Chapter 26 No Perfect World


Xiaobudian kicked away the huge bronze tripod that weighed ten thousand catties next to him. Hearing the sound, he rushed out of the village quickly.

"It's Shi Zhan! Shi Zhan is back, he's still alive, he's still alive! Hahaha!" Snot Baby yelled, running barefoot, crushing all the gravel on the ground.

"It's really a stone war, a very familiar voice!" Da Meng and Er fiercely looked at each other, dropped the tripod in their hands, and followed to the entrance of the village.

The men in Shicun were also stunned.

that voice?Stone battle?
The villagers of Shicun were shocked and walked towards the entrance of the village one after another. Is it really him?

Village entrance.

"Little one!" Shi Zhan saw a little doll running towards him like a calf.

"Brother Shi Zhan, give me a punch!"

Xiaobudian smashed the rocks, like a galloping horse on the grassland, with unparalleled momentum, he rushed towards Shi Zhan, waved his white and tender fists, and made a sound of breaking through the air.

Xiaobudian has bright eyes, soft hair reaching shoulders, white and clean, like a little girl.

"This punch is for Grandpa. You have not come back for so long, and Grandpa is worried and sick!"

Shi Zhan wanted to resist, but he was suddenly stunned when he heard what Xiao BuDian said.


For a moment, Xiaobudian punched Shi Zhan's waist with all his strength, and then his expression twisted. Shi Zhan's waist was extremely hard, like a piece of divine iron.

"..." Stone War.

"This punch was for everyone. Before you left, you didn't wipe out the grass and roots of the embarrassing village. They attacked the village! Many uncles were injured again."

Xiaobudian swung his second punch, the rune on his palm flashed slightly, and hit Shi Zhan's chest.

Xiao Budian's face changed again, he felt a huge counter-shock force pouring out from Shi Zhan's chest, his arms were numb from the shock.

"This punch was for me. I want to see the gap between me and Big Brother Shi Zhan."

Xiao Budian's third punch was blocked by Shi Zhan's finger.

"I'm five years older than you. I've practiced for so many years. It will take a long time for you to catch up with me." Shi Zhan smiled, rubbed his little face, and asked again. "People from the embarrassing village attacked us? That old Jiling?"

"It was in the middle of the night, a monster drove a wave of beasts to attack our village, and with a wave of the sacrificial wicker, they all died."

"At Ji Ling's feet, there was an old wolf howling, drained of energy."

"But many ferocious beasts broke into the stone courtyard, Uncle Awei and the others were seriously injured."

Xiaobudian clenched his fists and said angrily.

"When did it happen?" Shi Zhan asked with a sigh of relief. It's good if he didn't die.

"A few days ago." The snot-nosed boy came here. He no longer had a runny nose casually, but the old people in the village still called him that.

"We fought off the ferocious beasts. Brother Dazhuang, Brother Dameng and the others killed several giant wolves," said the children.

On the side, Da Zhuang, the oldest, laughed fiercely. They were eleven or twelve years old, and they were already very powerful, like little adults.

"I also killed several of them." Xiao Budian waved his fist.

"Very good, you have been able to protect the village." Shi Zhan nodded in satisfaction.

The children were delighted to hear the words, being recognized by the mighty Shi Zhan was even happier than getting the approval of their parents.

"Shi Zhan, I knew you were still alive and stronger." In the crowd, Shi Linhu strode out with a smile on his face.

"Could it be that you all thought I was dead?" Shi Zhan was taken aback when he heard this.

"My boy, if you don't come back for so long, you want to kill us!" Shi Feijiao led the villagers out, but all of them were injured and their legs and feet were bad.

"It made everyone worry. I traveled a long distance this time, [-] miles, to Luofu Daze. The people there were very friendly and treated me very well."

Then, he wanted to take out the treasure liquid from the cave to heal the villagers, but found that there was nothing left, and everything was ransacked by the willow god.

"What, I have traveled fifty thousand miles!" The villagers were shocked when they heard this.

In this wilderness, it is a miracle that they can walk a hundred miles and come back alive. Shi Zhan actually walked fifty thousand miles!

"I came back this time and brought a lot of good things, which is enough to raise the strength of our village to a higher level." Shi Zhan said.

"I'll talk about this later, the old patriarch has been waiting for you for a long time." Shi Linhu patted Shi Zhan on the shoulder and said.

Shi Zhan nodded and walked towards the village.

An old man was standing in the open space of the stone village, watching Shi Zhan silently.

"Grandpa, I'm back." Shi Zhan walked over to hold the old man's hand.

The old man's chest rose and fell, and his mood was very unstable. Finally, he took a deep breath and exhaled lightly. He smiled, and the wrinkles on his face melted away. "It's good to be back, it's just time for dinner."

The figure of Shi Zhan left with the old patriarch, followed by Xiao BuDian.

