Chapter 153
Wu Erqin's eyeballs were about to fall out.

At this moment, cold sweat broke out on her face, and she felt that she was going to die.

She didn't expect Bai Jinyao to be so strong, so strong that she was terrified.

Didn't it mean that Bai Jinyao was weak?
Since her daughter's reputation was ruined, she checked who Han Lujiao was scolding that day, and only then did she know it was Bai Jinyao.

Then she kept looking up Bai Jinyao's news.

After confirming that Bai Jinyao could be killed, she looked for an opportunity to kill Bai Jinyao.

Unexpectedly, things were not as simple as she thought.

Especially when the gun she managed to get was so broken.

It was still crushed by Bai Jinyao's feet, and she couldn't help but shivered a few times.

It felt like that foot was crushing her head.

It is conceivable that if Bai Jinyao wanted to crush her head, it would be a breeze.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Wu Erqin's jaw was trembling, Bai Jinyao's aura was too strong, she was also shocked by that scene just now, and now she was afraid.

In the past, Wu Erqin also enjoyed all kinds of treatment from Mrs. Han's second wife in the Han family, and was highly sought after and arrogant.

But ever since she was kicked out by the Han family, Wu Erqin has been like a rat crossing the street, and everyone yells and beats her.

She has experienced a lot during this time, she was in a mess, and was humiliated and abused.

She is going crazy.

Those spirits and arrogance have long been smoothed out.

She also knows that without the Han family, she is nothing.

Not to mention that the Wu family is gone too.

The Wu family is all dead.

Bai Jinyao sneered and said, "You look so weak, killing you is really dirty."

To Bai Jinyao, Wu Erqin is a discarded chess piece, an ant-like existence, and she crushing her to death is as easy as crushing an ant to death.

But even ants have some use value, right?
Bai Jinyao looked at Wu Erqin and smiled meaningfully.

But in Wu Erqin's view, Bai Jinyao's smile made her shiver uncontrollably.

Bai Jinyao said: "If you answer me a few questions, I may consider not killing you."

"To be honest, the people who made you like this are from the Han family. If you don't kill the Han family, why kill me?"

Wu Erqin screamed angrily: "You also said that you killed the Wu family, you killed my elder brother, they are all you."

Bai Jinyao laughed, with a mocking smile on her face, "Wu Erqin, you used to be the second wife of the Han family anyway, why have you become so stupid now, tsk tsk, you can't be so stupid, right?"

"Your elder brother committed a serious crime. He was punished for several crimes. He was executed normally for a capital crime. There are several others who were also dealt with according to the law. What does it have to do with me?"

"But Wu Shan and the others, they are only locked up for a period of time before they can come out, but you killed them."

Bai Jinyao said coldly: "Why did I kill them? The reason is that your Wu family once robbed Baiji Restaurant. I wouldn't do it for this. Even if it was Han Lujiao, I would never kill her."

"Let me guess if Master Han told you some things."

Wu Erqin's face was stiff and she didn't refute.

If there is no rebuttal, Bai Jinyao knows that she guessed right.

"It seems that my guess is right. You have been kicked out of the Han family. Shouldn't you hate the Han family? They used you up and killed them."

"Although you, Wu Erqin of the Wu family, were given up by the Han family, do the Han family think you are a trouble and want to get rid of you?"

"They were afraid of dirtying their hands, so they used you to kill me. Let me guess, if you killed me, will the Han family report you and make you a dead person?"

Wu Erqin's face turned pale, "No, it won't, the second master won't treat me like this, no."

Wu Erqin's voice was loud, but her whole body trembled and her voice trembled.

"I also just found out tonight that the Wu family has become like this. Wu Erqin, the Han family wants to get rid of you and kill you, because you have no use value. Han Erye has already found a new wife. The new wife must have a higher status." You are tall."

"Wu Erqin, you can inquire about it yourself. Of course, if you know more, they will kill you."

Wu Erqin said: "No, I won't."

Bai Jinyao snorted coldly, "You can think whatever you want."

Bai Jinyao didn't want to waste time here.

Originally, he wanted to kill Wu Erqin, but this Wu Erqin was a time bomb to the Han family, keeping Wu Erqin could also disturb the Han family's water.

As Bai Jinyao walked out, Wu Erqin seemed to react and said: "Why did you tell me this, what is your purpose?"

"Of course it's for you to deal with the Han family. I have a grudge against the Han family."

Bai Jinyao told the truth, but Wu Erqin was silent for a while, "Are you not afraid that I will tell the Han family about your mental strength?"

"They won't believe it, and I really don't have mental strength."

Indeed, Wu Erqin knew in her heart that the Han family would not believe what she said now.

Now the guards of the Han family do not allow her to enter the gate of the Han family.

She hated in her heart, and she wanted to find someone to take revenge on to vent her emotions.

Even if she couldn't kill Bai Jinyao, she still wanted to kill her.

Bai Jinyao had something to do with her and her daughter becoming like this.

But she is not stupid, and she also understands that the people of the Han family are ruthless.

"Wu Shan and the others were killed by the Han family?" Bai Jinyao said just now that they were murdered.

Bai Jinyao raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you think, these years the Wu family has been doing business with the Han family, and it is inconvenient for the Han family to take action on many things, so let the Wu family take action. They know too many things, and they are of no use value. Don't be killed." What are you saving for death, what are you saving for revealing secrets?"

Bai Jinyao's words pierced Wu Erqin's brain like a knife, and healed Wu Erqin instantly.

Her face turned blue and white, and she couldn't make a sound.

Bai Jinyao was talking and walking outside when she suddenly stepped on something.

Bai Jinyao felt something wrong with the soles of her feet.

Bai Jinyao's expression changed, she hurriedly removed the stone under her feet, and then revealed a stone slab.

Bai Jinyao's gaze deepened, and she tapped on the stone slab with her hand, "Trick!"

Sure enough, it was impossible for the Wu family to be unprepared.

There must be something in here.

Bai Jinyao looked around and found a way to open the mechanism around. After moving a few places, the stone slab under her feet was suddenly exposed, revealing an underground step.

Seeing this scene, Wu Erqin's face changed greatly, "This... This is the secret room of my Wu family's mechanism. I have heard my elder brother mention it before."

Bai Jinyao said: "What else did your elder brother tell you, think about it carefully."

Wu Erqin suddenly thought of some words of elder brother, "Elder brother seems to have said that one day something happened to the Wu family, so I have time to come back and look at the yard where I grew up, and let me think about what he said to me before. .”

"I also said that he will definitely leave something for me."

(End of this chapter)

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