Chapter 2

The night passed quietly, and the white dew covered the mountains and forests. The crystal dew refracted the sunlight, creating tiny rainbows.

As the sun rises, all the old and young in Shicun begin to exercise their muscles and bones. Living in the wilderness, everyone is responsible for their own lives, and strengthening their bodies is an essential task every day.

"The sun is rising, the heaven and the earth are beginning..." The dolls have already started to exercise, and a group of teenagers or children are learning some basic moves and some simple principles of practice under the guidance of a strong man.

"Hey, hey." Among the children, there was a white and tender little guy who stood out. He looked to be just over one year old. His big eyes rolled around, and his figure wobbled as he participated in it, with a naive look.

The old people also laughed when they saw this, they were laughed at by the little one, who brought them a lot of joy.

The little one is Shi Hao, the future Huangtian Emperor, but at this moment he is a cute child drinking animal milk, the corner of the little one's mouth still has milk stains that have not been wiped off.

"Arbitrarily forever, he is the only one left." On the side, Shi Zhan was silent. Sometimes, a child should not be burdened so much.

The wilderness has been arbitrarily determined for eternity, gaining vitality for the nine heavens and ten lands, but there are still some creatures on it that are hostile to the wilderness.

This protective heart, in exchange for Shi Zhan, would never have such a heart.

"If there is one more person standing shoulder to shoulder at that time, I will never let my own children and brothers sacrifice..."

"Yeah, little brother."

Shi Zhan was in a trance, the little boy came to Shi Zhan's side, and his white and tender hands gently grabbed Shi Zhan's clothes.

In the entire Stone Village, Stone Zhan and Xiao BuDian have the best relationship.

In Shi Zhan's eyes, the little one is the life-saving straw in the future, and it is very important to build a good relationship.

The little one babbled and stretched out his hands.

Shi Zhan smiled, bent down to pick him up, looked at his big black eyes, couldn't help pinching his small face with his hands, who could refuse a young Emperor Huang Tian.

"The little one is running around again, the little one is really full of energy after waking up." Aunt Tiger brought a pot of animal milk and said angrily.

"Aunt~" Xiao BuDian looked at Aunt Hu with a kind smile on his face.

Aunt Tiger's anger was gone, and her face was full of love.

"Hmph, this little guy knows how to be cute!" Shi Zhan pinched the little chubby face.

"Beast milk~"

The little guy was holding the basin, and started to cook the meal.

A pot of animal milk quickly bottomed out, I really don't know how this little belly can hold such a large amount of animal milk.

"Yeah, I'm sleepy."

After drinking enough, Xiao BuDian was sleepy and fell asleep in Shi Zhan's arms. Xiao BuDian's supreme bone was deprived, and his body was short of energy, so he often fell into a deep sleep.

The smile on Shi Zhan's face disappeared quietly. He knew the information that the villagers didn't know, so when he thought about the past, he felt that the little lady was too cruel.

That was an unscrupulous woman, cruel and merciless. Fortunately, she died and paid the price.

"Give it to me." Aunt Tiger said.

Shi Zhan handed Xiao BuDian to Aunt Hu.

The little one fell asleep in Aunt Tiger's arms.

This is a poor child whose Supreme Bone has been deprived and revived after dying. Although he will become stronger, he must endure great pain.

The villagers all looked at the little guy with distress. When they saw him for the first time, the little guy looked like he couldn't survive, and now he is in a very good state.

"He fell asleep again." The village head's old face was full of pity, this little guy, being able to survive on his own has exceeded everyone's expectations.

Shi Zhan has met Xiaobudian's parents, they are a very powerful couple, Xiaobudian's father is heroic and extraordinary, and Xiaobudian's mother is more beautiful than all the women in the village.

It's just that there are too many poor people in the world, Shi Zhan thought of a child who was worse than the little one.Far away in Chongyun City of Shi Country, 30 miles away, there is a one-year-old doll who is bearing the wrongs that shouldn't be borne on Shi Hao's behalf.

