Chapter 188 Do You Eat Dog Food?

Chen Hong also said: "My lords, I don't understand what you are going to investigate. These two people are ordinary classmates and have no spiritual talent."

"This boy is a poor student in our school, but his academic performance is excellent, and the school focuses on taking care of him."

"This girl used to be the daughter of the Bai family, and she was a student. She has no ability. She wouldn't do anything that would endanger the empire."

The faces of the two adults were very cold.

Especially that Mr. Wei said: "I'm just trying to see if they have spiritual power, why are you nervous?"

The two people who came down to investigate were worried about others and had to test it themselves.

But just now he really planned to kill by mistake rather than let it go.

That slap just now was going to cripple the boy.

I didn't expect this girl to look scared and stupid.

But yes, he is very capable, he has been on many missions and killed people, it is normal for girls to be afraid of him.

That Master Wei stretched out his hand and asked Ye Hanci to put his hand up to test it.

When Bai Jinyao lowered her head, her eyes narrowed dangerously.

Ye Hanci put his hand on it.

It is true that the mental strength was not tested, and nothing was tested.

Bai Jinyao also tested it.

During the test, Mr. Wei felt his palms itch and shook off Bai Jinyao's hand.

"What, ah, what happened to your hand?"

Bai Jinyao opened his hand, with some grass clippings on it.

"My lord, I'm sorry, the grass rice dumpling I ate in the morning was made of a kind of wild grass in the countryside of our [-]th Star District. It's delicious. I've washed my hands, but this kind of grass is not easy to wash, so I'm fine."

"What are you talking about, you are from the Eighteenth Star District!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier."

Bai Jinyao cried aggrievedly and said, "I... I... wanted to say this, but... I didn't have time to say it."

Bai Jinyao managed the emotion of fear very well, and she twitched when she spoke.

The faces of the two adults changed.

They all ran out in a hurry.

They are from the upper three-star area, and they are very taboo about the eighteen star area.

And they don't want to have contact with the people in the Eighteenth Star District, they feel that the people in the Eighteenth Star District are ignorant and barbaric, and they are full of bacteria.

They were afraid of getting a strange disease.

There have been examples of this before.

So they didn't want to investigate anymore, so they wanted to leave the fifth sector.

As for these two people, there is nothing to doubt. People without spiritual power have nothing to doubt.

The person they want to investigate is a young man with mental strength.

And according to what they learned, the boy must have been seriously injured.

But he just tested it, and the young man didn't have any injuries, at most he was weak.

Of course, his test is only a superficial test, but it is enough.

Just like that, the two adults left in a hurry.

Ye Hanci and Bai Jinyao are fine.

Dean Kong also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

When Ye Hanci and Bai Jinyao walked out of the office, Bai Jinyao's eyes were still red.

Seeing her like this, Ye Hanci sighed softly, took out a tissue, and gently wiped Bai Jinyao's eyes.

"Don't cry next time."

When she cried, he felt like he was going crazy.

Bai Jinyao sniffed and said, "Yes."

"It was too sudden just now. I couldn't say what I had prepared, so I had to do that."

Ye Hanci carefully wiped away Bai Jinyao's tears, "Leave everything to me next time, don't cry."

"I have a way to deal with it."

Bai Jinyao pouted: "But even if there is a way, they can't test you by beating you, anyway."

Ye Hanci's hands paused, and there was a hot feeling in his heart at this moment.

Like magma flowing through, warming his whole body.

No one has ever protected and treated him like Bai Jinyao.

"I'll protect you in the future, you don't have to work so hard."

Bai Jinyao's eyes lit up.

She knew Ye Hanci's temperament.

If he doesn't say anything, he will do what he says.

Such a simple sentence is like a promise.

She knew the weight of the words.

Bai Jinyao giggled and said, "I will protect myself, and I will protect you too, so you don't have to work hard."

In her last life, she remembered what she promised, even though she was a soul at that time, he couldn't see her, and couldn't hear what she said.

But what is promised is what is promised.

And Bai Jinyao wanted to kill the investigator who was trying to attack Ye Hanci in the office.


Many students on the other side of the teaching building didn't care about the class anymore, and they all ran to the corridor or the window to look at this side.

Everyone heard Bai Jinyao yelling just now.

Everyone also knows that early in the morning, the school came to investigate and called many people to investigate.

It was scary, and everyone was nervous.

That's why Bai Jinyao scared everyone to death.

But what they saw at this time was a scene with a completely wrong style of painting.

"What did you kill? Bai Jinyao and Ye Han resigned from the school. This is obviously a relationship."

"Bai Jinyao deliberately let everyone see this scene."

"Is this for the big guys to eat dog food?"

"Ahh, does Ye Hanci still have such a gentle side? He was wiping Bai Jinyao's tears, and when he looked down at Bai Jinyao, he talked to her so gently."

"These two people are really together, really falling in love."

"Ahhh, it's so good to watch, lock it up, it's so good to watch, it's even better than watching idol dramas."

There is no doubt that this voice belongs to He Manya.

A class of Teacher Li was about to explode.

"Give me a good lesson."

The students in Class [-] put back their stretched heads.

Liu Ruodie naturally saw that scene. She held the pen tightly with both hands, and her hands turned white because of too much force.

The anger in her heart was burning.

Why, why is it Bai Jinyao.

How could Ye Hanci treat Bai Jinyao so well!

It turned out that he didn't say he was born cold, but he also had such a gentle side.

When everyone is used to the cold side of a person, suddenly one day he blooms a gentle side, which is even more amazing.

Ye Hanci's gentle side is really more charming.

Many girls were amazed again and again.

Some screamed.


Bai Jinyao was talking to Ye Hanci, when she heard something suddenly, she looked towards the teaching building, and then saw many students lying on their stomachs by the window.

Bai Jinyao blushed in a rare way, "Ah, everyone is looking at us."

Ye Hanci didn't care what everyone was looking at at all, he just looked into her eyes worriedly and said: "Wipe your tears dry, don't cry anymore, it's just that your eyes are swollen, this is not a solution."

"I'll go to the canteen and buy a bottle of ice water for you to apply."

Bai Jinyao took Ye Hanci's hand and said, "No, I have medicine here, just apply it. Let's go to class first, and go back to rest after class."

"Tomorrow is Friday. It's great. I can have a weekend off soon."

"By the way, why don't you go to my house in Shibaxing district with me this weekend?"

 Three chapters and six thousand words are here.

(End of this chapter)

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