Chapter 133 Chen Zisu

Master Luo was firm, no matter how much Xu Banxia said, he would not accept it.

In the end, Xu Banxia had no choice but to give up.

Now that Master Luo has talked about this, what can she do.

You can't put a knife on someone's neck to force him to accept it.

In the following time, the doctor would come to Luo Mansion every day to give Liu Dashan an injection.

Looking at Liu Dashan who had been needled for three days, Xu Banxia asked: "Father, how have you felt these two days? Or... have you remembered anything?"

Xu Banxia was a little disappointed by Liu Dashan's answer. "Except for a little pain in this head, I don't have anything to think about."

Xu Banxia sighed softly, "It's okay, I still need to get needles for four days, dad can definitely remember."

In fact, Xu Banxia still has some doubts about whether Liu Dashan can be remembered.

But since Dr. Ren said he was sure, her father still had hope that he could recover his memory.

Currently living in Luo Mansion, Xu Banxia is very free.

Luo Hui would come to look for Xu Banxia from time to time, and had a lot of contact with Xu Banxia, ​​and the relationship between the two was not bad.

The title of Xu Banxia is also called Banxia.

Luo Hui ran to Xu Banxia's residence to find her. "Ban Xia, let me take you outside for a stroll."


Xu Banxia thought it would be boring to stay here in Luo Mansion, so she agreed.

Then Xu Banxia followed Luo Hui out.

When they came to the street, Luo Hui and Xu Banxia walked side by side.

"Ban Xia, let me take you to swim in the lake."

"Okay." Xu Banxia had no objection and readily agreed.

So, Luo Hui took Xu Banxia to swim in the lake.

The two got on the boat, Xu Banxia turned around inadvertently, and saw a familiar woman.

Xu Banxia narrowed her eyes slightly, recalling where she saw that woman in her mind.

After thinking for a while, Xu Banxia remembered that the woman not far away seemed to be the woman she had met talking to Ali before.

Unexpectedly, she would see this woman in Fucheng. Could it be that this woman is from Fucheng?
Seeing Xu Banxia staring not far away, Luo Hui followed Xu Banxia's gaze.

Seeing that Xu Banxia seemed to be staring at a woman, Luo Hui asked in confusion: "Banxia, ​​do you know her?"

Xu Banxia regained consciousness, looked at Luo Hui and asked, "Do you know her?"

"Of course I do. Miss Chen Zisu, the eldest lady of the Chen family, is a well-known talented woman in Fucheng. Everyone in Fucheng knows it."

"I didn't expect her to be so good." Xu Banxia was slightly surprised.

Seeing that Xu Banxia seemed interested in Chen Zisu, Luo Hui said, "She is someone that many young men in Fucheng want to marry, and there are many suitors."

"Then is she married now?" Xu Banxia recalled that day when she ran into Ali and this Chen Zisu.

"She hasn't married yet. I heard that her family has found many husbands and husbands for her, but she doesn't like any of them. Then I heard someone say that Miss Chen already has her own heart."

Listening to Luo Hui's words, Xu Banxia thought to herself, the person Chen Zisu has a heart for belongs to should be Ali without a doubt.

It is said that Miss Chen's clothes are extraordinary, and her family is naturally rich.

Brother Ali is a wild man who lives in Taohua Village. How did Miss Chen know Ali?

And the last time she saw Ali treat Miss Chen like that, it seemed that the two had known each other before.

Know each other before?
If this is the case, then the identity of Big Brother Ali...isn't he a rough man in the mountains like what she saw?

In other words, brother Ali's identity is not ordinary.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to know someone like Miss Chen.

But it doesn't rule out that Brother Ali's identity is very ordinary, but he just knows Miss Chen.

Thinking of Chen Zisu and Ali, Xu Banxia instantly imagined their sadomasochism.

Could it be that the woman's family objected, that Brother Ali was not worthy of Miss Chen, and then Miss Chen would not marry unless Ali, and it has been delayed until now?
Then brother Ali didn't want to delay Miss Chen, so he didn't treat Miss Chen well that day?
Just to get mad at Miss Chen and make her give up liking him.

"Ban Xia, do you know Miss Chen?" Luo Hui asked curiously.

"I saw her once from a distance before, but I didn't expect to see her here." Xu Banxia explained.

Only now did Luo Hui understand. "So that's the case, no wonder you've been staring at her."

