Chapter 21 Domains

"It turns out to be the young hero Xiao Yan, who has admired his name for a long time, and has admired his name for a long time." The middle-aged man said excitedly.

"Is Xiao Yan famous?" Shi Zhan was taken aback.

"Although it's the first time I've heard of it, I just know that when I see the young hero, in the future, I will be like a crouching dragon, and I will travel all over the world. I will spread my wings like a phoenix chick for nine days, with a towering horn, and the future can be expected." The middle-aged man replied.

"..." Shi Zhan's face darkened.

There was a lot of shouting outside the car, and the carriage galloped quickly in the market, rampaging but no one stopped it, and soon came to a group of buildings.

The other courtyard is quiet, with bursts of silk and bamboo.

"Young hero, please, we have arrived." The middle-aged man leaned over and said.

Shi Zhan followed him out of the car.

Admission to the hospital, pavilions, ponds and rockeries, are beautiful.

However, there are several large tables in the courtyard, and many people have already gathered, and they are seated neatly like a dining table.

When Shi Zhan came in, everyone looked at him.

Invisible pressure surged, they examined the stone battle, and their breath was oppressive.

Shi Zhan frowned, and the faint black mist on his body shook slightly, and many geniuses vomited blood from the shock on the spot.

"Hey, young hero Xiao Yan, don't worry, these are inconspicuous arrogances, and the real young heroes are still inside." The middle-aged man said kindly.

"Which prince do we belong to?" Shi Zhan nodded, and then asked suddenly.

"Young man, please come inside." He invited Shi Zhan into the attic, but did not answer Shi Zhan's question.

Shi Zhan narrowed his eyes, looked at the attic, and shook his head, "Forget it, I won't go in."

"Come on, let's meet Yingjie here." The middle-aged man said.

"No, I think it's too coincidental, it's very abnormal." Shi Zhan stepped back violently, wanting to leave the other courtyard.


The environment suddenly changed, and all the buildings collapsed. There were no pavilions, towers and pavilions. This is a dead zone. In the dilapidated city, there are corpses standing still.

"Come, bridal with me!"

The corpse was dressed in red, strange and frightening, it rushed towards the stone war, and the runes on the bones were very brilliant.


There was the faint sound of charging and killing from the ancient battle formation. Shi Zhan turned his head and saw an army of skeletons.

"Is it real? Or fantasy?"

The stone war shouted loudly, the black furnace was sacrificed, and the flames soared into the sky.

However, everything was useless, the red-clothed skeleton creature ignored the black fire, and grabbed the stone war with its palm, with thick bone claws.

"No, I'm still a child!"

Shi Zhan was shocked, he lifted the black furnace and collided with the bone claw.


The black furnace vibrated and was about to burst, but fortunately, a black blood-like liquid flowed to remove the energy.

However, the bone claw was too fast, and it came again.

"Dark prisoner... poof!"

The stone war flew upside down, half of the treasure technique was interrupted.


Swallowing the precious medicine hidden under his tongue, Shi Zhan quickly pulled away.

In the black furnace, a ghost quietly appeared, this is the old man Jiao, his soul was preserved by Shi Zhan, and now he just used the second secret method.


The ghost possessed the body, and the aura of the stone war soared. At this moment, it seemed that the old man Jiao was reborn!
"Mountains and rivers are everywhere!"

The treasure technique from the mysterious scholar was performed by Shi Zhan, the treasure technique runes were densely covered, and billions of mountains and rivers fell from the sky.


The army of skeletons roared and formed a battle formation, filled with murderous aura. The leader of the skeleton was very familiar, and it was the middle-aged man who led the way.


Suddenly, the environment suddenly changed again.

The dilapidated city turned into a prosperous city in an instant, but thousands of mountains and rivers are under the pressure of the sky to destroy this prosperous city.

There are countless beams of light supporting the sky like an umbrella, trying to resist the power of thousands of mountains and rivers.

"Boom boom boom!"

The runes collided, and the dark mountains and rivers fell, obliterating all the colorful runes, but they themselves were about to disappear.

The remaining pieces of mountains and rivers fell, the earth shook, houses collapsed, attics collapsed, and there was chaos.

The thriving people in the city were devastated, and countless injured people were buried alive.

"Ah!!!, why did you do such a cruel thing." An old man who lost half of his body and was cut off by a rune let out a final roar.

"Mother, what's wrong with you, mother! Mother!" A little girl ran to hug her mother, crying loudly.

"Ninny, if you want to survive, run quickly." Half of her mother's body was gone, and she only said the last sentence.

"Mother~ Mother!" The little girl cried and shook desperately, but unfortunately all she got in response was blood spattering.

"Sister, sister!"

A teenager picked up a girl from the ground, not caring that his fingers were all bloody.

"Brother, it hurts so much~" The girl exposed half of her body from the ruins. She trembled and stretched out her arms, trying to touch his brother's face, but she hung down powerlessly.

"No! Don't die!" The boy yelled, and pressed the girl's hand to his face, his eyes frantic.


The living people yelled, but they didn't care about getting angry and revenge, they were all trying to save their relatives and friends.

Seeing this, Shi Zhan was silent. It was a very tragic scene. Even though he knew it was an illusion, it was still very uncomfortable after seeing it.

He walked across this land and this city silently, countless people quietly looked at him with hatred, wanting to eat him alive.

"Devil, you slaughtered living beings, you must die today!"

From the ruins, a few rays of light rushed out, with a strong aura, they are the strongest in this city, with the realm of the cave.

Shi Zhan watched indifferently, this is a good show.

"Devil, take your life!"

They attacked the stone war, the runes were intertwined, and the figure could not be seen clearly, and a large area of ​​rune light rain covered it, drowning the stone war.

Shi Zhan stood there, watching them attack him, frowning.

He blocked the black furnace in front of him.


The runes collided, sparking flames, and the black furnace vibrated like a big bell being rung, and the sound waves spread far and wide.

Shi Zhan retreated from the shock, the tactile feeling of the house fragments under his feet was so real, or it was real.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked out from the ruins in the distance, and that was the man who invited Shi Zhan to get on the carriage.

"Devil, take your life!"

If there is no extra words, coming up is a killer move, densely covered with runes, and hazy.

This is a powerful treasure technique, and it is performed very realistically.

Another red shadow floated past, and a beautiful woman came with lotus steps, raised her hand and played a treasure, a flaming divine bird flew around, its feathers were entwined with flames, and rushed towards Shi Zhan.


Shi Zhan pushed the black furnace with all his strength, temporarily entered the spirit transformation realm, and he was invincible here.

Thick dark mist poured out from the black furnace, covering several miles, everything was shrouded, and nothing could be seen.

After a long time, the black mist dissipated, and there was no city, and there was only a nameless stone tablet in the overgrown weeds.

On the side, the realm of the stone war gradually fell, and he looked at the stone tablet silently.

The wilderness is dangerous, there are not only ferocious birds and beasts, but also dead old ghosts with psychics. This monument can perform such a real scene, and it is unknown how many lives have been killed.

The stove was dumped, and the black fire spread. There was no grass or tree within ten miles, and it was completely burned.

This strange stone tablet was also uprooted by him, and it was burned with black fire in every possible way. The stone tablet made a shrill ghost cry, and then a few drops of crystal clear medicine were extracted.

Shi Zhan put away the black furnace and continued on his journey.

(End of this chapter)

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