That child, although his identity was not as high as Shi Hao, was also of the blood of Emperor Shi. He should have been carefree in childhood, but he made a scapegoat for Shi Hao.

Shi Zhan shook his head, the border of Shi Country is 30 miles away from here, he will visit in a few days, hoping to change the current situation of that child.

All of this was done by bad people. Those people should be punished, and death is not a pity.

At this moment, he walked towards the altar, and there was a knife there, which was two meters long, one foot wide, and one inch thick.The blade is remade from animal bones, with runes flickering on and off, and a fierce aura lingers on it.

This is the knife that divided the meat yesterday, it is very sharp.

This is a bone knife made from the leg bones of a ferocious beast. The beast was extremely powerful. At that time, the stone warrior had only [-] jin of strength, and it was difficult to kill it after using the ancestral weapon.

If the level of that ferocious beast is compared to that of a human being, it should be close to the cave level.

"Uncle Lin Hu, I'm out hunting." The moment Shi Zhan held the bone knife, the cold air of killing Ge burst out from him, sweeping like a cold wind, making people feel bone-piercing.

This is killing too many ferocious beasts, and the murderous blood lingers on his body. Walking in the wilderness, this breath can scare away some weak ferocious beasts, and may also attract powerful ferocious beasts.

The teenagers in the stone village looked at Shi Zhan with longing in their eyes. They also imagined that they could fight against the wilderness like Shi Zhan, killing fierce beasts with swords and blasting birds of prey with arrows.

"Let's go!" Shi Linhu called everyone to go hunting, and all the middle-aged men in Shicun gathered together. With Liushen around, they didn't need to guard their homes, and the whole army attacked directly.

For hunting, ordinary beasts and birds outside the village can be dealt with by one person, but every man is eager to fight in the wilderness, so how could he hide behind a child.

If there is not too much danger, the stone war will not be shot, and more opportunities will be given to the uncles.

Shi Zhan will not do everything alone, that way he will not get all the gratitude from the villagers, but will make the villagers unhappy.

Uncles need respect, they can also catch food for the village, they are still in their prime, and they are strong.

The villagers followed Shi Zhan and left the stone village. They carried big bone swords, stone axes, and iron bows and iron feathers tied to their backs. Their bodies were muscular, and their clothes were simple, mostly animal skins, and rarely silk. They looked like members of a group of barbaric tribes. primitive.

"Uncle Lin Hu, there were many ferocious beasts passing by last night. It seems that many of them were trampled to death. We have to save a lot of energy today!"

After traveling for dozens of miles, a large number of trees were broken, many beasts were dying on the ground, and many beasts were turned into blood mud.

It was as if a large-scale beast tide had occurred here. Many unlucky ferocious birds and beasts were trampled into meat, and most of the powerful raptors survived, and they were dying.

In the past, it would take a lot of effort for Stone War to hunt this level of ferocious birds and beasts, but now he only needs to pick them up on the ground.

The men in Shicun had joy on their faces, they didn't expect to encounter such a great thing when they first came out.

"Hurry up and put it on your back, we can go back here today." Shi Linhu laughed.

God rewards the meal, God blesses Shicun.


Just as Shi Cun and the others were cleaning up, a piercing sound suddenly came from the right side and went straight to the forehead of seven-year-old Shi Zhan.

The arrow pierced through the air, like a meteor falling to the ground, a stream of flames sprang up from its tail, and the terrifying power distorted the surrounding air.

In the blink of an eye, Shi Zhan pulled out the bone knife on his back, and slashed at the arrow that was shooting at his forehead.

Drawing the knife, aiming, exerting strength, and chopping are all completed in an instant.


A huge force of [-] jin erupted from the blade. Although this arrow had a force of [-] jin, it was split in two by Shi Zhan.

