Chapter 40 The Sword Comes

The black mist travels far away, like a dark cloud, passing over the mountains, rivers and land.

In the fog, Shi Zhan flew in a direction under the guidance of Gu Shura.

"Did you see anything?" Gu Shura asked.

"The mountains and rivers are picturesque, and the years are like a pen. In the blink of an eye, there is another scene. Nothing will last forever." Shi Zhan said.

"That's right, very savvy, the mountains, rivers and heavens and the earth are like this, why are people not like this." Gu Shura said.

"??" Shi Zhan was puzzled.

"You should know that people will change after going through some things. The you before and the you now are actually not the same person."

"It is a change for a person to change from thrifty to extravagant, and it is also a change for a person to change from positive and optimistic to lonely and silent. Can you understand?"

"I understand this, but I'm different from them." Shi Zhan went crazy, "Their changes are not permanent, what should I do, can I reverse it?"

"Of course it's possible. The truly strong are trained by the dark matter, and they will never let it affect themselves." Gu Shura said.

"So, you've got a picture."

"I'm watching you!" Shi Zhan broke his defense, he had a perfect future, everything was planned according to the plan, but he met this ancient Shura.

"Who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes?" Gu Shura said lightly, "For me, the so-called darkness is just a change of identity, and it can't change you to do what you want to do. You can fight for the nine heavens and ten lands, and you can also stop the coming of the era."

"???" Shi Zhan "Don't you dark creatures always aim to destroy the nine heavens and ten earths?"

"We all have our own difficulties. There are stronger people who issue orders. If we don't go, we will die. We have no choice." Immortal King Shura said helplessly, "Of course, not everyone doesn't want to go. If there is a reward, why are you not going?"

"Also, we're not trying to exterminate you, we're just reaping a wave of fruits, and we'll leave you with the kindling that will make you shine again in a million years."

"In our eyes, there is no difference between you and the real things grown by farmed livestock."

Shi Zhan was silent.

"After talking so much nonsense, you dragged me into the dark camp, what benefits do you have for me, what do you want me to do?"

Finally, Shi Zhan asked.

"I've been doing your best." Immortal King Shura smiled.


"I can help you hide the darkness. As long as the Immortal King is not in front of you, no one will be able to notice your anomaly. There are only two people you can't see in these nine days and ten places."

Immortal King Shura made a move, and countless densely packed mysterious runes appeared, wrapping the stone battle, and the darkness in his body was deeply hidden.

Shi Zhan looked at his hands, he couldn't even feel the darkness himself.

So he asked, "Which two people are they?"

"One is the willow god, and the other is the master of a restricted life zone." Gu Shura said solemnly, "Don't get close to them."

"It's too late, God Liu has already found out. Last time I pulled out the darkness in my body, I will tell God Liu everything I encountered." Shi Zhan's eyes sparkled, maybe these two should be able to help him solve the problem in his body. The problem is, of course there is a price to pay.

"Well, it doesn't matter, don't touch it for a while, it can't take the initiative to find us before it recovers." Gu Shura said.

"Then is this thing okay?" Shi Zhan pulled out a dark wicker.

"It's useless, it's been sleeping for a while, and it can't be located by the wicker. I'll seal it, and when he wakes up, he won't be able to find you." Gu Shura typed out an inscription and wrapped the wicker.

"The willow god is asleep, logically you should attack him." Shi Zhan took back the wicker.

"There are stronger people here who have deduced it, and it will also become our dark side." Gu Shura said.

"What, the other side actually knew about this ending? Did they know that the Dark Willow God didn't become their teammate?" Shi Zhan was shocked. Who are these dark forces? They are too strong.

"I don't tell anyone about this kind of thing. No one will let the younger generation know about this kind of thing in advance. It's not good to be ambitious." Gu Xiuluo put his hands behind his back.

"Then why did you tell me?" Shi Zhan asked.

"You got a deduction from an immortal king, and after seeing it for a million years, you won't be overwhelmed by this thing, causing panic that the goal is too far away." Gu Shura said, "Let me ask you, do you think it is difficult to become an immortal?"

"Isn't it a certainty that I have the blessing of great karma to become a fairy?"

Shi Zhan: "It should be very easy to become an immortal. With my talent, although part of my bloodline has escaped, there are still some remaining. Isn't it easy to become an immortal?"

"You see, most people think that mountains stand tall, but you are different." Gu Shura said.

"Yeah, of course I'm different." Shi Zhan sighed.

"Hehe, others have self-knowledge. If you praise you a few words, you will go to heaven. You really think of yourself as something." Gu Xiuluo twitched.

"..." Shi Zhan was speechless.

