burning nations

Chapter 22 Travel

Chapter 22 Travel
In the 39th year of flattering Zhangwu, it entered summer.

Ezhou, the prefecture governing Jiangxia, is located in the very center of the Yangtze River. It can be evaluated as a "strategic place" in one word and a "must-place for military strategists" in one sentence.Going down the river in Ezhou, boat sailors can attack Huang, Qi, Shu, Jiang, Xuan, He, Run, Yang, Chang, and Suzhou on both banks; It is not a problem for Fu, Jing, Xia, Yue, Gui, and Kui to enter Jiannan Road all the way.

In addition, from Ezhou, you can enter Poyang Lake in the east, and Dongting Lake in the west, covering two lakes and several counties.Also, the Han River and the Huai River and the Huai River flow into the Yangtze River. They can also go north to take Xiangzhou, advance into Tang and Deng, and enter Luozhou;

At that time, Emperor Taizu Emperor Zhao Bin conquered Jiangnan. He first conquered Xiangyang and then captured Jiangling. The boat builders sailed down the river, captured Jiangxia in a bloody battle, and settled Jiangnan.

Ezhou can be described as a "place to use force"!

But as time goes by, Ezhou, a place of use, has degenerated into a wealth gathering center along the Yangtze River by virtue of its geographical advantages. The once bloody battlefield of golden horses and iron horses has also been developed into a tourist attraction for making money.Prosperity and ease seem to melt a person's bones, even the Qi family is not spared.

Although the Qi family has Qi Qi, Qi Xing, and Qi Tong as the backbone of the empire, there are a lot of extravagances and rice bugs, and they are no different from the playboys I have seen in various states before.

But the good thing about the Qi family is that there are pillars that can support the family. At least Qi Xing's eldest son, Qi Tong, and second son, Qi Yi, are all capable third generations. The family pulls the tallest one out of the twig and removes it to the top.

Qi Xing met Zhang Cai, because of Qi Qi, it would make Qi Xing very embarrassed to talk about relatives, after all, Qi Xing became Zhang Cai's father at a young age, so Zhang Cai called Qi Zongbing, and Qi Xing called Zhang Miss .

In terms of martial arts, Qi Xing, who knew that Zhang Cai had learned Qi's sword and boxing techniques, expressed that he wanted to compete with Zhang Cai, and Zhang Cai took up the challenge.Then in terms of saber technique, Zhang Cai attacked with all his strength and barely managed to draw a tie. In terms of guns and sticks, which he was secondarily good at, he insisted on fifty rounds and lost. It was Qi Xing who wanted to put some water on the old man's face, but Zhang Cai was better than Qi Xing in terms of archery. Hold a stone-horned bow and shoot ten arrows in a row within 100 steps, and the arrows hit the bull's-eye; hold a stone-horned bow and shoot ten arrows in a row within 150 steps, and the same is true for 200 steps; until 250 steps, this distance is the strongest for ordinary troops. With the range of the crossbow, Zhang Cai hit the bull's-eye nine out of ten arrows, and Qi Xing was stunned by the result of eight rings in one arrow, feeling that his skills were inferior to others.

However, the matter was not over yet, Qi Xing asked people to remove the archery target, replaced it with a straw man, put on a simple armor and placed it at 300 steps, and gave Zhang Cai an arrow for her to shoot.

"An arrow? Then I'll shoot it in the right eye!"

Zhang Cai took the arrowhead without any sloppiness, stretched the bow and set the arrow to aim at the loose string in one go, and saw the arrowhead gracefully passing by, and precisely hit the straw man's right eye.

Qi Xing applauded.

"Girl, you are the best eagle shooter, you can shoot down Haidongqing."

With Qi Xing's affirmation, Zhang Cai became famous in the Qi family in one fell swoop. Many handsome men and women came to visit Zhang Cai, and looked around with curiosity and appreciation, as if Zhang Cai was an extremely precious and rare wild animal. This kind of behavior annoys Zhang Cai very much!bother!bother!
After the fight with Qi Xing, Zhang Cai was lonely and bored for a long time.Qi Qi was invited to dinner all day long, Qi Xing devoted himself to being in the army, and Qi Tong was transferred to the Qianjun Army to start his military career. Except for Qi Da and Qi Liu, Zhang Cai had no one to talk to in the entire Qi family. nothing.

