Chapter 199 The World of Learning God

Looking at Ye Hanci's expression, Bai Jinyao always felt weird, as if he was planning something.

It's a sense of mastery.

Everything is under control.

"Judging by your look, you must have done well in the exam."

Ye Hanci didn't say anything, he said, "How did you do in the exam?"

Bai Jinyao said: "Anyway, I know all the questions, so I shouldn't make mistakes carelessly."

"I used to want to be the first in the exam. I wanted to enter the first class and be in the same class as you. But Teacher Li and Li Muhu look like that. I really don't want to enter the first class."

"But although I can't go to the same get out of class as you, I can go to you after class, the same."

Ye Hanci looked at Bai Jinyao amusedly, stretched out his hand and tapped her forehead lightly, and said softly, "You're so stupid!"

Bai Jinyao looked at Ye Hanci and smiled, and felt that it was as elegant as jade, shining brightly, like a hundred flowers blooming, and melting like ice and snow, it was really beautiful.

But Ye Hanci's words brought her back to her senses, "No, why did you call me stupid."

With a soft light in Ye Hanci's eyes, he said, "Okay, I'm not stupid."

"What do you want to say, just say it."

Bai Jinyao always thinks what is sold in Ye Hanci's gourd, but she just can't figure it out.

Ye Hanci said mysteriously, "We'll know when the grades come out on Monday."

Ye Hanci sighed inwardly, he probably forgot what he said to her before.

Bai Jinyao curled her lips and said, "Okay, when the results come out on Monday, this mock exam is very important. After ranking, No.1 will still enjoy the school's honorary scholarship, and will get the top grades in the whole school."

Every time the whole school announces the top scores of the school, it is an honor for the top few students.

Especially No.1, it is really famous in the whole school.

"Didn't it be fun when you were read the grades?"

In the previous life, Bai Jinyao was expelled, so she didn't enjoy the campus life much.

Let alone relax like now.

At that time, every time she passed by the school, her footsteps would always pause, and she would envy those who could continue to attend school.

So when she was reborn, even if the content of those classes was very simple to her, she was still willing to come to the school to take classes.

On the other hand, I also want to get in touch with Ye Hanci more in school.

She can know immediately if there is anything about him, and she can help in time.

Ye Hanci looked at Bai Jinyao's curious expression, shook his head helplessly and smiled.

Bai Jinyao curled her lips and said, "Why are you laughing at me?"

Bai Jinyao actually found that Ye Han smiled more often recently, although they were all elegant and faint smiles, she was also happy to see them.

She wants him to be happy.

Ye Hanci looked at Bai Jinyao with a smile in his eyes and said, "I didn't smile, I just thought you were cute."

"Don't change the subject, you haven't answered my question yet, tell me quickly, how does it feel to be read No.1?"

Ye Hanci looked at Bai Jinyao's curious expression, thought about it carefully, and said softly, "I don't feel anything, it's the same as usual."

Bai Jinyao listened, her eyes widened in surprise, it really was the thought of a bully.

No, it is the idea of ​​learning from God.

"You don't know how proud it is to be ranked No. 1 in front of the whole school's students. You think it's normal."

Ye Hanci really didn't feel much.

This reminded him of the ceremony of being awarded the crown prince, and when he was named the first commander.

He was only a few years old at that time, and there would be excitement in his heart.

It was only later that he realized the responsibilities of being the prince and the first commander, and every time he was awarded a medal of merit, he felt heavy in his heart.

Ye Han said thoughtfully.

Bai Jinyao blinked, looked at him probingly and said, "Maybe you are the first every time, so you are used to it."

Ye Han resigned: "If there is anything you don't understand, I will tutor you. If you get the first place in the exam, you can experience it for yourself. You don't need to ask others."

In fact, Bai Jinyao thinks she knows all the knowledge points.

But when she thought of Ye Hanci's tutoring, her eyes lit up, "Okay, then you tutor me in math."

You can use this method to get in touch more and get closer.

"it is good."

There was a schoolbag beside Bai Jinyao, she pulled Ye Hanci's sleeve and said, "Go, sit over there, you help me with math."

Her schoolbag lay on the stone table in the garden.

Ye Hanci nodded.

The next two people sat down on the stone bench.

Bai Jinyao took out his math book and asked Ye Hanci to guide him.

Ye Hanci was very gentle and patient, he asked softly, "Why not?"

Bai Jinyao pointed to a big question, "This question, this question is a bit complicated, I didn't understand it in class."

Ye Hanci took out his pen, and explained to Bai Jinyao while writing next to him.

His voice is gentle and magnetic, low-mellow and melodious, just like a guqin, it can easily touch people's heartstrings.

Looking at Ye Hanci's side face, Bai Jinyao felt so delicate and perfect, like someone who walked out of a beautiful poem and painting.

Bai Jinyao suddenly remembered something that the students in the class had said.

"Why are the math problems so difficult?"

"The teacher has taught it twice, but I still don't know how to do it. It must be great if there is a master who gives lectures on mathematics."

"Don't you just want Ye Hanci to give you a lecture, what are you doing so implicitly?"

"Many people in our school probably have this idea. With a student like Ye Hanci as a boyfriend, even if you don't do well in your studies or are late for class, your academic performance will be very good."

"This is all the plot of a TV series. Ye Hanci is so cold and cold. I have never heard him give a lecture to anyone, let alone a girl. He can't even say a few words."


Bai Jinyao was distracted when she thought that her classmates were talking about Ye Hanci on weekdays.

Bai Jinyao didn't hear what Ye Hanci was saying.

After Ye Hanci finished speaking, he asked Bai Jinyao, "Will you meet?"

Not hearing Bai Jinyao's words, Ye Hanci looked up at her, only to find that she just looked at him and didn't speak.

Ye Hanci frowned his beautiful brows, and said softly, "Don't you know?"

Bai Jinyao came back to her senses all of a sudden, ah, she was distracted just now and didn't even hear what Ye Hanci said.

Bai Jinyao lowered her head in embarrassment, "Well, I don't seem to know it yet."

Ye Hanci had a good temper and said patiently: "It's okay, it won't be normal, let me tell you again, let's start from the basics, this question involves several basic knowledge points..."

Ye Hanci was also afraid that Bai Jinyao would be discouraged, so he took the initiative to comfort her.

Bai Jinyao looked at Ye Hanci, feeling a little sweet in her heart.

If the students see this side of Ye Hanci, they will definitely be jealous of her.

It's really novel to have Ye Hanci give the lecture topic.

Bai Jinyao found that she really liked listening to Ye Hanci's voice, which was warm and pleasant.

She still remembered that the classmates in the class said that if Ye Han resigned to teach them mathematics, they would definitely not fall asleep, and would listen to the class carefully because of their appearance and voice.

(End of this chapter)

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