It was night, and the bonfire in Shicun was brightly lit.

The little ones take medicinal baths every day, which is the foundation of their strength. For two years, they have been bathing with the real blood of beasts. At a young age, their strength ranges from several thousand catties to more than 1.

Shi Zhan looked at the stars at the entrance of the village, thinking about how to restore the three caves that were knocked down.

The Hei Furnace was destroyed and turned into pieces all over the place, even more broken than the Immortal Cauldron, and it has completely lost its efficacy.

After all, this is a furnace made of ordinary materials, and it was crushed by Liu Shen before Shi Zhan could fully exert its power.

"I have been exposed to darkness, but now that I have lost the black furnace, my mentality has changed. I am too eager for strength, and I am actually thinking about how to restore it."

Shi Zhan muttered to himself, and Liu Shen pulled out the dark rune in his body, and the darkness in his soul could only be eliminated by himself.

The galaxy is shining brightly, the bright moon hangs high, and Shi Zhan recalled the scene of the first practice.

A child held a bone and turned it over and over again, only seeing the background of the starry sky broken and the Milky Way collapsing, but he still enjoyed it.

"What I desire is not all the plainness, nor the constant fighting."

Shi Zhan stood up and let out a breath of black air.

"When a person is full, he will have endless troubles. Only when he is hungry and thirsty, his thoughts are simple, as long as he lives."

Turning around, the figure was submerged in the night.

On the mountain peak in the distance, a fierce beast Wangyue roared. He climbed out of the rubble, his golden hair glowing, illuminating the darkness.

The old Suanni woke up and slept for two years, accumulating all his energy, his lifespan was really numbered and he was about to perish.

In the depths of the mountains, demon eyes opened, fire rhinos galloped, eagles spread their wings, and snakes walked through.

King Suanni roared angrily and smashed the surrounding rocks into pieces.

Suddenly, straightening up, King Suan Ni fell down, his hair all over his body was dark.

Should be dead again.

The forest rioted in the middle of the night, and a wave of fierce beasts appeared, rushing towards the position of King Suanni.

The earth shook, a war broke out, and the golden light shot up to the sky, tearing the sky apart.

King Suanni jumped up again, beheaded all the intruders, and roared loudly.

King Suanni fell again.

This time, no ferocious beast came and watched from a distance.

They were worried that King Suanni would continue to cheat his death.


A golden light cut through the darkness like a shooting star.

Shi Zhan came from the sky, and with a big hand, King Suan Ni was put into the cave by him.

The devil ape who was also beheaded by a head, he was alive in the original book, but now he is dead.

A fire rhinoceros was split in half, a condor's feathers were black and black, and its body was separated.

All Shi Zhan was packed and taken away, and the cave was filled.

The cave can be used to raise methods and utensils, and the stone war does not raise anything, it is used for storage.

In the early stage of practice, generally no one uses their own weapons, and no one creates their own methods, they all use ready-made ones.

Thousands of beasts roared, and they charged forward.

Shi Zhan ran with all his strength, one step at a time, and fled quickly.

"Shen Liu, open the free battle card." Shi Zhan strode across and fled back to Shicun.


The green clouds are all over the sky, the stone village is invisible, and a small mountain appears here.

Shi Zhandong shook, and all the goods inside were thrown out.

"Get rid of it, a pure-blooded king." Shi Zhan said to the old village chief.

The villagers were shocked, and then started to get busy without asking any more questions.

Shi Zhan chopped off a leg and broke through in place after devouring it.

He exerted his strength from the cave, spewing out powerful runes.

Go directly to the Spirit Transformation Realm.


The five caves were divided into two and became ten caves.

Transforming the spirit is a breakthrough in the essence, allowing everything such as the blood of the true spirit to transform.

Immortal King Shi Zhan's blood was revived, and he moved his blood directly to the extreme realm, ten holes in the cave, skipping this realm.

The true blood of the Immortal King does not need to take the path of transforming spirits at all when born. After going directly to the sky, the divine fire can be ignited. The awakening of Shi Zhan the day after tomorrow has to be done slowly.


The blood is soaring, and the secret power in the blood drives the fighting power of the stone warrior to climb crazily. The three-headed prince-level pure-blood flesh provides him with majestic energy.


Inscription! "

Shi Zhan roared, his whole body glowed, and the first rune in his body began to be born, which was really his own rune.


The stone battle runes changed, and there were 360 ​​five different knife-shaped runes, each of which showed its sharpness.

"Son, you're too fast!"

A branch of the willow god is entangled, and it wants to knock down the stone war realm. This guy walked towards the inscription realm in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of bloodline of the Immortal King? This is simply the son of the Immortal King." Liu Shen was shocked, as if seeing the son of an old comrade-in-arms.

