Chapter 141
In the eyes of everyone, Shi Zhan stepped over the jade seal and chose the unremarkable stone embryo behind the jade seal.

At this moment, everyone in the field breathed a sigh of relief.

With a flash of light, Shi Zhan disappeared on the red cloth table.

Everyone looked at the mid-air of the hall, waiting for the ancestor to make an evaluation.

On the red cloth table, a vision appeared.

The chaotic clouds rolled, like the clouds of a thunderstorm.

Everyone showed strange colors, and looked at this vision in surprise.

It has not appeared for thousands of years.

They held their breath, trying to see the changes in the clouds.

What is the purpose of the ancestor doing this?
After a few breaths.

The chaotic cloud like a thundercloud dissipated slowly, and the ancestor's handwriting brand appeared in the air.

"A dragon and a phoenix among people, with tall horns, have a deep connection with our clan's sacrifice spirit. Although it is a second-class physique, it can be reserved for the patriarch and cultivated by the high priest of the Stone clan."

The brand imprint is engraved in the void, and the sound is automatically read out, like a Hong Zhong Da Lu, echoing for a long time.

"Stay in the clan! There is a destiny with Jiling!"

There were many discussions, and countless envious eyes gathered on Shi Zhan who was in Shinan's arms.

Staying in the clan is the treatment enjoyed by first-class arrogance, and he has double pupils, but he is lucky enough to meet the standard.

"Hahaha!" Shinan couldn't hide the joy in his heart, he hugged Shi Zhan alone, knelt down on one knee, and worshiped to the void.

"Thank you, Ancestor!"

After the sound, the golden light in the sky did not disperse, and it condensed into a fairy edict, which was automatically rolled up and fell into Shinan's hands.

This time, it's a sure thing!

With the patriarch's edict in hand, no one dares to say no again!

The jealousy in the eyes of countless people is even stronger!
"Brother Shinan, congratulations!"

"Male general, congratulations!"

Dun Da Neng near the heather has already begun to celebrate.

Shinan laughed out loud, unable to hide the smile on his face.

He was really surprised. The son who was supposed to be exiled outside, actually relied on himself, won the favor of the ancestor, and stayed in the clan.

Shi Nan didn't have the heart to watch the next lottery, he was tormented and perfunctory, waiting for the end, and was about to leave.

As time passed, one by one the children withdrew from the red table, and their fate was determined by the remaining power of the ancestors.

Some people are happy that someone is worried.

Just like the announcement of the imperial examination, this made countless powerful hearts

Finally, in an excited mood, the ceremony came to an end.

The mighty bid farewell to each other and went home.

Amid the envy of his colleagues, Shinan left excitedly.

In the past, when he broke through to escape, he was not as happy as he is now.

After presiding over the ceremony, Elder Zhenxian took away the props and took a deep look at the direction Shinan left.

He looked at the props on the tablecloth.

Eyes narrowed.

That stone, the stone chosen by Shi Zhan, disappeared.

As if, it was just a one-time thing.

The cold sweat left on his forehead.

He remembered that this lottery...he didn't put this thing in it...

Elder Zhenxian suddenly had a bad feeling... Whether his behavior of manipulating the ceremony has been seen by the higher-ups...

Heather Cottage.

He brought good news.

Feng Xuan had already learned this information in the False God Realm, and had already prepared the food and drinks.

He even changed into dignified and generous clothes, and waited for Shinan's return with his sister Fengli Zhizun.


And there's someone Heather didn't expect!
His old father-in-law!
An old true fairy of the Wind Clan!

The wind cracks the sky!
"Dad!" Shi Zhan walked into the yard, and everyone on the spot was dumbfounded.

To be honest, since he married Xiaoxuan, he has never seen this old man.

"Haha, Xiao Nan, yes, you gave birth to a good son, we have already received news, a top elder from the Ten Fierce Clan, a top elder from the Dashenshi Clan, a strong Immortal King, he has taken a fancy to your doll! "The father-in-law, Feng Litian, was very happy, and changed his indifferent attitude towards Shinan in the past.

Shinan was flattered by this and couldn't accept it for a while.

However, the news brought by the old man really shocked Shinan.

A fairy king fell in love with his son.

fairy king! ! !

Fairy King!

The ancestral graves are emitting green smoke, no, it is the ancestral graves of this line that are emitting green smoke!

"Don't be stunned, let's do it, let's have a good chat, we haven't seen each other for hundreds of years." The old man took Shinan's hand kindly.

He focused on Xiaoshi Zhan.

"Brother Nan, I'm going to prepare the dishes and the good wine you treasured." Neither Feng Xuan nor Feng Li sat down. Although they were peerless beauties in the outside world, they were just the daughters of Li Tianzhen here.

They are busy, non-stop

In the yard, there were only four people.

In addition to the three, there is also a young lady.

Only now did Shi Zhan know her identity, and she was the apprentice of Supreme Fengli.

Lin Xi.

This Lin Xi is not simple, she is quite valued by Lie Tianzhen, she seems to have a special physique.

Now, when Venerable Fengli was preparing to run out of wine, she was actually able to listen in.

"Hahaha, old guy cracking the sky, your news is really fast. I just heard the news on my front foot, and you put it all on!" A burst of laughter suddenly sounded.

A powerful old man and a beautiful young girl stood in the courtyard.

Li Tianzhen narrowed her eyes: "Old guy, this is my family business."

Looking at the old man, Shi Zhan felt an aura not weaker than that of his grandfather.

As for the girl next to him, she was just like Lin Xi, which made him feel extraordinary.

Shi Zhan, lying in Shinan's arms, silently analyzed the situation, and he had a little guess.

"You two came so fast!" Suddenly, there was another loud laugh.

I saw a mother-in-law and a girl in white appearing outside the courtyard.

"General Shinan, may I come in." The mother-in-law asked very politely.

"Come in, please come in." Shinan was flattered and hurried to open the door.

Although the door has been crooked by the old man before.

The mother-in-law glanced at the door meaningfully, and then looked at the two old men in the field.

"You elders, you don't know how to cherish your property when you come to the house of the younger generation, and you don't know how difficult the struggle of the younger generation is." The mother-in-law walked in the door, waved her hand, and there was a big pure golden treasure chest in the yard.


Shi Zhan clearly felt that the moment the treasure chest appeared, the eyelids of Mr. Shinan trembled.

The old man who kicked in the door before was also a little nervous.

"Xin'er, show them the financial resources of our Yu Clan." The mother-in-law put a key in the hand of the girl in white beside her.

"Old man Lei, old man Feng, if you don't bring anything with you, go now, don't embarrass me." Granny Yu looked at the two old men provocatively.

At this moment, the girl in white inserted the key into the keyhole and twisted it lightly.


The treasure chest was opened.

A strong immortal energy came out from this gap.

The runes of the girl's hands flickered, and she lifted the lid of the heavy-looking treasure chest.

boom! ! !
Immortal spirit rushes to the bullfight.

The whole yard is filled with the breath of life.

If it weren't for the formation in the small courtyard, the energy would have rushed out and covered the entire mountain.

The old man Feng opened his mouth wide and breathed in greedily, he no longer cared about his image.

Old man Lei swallowed frantically.

"Immortal medicine!!" Shinan felt that he had misread it. Inside this wooden box was a whole plant of immortal medicine!

"General Nan, do you think our Yu Clan's dowry has weight?" Granny Yu looked at Shinan with a smile.

At this time, the girl in white beside her lowered her head shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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