Chapter 107
Xu Banxia nodded slightly. "Mother is right."

Thinking that her chickens were almost stolen, Mrs. Qin suddenly became angry from the bottom of her heart, and she said angrily: "It's a shame they still have the face to ask for someone! I'll go out and talk to them right away!"

Seeing this, Xu Banxia Lima stopped Qin Shi who was about to rush out. "Mom, go cook. I'll just leave this kind of matter to me. Since the Yang family has come to the door, they just happen to settle the old and new debts together!"

She couldn't help thinking of the incident when someone said that Niu's family was spreading rumors but refused to admit it. During that time, their family became a joke in the village!

This time, she will get her money back with interest!

"Or mother will go out with you." Qin didn't want Xu Banxia to go alone, worried that she would be bullied.

"No, mother, let's cook, I'm a little hungry." Xu Banxia persuaded.

"Alright then." Qin also compromised.

Xu Banxia glanced at Danggui and motioned him to go out with her. Xu Banxia walked to the gate, and Danggui immediately followed her.

Dang Gui stepped forward and opened the door, and there were many people around the door.

When Xu Banxia saw the scene, he knew that the Yang family was deliberately trying to make things worse.

She couldn't help but sneer in her heart, did she really think it would be useful to bring so many people to their door?

"Release my son quickly!" Niu said with one hand on his hip and the other pointing at Xu Banxia, ​​looking like a shrew.

"Auntie, what if I don't let go?" Xu Banxia crossed his arms and looked at Niu with a half-smile.

"Don't think that because your Liu family is rich, you can ignore us! Let me tell you! This village is not in charge of your Liu family!" Niu's voice was so loud that Xu Banxia might not be able to hear it.

"I never said such a thing, auntie, don't wrong people here." Xu Banxia looked at Niu Shi coldly, with a chill in his eyes.

Is this trying to provoke them so that their family can't stay in this Peach Blossom Village?

Ah!She will not let this happen!

"You didn't say it, but the servant you bought tied up my son! Why does he tie up my son as a servant? He even hit my son and dragged my son on the ground. Your Liu family is really bullying people." !"

Niu became more and more excited, as if the Liu family had done something unforgivable.

"It's just a servant, why treat my son like this!? Your Liu family is not in charge of this Peach Blossom Village! The servants raised by your family don't pay attention to us, and dare to talk back to the elders in the village!"

"Did you talk back to the elders?" Xu Banxia turned his head and asked Angelica, his tone indifferent.

"Well, it's not my elder, and I'm not from Taohua Village. Besides, that uncle doesn't look like an elder, otherwise I wouldn't talk back to him." Dang Gui replied truthfully.

Xu Banxia nodded slightly. "Oh, I see."

Seeing that Xu Banxia didn't mean to blame him, Dang Gui couldn't help but froze for a moment. "Don't master punish Angelica?" After all, master is from Taohua Village.

"What is there to punish? If I were you, I might be more ruthless than you." The corner of Xu Banxia's mouth raised a curve. After all, some people in the village really don't deserve respect, and she doesn't need to respect it. After all, respect is mutual.

Danggui was a little surprised, he didn't expect his master not to punish him.

"Thank you master for not punishing Angelica."

At this time, some of the spectators around said that Cao Li was coming.

"Give way, Cao Li is coming."

The people who had surrounded the gate of Liu's house immediately moved out of the way.

Some people in the crowd were curious and chatted with each other.

"Why did Li Zheng come back?"

"Who knows?"

"Perhaps the story of the Liu family's bullying has spread to Lizheng, and let Lizheng come to uphold justice."


"Lizheng, the Liu family's servants are too bullying, you have to be the master of the villagers, otherwise the Liu family may bully others again someday."

"Okay, I'm just talking nonsense here before things are clarified." Cao Lizheng frowned and scolded in displeasure.

Will he not know what kind of temperament the big house of the Liu family is?
When did the Liu family and the Yang family get into a fight and was it the Liu family's fault?

It's not because the Yang family is restless and insists on finding trouble for nothing. After suffering so many losses, they don't have a long memory to provoke the Liu family.

Although Xu Banxia is young, he is not a soft-hearted master when doing things.

Besides, they are very capable, who would let the Yang family offend them.

