Chapter 170 Grain Brewing
Bai Jinyao thought for a while and said, "Mom, the price of white noodles is not cheap here. Fish balls can be cheaper, but pickled fish is worth nineteen stars per bowl."

In fact, the price is really cheap. A bowl of ordinary noodles in other shops costs almost [-] star coins.

But Bai Jinyao knew the living conditions of everyone in the Eighteen Star District, so the price he set was too high, and many people were reluctant to eat it.

It's better to order a little cheaper, and ordinary villagers can occasionally go to the restaurant to eat a bowl of noodles.

There are also those old customers from many years ago, and they also hope that those old customers can come to the restaurant again to have a meal.

It's not to win business, but I just think that my mother and uncle will be very happy.

Because those old customers are old customers when grandparents were there.

Mother and uncle would be delighted that they could come.

"The price of the meal can be expensive or cheap, and there can be a dessert gift."

"The most important thing is that our restaurant has signature dishes that no one else can imitate. Dishes made from fish, including fish dumplings, these can't be imitated by others."

"Mom, you don't have to be nervous. I also posted a lot of information on the Internet and sent out coupons. The business will definitely be good then."

Anyway, when it opens tomorrow, Bai Jinyao will help her mother.

At that time, the two brothers and uncle will go.

The mother and daughter are discussing some details of opening tomorrow.

As if thinking of something, Bai Luoshui said: "Jin Yao, do we need to buy some drinks, everyone likes to drink some drinks when eating?"

Bai Jinyao knows that there are many types of wine and wineries now.

But because almost all of them are commercial models now, there is no such kind of wine made from pure grain, and most of them are mixed with edible alcohol.

There are also nutrient solutions added to the wine.

But in Bai Jinyao's opinion, the most primitive and oldest wine is more delicious.

There are some grain wines that are good for the human body.

In fact, in the interstellar era of the Federation Empire, the more retro things are, the more popular they are.

Now people are pursuing retro and primitive, and they feel that the older the better.

Bai Jinyao's expression changed, maybe he could study it later.

But there are still a lot of things to do now, and I don't have the energy to do it for the time being.

Bai Jinyao said: "Mom, we can find a winery to cooperate with. We buy wine from them, and they supply us with a price lower than the market price. In this way, every bottle of wine sold, even if it is the same as the market price, we still earn money." of."

Bai Luoshui nodded and said, "Yes, this is a good way. When you opened restaurants outside, you just went directly to the wine shop to buy wine. It's not cheap at all."

Bai Jinyao's expression changed, and she said, "Mom, don't worry about this, let me see, it will be easier if I can buy a winery."

As Bai Jinyao said, she went online to see if there were wineries around.

And what does the wine at the winery look like.

However, in Bai Jinyao's view, many wines have been mixed with some cheap nutrient solution and edible alcohol.

This kind of wine is cheap, but Bai Jinyao wants that kind of good wine.

Suddenly Bai Jinyao thought of Wang Dashan.

According to Wang Dashan's information, he has a good drinking capacity, and it is also because one of his relatives once opened a winery workshop, so he has practiced drinking capacity before.

Thinking of this, Bai Jinyao called Wang Dashan.

In the past, none of them had mobile phones. In the afternoon, Bai Jinyao asked Duan Xiwu to prepare new mobile phones and numbers for everyone.

Bai Jinyao can contact them directly.

Wang Dashan was practicing and exercising in the yard at night, so excited that he forgot to sleep and eat.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

When Wang Dashan heard the sound of the mobile phone, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He also has a cell phone.

Today's mobile phones are connected with optical technology and have unique chip technology. Most people can't afford optical brain mobile phones.

Wang Dashan didn't have one before, so he was very excited when his phone rang.

When he saw the call from the boss, Wang Dashan almost dropped his excited phone to the ground.

"Hey, boss!"

Wang Dashan's voice was very tense.

Bai Jinyao said: "Wang Dashan, I remember that you have a relative who brewed wine before, and opened a wine shop, right?"

When Wang Dashan heard the boss's question, he answered politely and earnestly: "Boss, my uncle's family opened a small workshop, which was left by my uncle's ancestors, but it was abandoned because it couldn't sell wine or run it. It’s gone, so there’s no need for it.”

Bai Jinyao's expression changed: "Why can't the wine be sold?"

"There are too many wineries, and the prices are very cheap. My uncle and the others use grain to make wine, and the cost is high. My uncle is not willing to exchange those bad things in it, so the workshop can only be abandoned."

Although he didn't know why the boss asked these questions, Wang Dashan answered them truthfully.

Bai Jinyao said: "The workshop has been abandoned, has it been transferred?"

Wang Dashan said: "No, last time my aunt and cousin came here and said that the workshop could not be transferred, and many things were left there. Although it was abandoned, aunts and uncles also kept those things."

Bai Jinyao's expression changed and he asked, "Does your aunt and uncle still make wine?"

Wang Dashan said: "Boss, I still have a bottle at home. It was brought by my aunt and uncle when they came to visit relatives with my cousin during Chinese New Year."

In fact, the whole family is reluctant to drink it, and has stored it for many years.

Bai Jinyao smiled and said, "After dinner, I'll go buy this bottle of wine and taste it."

"Boss, how can I let you buy it, this wine is for the boss."

Bai Jinyao said with a smile: "One size counts for one size, just listen to me."

"Yes, Boss, Boss, I happen to be fine right now, so I'll send it to Boss right now."

Bai Jinyao's eyes flashed, and listening to Wang Dashan's words on the phone, she felt that this was clever.

When I went to Lushan Village in the afternoon, I discovered that Wang Dashan seemed simple and honest, but in fact he was smart and clever, and he was a malleable talent.

"Okay, come here."

It happened that there were a lot of dumplings made at home, and Wang Dashan could also be asked to stay and eat together.

Bai Jinyao is also generous to her loyal subordinates.


After a while, uncle and the others all came back.

In the afternoon, Bai Luoxiao took the brothers to build houses and dormitories.

In the evening, they went to the city to distribute leaflets and publicized the opening of Baiji Restaurant tomorrow.

I also took my brothers to prepare some things needed for the opening tomorrow.

Bai Youshu and Bai Youting also helped out, cleaning up the Baiji restaurant.

Bai Jinyao watched his uncle and the others come back and said, "Uncle, when you come back, you can make dumplings. Let's eat dumplings tonight."

Bai Youshu, Bai Youting and Bai Luoxiao ate the dumplings made by Bai Luoshui last week, they were really delicious.

They are still talking about it.

These are all delicacies left over from the time of the ancient earth.

 Three chapters, six thousand words

(End of this chapter)

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