"Is there any benefit after talking so much?" Shi Zhan asked again.

"Following a dark fairy king, what benefits do you think, push the invincible hand all the way." Gu Xiuluo said

"and then?"

"I can train you with all my strength, dark treasures, dark elixirs, dark scriptures, etc., you just need to obey my orders." Gu Shura said.

"Are you short of a slave..." Shi Zhan was taken aback.

"You may think so."

"What if I object?"

"Hehe, if you don't want to die, you can try."

"I have a question, how did you come to this world?"

"Boundary Sea is guarded by Immortal Domain, how did you get here?"

"I'm just a spiritual body, and I can descend directly with the help of some dark props."

"Those two black stoves?"

"Don't ask random questions about some things, and don't inquire about social affairs."


"Senior, tell me about it."

"Do you know the False God Realm? There are ruins there. I crossed from the False God Realm spiritually, and then gathered my spirit body here."

"Wow, the boss is amazing, is there any secret in the False God Realm?"

"It's ridiculous to say that the old guys who were imprisoned were imprisoned by your own people. It's really interesting. Sometimes, it's not the enemy who hurts you the most, but your own people."

"Senior brought private goods with me again. I have a strong Dao heart, and it is impossible for me to be bewitched by you."

"What's your attitude!" Gu Shura was dissatisfied.

"Senior punches without end, tramples on seven kings, has boundless magic power, and is famous for nine days." Shi Zhan complimented.

"Well, not that awesome." Gu Shura waved his hand.

"Come with me, I will show you the secret deep in this mountain!" He controlled the black cloud and landed on a mountain.

Stone War followed suit.

"Look at this rock, isn't it a little different, compared with the rocks in other places, it has a little more charm?"

This is a bare mountain, without any vegetation, and it is extremely steep.The whole cliff looks like it has been cut by a sword. There are straight rocks everywhere, no vegetation, and the mountain wind has left traces on it. What is rare is that the mountain has not collapsed and is still strong.

Shi Zhan squatted down, with runes gathered in his hands, he forcefully broke off a rock at his feet, and took off a small stone the size of a palm.

The rune glowed, and Shi Zhan grasped it hard, and the stone turned into dust and exploded in his hand.

In the exploding lime smoke, there is a little substance that emits a glistening light and disappears in a flash.

Those luminous substances were too tiny to be seen, and Shi Zhan noticed those anomalies only after he focused on them with all his strength.

"What is this?" He pulled up those few grains of luminous substance with mental strength, wondering.

"This is a strange metal. If there is enough quantity, it can be condensed into large pieces and used to make magical weapons." Gu Shura said.

Shi Zhan's eyes lit up. In this way, wouldn't it be possible to refine the mountain to refine the divine gold, just like Madame Curie refined radium, as long as he persisted, he could also produce the divine gold.

"It's just that this thing is rare. In many cases, even a mountain can't find a few grains. If you really want to get a lot of divine gold, you have to go to the real mine veins, where you can get a lot of rewards."

"You avoid it, I will show you."

Shi Zhan nodded, jumped onto another cloud layer, and looked down from the sky.

I saw Gu Shura reaching out to the mountain under his feet, the power of darkness enveloped it, the flames churned, and the whole mountain seemed to turn into a flaming mountain, burning blazingly.

Not long after, the mountain quickly shrank like vegetables in a frying pan, and the excess was refined. The last mountain that was several miles long turned into a small black stone the size of a little finger full of strange impurities.

"Fuck, senior is awesome!" Shi Zhan was shocked when he witnessed the whole process of Dashan being refined.

"No, let's play with it." Gu Shura flicked his fingers, casually threw the small stones to Shi Zhan, blew a breath, and extinguished the flames that were still spreading on the ground.

The small stone crossed a graceful arc and fell into Shi Zhan's hands.

"Damn it, it's so heavy!"

Shi Zhan immediately felt a million jin of force on his arm pulling him like he fell to the ground.

In a moment of carelessness, he was violently pulled down the cloud by this small thumb-sized pebble.


Shi Zhan fell to the ground so hard that the ground trembled, as if a meteorite had landed, and he felt that his arm was about to shatter.

"Why are you such a rubbish? It stands to reason that it's easy for you to be single with a million catties in your realm. Your realm is so empty." Gu Shura waved his hand to disperse the smoke and dust, and looked at the stone war with his butt in the pit, and said.

"The younger generation practiced too fast and didn't go to the extreme, that is to say, they practiced the ancient methods of immortality, and haven't practiced the methods of this world seriously." Shi Zhan put away the small stone, got up and patted the dust on his body, and said.