As for the body, I did feel unwell. I was not acclimatized for a few days and vomited and pulled, but fortunately I survived.

There is nothing to do, Zhang Cai finds something for herself besides practicing martial arts every day. She has never seen the lakes and mountains, small bridges and flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River. Changjian, started traveling alone.

For this trip, Zhang Cai plans to go on foot to Baling City in Yuezhou, play around Dongting Lake, and then go around Jingzhou, Xiazhou, Xiangzhou, Anzhou, and Huangzhou to see the Dabie Mountains and then cross the river. Play around Poyang Lake, and finally return to Ezhou before winter.Not only has he visited the north and south of the Yangtze River, but he can also walk and see among the people, see with his own eyes and listen to his ears. What kind of person is Zhu Tao?

Zhang Cai is an activist. He went out of the city that day and did not stay in the county at night. Instead, he took an adventurous night in the countryside and asked some questions.At noon the next day, I arrived at the outskirts of Baling City. Before entering the city, I wandered around the shore of Dongting Lake, checked the life of the people along the shore, asked about Zhu Tao's evaluation, and learned about the hydrology, products, climate, etc. of Dongting Lake through other people's mouths.

Dongting Lake, known as Yunmengze in ancient times, has a radius of [-] miles. Its waters connect to the Yangtze River in the north, Yuanshui in the west, and Xiangshui in the south. There is Junshan in the lake, and there are many reeds and ports.In addition to tourism and reeds for a living, the local people also live in the lake by planting rice and raising fish and ducks. Among them, the lake is rich in carp, crucian carp, bighead carp, silver carp, bream, mandarin fish, whitebait, anchovies, shrimp and crab. There are more than [-] kinds of aquatic products such as turtles, turtles, eels, eels, loach, mussels, etc., and the rare white-flag dolphin is also grown. This is a famous product of Dongting Lake and is worth three gold.

In addition, Dongting whitebait is quite famous. Xianglian in the lake is known as "the treasure of lotus" for its plump grains and tender meat. There are also tea, fish, lotus and tea on Junshan, collectively known as "Dongting Three Treasures".

However, even though there is Dongting Lake with the Three Treasures of Dongting, the life of the people along the coast is not good, but it is much better than that of the people in Onozawa.Under Zhu Tao's forceful suppression, the nobles and the powerful have withdrawn one after another, and the common people can buy a few bolts of cloth and new clothes if they have spare money, and the refugees who have nothing are also taken away by Hua Shigang for food. This also makes the people basically stable and harmonious, without swarms of thieves and bandits, Dongting Lake or even Poyang Lake is not entrenched with hundreds of thousands of water bandits, and it can still be a tourist attraction like it is today.

Zhang Cai inquired about the government, first of all he scolded Zhu Tao, needless to say, and secondly, he found that Zhu Tao had three things to avoid in choosing officials: first, he didn’t want to exaggerate and lie without achievements; Don't use Donglin Party members.

In the entire Jiangnan Road area, there is not a single official who is a member of the Donglin Party.

Donglin Party, Donglin Party, Donglin Party!A name that has appeared in front of Zhang Cai countless times, but Zhang Cai doesn't even know what the Donglin Party is. Zhang Cai feels that it is necessary to find out.

Faithfully recording the memories of the day in his diary, Zhang Cai continued to head west and crossed the river to Jingzhou. Jingzhou was no longer in Jiangnan Road. After a little inquiry, he knew that the governor of Jingzhou was a member of the Donglin Party.

Looking at Jingzhou's rule, in Jiangling City alone, refugees, beggars, human traffickers, nobles, rich people, murderous government servants and Yunzhou have exactly the same scene!
From Yuezhou to Jingzhou, Zhang Cai did not encounter a group of robbers and robbers along the way; but from Jingzhou to Xiazhou, Zhang Cai encountered more than a group of robbers and robbers along the way!The shuriken has been coated with a layer of plasma.

Starting from Xiazhou, what Zhang Cai saw was a brand new scene.

(End of this chapter)

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