Chapter 124 The Passionate Aunt

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, the sky has been dyed a little orange, and the faint orange color is very beautiful on the sky.

After a day's trip to the black market, Shen Wanxi decided to go back, put away the money and all her belongings, went into the space to change back to her original clothes, and hurried straight to the agreed place.

When she arrived, Uncle Lin was already waiting for her, accompanied by people from several nearby villages, but Aunt Zhou did not go back, but stayed at her daughter's house.

Regarding this, Shen Wanxi was neither curious nor surprised. After greeting Uncle Lin, she got on the ox cart and set off when almost everyone had arrived.

Along the way, the people on the bullock cart never stopped talking. They were all from the nearby villages, so it was inevitable that they knew a few people and started chatting about gossip again.

And Shen Wanxi listened curiously to their gossip without interrupting.

"Have you heard? The woman of the Lin family is going to find a wife for her son. I heard that his son is very capable. If it weren't for my family not having a girl of the right age, I would definitely bring the girl to the door!"

"Oh, I've heard about this too. I've seen that young man from the Lin family. He looks very handsome. I don't know which girl is so lucky to be able to marry this young man."

"Who said it wasn't? But then again, my son is not too young, and it's time for him to marry a wife and have children. Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any girls to introduce?"

It only took less than 10 minutes for several aunts to discuss other people's sons looking for a partner at the beginning, and now discussing their own son's finding a partner.

The topic changed too quickly, and while they were chatting, they all focused on the only little girl on the bullock cart.

Shen Wanxi, who was stared at by the aunts, didn't come back to her senses, she didn't understand why these aunts were staring at her?

Is there something on her face?

Shen Wanxi was about to reach out and touch her face to see if there was any dirt on her face, when the aunts looked at her and spoke.

"Which village are you from, little girl? How old are you this year? What's the situation at home?"

The aunt who said she was going to marry her son was the first to ask the question. She had noticed this little girl long ago.

The reason why the aunt thinks so is that most of the family money will be spent on boys now, and there are very few girls, unless you add that little money.

Thinking of this, this aunt became more interested in Shen Wanxi. If she married her and went home, wouldn't she not have to worry about money?
The aunt had a small calculation in her heart, and Shen Wanxi didn't know what the other party was thinking, but out of respect for the elders, Shen Wanxi could only respond politely.

"Auntie, I'm from Jiangshui Village. I'm 16 this year. My elders are still alive. I have three elder brothers in Shantou."

Shen Wanxi answered the other party's question simply, and the aunt was more satisfied after hearing Shen Wanxi's answer.

"Girl, do you have a date? If you don't have a date, my aunt will introduce my aunt's son to you. Don't worry, my son is good in everything, especially when it comes to loving his wife. If you give it to my son, you will definitely not suffer!"

My aunt is trying her best to sell her son. Instead of looking for those who she doesn't like, she might as well look for this one in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, I don't want to discuss the object yet. Your son must be an excellent person, and he should be worthy of an even better one."

Shen Wanxi rejected the other party very tactfully, she really doesn't want to talk about relationship now, besides, even if she talks about relationship, she doesn't want the so-called arranged marriage.

He came here from now. Although he doesn't like arranged marriages very much, he just wants to find someone who suits his wishes, and then talk about marriage.

Therefore, she appreciates the kindness of this politician, but she really can't promise the other party.

But the rejected aunt still didn't give up, she was there all the way, chatting about how good her son was, Shen Wanxi didn't interrupt the other party out of politeness, but silently listened to the other party's praise

Fortunately, the speed of the ox cart was quite fast, and the aunt didn't say long before the cart arrived outside their village.

The aunt stopped the topic with some unfinished business, and then looked at Shen Wanxi reluctantly.

"Girl, think about my son, my son is so good, you will definitely like it when you see him, why don't you meet my son?"

As the aunt spoke, she reached out to pull Shen Wanxi, wanted to pull her out of the car and take her home for her son to meet, but Shen Wanxi was taken aback by the other party's actions.

"I'm sorry, auntie, I don't think it's really necessary. I'm still young and I'm not in a hurry to get married. You'd better look at other girls."

Shen Wanxi clearly rejected the other party, and when she heard the voice coming from behind, Uncle Lin also interrupted.

"Big girl, don't look at other girls, she is still young, it's not suitable to talk about other people's parents, and I don't want my daughter to marry so soon, I think, you should go find someone else's girl!"

After speaking, without giving the other party a chance to reflect, Uncle Lin ran forward with the ox cart, and when the aunt came to his senses, all he was left with was the sky full of smoke and dust and the back of the ox cart.

Seeing the back of the bullock cart leaving, the aunt stood there angrily chopped off her legs, pointed at the bullock cart, and started cursing from behind.

"What the hell? You really take yourself seriously, don't you? My son is so good, you don't care, there are a lot of people who care about you, but you are still pushing back and forth. You really don't know good and evil, and you don't know the parents of this family. How did you teach, it really pissed me off!"

The aunt stood at the gate of the village and slowly got to know each other for a long time, but Shen Wanxi, who had already left, was not affected at all.

This matter cannot be forced at all, so the aunt can say whatever she likes, she has no objection.

The car soon arrived outside her house, and Shen Wanxi got out of the car to give money to Uncle Lin, but was rejected by the other party.

"Girl, you don't need to give money, uncle is just taking you along the way, go back quickly, and come to uncle next time if you have something to do."

After talking to the other party, you set up the bullock cart without giving Shen Wanxi a chance to react, and left in a hurry. Seeing the other party's leaving figure, Shen Wanxi smiled helplessly.

I could only resend the money I had taken out, turned around in my trousers pocket and walked into the house. Before everyone came back, I went into the kitchen to cook.

After a few days of practice, Shen Wanxi was already very familiar with the matter of making a fire. After proficiently sounding like a fire, Shen Wanxi directly took out several big fish from the space.

The fish were all placed in the bucket, and because of the narrowness of the bucket, the fish were all splashing in the bucket, splashing everywhere.

Shen Wanxi fished out the largest fish from the bucket, picked up the knife, and prepared to bathe Grandpa.

After cleaning the fish, Shen Wanxi started to boil water, and then started another pot. He was going to make fish soup today.

If you want a milky white fish soup, you have to fry the fish first. In order to make the fish soup more delicious, Shen Wanxi added a lot of mushrooms in the space.

 good night,

(End of this chapter)

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