Perfect world battle blood stained nine days

Chapter 136 The Eternal Sword Comes Again

Chapter 136 The Eternal Sword Comes Again

"Take your body as your seed... What a genius, I can't imagine that there will be such an outstanding person in the future who can come up with such a method... The Great Elder of the Deity Academy... Meng Tianzheng..."

In the void, the old team of Diguan was amazed.

"I'm going to see his law."

Afterwards, the ancestor cut off contact with Shi Zhan, and he will go to the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, go to the Deity Academy, and discuss the Dao with the Great Elder in person.

The patriarch left, the small tower was dormant, and there were only two left in this battlefield, Shi Zhan and Shi Hao.

"One is the founder of theory, and the other is the successor of practice. Only when two blossoms can we be safer."

The two looked at each other through the wind and snow, and the sky was frozen.

"who are you?"

Xiao Budian stood on the spot with a dignified expression, and the runes on his body were already turning away.

After two simple moves, he found that he had never provoked such a person.

Because he had never seen such a person or organization in Kunpeng's lair, in the Baiduan Mountains, in Butian Pavilion, or in the Void God Realm.

"I heard that you opened up ten caves..." Shi Zhan, the man in black, said slowly.


"Dongtian Realm is invincible in Baiduan Mountain."

"The Soul Transformation Realm is invincible in the Kunpeng Nest."

Xiao Budian's eyes were slightly cold, and he didn't speak. This person seemed to have done a lot of research on himself, so he must have come prepared.

"However, few people know that you are in the blood-moving realm, so you ventured into the wilderness alone and came to the second ancestral land of the Stone Kingdom."

"I also heard that there used to be two Tianjiao in the Stone Clan, one with double pupils and the other with supreme bones, but after some accidents happened, only one Shi Yi with double pupils and supreme bones remained..."

Xiao Budian was expressionless, standing in the wind and snow, his eyes were cold.

This man knows him too well!

This made Xiao Budian feel shuddering, colder than the wind and snow, this is the naked feeling that all the secrets have been revealed.

"Who are you!"

Xiao Budian searched the people in his memory, but he had never found such a mysterious man in black, he asked again.

The man in black, Shi Zhan, stood with his hands behind his back without saying a word.

"He is a descendant of Immortal Blood, he has the blood of Immortal King, and he also contains the power of seven supernatural physiques. From my perspective, his cause and effect are nothingness. He doesn't exist in this world. He is the same as you, but different." The wounded Xiaota secretly transmits sound to Xiaobudian.

"Immortal blood? Bloodline? Seven kinds of gods? Doesn't exist in the world?" Xiao Budian was greatly shocked, and the information was too shocking.

"If you can take a blow from my cave realm, I'll let you go." Looking at the immature little one, Shi Zhan suddenly changed his mind.

The current little guy doesn't have any idea of ​​using his body as a seed. This kind of idea came only after he couldn't find the seed of heaven. Without a certain life and experience, how could he create an amazing and brilliant other avatar? Freedom?
He suddenly felt that he was early.

There is still a long way to go at the stage of sending the Tao to the species.

So, he said so, and gave the little one a step up.


He scolded lightly, and with a sound, the invisible wave spread.

A scene that shocked Xiao Budian appeared, the heavy snow covered thousands of miles, and the cold wind dissipated like this.

"What a powerful supernatural power, this wind and snow was actually created by him." Xiao Budian was secretly surprised. After returning from Kunpeng's nest, he felt that the world's venerables were nothing more than that, but Shi Zhan's methods opened his eyes.

It's so... so terrifying to say what you say and change the celestial phenomena!
"I'll give you a quarter of an hour to adjust your breath." Shi Zhan stretched out his hand.

Xiaobudian took a deep breath, his whole body was boiling with blood, and the runes were rumbling like thunder: "It doesn't take a moment, you take action!"

"Okay!" Shi Zhan gave the little one a deep look.

"go with!"

Like a volcanic eruption, a huge sound suddenly appeared, and the rumbling movement of the ten caves around Shi Zhan manifested.

The ten caves, all black, are located at the back. The outer eight black holes surround the inner two black holes while revolving and spinning.

The two black holes inside revolve around a central point and rotate on their own.

Yin and Yang, gossip, all in it.

This is the Ten Caves of Stone War.