Seeing Cao Lizheng approaching, Niu immediately squeezed to the side of Cao Lizheng. "Lizheng, you came just in time. The servants of the Liu family tied up my son and bullied my son. Please Lizheng, you have to be the master of our Yang family!"

"Besides, the Liu family is too defiant just because they are rich. How can a servant have the right to tie up people from Taohua Village? The Liu family doesn't take us seriously at all, thinking that they are the masters of the village, so they bully my son like this. "

Cao Lizheng couldn't listen to Niu's accusation about the eldest son of the Liu family, so he scolded: "Okay, the matter has not been clarified yet, you should pay attention to what you say." In case the matter is clarified, it will be your Yang family who will lose face.

Niu wanted to say something more, but after being scolded by Cao Lizheng, he immediately gave up.

Unwilling in his heart, Niu muttered softly. "It's the Liu family who bullied people too much, and I'm not wrong! They even scolded me." Niu said the last sentence in a very low voice, for fear that Cao Lizheng would hear it.

Xu Banxia glanced at the person on Cao Lizheng's left, Danggui saw this, and whispered to Xu Banxia: "Master, the uncle next to Cao Lizheng is the one I talk back to. He must have brought Cao Lizheng here."

Xu Banxia hummed. "I see."

"Uncle Lizheng." Xu Banxia greeted Cao Lizheng.

"Banxia, ​​I believe your family must be the Yang family's trouble again." Cao Lizheng stepped forward, lowered his voice and said to Xu Banxia.

Hearing this, Xu Banxia looked up in surprise, did Uncle Lizheng trust their family so much?

She nodded slightly to Cao Lizheng. "Thank you Uncle Lizheng for your trust."

"So what's going on?" Cao Lizheng asked curiously, anyway, he didn't believe what the Yang family said.

"Uncle Lizheng will know in a while." Xu Banxia replied with a light smile.

Her eyes fell on Niu Shi. "Auntie, don't you wonder what your son did to be tied up by my people?"

Xu Banxia looked at Niu Shi with a smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"When I came here, I heard that it was your dog who tied up my son because he thought he was not pleasing to the eye." Niu was furious when he thought that his son had suffered.

"Then according to what my aunt said, our two families have quarreled more than once, and I think your family is also very unpleasant, does it mean that I can also tie you up?" Xu Banxia started to fight back.

Niu didn't expect Xu Banxia to say that, and immediately said angrily: "You...don't use your words here!"

"I didn't make any excuses. Could it be that what I said was wrong?" Xu Banxia spread his hands.

Niu: "Anyway, someone from your family kidnapped my son and bullied him. If you don't pay me today, I will stay at your house!"

"Compensation? What a beautiful idea." Xu Banxia snorted coldly.

"Your servants attacked my son, compensation is a matter of course!" Niu looked at the crowd and asked, "Am I right, folks?"


"That's right!"

"It should be compensated!"

Xu Banxia raised his voice and said: "Yang Fugui tried to steal the chickens from my chicken farm to sell for money last night, but he was caught by my people. At dawn today, my people will kill you." You tied Yang Fugui and came to me."

"Everyone might as well tell me, what should I do if I catch the chicken thief? Give me your advice."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

It turned out to be like this! ?
Fortunately, they really thought that Yang Fugui was tied up because of the dislike of the Liu family's servants. They never thought that Yang Fugui himself wanted to steal the chickens raised by the big house of the Liu family and was caught.

They were all deceived by Yang Fugui!

Just now, he helped Yang Fugui to speak, saying that Liu's servants were not, and that he was a bully.

Now it seems that Yang Fugui deserved to be kidnapped!
Who told him to steal chickens at night, if he didn't go, he would be tied up.

If someone had stolen their own chicken, they would have done the same to the eldest of the Liu family, tied them up, and asked Li Zheng to make the decision.

When Niu heard the truth of the matter, he froze in place.

She couldn't believe that it happened like this.

But the villagers told her that this is what Fugui told them, why what Xu Banxia said was different from what her son said.

Xu Banxia and the others must have said that on purpose!

I just don't want to let her son go!
Thinking of this, Niu came back to his senses instantly. "How could my son steal your chicken? You Liu family must have deliberately framed him!"

Xu Banxia frowned upon hearing this, and immediately smiled.

