Chapter 38
Qingfeng was intoxicated in the breeze, and Shi Zhan slowly explained the way and reason of the realm of moving blood, which made him make rapid progress.

The human body has shackles, which cannot be broken without penance, but by external force.

Qingfeng is currently stuck in this shackle, no matter how much elixir he swallows, it will be useless. The qualitative change he needs cannot be accomplished by simply accumulating spiritual energy.

Shi Zhan squeezed out a drop of blood, removed his mark, and pierced Qingfeng's forehead.


A word of blood flashed across his forehead.

"Huh?" Qingfeng felt something, but after careful feeling, he failed to discover the mystery.

When a seed is planted, what it can become depends on its own creation.

Whether or not the Immortal King's blood can be awakened depends on Qingfeng's chance, the awakening of the bloodline cannot be copied, everyone is different, this is a pity.

The awakening of Shi Zhan's bloodline is completely an uncontrollable accident, full of variables. The awakening of bloodline means that karma will be added to the body. In the future, this world may need Shi Zhan to pay something.

Everything is a cause and effect.

On the side, Xiao Qingfeng practiced with his eyes closed, entering the deepest state, and Shi Zhan also began to find his own way.

This year, he had battles with dozens of princes. Some princes were very honest and gave insights, and some princes would rather die than follow, and Shi Zhan had nothing to gain.

"In fact, most of their methods are the same as mine. They break through if they can, and they don't have a deep foundation. Among the dozens of princes, none of them are in the extreme state, not even a prince with eight holes. disappointment."

Shi Zhan sighed, discussing the Dao with these ordinary princes is basically the same, if there are too many, there will be nothing new, it is very boring.

"Move [-] blood, ten caves, three steps to transform spirits, and four realms of inscriptions. These people have passed by hastily. They all rely on time and resources to accumulate, and they have no inspiration for me."

"Compared to these princes, some transformed creatures in the ancient sacred mountains are more suitable for me to study."

Shi Zhan thought silently, and put the target on Tianjiao.

In fact, he passed through the three steps of transforming the spirit and the inscription hastily, turning the body into a spirit, reshaping the true soul, and cultivating the spirit in the cave. is a loophole.

"In fact, I only have five caves. The split caves cannot last forever, they are all fake..."

Shi Zhan frowned again. He didn't think there was any problem before, but looking back now, the problem was too big, almost cutting off the way to the future.


In the black mist, the five caves were quietly ups and downs. Shi Zhan turned and looked at the five colored caves, thoughtfully.

The energy of the five elements is pervasive, as if it includes the law of heaven and earth, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five caves and heavens are entangled with each other, as if they can create a world.

"If this becomes a world, how missing are the laws and dao lines, can it work..."

Shi Zhan sighed, and then began to strengthen and perfect his cave, he rearranged and reorganized his perception of Taoism, and began to repeat it.

Time flies, it is a month.

Wukoudongtian has re-evolved, it is different from the past, and has a little spirituality.

The five kinds of treasures are transformed into five kinds of symbols to breathe out the glow in the cave. This is Shi Zhan's own evolution of ten fierce treasures. Four of them are fake, but he believes that one day it will come true.

"I can't add more caves, but I can improve the quality of these caves and evolve each of them to a higher level." Shi Zhan said to himself, the runes in his eyes flowed, and his powerful rune attainments supported his belief in himself. The hole is rectified.

Expand, expand, expand.

Perfect, perfect, perfect again.

Another month passed, and each hole became more than ten times bigger than before.


Shi Zhan's eyes flashed fiercely, imitating the little one in the original book, all the caves were squeezed together.


The earth shook and the mountains shook, Shi Zhan's face turned pale, his mouth and nose were bleeding, his cave was shattered, and the cave like a small world quickly turned into pieces of ruins.

The strength of Shi Zhan is rapidly declining, and he is about to fall from the realm of formation.

Suddenly, at this moment, his blood was activated, and the blood of the Immortal King's breath flowed through the whole body, bursting out the power of mysterious runes, preventing the fall of the stone war realm.

At the same time, one after another dark runes spread throughout the body from invisible places, and finally spread to the cave, completing the only dilapidated cave.


A mouthful of dark cave finally took shape, twisting the weird runes, rendering all the runes on Shi Zhan's body in an instant.

