Chapter 181 The Butterfly Effect
Bai Jinyao felt the emotion of fear at this moment.

She was afraid that something would happen to Ye Hanci.

Bai Jinyao didn't care about anything else, she took out the paper talisman very quickly, and directly drew the symbol on the paper with blood.

Then volley.


A huge net formed, with Bai Jinyao's blood on it, as well as Bai Jinyao's powerful strength.


An invisible scarlet formation, like a net, appeared in the sky and was still spinning.

This formation is not only a formation net, but also brings power.

Just when Zuo Luo was running away with a ghostly speed, hiding his figure, he was confident that as long as he escaped, no one could stop his speed.

Suddenly in the sky, he was stopped by a huge force.

It was as if he had fallen into an elastic net.

But he couldn't see the existence of the net.



What's more, Zuo Luo felt that he was electrocuted.

This is not ordinary electricity, it is the kind of electricity that hurts the whole body of the person who receives the electricity, as if being pricked by needles.


Zuo Luo felt hit by the net again, and he fell directly from the air.



Like a boulder, Zuo Luo fell from the sky at a high speed, smashing a big hole in the ground.

At this time, Bai Jinyao also arrived.

Bai Jinyao shook.

She had just used strength beyond her body's limit to trap a one-star power master, and her strength was also weakened a lot.

Originally Zuo Luo ran away suddenly, Ye Hanci's expression changed.

He absolutely cannot let Zuo Luo go back. Once he goes back, the fact that he is alive will be exposed.

And it is conceivable what kind of turmoil it will cause in the federal empire.

Since Ye Hanci used himself as a bait to lure Zuo Luo out, he must be let to die.

Just when Ye Hanci was about to use his ultimate hole card regardless of his life, he suddenly saw Zuo Luo fall down as if he was hit by something in the air.

Then Ye Hanci saw Bai Jinyao.

Before Ye Hanci could respond, Bai Jinyao had already stepped forward and hugged Ye Hanci.

"You'll be fine, you'll be fine."

Bai Jinyao's hands holding Ye Hanci trembled a little at this time, and she was still a little scared.

She was really afraid that something would happen to Ye Hanci.

In her previous life, she didn't know what Ye Hanci had experienced during this time.

But she knew that because of her rebirth, because of some changes, the trajectory of many things in this life was different from the previous life.

She was afraid that because of her existence, because of the butterfly effect, Ye Hanci would really be in danger.

She was really scared just now.

So at this moment, she hugged Ye Hanci, truly felt his existence, felt that he was well, and her heart fell down.

Bai Jinyao didn't even realize that she was holding her tightly.

Ye Hanci's body was stiff, and he could feel her trembling slightly.

Even though Bai Jinyao was holding him so tight that he couldn't breathe, Ye Hanci didn't push her away.

He sighed inwardly, then slowly stretched out his hand, patted Bai Jinyao's back lightly, and said, "How did you recognize me?"

His breath is concealed, he wears a mask, and he is fully armed.

How did she just find him and recognize him.


Bai Jinyao can be recognized at a glance, he is Ye Hanci.

This one is not difficult.

"How did you come here?"

Bai Jinyao explained: "I was going to give you something, souvenirs from my home, and things I made myself."

"But you didn't go to class, I was worried, I knew you were here, and I came to you."


Zuo Luo lay on the ground, feeling pain like a broken bone all over his body.

But his hearing is very good, he is already like this, these two people are still in love with each other, so just ignore him as a master?

Zuo Luo was about to explode.

He is a one-star power master!
Not a psychiatrist!
Are these two people just not paying attention to him?
Is he that weak?


Zuo Luo is very small-minded and extremely conceited. What he hates the most is that others treat him as a weak person and don't take him seriously.

He just wanted to make others look up to them and be afraid, so that they couldn't ignore him as a strong man.

Zuo Luo has been pursuing the highest and strongest power, so he used a lot of extreme methods to reach the level of a one-star power master.

But the boundary is not stable.

Because his state of mind can't reach this state.

"Go to hell!"

Zuo Luo quickly gathered his strength, and the outer robe burst apart.

"Haha, change for me!"

Bai Jinyao reacted quickly, "No, he wants to transform into a beast, and he wants to transform into a real beast."

When Bai Jinyao dealt with that poisonous thorn beast Lin Qingfeng before, he knew that some people had animal form, and the strength of the animal form was several times that of the human form, and they might have a killer weapon, which was difficult to deal with.

The power of animalization is different from the power of human.

The method used may be different.

The whole body of the stinger beast is poisonous, and the man in black doesn't know what cards he has.

Bai Jinyao said decisively: "We can't let him turn into a beast."

As Bai Jinyao said, several silver needles quickly appeared in her hand, and she used the silver needles to attack Zuo Luo.

After killing the stinging beast last time, Bai Jinyao specifically studied the lycanthropy and the real body of the lycanthropy.

So Bai Jinyao knew that by sealing a few of their acupoints, he could prevent them from turning into beasts.

The moment Bai Jinyao made a move, Ye Hanci also pulled Bai Jinyao behind him, and then blocked the silver needle that bounced back.

Bai Jinyao's expression changed, "Can he bounce back?"

Ye Hanci explained: "Zuo Luo is a green bullet beast, and the power of beast transformation can bounce back all the power against him."

Ye Hanci has studied anyone who dealt with his mother.

"And when it transforms into a beast, it can form a vortex of power, and no one else can approach it."

Bai Jinyao asked, "Where is his weakness?"

"Even if there is a vortex of power, there must be weaknesses."

Ye Han resigned: "The soles of his feet! He doesn't show them easily."

Bai Jinyao quickly used the power of the paper talisman formation.


Bai Jinyao directly let the power go from the ground, piercing the sole of Zuo Luo's foot.


Zuo Luo was turning into a beast and expanding, but he was like a balloon, and suddenly deflated.

All the power just spilled out.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you, die!"

There is a vortex of power around him when he transforms into a beast, but he himself is actually at his weakest.

His weak point was pinched, and all his strength was released, and he was like a waste, no different from being dead.

Zuo Luo went mad with anger and detonated the treasure on his body.


Ye Hanci was in danger, and instinctively protected Bai Jinyao.

To block all dangers for her.

He hugged Bai Jinyao, exposed his back, gathered all his strength to form a power shield behind him, and protected Bai Jinyao.


In this way, Bai Jinyao was hugged and protected by Ye Hanci, who wanted to block the explosive force behind her.


Bai Jinyao would rather be in danger than let Ye Hanci have something to do.

(End of this chapter)

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