Does Niu have no idea what his son is like?

Who in the village doesn't know that Yang Fugui is lazy and often does sneaky things?
People are not serious, and they go to tease the girls in the village.

The family who had a daughter was so frightened that she kept telling her daughter, and saw Yang Fugui stay far away in the village.

After all, a woman's reputation is the most important thing. If her reputation is damaged, she will not be able to marry and no one will want her.

"Auntie, we are not free enough to wrongfully frame your son, after all, we are not your Yang family."

How could Niu not understand the meaning of Xu Banxia's words, and said angrily: "What do you mean!? Are you saying that our Yang family wrongfully framed your Liu family!?"

Xu Banxia sneered. "Auntie knows what's in mind."

Seeing that her mother was at a disadvantage, Yang Hua immediately said, "Xu Banxia! You usually don't like our family, it must be that your family intentionally wronged my brother!"

"Yes! Our fat girl is right!" Niu echoed Yang Hua. "It's your Liu family who deliberately wronged my son and still don't admit it!"

Xu Banxia almost laughed, isn't everyone in the Yang family brainless?
She looks so boring?Bored enough to wrong Yang Fugui?
It's not like she's too busy and has nothing to do!

"Although I don't like your family, I won't be bored enough to wrong Yang Fugui. If he didn't steal the chicken, how could my people tie him up?"

Among the crowd, someone spoke for the Liu family.

"That's right! The Liu family are not in a hurry!"

"Your son has done a lot of things like stealing chickens and dogs, and it is not impossible to steal Liu's chickens."

"You're right. After all, the Liu family is the richest in our village now. It's normal for Yang Fugui to keep an eye on the Liu family's chickens."

Seeing that those people who were helping her before were all helping Xu Banxia, ​​Niu's face was livid with anger.

These people are really stupid, falling on both sides!
"You all helped me to speak just now, why are you all leaning towards the Liu family now!?"

"Didn't you hear what the little girl said? Yang Fugui was tied up because he wanted to steal chickens. We helped you before, but we were deceived by your son. Now that we know the truth, how could we still help you. "Someone in the crowd returned Niu's name.

These words almost made Niu faint from anger.

Seeing this, Yang Hua quickly supported Niu Shi. "Mom, what should we do? Everyone is speaking for the Liu family, and they don't believe us anymore."

"Fatty girl, you must let them release your brother today, otherwise if your brother falls into their hands, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat." Niu patted Yang Hua's hand and said earnestly.

"Mother, what should we do so that they will let you go?" After all, Yang Hua is still young, although she just turned 11 not long ago, she doesn't have as many ideas as Niu.

"Let's be like this for a while..." Niu rolled his eyes, and suddenly thought of a way, and said to Yang Hua in a voice that could be heard by two people.

Yang Hua nodded. "I know how to be a mother."

Niu looked at Xu Banxia. "I'm just such a son as Fugui, if you don't let him go today! I will... I will..."

While talking, Niu closed his eyes and passed out.

Yang Hua was startled immediately. "Mother! Mother! What's the matter with you mother? Mother, don't scare me." Her voice was crying.

The onlookers were also taken aback by Niu's dizziness, did they faint from anger?
Xu Banxia looked at this scene with cold eyes and did not speak.

It was fine just now, but it suddenly became dizzy, and it was just pretending.

And just now she saw Niu Shi and her daughter getting very close, so she didn't know what the two of them were talking about.

Then Niu passed out before finishing talking to her, obviously just pretending.

Yang Hua called Niu Shi for a long time without responding, she raised her head and looked at Xu Banxia with hatred.

"Xu Banxia! You made my mother faint! Are you happy now!?"

"You not only wronged my brother for stealing the chicken, but also made my mother faint. Your family is too bullying!"

"Now my mother has fainted and passed out, are you very proud? Very happy?"

"And you, you were helping our family just now, but when Xu Banxia said that my brother stole chickens, you all believed her!

Do you believe everything Xu Banxia says? ?Did she give you money?You are so helpful to her. "

Everyone: "..."

How did you get involved with them?

Then the Liu family would not tie Yang Fugui for no reason.

Yang Fugui said before that the servants of the Liu family tied him up because they didn't like him.

(End of this chapter)

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