Chapter 157 Bai Jinyao Goes Crazy

Ye Hanci paused, he didn't expect Bai Jinyao to walk in such a hurry that he disappeared into the corridor, but suddenly came back.

Still standing in front of him.

Since the last time they were called to talk to the dean's office, the two of them haven't seen each other.

Even if he went to the cafeteria for lunch, Bai Jinyao just ate with He Manya and the others.

Seeing that Ye Hanci remained silent, Bai Jinyao became even more anxious, and asked, "Are you injured? Did Han Xingze bully you?"

Bai Jinyao's voice and eyes were full of worry and anxiety.

Ye Hanci's heart softened, he sighed helplessly, and said softly, "I'm fine."

Luo Chuan followed behind, just in time to hear it, rushed to the side and said, "He said it's okay, after Han Xingze came to school these two days, he didn't know what medicine he took wrongly, and led everyone to crowd out Ye Hanci, and made people Spread rumors to slander Ye Hanci."

"That's because Ye Hanci has a good temper, so he endured it."

"Han Xingze led people to surround Ye Hanci and threatened Ye Hanci more than once."

Ye Hanci glanced sideways at Luo Chuan, and said flatly, "Luo Chuan!"

Luo Chuan looked at Ye Hanci with a bad expression, knowing that Ye Hanci would not let him speak.

But he just couldn't help it.

He was about to explode these two days, and wanted to teach Han Xingze a lesson, but Ye Hanci refused to let him be impulsive.

Bai Jinyao was so angry that she clenched her fists. She was still soft when she beat Han Xingze before.

At that time, she was worried that killing Han Xingze directly would cause the Han family to find out that it was related to Ye Hanci, so she held back.

Because Han Xingze died, there will be people from the Han family behind.

But at this moment, she really wanted to kill Han Xingze. She wanted to kill Han Xingze directly.

Ye Han said softly, "Don't listen to Luo Chuan's nonsense, it's nothing."

Bai Jinyao looked at Ye Hanci's expression, and listened to his words, her heart twitched for some reason, as if she had been pricked by a needle, and felt a little painful.

This reminded her that one night before, she went to Ye Hanci's house to find her second brother, but Ye Hanci came back late.

At that time, he was covered with injuries, and he didn't say anything when asked.

That's how he is, he endures everything by himself and doesn't say anything.

She couldn't get angry at that time, so she went to beat Han Xingze and his dog-legged son Wang Ye violently for revenge.

Unexpectedly, after Han Xingze came back, he would still bully Ye Hanci.

If Luo Chuan hadn't said it, if it hadn't been discussed by others, Ye Hanci wouldn't have said it at all, and she wouldn't have known.

And that night, when she was at the entrance of the alley, she saw those gangsters besieging him and trying to rob him of his things.

He also endured silently.

Bai Jinyao's eyes filled with mist and said, "Is it true, why didn't you tell me?"

Ye Hanci saw the mist and light in Bai Jinyao's eyes, and his face immediately changed. He lowered his voice, almost coaxing Bai Jinyao: "I'm fine, don't cry!"

Bai Jinyao sniffed, feeling her heart sour.

At this time, Han Xingze had already got up from the ground with the pain in his bones.

He heard the conversation between Bai Jinyao and Ye Hanci.

He was stimulated.

Han Xingze came over with a limp and said, "Bai Jinyao, you deliberately approached Ye Hanci just to anger me. You are playing hard to get."

"You don't need to act anymore. I know you hate me. I didn't know your goodness before. In the future, it will be a big deal for me to let you get close."

When Han Xingze said these words, he always looked like giving alms.

Luo Chuan was going to explode with anger, "You are really shameless, what are you comparing with our Yehan Ci, he is a school bully."

Han Xingze sneered: "He was born in poverty, so what can he do? I am the young master of the Han family. Bai Jinyao, you have been kicked out of the Bai family. You can have a good future by relying on me. Ye Hanci can't give you anything .”

"I said that just now, are you overjoyed, so you don't need to act like Ye Hanci in the future."

At this time, it happened to be after school, and there were still many students around watching.

"Bai Jinyao approached Ye Hanci before, and it really was because of Han Xingze, trying to get him."

"That's right, after Han Xingze came to school these two days, Bai Jinyao hasn't asked for an overnight greeting, it's too obvious."

"But what happened to the boy at the school gate that night? He was so handsome. Could it be that Bai Jinyao provoked Han Xingze?"

"Is Bai Jinyao going to be overjoyed?"

"Han Xingze is the young master of the Han family. Needless to say, his grades and appearance, the key is his status and background. With the support of the Han family, he has a bright future. Don't worry if he doesn't do well in the exam."

"In the past, Han Xingze hated Bai Jinyao so much, and Bai Jinyao had to use the method of playing hard to get to stimulate Han Xingze. I didn't expect the method to work."

"Why did Han Xingze let Bai Jinyao get close to him? With his status as the young master of the Han family, why did he see Bai Jinyao?"


Everyone is discussing more and more.

Ye Hanci naturally also heard these words, his expression changed, and his expression became colder.

Looking at Ye Hanci's expression, Bai Jinyao didn't know how to explain it.

But the key is to solve this disgusting person, Han Xingze.

Bai Jinyao was really laughed out of anger.

There were two angry flames burning in her eyes.

Then he turned around and grabbed Han Xingze by the collar.

Han Xingze showed a smug look on his face, and he said that no girl could resist his charm.

In the past few days, Han Xingze deliberately smiled at the girls to show off his charm, just to see how attractive he is.

He felt that he could charm those girls with just a smile.

So he was even more convinced that everything Bai Jinyao did was for him.

"Bai Jinyao, are you moved by me?"

Bai Jinyao said murderously, "Go to hell!"

With great strength, Bai Jinyao directly dragged Han Xingze to the railing of the corridor, and pressed his head down.

Half of Han Xingze's body fell out of the railing. This is the third floor, so one can imagine what it would be like if he fell.

The students around were shocked by this scene.


Everyone gasped in unison.

Everyone was stunned by Bai Jinyao's actions.

Wasn't Bai Jinyao nice to Han Xingze before?
Why now, it looks like he has some grudge against Han Xingze, wishing that Han Xingze could die.

This... made everyone feel that Bai Jinyao might not like Han Xingze at all, and Han Xingze was just as narcissistic as Peacock from the beginning to the end.

Han Xingze showed a look of horror on his face, "Bai Jinyao, what are you going to do, what are you going to do?"

Han Xingze held onto the railing tightly, afraid of falling.

He didn't care about complacency anymore, he was going to be scared to death.

He saw Bai Jinyao's eyes clearly, she really wanted to kill him.

How come, Bai Jinyao should admire him.

"Of course I want you to die."

"With your appearance, you dare to say those words just now. Pooh, I'm disgusted."

"You don't even piss on yourself, what a thing."

(End of this chapter)

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