Chapter 16 Darkening

The evening wind blows across the lake, bringing bursts of cool air, and the bright moon is bright and clear, spreading silver light on the river.

Luofu Daze was right in front of him, but Shi Zhan stopped his progress. A figure appeared in front of him at some point, and it became clearer and clearer.

Under the moonlight, her dress was fluttering. This is a woman with slender legs and a proud figure.

It's just that her long hair was loose, and she couldn't see her face clearly. She rushed towards Shi Zhan at such a high speed that she entered Shi Zhan's attack range in a few blinks of an eye.

As it got closer, Shi Zhan could see it more clearly. The woman with loose long hair was as pale as paper, not like the skin of a living person, but like a corpse.

"Corpse rebirth? Want to live a second life? Is it the power to bear the seal of reincarnation? Or is it the female Duan De?"

Shi Zhan was frightened, he jumped up, activated the golden bird technique, and gently avoided the woman's impact.

A gust of cold air brushed past the woman's dress, wanting to freeze the soul. The cold air continued to blow across the river bank, and a layer of hoarfrost hung on the trees beside it.

She has such power before she actually makes a move, which shows how powerful this woman in white is.

Shi Zhan didn't dare to underestimate it, and turned to sacrifice the dark furnace, the fire poured down, and the dark air was transpiring, like a thick black mist.

"seal up!"

The shot missed, and the girl in white shot again. The goddess coldly shouted, and the water vapor in the sky condensed into ice skates, falling like a storm, covering the stone battle.

At this moment, the loose long hair of the woman in white was blown away by the wind, revealing a face as pale as paper, so Shi Zhan could see her face clearly.

"Alive?" Shi Zhan was surprised. Only now did he see the eyes of the woman in white. It turned out that it was not a dead body, but her complexion was pale, which was too weird.

While Shi Zhan was thinking, the woman took the opportunity to attack, and she grasped every second, not giving Shi Zhan a chance to be distracted.

The skates were like rain, pouring down to the extreme, dense like a waterfall, full of murderous intent.

Shi Zhan decisively activated the stove, and the dark flames burned blazingly, propping up a sky of flames, and the ice skates all around were evaporated.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ground ten feet away was bombarded by ice skates, causing big cracks. The river surface was bombarded by ice skates, causing big waves to freeze, presenting a magnificent scene.

"Why did you sneak up on me?" Shi Zhan propped up the black fire sky to block out all the cold air, the black stove in his hand was full of blood, and a drop of black blood seemed to be dripping.

"Huh~!" The woman in white exhaled lightly, but did not reply. She looked at Shi Zhan, and a crescent moon appeared in her eyes. In an instant, the surrounding water vapor condensed into ice, and the ten-mile-wide river surface was condensed. A thick layer of frost.

The ice spread, and the dense runes fell like snowflakes. Wherever they touched, they were frozen.


The river surface was covered with ice, swimming fish were frozen, and a shadow under the river shook violently, breaking the ice layer.

A silver crocodile is more than ten meters long, with runes flowing all over its body, and a pair of big teeth intertwined like a hacksaw. It roared, smashed the ice, gathered a strong rune light on its tail, and slammed it at the woman. !

However, in mid-air, icy runes flew like heavy snow, covering the silver crocodile in an instant, and a terrifying beast turned into an ice sculpture while breathing.

The woman in white froze the silver crocodile, and turned to look at the black furnace in Shi Zhan's hand, with fearful and greedy eyes.

Shi Zhan held the dark furnace in his hand, and the black fire blazed out. The sky blocked everything and remained invincible.

"seal up!"

The woman in white drank softly again, the runes in her pupils transformed, and a round of cold moon radiated bright light. Everything she glanced at was frozen, and then she tapped her finger lightly, shooting out a beam of light, and the frozen objects were shaken into powder.

She watched Shi Zhan holding the stove, and icicles began to appear on the soles of his feet, and slowly extended upwards.

"What an ice-watching treasure!" Shi Zhan admired. He held a dark furnace to protect his body. Bloody lines appeared on the furnace, and black blood dripped from the runes, cutting off all the cold air, and his frozen legs and feet were also covered. Back to normal.

At this moment, the woman in white finally showed surprise in her eyes, her freezing technique has been ineffective.

She looked at the black furnace in Shi Zhan's hand, frowned, and finally took out a treasure

"%+%-/?! β!" Shi Zhan read out the ancient runes engraved on the black furnace, and the fire in the furnace became stronger and stronger, like a thick black mist, and like green smoke from insufficiently burned wood .

It was fire, it was runes, it was black mist, the black fire was like a pillar, like a cloud of smoke from a volcanic eruption, it drowned everything, and the sky was covered with ice and snow runes.

"Stop!" The woman in white was no longer calm, her white clothes were burned off, revealing her pale skin, and the black fire continued to burn her long hair like smoke.

She condensed into ice and snow runes to protect her body, but she couldn't resist the erosion of the black mist at all. That kind of runes touched her body and brought unimaginable burning pain.

"Stop!" The woman yelled crazily, her body was scorched by black fire, burning her body, flesh and bones were ignited.

"Take it!" Shi Zhan finally recalled the black fire, put it into the furnace, and looked at the woman who was burned to death. Shi Zhan wanted to know why this woman wanted to attack him.