"Banxia, ​​you said that Miss Chen's heart belongs to that person, what kind of beauty is it that makes her unwilling to marry when she is 17 years old?"

When Xu Banxia heard the word stunning, he couldn't help thinking of Ali's image of a rough guy.

Although Ali has a dark complexion, good facial features, and is not ugly, she really can't associate him with the word stunning.

The key is his image... It has nothing to do with being stunning, he is a proper mountain rough guy.

"Is there a possibility...the person Miss Chen likes is not absolutely beautiful?"

Luo Hui froze for a moment. "Ah? Not stunning? If that person wasn't stunning, wouldn't Miss Chen still be unwilling to marry?"

"As long as she likes it, nothing is a problem."

"That's right." Luo Hui nodded, feeling that what Xu Banxia said made sense.

"Why do you know so much about Ban Xia? You're too old for me, I don't know much."

"Well...the more you see, the more you will understand." Who can imagine her 12-year-old body and [-]-something soul.

She has lived in the modern world for more than twenty years, so she naturally knows a lot.

At this time, Miss Chen, whom Xu Banxia and the others were talking about, was helped onto the boat.

Seeing this, Luo Hui said, "I never thought Miss Chen would come to visit the lake."

"What's so strange about this? Isn't this normal?" Misses from rich families would come out to swim in the lake and admire flowers when they had nothing to do on weekdays.

"I've never seen her come out alone before. When I saw her, there were several young ladies around her age."

"Maybe I just want to swim in the lake alone this time." Xu Banxia said casually.

At this time, Luo Hui said excitedly: "Banxia, ​​Banxia, ​​she seems to be looking at us, is she looking at us?"

Xu Banxia heard Luo Hui's words and raised her eyes to look in Chen Zisu's direction.

"She was indeed looking at me."

Luo Hui froze for a moment. "Ah? Do you think she will come over?"

"She has come." Xu Banxia said lightly. "Are you familiar with her?"

Luo Hui was stunned again when she heard this. "I just know her, not familiar with her."

"That's weird. Since you don't know her well, why did her boat come towards us?" When Xu Banxia said this, he kept looking at Chen Zisu who was not far away.

And Chen Zisu also looked at Xu Banxia.

The two just looked at each other.

Luo Hui, who was on the side, saw the two looking at each other with doubts on their faces.

Ban Xia said that she had met Miss Chen, she looked at her, and she could understand.

But Ban Xia didn't seem to say that Miss Chen had seen her, why did Miss Chen look at Ban Xia?
This made Luo Hui puzzled.

Chen Zisu's boat approached Xu Banxia's boat at this time.

"Second Miss Luo, can I swim the lake with you?" Chen Zisu looked at Luo Hui and asked.

"Miss Chen, I don't seem to be familiar with you..."

The implication is that I don't know you well, and I don't want to swim in the lake with you.

"It doesn't matter, maybe we'll get to know each other after swimming in the lake." Chen Zisu said with a light smile, "Second Miss Luo said, didn't she?"

Luo Hui: "..."

Even if you swim in the lake once, you don't necessarily know how familiar you are.

This Miss Chen used to just take a look at her when she saw her, but why did she see her today and offered to swim the lake with her.

Seeing that Luo Hui was silent, Chen Zisu said again: "If you don't want me to swim the lake with you, can you let the girl next to you accompany me to swim the lake?"

Luo Hui was completely stunned when she heard what Chen Zisu said.

Did she hear it right?

What did Miss Chen say?
Let Banxia accompany her to swim in the lake?
What does this mean?
Could it be that Miss Chen knows Pinellia?

Otherwise, how could you say such a thing.

But just now, Ban Xia never told her that Miss Chen knew her.

"Miss Chen knows the girl next to me?" Rather than keep guessing, it's better to ask her directly.

"What does Second Miss Luo think?" Chen Zisu looked at Luo Hui with a smile, but did not answer her directly.

"I feel that you know the girl next to me, otherwise you would never have said such things as asking her to accompany you on a lake tour." Luo Hui felt that this possibility was extremely high.

"It's not really acquaintance, I just know her. I didn't expect this girl to appear in Fucheng, so I came here specially to get to know her."

When Xu Banxia heard what Chen Zisu said, she wondered how she knew her.

Obviously at that time she only saw her talking to Ali in the dark.

And she didn't reveal herself at the time, so how did Miss Chen know about her.

This made her extremely curious.