Little boy here, Shenxi is soaring into the sky, the cave sky is as deep as an abyss, spewing out rays of light.

Slowly, the ten caves merged into one...

At this moment, Shi Zhan on the opposite side opened his eyes wide, carefully observing the changes of each rune.

A sword light flew out of the small cave.

The sword radiance shocks the world, trying to split the stars.

It's the cursive sword.

This is the cursive sword art obtained from the mountain treasure, and it is stored in Shicun, so the little one naturally has practice.

In the extremely dazzling light, the ten caves and heavens merged into one, and Shi Zhan did not practice his third eye, so he could no longer pry into the mysteries within.

Suddenly, in an instant, an ancient and magnificent atmosphere hits from the long river of time.

Faintly, a sword glow flew out, and it was blessed on the grass-character sword art played by Xiao BuDian.

Shi Zhan felt this breath, and his expression changed.

"Huang, you can't do this..."

At this moment, time and space stand still.

Shi Zhan looked into the unknown void with no source, and only saw a blurry smiling face with white teeth and a brilliant smile.

It was the future Emperor Huangtian who made the move.

For the first time, Shi Zhan became solemn and cautious.

This is the general attack of the Emperor of Heaven, coming across the ages, to get him.

Not for any other reason, just because he acted aggressively in front of Xiao Budian.

He can only be beaten.

"I only use the power of the cave realm."

Huang's voice came from the future, from the past, from countless directions, and finally turned into a voice that exploded in Shi Zhan's mind.


There is only a hard connection in the stone war.

The ten caves, which were as pitch-black as black holes, suddenly changed into the ultimate white.

The black hole turned into a white hole, and ten figures flew out of the hole, overlapping with Shi Zhan himself in the same time and space.

Then, it was cut out with a knife.

Hand as a knife.

cut! ! !
The image of the ancestor flying across the abyss with a knife kept reappearing in Shi Zhan's mind, and Shi Zhan instinctively copied the knife.

This is the most powerful and unpretentious knife he has ever seen.

Shi Zhan flew upside down and vomited blood.


A hole was blown out of the distant mountain, the front and back were transparent, and the next moment it was buried by falling gravel. .

The fuzzy figure smiled, and time and space resumed operation.

Xiao BuDian withdrew his hands, showing a confused look.

"he's gone?"

Why is the man in black missing?

The little tower next to his ear sensed something was wrong: "Get out of here quickly."

Shi Hao nodded, this person's origin and identity were unknown, which puzzled him.

"Xiaota, can you tell his identity!" Xiao Budian ran towards the direction of his home.

"It's a little familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere, I wanted to tell you before, but I was so shocked by that guy, I can't remember clearly." Xiaota said angrily.

"We've met..." Xiao BuDian was thoughtful.

"Who will it be?"

"It's him? Is it?"

Behind the mountains.

Shi Zhan pierced through nine mountains, and finally rolled to the ground.

Fortunately, he has a strong physique, and the skin on his body is not broken at all, but he looks extremely embarrassed.

"Submit it, this old sixth, he doesn't talk about martial arts, it's just a small duel, and he stabs me with a sword across the ages, what kind of treatment am I doing!" Shi Zhan saw Huang's sword light again.

The last time I met Huang Kua Eternal and made a move was the last time.

That was when he was hijacked by Immortal King Shura Cannian, that sword was to save him.

This time, it was him.

"It's just that Huang's sword has spanned the ages. What does it mean? Is there any other deep meaning?"

Shi Zhan stared blankly at the sky.

He remembered the words left by Huang last time.

Into the dark.

Isn't Huang invincible?Except for the middle-aged man with red hair and black blood who has a big problem, who can make him plan the eternal layout?

Could it be that a new enemy has appeared?

Could it be Tang San?

"Wait...why did I travel through time, could it be that Emperor Huangtian personally pulled me into this world..."

"If that's the case, I should change direction and do things for Huang, don't worry about these people in front of me, they are just like..."


"Junior, don't resist, follow me." Suddenly, just as Shi Zhan was thinking, a voice sounded.

It turned out that the ancestor came back, and at this speed, it was really fast, and it was over in just a few minutes.

Shi Zhan's eyes lit up: "Take your body as a seed, do you have it?"

(End of this chapter)

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