However, something unexpected happened. After Shi Zhan stopped, the woman didn't stop. She swallowed a medicine powder, her whole body became clean again, and then sneered and cast a powerful magic technique.

Like the reappearance of the moon, a round of bright moon rose from behind her, shimmering on the river, and the silver moon shone with brilliance, casting down endless pressure.

In the sky and on the river, the four rounds of bright moons complement each other.


Countless trees on both sides of the river were crushed, and too many creatures living on it were crushed by this powerful pressure.

And this huge pressure instantly crushed Shi Zhan to the ground, almost unable to move.

Shi Zhan only felt the pressure of billions of millions of gravity, his bones creaked, and his internal organs made the sound of being overwhelmed.

"You are despicable!" Shi Zhan yelled with difficulty, he was attacked by surprise, this woman is not good at martial arts.


The woman in white made a move again, her expression was cold and greedy, her dress fluttered, revealing her pale skin, and she performed another powerful treasure technique.

The moonlight condensed into light and rain, and each piece contained endless cold and murderous intent.

A large area of ​​trees on the bank was blasted, and the water on the river bank was swollen, with big waves and spray.

Puff puff puff!
The ice skates were shot down like random arrows, and the stone war was unavoidable. It was beaten into a sieve, and the ground that fell had become a puddle of blood. Only some important parts were not penetrated by him deliberately avoiding it.

"Damn you!"

Shi Zhan roared with blood, the injury aroused his blood, he wanted to fight back!

Holding the black furnace, he climbed up and swallowed the mysterious treasure liquid hidden under his tongue. The runes were intertwined, the life essence flowed, and the flesh and blood on the wounded part of his body squirmed and quickly grew new flesh and blood.

The monstrous flames rushed out of the black furnace, and the black fire was more violent than a volcanic eruption, forming a mushroom-shaped fire crown directly on the clouds!

"Forgive me, I belong to Luofu Daze..." The white-clothed woman's whole body was ignited again. She struggled in the black fire, her skin and flesh were being roasted by the black fire, and she made a humble request, and she was no longer as cold as before.

"Heh!" Shi Zhan's eyes were ruthless, and the black flames rolled up. He threw this dishonest woman into the black furnace for refining without hesitation, and did not give her a chance to talk nonsense.

He will not make the same mistake a second time.


The black furnace vibrated and emitted bloody light, and the lines on its surface shone slightly, and the drop of black liquid finally dripped from above, suspended on one side, mysterious and deep.

"There are more." Shi Zhan's eyes flashed black, he rolled up the ice crocodile, and threw it into the furnace for refining.

One person and one beast have cultivated their whole life into pure life energy by the dark furnace, and condensed into a precious liquid rich in life energy.

Ignoring the precious liquid, Shi Zhan looked at the black blood-like liquid.

"What is this drop of black blood?" Shi Zhan stared at the black blood floating outside the stove, full of doubts in his heart.

He already knew the purpose of the precious liquid containing life essence. This drop of black blood-like thing was the first time Shi Zhan saw it, so he didn't know what it was for.

"Can you also increase your strength?"

Shi Zhan thought, hesitated for a moment, and wanted to swallow the black blood.

But at the last moment, he stopped again. Instead of trying too much, he divided the drop into many portions and swallowed one of them.

The black liquid entered the abdomen and spread rapidly throughout the body, penetrating like neutrinos, which made Shi Zhan too late to react.

Shi Zhan's eyes widened fiercely, black smoke had risen from his limbs, and his flesh and blood structure was rapidly transforming into a dark creature.

This process is irreversible, cannot be stopped, and is completed in an instant, and there is no room for rejection or reaction.

Shi Zhan was terrified, wouldn't he become a dark creature?
However, this state has continued, and there have been no new changes since then.

"No, I'm still me. The soul and spirit have not changed, but the flesh and body have mutated!"

Shi Zhan reacted, he sank into his mind, felt his body, the hot blood flowed normally, but the tempered runes in it were as black as ink, blooming with abnormal rays of light, but new normal runes continued to appear, unlike The pitch-black runes obliterated each other.

After the two are wiped out, a strange power will be born, which in turn will temper his body to become stronger.

"There is no real dark matter in this world. This drop of blood can only change my body, but not my soul. The process of blackening is irreversible, but after blackening, I can gradually whiten it again. Moreover, after being cleansed, it will become stronger!"

After observing for a while, Shi Zhan understood the changes in his body, and he smiled. The black blood will not make him be eroded, but after refining, it will make him stronger.

It's just that, it also slowed down the speed of his breakthrough. Originally, he only needed one resource to break through the realm, but now he needs three or more.

Still, it's all worth it.

Shi Zhan gathered the black liquid again, smashed the purple stone beads to take out the sacrificial blood, and then drank it together with the treasure liquid of vitality

Take two bites.

The next moment, darkness shrouded Stone War, and even the moonlight could not penetrate him. He entered a mysterious transformation. The inexplicable power in the black liquid strengthened his physical body directly.

At this very moment, in the great lake in the distance, in the great lake that looks like the regional sea, a flood dragon surged and rushed towards here quickly, with overwhelming momentum!
"Who killed me..."

The flood dragon came aggressively, but only saw a pair of red eyes in a cloud of black mist.

It trembled, and a bad feeling spread throughout the body.

(End of this chapter)

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