The Favorite of the Space Group: She Was in 80 Chaowangfu

Chapter 144 All the staff dispatched to Zhang Niang's house [Thanks to Feiyue's baby for t

Chapter 144 All the staff dispatched to go back to their mother's house [Thanks to Feiyue's baby for the monthly pass~]

Gu Yunxian took the broom, and the members of the four schools looked at Lin Zicen. The latter looked a little embarrassed and quickly avoided the other party's gaze.

"Snack Buckle"

Gu Yunxian stood outside the door and reached out to knock on the door. Jiang Jinnian's very impatient voice soon came from inside the door.

"Lin Zicen, come in quickly if you have something to do, why are you knocking on the door? Are you letting people sleep?"

Hearing Jiang Jinnian's words about whether he was old or young, Gu Yunxian's eyes immediately turned cold, he stretched out his hand and pushed open the door in front of him, and walked in.

Lin Zicen stood at the door kindly and helped close the door.

The moment the door closed, Jiang Jinnian's terrified shouts came from inside the room, and after a while, the shouts turned into begging for mercy.

"Brother, don't come here, I was really wrong, put down your broom quickly!"

"If you hit him with that thing, you will die. Brother, I was really wrong. Please let me go. I promise there will be no next time."

The begging for mercy lasted for a long time, and Jiang Jinnian's screams were heard from time to time. Lin Zicen, the instigator of this incident, sat in the courtyard leisurely drinking tea, his eyes full of contentment.

When Gu Yunxian was able to come out after cleaning up, Lin Zicen was still in a good mood and poured him a cup of tea.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Looking at the tea on the table, Gu Yunxian put down his whistle, picked it up and drank it in one gulp, then got up.

"I'll go into the house to pack some things, and I'm going to visit the winery tomorrow morning. Do you want to go with me?"

"Go to the winery!"

Lin Zicen's eyes lit up when he heard the word "winery", and he nodded hastily without caring too much.

"Of course I'm going, remember to wait for me tomorrow morning!"

After the men briefly discussed, they went back to their houses and prepared to report to the winery tomorrow morning.

"Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin, are you at home?"

Shen Wanxi appeared outside Uncle Lin's house with a big fish weighing three catties in her hand, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

As soon as the knock on the door fell, a woman's voice came from inside the door, and the person was pulled away immediately after.

When she saw Shen Wanxi appearing outside the door, the woman was very surprised, but she still politely asked why she came.

"Girl Shen, why are you here? Come in quickly, let's talk about what's going on in the room!"

The woman stepped aside while talking, Shen Wanxi followed her into the house, stood in the courtyard, and said with a smile:
"Aunt Lin, is Uncle Lin at home? I have something to ask Uncle Lin."

When she heard that Shen Wanxi was looking for her own man, Aunt Lin nodded quickly.

"Your Uncle Lin is at home, wait, I'll call him out!"

After the words fell, I saw Aunt Lin yelling into the room:
"Old Lin, come out quickly, the girl is here to find you, there must be something wrong."

As soon as she finished shouting, Uncle Lin came out of the house, looking at Shen Wanxi standing in the courtyard, Uncle Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Is Shen girl looking for uncle for something?"

"Uncle, our family has to go back to my grandmother's house tomorrow morning, and I want to borrow an ox cart from you."

Shen Wanxi was a little embarrassed, worried that the other party would not agree, just when she was thinking wildly, Uncle Lin in front of her nodded, and agreed without saying a word.

"Success, the nerd club will move the bullock cart to your house."

"Thank you uncle!"

Seeing that the other party agreed, Shen Wanxi might have been pleasantly surprised, and hastily handed the fish in her hand to Aunt Lin next to her.

"Auntie, I caught this fish in the river, you stew it, and give my uncle and you a boost."

"You can't do it, take this fish back quickly!"

Seeing the big grass carp in Shen Wanxi's hand, Aunt Lin was very surprised, and quickly shied away after realizing it.

"That's right, we can't take this fish, girl, you'd better take it home and eat it yourself."

Uncle Lin also nodded beside him, but Shen Wanxi smiled and shook her head, pretending to be angry.

"Uncle, do you think the fish I brought is too small and you don't want to accept it?"

"Girl, don't get me wrong, uncle didn't mean that!"

Seeing that Shen Wanxi was angry, Uncle Lin hurriedly defended himself, he really didn't mean that!

It's just that he simply didn't want to accept the little girl's things. This is an ordinary thing, so he accepted it. This is a big fish. If this fish is sold outside, it may sell for several dollars!

"Uncle, if you don't take this fish, I won't dare to borrow your ox cart, and I won't dare to ride your ox cart in the future!"

Seeing that Shen Wanxi mentioned this level, Uncle Lin couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to accept the fish.

"The uncle would be more respectful than obedient."

After a brief chat with the couple, Shen Wanxi bid farewell and returned home. After borrowing the ox cart, she was very relaxed and walked happily.

Walking home along the path, half of the blue sky was dyed red by the setting sun, and the faint setting sun fell on the girl returning home, casting a faint light on the girl.

early next morning
The whole Shen family has woken up. Today, everyone is not going to work and is going home to visit relatives. Except for the old man and the old lady, everyone else has packed up their things and is ready to go back.

After breakfast, a few people took a borrowed ox cart to Sujia Village, where Shen's mother lived, which was several villages away from Jiangshui Village.

It took four or five hours to walk alone, but now that there is an ox cart, the time is directly halved, and it takes less than two hours to arrive at the entrance of Zhujia Village.

Passing by the big locust tree at the entrance of the village, the aunt who was sitting under the big locust tree chatting saw Shen's mother and family, and rushed over.

"Xiuzhen, why are you back? Didn't you just come back a few days ago? What good things did you bring to your natal family!"

While speaking, Aunt Wu looked into the back basket on the bullock cart vigorously. When she saw the chicken and big fish in the back basket, Aunt Wu stared wide-eyed and exclaimed.

"Oh, this basket actually contains chickens and fish. How much does it cost for such a big chicken!"

Aunt Wu's voice was too loud, and she directly attracted the eyes of several older ladies around her. When they saw the chicken and fish, all the older ladies widened their eyes.

This Su Xiuzhen's family must have made a lot of money, right?

Otherwise, how can I afford such a big chicken and fish? This fish is not something you can buy if you want to buy it. Last time I sent meat, it was chicken and fish again...

To the surprise of the ladies, Mother Shen smiled and did not explain the source of these things, but greeted everyone with a smile.

"It's getting late, aunts and aunts, so I won't chat with you here, I'll go home first, and chat again when I'm free some other day!"

"Okay, let's go back!" The ladies smiled and waved, and the Shen family left under their envious and jealous eyes.

As soon as they left on the front foot, the big ladies on the back foot got together and discussed them.

"Did the Shen family make a lot of money? Otherwise, why would there be such a big chicken and fish? I saw it just now, and there is more than one!"

"I guess it's because they sent so much meat last time, and this time they gave away chicken and fish. If it didn't make a fortune, I wouldn't believe it!"

 small theater
  Shen Wanxi: "Oh, it's another day for you to make your family rich!"

  good night makabaka
(End of this chapter)

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