Chapter 160 Ci Yao Company
Bai Jinyao hurriedly supported Madam Cui and said, "Madam Cui, get up quickly."

"Actually, I just did it with a little effort, and it was also to buy this company."

Boss Cui hurriedly said: "Miss Bai, my wife and I have also discussed, and this company will be directly given to Miss Bai."

"And give Miss Bai peace of mind."


Bai Jinyao looked at Cui Tai's embarrassed look and said, "Boss Cui has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

Cui Taidao: "It's just that the current employees of the company are very good, and they are all capable. Those who can be poached by the Han family have gone. These people are all people who miss the company and have been staying to work. I I don't want them to lose their jobs, but I want to keep using them."

"Miss Bai, don't worry, I have absolutely no selfish intentions, and I'm not using them to control the company."

Bai Jinyao smiled and said: "So it's this. The employees hired by Cuijia Film and Television Company are very good. I don't worry about having them work in the company."

"I also had this plan, and when I bought the company, I couldn't stay in the company all the time. I still need to go behind the scenes. The company's ostensible operations still need you to help me maintain it."

"That is to say, after I bought the company, I want to hire Boss Cui as the CEO of the company, and I will be paid a monthly salary and bonus. I wonder what Boss Cui wants?"

Both Cui Tai and Mrs. Cui were stunned?

None of them expected that Bai Jinyao would hire them to manage the company.

Especially Cui Tai was really excited when he heard this sentence.

It can be said that he has a deep affection for this company, if not for some reasons, he would never want to transfer it.

But he also knew that the Han family wanted to annex the company and suppress it.

In the hands of Bai Jinyao, the company might survive.

Although he really wanted to stay in the company, even as an employee, he still had a job.

But he can't be that selfish.

Cui Tai looked at Bai Jinyao gratefully and said: "Miss Bai, thank you, but as long as I am in the company, the Han family will step up efforts to suppress the company, and they will not let the company develop."

"So I can't be the CEO, it's good for the company."

"And now there are many capable people, Miss Bai can hire a better CEO."

Cui Tai is self-aware of himself.

Bai Jinyao thinks that the Cui family members are of good character, and she has known it since her last life, otherwise she would not help, let alone hire Cui Tai as the CEO.

"And I'm not the boss anymore, Miss Bai can just call me by my first name."

Bai Jinyao said: "You don't have to underestimate yourself, and I have a grudge against the Han family. Whether they suppress it or not, it doesn't have much impact on me. I am sure that the company will be brought back to life, and the company will overwhelm the Han family film and television company."

Bai Jinyao had a confident look on his face when he spoke.

"It's just that the company name needs to be changed."

Cui Tai hurriedly said: "It should be, the company is now owned by Bai Jinyao, so naturally it can't be called Cui's Film and Television Company."

Bai Jinyao said: "The name should be Ciyao Film and Television Company!"

What was used was the last word of Ye Hanci and the last word of her name.

Bai Jinyao persuaded Cui Tai, and Cui Tai was naturally willing to stay and help the company. He also hoped that the company would come back to life, and he also hoped to do something.

Bai Jinyao saved his wife and helped their whole family, so he naturally hoped to repay Miss Bai.

Immediately afterwards, the two parties signed the contract, and immediately went to the district hall to complete the transfer procedures, and the company was completely owned by Bai Jinyao.

Bai Jinyao gave Cui Tai the plan he had written long ago, and asked him to manage the company according to the plan.

After finishing all these hours, it was very late, and Bai Jinyao took the star track back to the eighteenth star area.

She is used to going back to the Eighteenth Star District on Friday nights, and she feels very at ease and relaxed when sleeping at home.

When Bai Jinyao came home, it was past ten o'clock in the evening.

At this point, many people in the village were asleep, the village was quiet, and only a few scattered households were still lit.

Walking through the village, you can occasionally hear dogs barking.

The village was very quiet at night, and the sounds Bai Jinyao made walking around in the village would naturally make the dogs bark a few times.

When Bai Jinyao returned home, the doors of the house were still open.

As soon as there was a sound, Wang Shibagou ran out quickly, and then jumped around Bai Jinyao, wagging its tail constantly, looking excited.

Bai Jinyao knelt down and touched Wangchai's head.

"Come on, Wangchai, let's go home."

Hearing the sound, Bai Luoshui, Bai Luoxiao, Bai Youshu and Bai Youting all came out.

Now both Bai Luoshui's legs and Bai Youshu's body are healed.

The poison on Bai Youting's body was also cured.

After nutrition and drug conditioning, their complexion looks good.

"Jin Yao is back, come in quickly."

Bai Jinyao was holding something in his hand, and Bai Luoxiao hurriedly helped Bai Jinyao get it.

"Mom, Uncle, Big Brother, Second Brother, these are the things I bought for you, and there are some food, let's cook something delicious tomorrow."

With a bright smile on his face, Bai Luoshui said: "Look at you, go home as soon as you go home, buy something, what to do if you are tired!"

"It's hard work for you to go to school outside, and keep the star coins for yourself, don't always miss home."

Bai Luoshui was always worried that Bai Jinyao would be tired and hungry outside.

Bai Jinyao smiled and said, "Mom, I'm fine."

"By the way, Mom, these two bottles of medicine are for you. If you take them, your hair will turn black and your hair will be beautified."

"And this is a skin care product I made myself, and it works really well when rubbed on the skin."

Bai Jinyao has confidence in what she makes. She believes that her mother can not only become younger but also restore her beauty.

My mother has worked too hard these years, and her skin looks very vicissitudes, but she can also see the beauty of her youth.

But Bai Jinyao wanted to make her mother look radiant, and if she really saw people like Lu Jingxuan again, it would be cool to slap her in the face.

And when they went to the city to take over the restaurant last week, at the entrance of the restaurant, my mother saw her former classmates, and her face became uneasy.

It seems that there is something on his mind.

Maybe that person said something.

Yes, according to my uncle, my mother was good at studying, beautiful and popular when she was young.

Seeing how her mother is now, but she can drive a car, she must be showing off, and maybe she will say a few words of belittling and irony.

Bai Jinyao thought about this, a firm light flashed in his eyes.

She must make her mother become more powerful again.

She wants to open Baiji Restaurant to the first sector.

Bai Luoshui held the things given by his daughter, his heart felt warm, and his eyes were slightly moist.

"Look at you, you are so busy at school, and you still miss your mother."

"Mom, don't be tired. It's easy to go to school. I can learn everything quickly. I'm not tired. Really, and I eat well. Who told me to cook well."

Bai Luoxiao had seen how powerful his nephew was, and said, "Yes, sister, you should be happy that Jin Yao is so capable.

Bai Luoshui came to his senses and said, "Yes, yes, come inside quickly, Mom has made delicious food for you, and I'll wait for you to eat when you come back from school."

(End of this chapter)

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