Chapter 28
"God Liu, I'm going out for a walk." Shi Zhan disappeared in the night.

He left quietly without attracting the attention of outsiders.

Shicun is a piece of pure land, and Shi Zhan doesn't want to expose too much here and cause unnecessary trouble.

He went to Luofu Daze, and some unfinished things should be resolved now.

A few days later, in the vast expanse of blue waves, on an island, Shi Zhan smashed the protective formation with one foot and landed here.

The moonlight is like snow, scattered with ice cold.

"Who is it!" The men from the Huoqi Cave walked out, and the large array they arranged for the spirit sacrifice was instantly destroyed, which shocked people.

The young man was wrapped in darkness. Although Liu Shen took away his dark runes, as long as Shi Zhan wanted to, this kind of runes could continue to condense.

A dark rune without dark matter is a powerful ability to control.

"Give you ten breaths, and call your Huoqilin from Huoqi Cave." High in the sky, the black mist trembled, sending an order that could not be refused.

"Your Excellency... poof!"

Just as the man was about to open his mouth, his big hand slapped it flying, vomiting blood.

"You don't need to shout, it's already here." Shi Zhan looked into the distance, the flames were soaring into the sky, and a fierce beast wrapped in flames came over the clouds.

"I'm here for the unicorn method, no matter what it is." Shi Zhan said, his voice was cold.

The fire unicorn moved, and the unicorn covered the sky with its big hands, like a stone war.

The flow of runes is clearly visible, and all changes are revealed in front of Shi Zhan.

The runes kept squirming in the black mist, and a dark handprint appeared from the black mist after a while, collided with the flame runes, and annihilated each other.

"Only one sanshou?" Shi Zhan asked.

"The ten fierce treasures are not inherited by the blood of the runes, and it is enough to get a sanshou." Huo Qilin said.

"Farewell!" Shi Zhan cupped his hands, and Hei Wu quickly retreated away.

On Huoqi Island, the man vomited blood: "Ji Ling, why did you let him go?"

"Do you know the strength of the opponent." Huo Qilin sighed.

"Huh? I don't think he is very strong." As a master in the middle stage of transforming spirits, the man has few opponents in this wilderness.

"Very young, very strong, a young prince, beyond imagination." Huo Qilin said lightly.

"?? What!" The man was startled.

"The world is in chaos, catastrophe is approaching, get ready, we are leaving here." Huo Qilin looked towards the sea area further away from Luofu Daze.

"Okay." The man didn't ask much, turned around and went back to the island to pack his things.

A few days later, Stone War returned, and Stone Village was besieged.

There are strong experts everywhere, and they are about to attack the people of Shicun.

There are strong men in the four directions, all above the realm of transforming spirits, and there are also two princes of the human race in the early stage of the inscription.

Thunder, Flood, Golden Wolf, Purple Giant, the four powerful players made their moves, and the special effects exploded.

The divine willow is powerful, and a branch runs through the sky and the earth, killing all the invading enemies.

Zishanhou fled desperately, and Shi Zhan took the head.

Then the great battle broke out in the depths of the mountains again, and Qiongqi began to devour the creatures to restore his vitality. The beast tide broke out, and the fifty thousand li human race was wiped out.

Liu Shen escaped with Shicun.

Shi Zhan stayed, and he wanted to snatch food from the tiger's mouth, and get the inheritance of the Supreme Palace, so he can take off directly.

Xiaogushan Town.

Shi Zhan stayed here, the villagers were gone, Huang Shi died tragically, he came late.

Rare remnants passed by here one by one, and then were beheaded by the stone war. More and more fierce beasts surrounded him, and he also left.

The Sky Swallowing Sparrow and the others are still fighting, and their condition is not too bad. It is difficult to be successfully attacked by the Stone War. Once the Stone War is exposed, the Sky Swallowing Sparrow will definitely find it first and devour the Stone War. A prince can provide him with a lot of blood.

"The war will continue for a month or two. The mountains, rivers and the earth will be cracked. I still have time." Shi Zhan desperately studied the runes, and the original solution is still in his hands. Combined with the captured bones, Shi Zhan gained something .

In a blink of an eye, in two months, the four venerables are almost dead.

Maoqiu took an iron rod and hammered three times, successfully snatched a box, and went away.

Hairball is in poor condition, and other venerables are in even worse condition.