"There is no way out in the ancient way of immortality, we have already studied it thoroughly, and the way of the current world is broken. There is no way to reach the supreme realm. Tsk tsk tsk, you may need to perfect this way." Gu Shura thought deeply, then shook his head.

"It's too difficult. It's a broken road. You have to continue to a higher level. You are not worthy of continuing."

"Eh..." Shi Zhan choked.

"You still have to walk your own path. It's easy to walk someone else's path, but it's been broadened for you by others, and it's not fun to walk." Gu Shura said

"Let's talk about it later. It's all just fantasy now. In this life, I guess it will be difficult to get out of my own way. It will have to wait for the future." Shi Zhan said with deep eyes.

How long it will be in the future, no one knows, maybe tomorrow, maybe after eternity...

"Well, look... boy, let's go, my thoughts have exploded, and the deity is manipulating my spiritual body..."

Gu Shura nodded suddenly, his body shook for a while, and black air came out of his eyes.

Then the black energy was spreading outward from the whole body, and Gu Shura's whole temperament changed drastically in an instant.

"Senior, what's wrong?" Shi Zhan was shocked, the sudden change caught him off guard.

"A spiritual body also has self-awareness?" Gu Shura temporarily ignored Shi Zhan, his whole body was wrapped in a dense black air.

"Boy, let's go first, oh, forget it, I can't go anymore, I want to see this great river and mountain again." Gu Shura sighed softly.


Faintly, it seemed that something had burst, like a bubble, and exploded.

At this moment, Shi Zhan felt that he knew everything and understood something.

Silence, embarrassment, and then tension.

"You killed senior." Shi Zhan held the small stone in his hand, his voice trembling.

Trembling, half anger, half fear.

"It's just a spirit body consciousness, it shouldn't exist in this world." Gu Shura smiled coldly, "And you, after seeing and knowing too much, you still have so many things on your body, bring them all!"

With a sweep of his gaze, the law of heaven and earth avoided, and Shi Zhan's body floated up.

"I'll kill you!" Shi Zhan yelled, he looked away for a moment, anyway, it's better to hurry up if you die.

"Boy, I will make life worse than death!" Immortal King Shura frowned, and said sinisterly.

"I have great karma, you dare to touch me!" Shi Zhan yelled frantically.

"I'll boil you!"

"Come and move you!"

"Okay, okay!" Gu Shura looked calm, "Wait, you will regret it!"

Immortal King Shura made a move, and the dark runes entangled like vines, locking Shi Zhan firmly.


Countless spikes burst out from the vines instantly, piercing into Shi Zhan's body, and crazily injecting the air of darkness.

"Ahh~~!" Shi Zhan screamed, the boundless pain penetrated deep into his bones and soul, at this moment, all he could think about was pain, nothing else!
The body is like a prawn trying to bow together, but it is forcibly straightened by the vines.

"I'll let you experience inhuman pain!" Gu Shura stretched out his hand calmly, and black air gushed out and enveloped him like a dreamlike mist.

Shrouded in black mist, Shi Zhan's pain was intensified ten thousand times, and Yuanshen was about to collapse in an instant.

"Hehehe..." Shi Zhan trembled, foaming at the mouth, already mad and lost consciousness.

"I will make your primordial spirit suffer forever... This is the price of talking!" Immortal King Shura sneered.


In the black mist, Shi Zhan made a final struggle consciously, he squinted at Gu Shura, the corners of his mouth raised.


Gu Xiuluo worked hard and shook his big hand to completely annihilate the stone battle. He didn't want to see this match.

However, an accident happened!

One hundred thousand mountains were blown to pieces!The long river of time and space vibrated, and a sword qi shattered the heavens and traversed the eternal sky.

A grand sound resounded through the ancient and modern times at the same time.

For a long time, there were big waves in the river, and countless eyes were watching this place, but a mask blocked all their sights.

"Whoever claims to be invincible is said to be invincible!"

The sword energy was illusory, but unstoppable, the sword shredded the darkness of the sky, hovering on the neck of Immortal King Shura.

"Brother, if you really came, I knew that you would come to save me!" Shi Zhan burst into tears.

Huang made a move, killing from the future, destroying all causes and effects.

"How is it possible, how can there be such an existence!" Immortal King Shura was shocked and dumbfounded.


The black mist shattered, Immortal King Shura died on the spot, and the remaining sword energy was sealed and turned into a piece of waste paper that fell into Shi Zhan's hands.

The world is restored, everything is restored, and this place is calm again like a file.

It's just that Gu Shura is missing, and a piece of paper is added.

There are four words on the paper, with sword qi vertically and horizontally.

"No eunuch."

(End of this chapter)

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