This arrow is different from other arrows, it is actually an iron feather, Shi Zhan narrowed his eyes.

An arrow fell, as if it was some kind of order, and then, arrows rained down like a rain of arrows, all of which contained a thousand catties of strength, piercing gold, cracking stones, and piercing the sky.

Oh oh oh!
Thousands of arrows fly together, there is no way to avoid it!
The villagers were attacked by surprise, and they raised their knives to resist hastily. Many men were seriously injured, and many people were shot by arrows and almost died on the spot.

Shi Zhan's face was gloomy for an instant, he chopped off a few flying arrows, and looked in that direction.

This time the whole army attacked and almost wiped out the whole army.

Dozens of strong men in my family were attacked by the opponent in a round, and half of their combat power was abolished.

"It's a pity that none of them died."

After a salvo, a group of savages wearing animal skins emerged out of the bushes.

They held hornbows or iron bows in their hands, their arm muscles swelled, and when they drew the bows to the full moon, the arrows on the strings were already aimed at everyone in Shicun.

The second wave of arrow rain is ready to go.

Shi Zhan locked his eyes on the leader, a middle-aged man who looked very gloomy.

Beside him, there is also a teenage boy, holding a rhinoceros horn iron bow, and the iron arrows on the bow are shining coldly.

The iron feather with thousands of catties of force that shot at Shi Zhan was shot by this young man.

The young man was very sorry, his eyes were fierce, and he wanted to kill everyone in Shicun.

"Embarrassed Village, you actually broke the treaty between the villages of the Great Wilderness for food!" Shi Linhu was furious, and told their origins. He knew how many of these people he had fought against before.

Many of the men in Shicun were about to be crippled on the spot. Bows and arrows with a force of thousands of catties were shot at people, and their arms were directly shattered.

"For the sake of food, you actually intercepted and killed our clansmen, and the attack was vicious, and the arrows pierced the heart!" The people of Shicun were furious, and several people of Shicun were almost shot in the waist.

"Bloodshed is unavoidable in conflicts. This is a rule that all men in the wilderness know!" the leader of the embarrassing village team said calmly.

"You guys are weak, so don't blame us for being strong, hahaha!"

"We discovered these foods first, why should we give them up to you!" the people of Shicun shouted in pain.

"If you don't accept it, let the horse come over!" the villager said forcefully.

"Do you want to fight?" the people of Shicun were angry.

"Is it just you, a group of wounded?" the villagers of the embarrassing village said contemptuously.

"Fight, then fight!" Shi Feijiao roared, who will fight with me? "

"Aren't you stupid? I'm going to fight you one-on-one in this situation? Family members, shoot!" The embarrassing village leader laughed.

Shi Zhan stepped forward, splitting the rain of arrows.

"Embarrassed Village, don't go too far, the Great Wilderness does not belong to your Embarrassed Village."

"You are the genius Shi Zhan from Shicun recently? Don't move around, or you will die!" The young man Haofeng held the iron bow and locked Shi Zhan.

The faces of the people in Shicun changed, they knew how fast the arrow shot out.

"Are you going to eat me? The genius of the embarrassing village?" Shi Zhan's blood was running, and he strode forward, with the bone knife in his hand, splitting the arrows with heavy force.

The eyes of the villagers in the village are cold, and the wind is a genius in their family. They know the power of the wind very well, and they can easily defeat this little doll.

"You can try it, your sword is faster, or my arrow." Haofeng drew the iron bow.

Shi Zhan stepped on the ground with great force, and flew towards the people in the village like a cannonball.He wants to see what kind of strength this embarrassing village genius is, so confident.

"Change the arrow and shoot again!!"

A round of volleys all failed, and the middle-aged man's eyes flashed coldly, and he ordered to shoot Shi Zhan.He didn't say that he would let Haofeng and Shi Zhan fight fairly.

