jinyao and said, "Uncle can go in alone, Jinyao, uncle doesn't want to involve you."

Bai Jinyao said: "Look at what you said, uncle, it's not called trouble, I think it's very refreshing to tear the green tea with your hands."

When Bai Jinyao and Bai Luoxiao were walking towards the campus, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Oh my god, that male voice is so cool, is it from our school?"

"Ah, he's really handsome. Maybe he's not from our school. If he's really from our school, he must have become a man of the hour."

"Maybe it's a classmate's elder brother. You can see that the clothes he wears are top international brands, which are very valuable."

"And the watch on his wrist, that watch is not something you can buy if you want to buy it."

"This person's status is unusual."

"Hey, the girl next to him looks young, is she his sister?"

"That girl looks so good, why does she feel familiar?"

Everyone on campus couldn't help being attracted by the combination of Bai Luoxiao and Bai Jinyao.

It's really eye-catching, and it's really powerful.

Everyone couldn't help guessing that these two people might be from the nobles of the upper three stars, not from their fifth sector.

Bai Jinyao and Bai Luoxiao went directly to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory.

Many people were attracted by the combination of two people, quietly followed behind and watched, wondering who these two people were.

Bai Luoxiao called Shi Jiajia.

Shi Jiajia didn't answer the phone and hung up directly.

She used to be like this.

She didn't care about Bai Luoxiao's emotions at all.

Bai Luoxiao hit him several times, but still the same.

Bai Luoxiao stood downstairs and said loudly: "Shi Jiajia, I'm Bai Luoxiao, if you have the ability, you come down, and we will explain clearly face to face."

"Shi Jiajia, you don't answer the phone, but I know you are in the dormitory building. If you hide upstairs, then I will use the loudspeaker to speak to you clearly."

Bai Luoxiao's voice was loud, but his voice was pleasant and magnetic.

There is a low-alcohol and moving feeling.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Bai Luoxiao's voice.

I feel that Bai Luoxiao's voice is of good quality, it would be a pity not to be a voice actor.


Shi Jiajia was picking clothes in the closet in the dormitory and was about to go out when he suddenly heard Bai Luoxiao's voice.

She was petrified, and the thing in her hand fell to the ground all of a sudden.

She thought she was hallucinating, how could that bastard Bai Luoxiao come to the school to look for her.

Let alone dare to speak to her so loudly.

But one sentence after another rang out.

Shi Jiajia hurried to the window, looked downstairs, and indeed saw Bai Luoxiao, and there was a beautiful young girl standing beside him.

Shi Jiajia's face turned pale.

Why did Bai Luoxiao come here? What's going on?

Wasn't she all right when she called in the morning?
Shi Jiajia knew what she had done, so she instinctively felt guilty at this moment.

At this moment, the door of Shi Jiajia's dormitory was opened.

Someone was watching the fun outside, and deliberately said: "Shi Jiajia, Bai Luoxiao is your boyfriend, right? Your boyfriend has come to visit you, why don't you go out and have a look?"

"That's right, Shi Jiajia, go down and have a look."

Although everyone said so, they were actually urging Shi Jiajia to go down.

Because everyone felt sorry for Bai Luoxiao and ran all the way here.

And everyone was stunned, that such a good man from the [-]th Star District was so young and so handsome.

That figure is so perfect.

And that face, better looking than a movie star.

They just stared blankly, okay?

They all thought Shi Jiajia was stupid, and for a good person like Bai Luoxiao, she was willing to use deception.

Everyone spoke to Shi Jiajia with disdain and sarcasm.

If they didn't feel sorry for Bai Luoxiao, they wouldn't bother talking to people like Shi Jiajia.

Shi Jiajia was about to explode, she ran downstairs angrily.

"Bai Luoxiao, what's the matter with you, what are you doing in our school?"

Bai Luoxiao took off his sunglasses, looked at Shi Jiajia with cold eyes and said, "Shi Jiajia, I never thought that you never admitted that you have a boyfriend in school."

"I remember that when you were bullied by your classmates, you and your mother couldn't live on. I helped you."

"Of course, I helped you save you, just because I happened to see it and wanted to help you."

"At the beginning, you were the one who chased me, and you confessed your love several times, saying that without me, you might as well die, and you want to be my girlfriend."

"It was you who said a lot to me, I promised you, and I also tried my best to protect you as a boyfriend, and tried my best not to let you be wronged."

"Let you go to school, because I am afraid that you will be bullied, I will pick you up and drop you off from school every day. If you are admitted to Wuhu University, the tuition fee is not enough, so I will go to the underground boxing ring to fight."

"I almost died there several times, but I didn't complain, just to make up enough tuition and living expenses for you."

"I feel sorry for you and worry about you. I want to come to school to see you, but you don't allow..."

"Many, many, I think I am right for you and this relationship, but Shi Jiajia, ask yourself, what about you?"


Many people around watched, everyone looked at Bai Luoxiao, and were moved when they heard these words.

If they were Shi Jiajia, they would never be willing to deceive and use Bai Luoxiao like that, and they would definitely treat Bai Luoxiao well.

Shi Jiajia didn't feel guilty at all right now, she hated Bai Luoxiao to death.

(End of this chapter)

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