The cave and the sky became a world, the dark light flickered, the runes inside were pitch-black, and various treasures were also changed in color.

The Nine-leaf Sword Grass treasure technique becomes the Dark Nine-Leaf Sword Grass, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art becomes the Dark Reincarnation Heavenly Art...

This is the eruption of the dark power in Shi Zhan's body that has not been eradicated by Liu Shen. This is the darkness that is rooted in the depths of the soul and cannot be ruled out.

Darkness, once contaminated, there is no turning back.

"I am..."

In the black mist, Shi Zhan looked at his hand, the runes as black as ink twisted like snakes.

"Blood, runes, and soul are all turning into darkness..."

Shi Zhan was stunned.

Fortunately, he is still awake.

"Why is this happening? People from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will become another person if they are polluted by darkness. Why do I..."

"Am I polluted by darkness, or am I just..."

As if struck by lightning, Shi Zhan suddenly realized that his soul is not from the nine heavens and ten earths, but from another world...

"So, in the end, I became the person I least wanted to be."

Shi Zhan smiled bitterly.

"The law of the nine heavens and ten places has already begun to reject me?"

Invisibly, there is a mysterious and unpredictable coercion descending. The stone battle feels like entering the deep sea, and the coercion is squeezed from all directions like sea water.


In the dark cave, a tender green wicker emits the ultimate divine light, trying to break open the only cave in the stone war.

The dark rune flowed, and a bit of extremely black matter stained the willow stick.

In an instant, the wicker turns from green to black...


Shi Zhan backed away, staying away from this place, he was afraid that the darkness would pollute the cool breeze beside him.

However, something happened that surprised Shi Zhan. He saw that Qingfeng's forehead became brighter and brighter, and a red light reflected the bright moon in the night sky red.

"Is the blood of Qingfeng Immortal King awakened? Not good! The power of my blood is weakening."

Shi Zhan was shocked.

The power of the blood in his body that had not been completely assimilated by the darkness began to transfer, and it was all transferred to Qingfeng!
"Blood has a spirit, he doesn't want to help me, a fake stone clansman." Shi Zhan couldn't accept this change, he just evolved a method, but was...

"Come with me, you only have this way." A voice suddenly sounded.

When Shi Zhan heard the reputation, he was shocked.

A familiar figure appeared, it turned out to be the bandit leader I met outside Xiaogushan Town!

"All of this is your layout!"

Shi Zhan understood everything in an instant, and he turned out to be a poor pawn.

"I have deduced that you do not belong to this world, and should belong to the darkness." The leader of the bandits smiled lightly, stepping beyond the limitation of time and space, and walked into the black mist of the stone battle.

Shi Zhan was shocked, his secret seemed to be seen through.

"Who the hell are you? What are you going to do!" Shi Zhan asked pretending to be stupid, still wanting to show off his acting skills.

"Hehe, I can easily see through your mind. You are not a creature from the nine heavens and ten lands, but a wandering soul from the broken world of Jiehai." The bandit leader sighed.

When Shi Zhan heard this, his expression was disastrous. Sure enough, everything was almost exposed.

"Your dream is very strange. There is actually someone who can predict the direction of the world in the form of writing. Unfortunately, this is all the fantasy deduction of those who failed countless epochs ago." The leader of the bandits said again.

Shi Zhan didn't say a word, the leader of the bandits made up his own mind, let him go, it doesn't matter.

"At the end of each era, darkness will fall. There will be countless outstanding people who resist, and there will be many amazing and brilliant people."

"Unfortunately, everyone in this world has lost."

"This era is not over yet, we can give them opportunities to grow and then reap."

"Because no matter what, everything will return to darkness, and what I once guarded and loved deeply will no longer exist."

"When your relatives, your friends, your sect, and your country are all in darkness, you will understand that it is meaningless to guard the nine heavens alone."

"In the end, there is only one way to go to the darkness together."

The bandit leader sighed.

"That's just your idea. I firmly believe that nine heavens and ten earths will win, and I won't follow your path." Shi Zhan said firmly.

"Believe it or not, this has nothing to do with you anymore. Now you are still qualified to control your body. Don't wait for me to kill you and give birth to a new consciousness." The bandit leader frowned.

"I'll give you ten days to deal with the funeral. After ten days, you can go sightseeing with me."

 Brothers, I'm sorry, I overslept yesterday and forgot to post chapters, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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