"Should we take action and kill the Sky Swallowing Sparrow..." Shi Zhan's eyes flickered. Once he made a move, he would surely become famous and attract the attention of the world.

Since then, it can no longer be hidden in the darkness.

"I don't have a powerful attack technique, so it's hard to cause fatal damage to it."

In the end, Shi Zhan gave up, even if the Sky Swallowing Bird was dying, it would be difficult for Shi Zhan to drop in seconds.

He gave up his goal and went after the furball.

A large lake, Zhu Yan kept shrinking and hiding at the bottom of the lake.

Shi Zhan followed from a distance, and he felt that there were still creatures nearby, but their aura was not as strong as his, and they were in extremely poor condition.

"Let's go, this thing is mine." Shi Zhan directly sent a sound transmission in that direction.

In the original book, this old guy was stabbed in the back by his apprentice, and now his realm has dropped so badly that he may not be the opponent of Shi Zhan.


A figure appeared, with an erratic breath, and it should be undoubtedly a sage.

"You are from that village." Honghu Qinsheng secretly followed Tuntianque, and discovered the stone war. At first, he didn't pay attention to it, but now he realized that it was a bit outrageous.

Shi Zhan walked out, his whole body was wrapped in black mist, but he couldn't hide from the perception of Hong Hu Qin Sheng.

"What a young human race, he is already a prince." Honghu Qinsheng was surprised again.

"My lord, the times have changed, just a little bit." Shi Zhan said calmly, he could see that this swan swan and bird sage was quite normal, not a bloodthirsty personality, but something to talk about.

"How about this, you and I study this treasure together, sign an ancient contract, and don't hurt each other." Honghuqin said, he took out a piece of animal skin with a divine breath, with runes intertwined on it.

Shi Zhan took a look and knew what it meant.

"That's good." Shi Zhan nodded, and the aptitude of the swan and bird sage was average, so he couldn't research anything even if he studied it.

The blood dripped, and the two completed the contract, and then they were relieved of each other.

"Zhu Yan hasn't completely fallen asleep yet, seniors might as well give advice to juniors here." Shi Zhan's eyes were burning, and he wanted to fight Honghu Qinsheng, of course, the kind that didn't make much noise.

"When I am old, I am not as energetic as you young people. If you do something, it will damage your lifespan." Honghu Qinsheng said bluntly.

"..." Stone War.

"Senior, do you have a handbook of practice and understanding, and the junior is willing to exchange it with a god."

Shi Zhan looked around, hesitated a few times, and took out a treasure from his clothes.

Honghu Qinsheng took a look, and couldn't help but take a second look, his eyes were wide open. "This is an amazing thing, you, take it back quickly."

"Senior, this is the only remaining bone of our ancestors, it must be of help to senior." Shi Zhan said.

In his hand is a piece of bone that Liushen showed in front of him at the beginning, and there is still a faint divinity on it, which is still useful to the old thing of swan swan and bird sage.

Too profound, old things can't comprehend, it might as well come from the bones of gods.

"Little friend is such a great gift, and the old man also has some spiritual insights here, and I can't get on the stage. Let's take it and read it." Honghu Bird Sage also took out a small book from his arms, and the animal skin recorded all kinds of stones before the war. Unheard of knowledge and fighting skills.

These are all the personal experience and insights of Honghu Bird Sage. Looking through it, Shi Zhan seems to be incarnated in it, and after experiencing all kinds of it, his practice perception has soared rapidly.

A few days later, Maoqiu fell into a deep sleep, and Honghuqinsheng made a move and took Shanbao into his hands.

"Let's go, go to my secret base first." Honghu Qinsheng is going to leave with Shi Zhan, where he can avoid many powerful detections, and it is a good place to hide and practice.

Shi Zhan has signed a god-level mutual non-injury treaty with him. When both parties have not reached the realm of gods, neither can hurt the other, so Honghu Qinsheng trusts Shi Zhan very much.

In the original book, the Rebellion of the Seven Gods failed to find the hiding place of Honghu Qinsheng, which is very safe.

"I'll go back to the village first, and you don't want to move around here." Shi Zhan wanted to send back the original truth, which was the foundation of enlightenment for the little one, and he couldn't take it away.

Honghu Qinsheng looked at the back of Shi Zhan going away, and then hid himself, waiting for Shi Zhan to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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