Chapter 141 Gu Yunxian's Proposal
The two chatted one after another, from the beginning of the back mountain environment to the future plans.

"Wan Xi, what are your plans for the future?"

Gu Yunxian was suddenly a little curious about Shen Wanxi's future plans, and couldn't help asking more questions.

"I don't have any plans, I just want to stay at home with my parents and do work at home."

He is not very familiar with him yet, so it is impossible for Shen Wanxi to reveal his hole cards to the other party. He didn't even mention his family members, let alone Gu Yunxian, a friend who has just met a few times.

"Then...Wanxi, may I take the liberty to ask about your education background?"

Hearing about Shen Wanxi's future plans, Gu Yunxian had an idea ready to come out, and couldn't help but asked about Shen Wanxi's education.

"I have already graduated from junior high school."

Shen Wanxi didn't hide anything about her educational background, so in big cities, there are a lot of junior high school graduates, but in their small town, junior high school graduates are indeed very rare.

Most people will not continue to study after primary school, and families with poor economic conditions will not allow their children to continue to study.

But the Shen family was different. Almost the whole family supported her until she finished junior high school.

Fortunately, the original owner did not disappoint his family, and his academic performance has always been among the best, and he has also won the award of the textile factory.

"Then...girl, are you willing to be my secretary?"

Gu Yunxian hesitated for a while, but finally asked what was in his heart.

His transfer order will come down soon, and I will spend most of his time in the town, and I will have relatively little time to come to Shen Wanxi.

So I also wanted Shen Wanxi to work in the town for my own sake, and it happened that he also lacked a secretary. If Shen Wanxi was his secretary, then the two of them would have more chances to meet.

He will have more chances to perform. When he asked that sentence again, Gu Yunxian's palms were sweating nervously.

"Your secretary?"

Shen Wanxi raised her eyebrows, very surprised, what does Gu Yunxian mean by this?
Before Shen Wanxi could figure out why, Gu Yunxian hurriedly spoke.

"My transfer order hasn't been issued yet, and I don't know which factory I will be sent to. If you want to, please help me with the transfer order. Would you like to be my secretary?"

Gu Yunxian wanted to fix him up right now, Shen Wanxi was too good, Gu Yunxian was a little worried that he would be abducted.

The best way is to put it under your nose, and watch it carefully, so you don't worry about people being abducted!

Shen Wanxi subconsciously wants to refuse, although the position of secretary is very good, but Shen Wanxi is her side job, she is a woman who wants to sell 200 catties of Chinese cabbage!
"Don't rush to refuse, think about it carefully, the treatment here is absolutely good, think about it carefully"

Gu Yunxian didn't give Shen Wanxi a chance to refuse at all, she couldn't look around today, she hurriedly stood up, ready to leave.

"It's getting late, and I still have something to do. I have to go back to the town. I'll come to you after I get the order."

Seeing Gu Yunxian's eager look, Shen Wanxi shook her head helplessly, and finally stood up.

"I will carefully consider what you said, welcome to play again next time!"

Shen Wanxi said while sending Gu Yunxian out the door, and the two walked side by side on the field path, with a small distance between them, so as not to let them get too close.

The passing villagers all looked at the two curiously, their eyes full of curiosity, but the two didn't care.

Shen Wanxi didn't stop until she reached the entrance of the village and watched Gu Yunxian leave. Gu Yunxian walked quickly towards the town.

At this time, he was thinking about whether to buy a bicycle, which would be more convenient for travel.


Shen Wanxi was silently reciting Gu Yunxian's movie on the spot, then drifted away, then turned around and walked back home quickly.

As soon as she got home, Shen Wanxi went back to her room and entered the space with Pudding in her arms.

Shen Wanxi really wanted to keep the pudding in the space, but in the end she gave up on this idea. She doesn't often enter the space, and most of her focus has been outside the space recently.

Pudding will receive more care outside the space, and her family will occasionally help her feed Pudding. If there is no one in the space, Pudding can only drink spirit spring water.

As soon as he entered the space, Pudding left Shen Wanxi as his master and started having fun in the space.

Shen Wanxi didn't care about the pudding, but walked to the edge of the field, and started to attack the Chinese cabbage in the field without saying a word.

There is still 1/4 of the Chinese cabbage she planted that has not been harvested. Shen Wanxi plans to finish all of it today, and this Chinese cabbage has to be sold quickly.

To go to the town, one must have the capital to go to the town. Although Shen Wanxi has money, but not much, she still has to accumulate by selling vegetables.

She decided to take these vegetables to textile factories, wineries, steel factories, and ceramic factories in a few days to see if anyone bought them.

The workers in the city are the richest. Instead of taking the risk of squatting in the black market, it is better to go to the gates of these factories.

These people are absolutely not short of money or tickets. Thinking of this, Shen Wanxi hastened his actions.

In the end, it took more than three hours to collect all the Chinese cabbage in the field, and Shen Wanxi planned to sell part of the remaining sweet potatoes to the money exchange.

In this way, you don't have to dig hard by yourself to get a lot of money. After knowing it, Shen Wanxi gathered all the Chinese cabbage together and put them on the side of the field.

Then he walked to the Lingquan, got some spring water briefly, washed his hands and feet, and then went to Xiaoyanglou.

Shen Wanxi walked into the living room and picked up her rice phone, clicked on the money ticket exchange, and followed the prompts above to enter the name of the agricultural product and the amount to be exchanged.

Not knowing how many catties the sweet potatoes she planted weighed, Shen Wanxi tried to press two hundred catties to choose the item to exchange for money, and then click submit.

In the next second, the successful exchange page popped up, and two bundles of unity were neatly placed on the coffee table in front of Shen Wanxi.

The materials replaced in the space are more expensive than selling them in black. A catty of sweet potatoes costs one yuan, and 200 catties is 200 yuan.

Shen Wanxi was not to mention very satisfied with this, she exchanged 100 catties of sweet potatoes for 100 yuan, then put down the phone, put all the money in the cabinet, and went straight into the kitchen.

Opening the lid of the pot to boil the water, Shen Wanxi took out fresh milk from the refrigerator, and then took out two eggs.

Shen Wanxi was about to make dessert for herself. Looking at the milk and eggs in front of her, Shen Wanxi went back to the living room and bought a large pack of gelatine with two points.

Taking advantage of the courier, Shen Wanxi went directly to the orchard to pick several big oranges.

The big oranges here are big and juicy. After finishing the preparation, Shen Wanxi started to make double skin milk.

Orange double-skin milk is Shen Wanxi's favorite, and it is also the simplest dessert. Wash the oranges, cut the head in half, empty the body and put it aside for later use.

Then add the egg whites to the milk, add a little sugar, mix well and bring the milk back into the oranges.

 A little sleepy.

  How to do?
(End of this chapter)

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