"Unexpectedly, I am an ordinary person, and Miss Chen would want to know me. It is really an honor for me."

"I don't know if the girl would like to go on a lake tour with me?" Chen Zisu stared at Xu Banxia and asked her in a warm voice.

"Miss Chen has a noble status, won't she feel that she has lost her worth when swimming in the lake with someone like me?" Xu Banxia didn't understand why Chen Zisu would lower her worth to swim in the lake with someone like her.

"I'm just lucky. I was born into a wealthy family. If my luck was a little bit worse, I might have the same status as you at this moment.

Besides, just because I am distinguished does not mean that others are not qualified to stand with me. "

Xu Banxia was taken aback by what Chen Zisu said, and he appreciated Chen Zisu a little more.

Unexpectedly, a young lady like Chen Zisu would say such a thing, which really surprised her.

Her intuition told her that she and Chen Zisu would become friends.

From her point of view, ordinary rich ladies are arrogant and look down on those with low status.

However, this Miss Chen, not only has a good attitude and good looks, but also makes her like her even more ideologically.

I don't know what Big Brother Ali thinks, he doesn't seem to be happy that a beauty like Chen Zisu likes him.

If it were her, she would immediately marry someone!
Brother Ali would give up such a beautiful woman, he must have a brain twitch.

"Since Ms. Chen doesn't dislike it, why would I not want to?" What Xu Banxia said meant that he agreed to accompany Chen Zisu on a lake tour.

Luo Hui didn't expect Xu Banxia to agree, so she lowered her voice and asked, "Banxia, ​​why did you agree?"

"And didn't you accompany me to swim the lake? You went to accompany her, so what should I do?" Luo Hui asked a little aggrieved. "Are you going to drop me?"

Xu Banxia coaxed Luo Hui. "I admire her very much. I want to get to know her. I will accompany you on a lake tour some other day to make up for you, is that okay?"

Luo Hui heard Xu Banxia say, "Then I don't want you to make up for me. Can I call you Sister Banxia? I always wanted a sister, but unfortunately I only have one brother."

Xu Banxia was stunned when he heard the words.

The second lady of Luo Mansion wants to call her elder sister?
This...wouldn't it be great if Master Luo found out?
And their identities are so disparate.

"If you don't mind, just call me." Anyway, it's not her who suffers from calling her sister.

If she is willing, what is she not willing to do?

"Sister Banxia agrees!" Luo Hui was a little excited.

"You call me Sister Banxia, ​​and I agree with you, isn't it obvious enough?" Xu Banxia smiled lightly.

"Great, from now on, I will have a sister too." Luo Hui was very happy, her eyes curled up with a smile.

"Miss, can you take a boat tour of the lake with me?" Chen Zisu asked at this moment.

"no problem."

After the words fell, Xu Banxia stepped directly onto Chen Zisu's boat.

The two boats were very close, with only a fist-sized distance between them. Xu Banxia stepped over, and Chen Zisu's boat shook slightly.

Chen Zisu, who was not standing too firmly, shook her body. Fortunately, Xu Banxia supported her quickly, so Chen Zisu did not fall.

Xu Banxia said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I have a little more strength."

"It's okay." After Chen Zisu stood firm, she felt lingering fear.

She was scared to death, she thought she was going to fall into the lake.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Chen, are you really okay?" Xu Banxia could tell from Chen Zisu's expression that she was frightened.

Moreover, he was so frightened that he was still a little bit unresponsive.

"I'm fine." Chen Zisu tidied up her demeanor and said.

"But I see your doesn't seem very good-looking." Xu Banxia looked at her and said softly.

This made Chen Zisu a little embarrassed, but she didn't show it on her face.

"It's okay, it will be fine in a while."

Looking at the somewhat thrilling scene just now, Luo Hui was also taken aback.

If Miss Chen fell into the lake because of Xu Banxia, ​​then Xu Banxia would be over.

But she heard that the whole Chen family dotes on Miss Chen very much.

If she fell into the lake, people from the Chen family would probably come to her.

"Or I'll help you in and sit down." Xu Banxia felt a little guilty.

When she stepped over just now, she was already carefully controlling her strength.

Unexpectedly, the boat swayed a bit, almost causing Miss Chen to fall into the lake.

If she hadn't supported her with quick eyes and hands, a tragedy might have happened.

"Okay." Chen Zisu let Xu Banxia help her in and sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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