Dozens of archers all aimed at Shi Zhan, replaced the bone arrows with iron arrows, and shot them fiercely. For a while, arrows rained down on all the directions that Shi Zhan could avoid.


The arrow pierced through the air, covered in blackness, and when it fell, it fell to the ground like a meteor.



When the iron arrow met the bone knife, there was a clicking sound, and the knife in Shi Zhan's hand spun like an airtight umbrella, blocking all the arrows that shot at him.

The heavy force on the bow and arrow was as heavy as a thousand catties, and there was a gap in the bone knife held by Shi Zhan, and his arm was numb from the shock. However, this was a trivial matter, and the bow and arrow did not cause effective damage to Shi Zhan.

"Uncle Lin Hu, take the villagers out of the bow and arrow range first!" Shi Zhan dragged all the archers in the village alone, he was worried that the villagers in the village would secretly shoot the injured villagers in the village, and he would be forced to defend himself.

These arrows, each with a thousand catties of strength, were ruthlessly destroyed by Shi Zhan. This scene made the faces of the people in the embarrassing village change.

"Kill him quickly, and don't worry about other Shicun people. If this son succeeds, it must be a serious problem for our confidant village!" The arrow was shot by him.

The arrows were like thunder, whining.

"Dogs are raised, dare to break the rules between Dahuang Village and the village! Launch a surprise attack on us!" Shi Linhu was very angry, and he led the villagers to retreat out of the attack range.This is Yinbi from the embarrassing village next door, who actually wanted to shoot them as soon as they met.

Many people in Shicun died, and some of them were shot in the waist by arrows, and a large blood hole burst out on their backs. If they are cured, they may also fall to the root of the disease in the future.

They resisted hastily, and it was good to be able to remove the strength from the arrows. If they were unintentional and mentally calculated, it was a great fortune to survive.

"Are they the only ones who know how to shoot arrows?!" In the distance, Shi Feijiao drew his rhinoceros horn bow in his hand, and the arrow pointed straight at the opposite consul like a shooting star. The iron arrow pierced through a hundred steps and shot through a big tree with unabated momentum. Shi Feijiao's power is no weaker than the opponent's.


However, an iron feather flew across the sky, the tail of the arrow rubbed against the air, and a burst of fire burst out. This arrow shot down the arrow shot by Shi Feijiao from the side, and the two collided with each other with a loud noise, shaking the mountains and forests.

Among the crowd in the embarrassing village, a young man drew his bow and shook his hand in disdain. It was him who intercepted Shi Feijiao's arrow in the air. The people in Shi Village saw this scene and were very surprised. It can block the iron arrow shot by Shicun's third master.

"As expected of the embarrassing style of the embarrassing village. He has been very famous these years. He is a great genius in the embarrassing village. He already has the strength of thousands of catties at a young age." A man in the Shicun camp recognized the archery boy. identity.

"Archery, cover Zhanwazi!" The people of Shicun took down their bows and arrows.

The bows and arrows of the two sides rained like rain, and the stone battle had to avoid one's own arrows.

The sound of Dangdang can be heard endlessly, resounding in the mountains and forests.

"Be careful, don't accidentally injure him!" Shi Feijiao was furious, he could see an arrow flying towards Shi Zhan's ass.

"Ah, my kidney exploded, I lost my strength, and the shot missed," a man from Shicun said angrily.

The sound of bone knives cutting arrows kept ringing, and Shi Zhan had already broken through the arrow rainstorm, and he was close to the range of the archers in the embarrassing village.

The faces of the people in the embarrassing village changed greatly. There is really someone who can break through the rain of arrows with the strength of thousands of catties, and this is just a seven or eight-year-old child.

Although the bone knife branded with runes is full of gaps, it can sharply cut through the fragile defenses of these people.

With a stern face, Shi Zhan slashed at the delicate neck of the enemy.

Dare to ask, within six feet, is the arrow faster or the knife faster?
(End of this chapter)

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