"If I didn't know that they were all dead, I would have thought that this was the birth of the son of the Immortal King since the ancient god source was sealed up!" Liu Shen sighed secretly, one of his branches glowed, and wanted to knock down Shi Zhan.

"God Liu, don't stop me, I'm fine!" Shi Zhan shouted loudly, he didn't want to be knocked down again, practice is too time-consuming, the time given by this world is not much, how long will it take to re-cultivate yourself? ?Practicing slowly is no way at all!

One step at a time, one step at a time, as long as you are in front of the foreign land, if Shi Zhan can become a fairy, you will have 500 more breathing opportunities in the nine heavens and ten lands.

500 years, not much, but the Nine Heavens' Talents really need 500 years, a real hero can become supreme in 500 years.

The ten crowned and six crowned kings are all fools. It is really unwise to delay thousands of years for a certain extreme situation.

"Exploding your potential too early will make your journey difficult!" Liu Shen said via voice transmission.

"I have unlimited potential, so I must push all the way and be invincible." Shi Zhan shouted loudly, he really didn't want to kill himself, he was fed up with mediocre life, and it took a lot of effort to fight a remnant.

Who doesn't want to push all the way?Who doesn't want to be invincible all the way?Why do you want to kill yourself?What if you encounter something you regret!
Shi Zhan was determined to take advantage of the outbreak of the Immortal King's bloodline, singing along the way, even if there would be a long stagnation in the later stage.

In a perfect world, there are a group of people who pursue perfection!But in the end, none of them are perfect!
"You are like this, the road ahead will be very difficult, don't waste your blood." Liu Shen continued to transmit the sound.

"There is no road in the world, if there are many people walking, it will become a road!" Shi Zhan kept on, he shouted, and uttered a sentence that made people's blood boil.

"Shu Daqiang, if you stop me again, I will fight with you!"

"!!!" The chaotic energy on Liu Shen's scorched torso shook, and the nickname Shi Zhan gave him made him unable to bear it!
"You, you will regret it." Chaos Qi shook, and Liu Shen finally stopped blocking.

One life two, two beget three, three beget all things.

Shi Zhan swallowed half a rhinoceros and refined it immediately.

There are more and more inscriptions in his body, as complicated as stars, and the runes of various knives are circulating.

"If you repair the knife, there will be a great enemy." Liu Shen spoke again, persuading Shi Zhan to change to a rune to condense.

In the boundary sea, there is an immortal king who is honored as the king of swords. When he comes out with a sword, the vast sword energy covers the sky, and he cuts everything.

"War is it." Shi Zhan was fearless.

Dragon sword king, as a fairy king-level boss, has less than [-] characters in the game, and he is just a mere fish, so he is not worthy of being his opponent.

The knife rune condensed, and Shi Zhan roared, he felt that there was not much aura and flesh and blood.

"Shen Liu, lend me some energy, I owe you a cause and effect." Shi Zhan said, he needs energy breakthrough, Suan Ni King's can't move, that should be left to the little one, and the rest should be left to the villagers.


The willow tree trembled, and a wicker branch shone like a rosy glow, dripping two drops of divine liquid.

The green branches of the willow gods are a little darker.

Shi Zhan had nothing, but he exchanged karma, and Liu Shen was still very happy. Shi Zhan was qualified to share his karma in the future, and the deal was concluded.

How terrible is cause and effect?The double pupil achieved the throne of the fairy king, and in order to repay the karma of the little one, it exploded!
Why did Shi Zhan dare to speak, because the future is too far away.

All the gods will come to an end, whoever can live forever, if there is such a day, must be able to live to that day.

"Boom!" The two drops of divine liquid were absorbed by Shi Zhan, pushing him to break through to a higher level.

The blood of the Immortal King revived, and the mysterious runes inside did not need Shi Zhan to comprehend. The moment they appeared, Shi Zhan grasped them, as if they were born with it.


Shi Zhan's blood erupted all over his body, and the inscriptions were like knives, splitting the sky and the earth.

He made another breakthrough, marched to the realm of formation, and achieved the position of prince.

Liu Shenye was exhausted, and the progress of Stone War's breakthrough also slowly stopped, but the blood of the Immortal King was still transforming.

"I'm sleepy, I need to sleep." Shi Zhan fell to the ground, and his eyelids felt heavy.

The villagers were stunned, only the old patriarch was delighted that Shi Zhan's blood had returned to his ancestors, probably the blood of the gods, and his strength had been greatly enhanced.

Shi Yunfeng didn't know how strong Shi Zhan was, he thought that the eighth mouth of the cave should have been opened, and the aura became very strong.

From such a distance, the light covered everything, and he didn't see that Shi Zhan's five caves were divided into two and directly turned into ten.

"Son, go to sleep when you're sleepy." The old patriarch came from a distance.

Shi Zhan fell asleep under the charred willow tree for seven days.

(End of this chapter)

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