Chapter 43

After that, the stone war stopped plundering. Mystical metals were enough. Refining high-end weapons was definitely not enough, but refining princely soldiers was enough. These were just ordinary auxiliary materials.

"Ten precious bones, teleport the imperial capital, are you sure?" In a giant city, the teleporter looked at Shi Zhan, a little unsure whether Shi Zhan could afford such a fee.

"The treasure bone is already given to you, hurry up, I'm in a hurry." The boy urged.

"Okay, let's go." On the side, a powerful old man opened the pattern, and a passage appeared in the air.

Shi Zhan stepped into it, the hole closed, and he disappeared into the city.

"Hey, where is the treasure bone? Why is it gone?" Not long after Shi Zhan left, the old man checked the treasure bone and found that the bone that was still there just now was gone.

"This kid is playing tricks on us!" The teleporter gritted his teeth and immediately understood the reason.

"It's just a few bones. This young man is not simple. He can steal the sky and change the sun under my nose. I'm afraid he has a good means." The old man was not angry, and smiled lightly.

"What, old master, you didn't notice?" The teleporter asked in shock.

"When such a young man goes to the imperial capital, he doesn't know what kind of storms he will cause." The old man smiled.

Shi Zhan went to the imperial capital of the Shi Kingdom, and felt the royal way and dragon spirit, which is very extraordinary. This is a road to the kingdom of God. Success or failure depends on the country and its people, and it is difficult to succeed in the end.

It is rumored that in ancient times, the Immortal King is the king of the Immortal Kingdom, and the Immortal Emperor is the Emperor of the Immortal Kingdom.

The old man would not have imagined that Shi Zhan didn't stay in Shi Guohuang's capital for a long time. This place is a place of right and wrong, and there are fights everywhere. It seems peaceful, but in fact it is full of gunpowder. He just borrowed the teleportation array.

The large teleportation formation requires a high level of attainment in runes, because there is a talisman king in Shiguo, so the teleportation formation can be created. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary for the venerable to open the channel.

This teleportation array can only be used by the blood of the stone clan. Unlike other ordinary teleportation arrays, it is left by the ancient gods and can lead to any place in the lower realm.

Coincidentally, he is also from the Stone Clan. Although he was infected by darkness, he is still the same.

This kind of teleportation formation can be used by princes and strongmen at will, and the identity verification is enough, and it is free.

Shi Zhan stepped into it, and disappeared under the shocked eyes of the Chief Ouchi.


The person in charge of the teleportation formation rubbed his eyes, suspecting that he had misread.

"So young? Did he take Dingyan Pill when he was a child?" Chief Ouchi guessed, and he began to deduce the identity of this person based on his own information, and he fell into thinking.

This is destined to be a fruitless reasoning, because the stone war is not within the scope of the stone country.


Not long after, the chief executive made a bold guess and hurried into the palace.


The imperial dragon's energy vibrated, ten thousand dragons roared, and the emperor of Shi Kingdom walked out of the palace and came to the side of the teleportation formation.

With a swipe of his hands, the runes are densely covered, and the mysterious method is activated, and the past events here are reversed like a movie.

A strange young man caught the eyes of the Emperor.

"Don't tell anyone about this matter. If anyone else knows, I'll ask you." The Human Sovereign withdrew the law and returned to the palace.

Chief Ouchi nodded, and he also guessed it.

The blood of the Stone Clan flows, the mysterious and strange young prince, in this world, there is only one place where such a person can come out.

The legendary ancestral land of the Stone Clan.

"Look, where did he go." Human Sovereign's voice came into the ear of the chief executive again.

"Well, it's Butian Pavilion!" The manager replied.

"He went to the ancient holy courtyard? Secret method to contact the master of the Butian Pavilion, I owe him two favors, let this child go in, and in the future, the Butian Pavilion sacrifices the soul and dies, and I will personally suppress the turmoil!" Human Sovereign sound transmission.

When the manager heard this, his heart was shaken, Emperor Shi also valued this child too much, didn't he?

Afterwards, he entered the False God Realm to communicate secretly with the master of Butian Pavilion.

The people in this world are limited by their aptitude and foresight, and most of them don't know the legends of the upper realm. I can't get out of my life, and I can't touch these secrets at all.

Hundreds of millions of miles, even if you travel 10 miles a day, it will take 10 years to get from one end to the other, [-] years...

This is just the Stone Country, and there are other seven regions.

The seven domains merged into one, barely forming a state.

Three thousand states are one land, and nine heavens and ten lands are just the buffer zone for wars between the fairyland and the foreign land.

The fairy land and foreign land may just be an isolated island in the sea of ​​realms.

Boundary sea ups and downs, I don't know how long it is.

In the Great Wilderness, there is also the sun and the yin, as well as the heavens and stars, and each domain is a universe.

How can the so-called eight-domain barrier be regarded as a line? It is the boundary between the world and the world. If you want to break it, it is like crossing the world.

That's why when Emperor Shi Guoren saw the teenage prince, he was so excited and shocked.

Because he has no insight, even if he is the emperor of a country, his eyes are trapped in this world, and he cannot see through the nine heavens and ten earths.

This lower realm has experienced countless turmoil and wars, each time the civilization is almost cut off, the inheritance is completely shattered, and it starts again and again. It is completely regarded as a cage.

Although the world is too big to be traversed in one lifetime, what is imprisoned are countless struggling souls who cannot escape.

Heaven and earth have the way and don't let it go, have the law but don't let it go, cut off the path of Taoism practice, cut off the door of wisdom inheritance, and make life like death.

Outside the Butian Pavilion, there are beautiful mountains and birds flying around, creating a peaceful environment.

"The stone battle of the human race, enter the holy courtyard to watch."

The sound of Langlang shook the universe, and the four people in the Butian Pavilion were shocked.

The pavilion master felt the breath a little bit, and then walked out with several elders.


The pavilion master shrank his pupils and looked at Shi Zhan carefully. This young man should not have achieved this rank at this age.

"Where do you come from?"

The owner of the pavilion is extraordinary and well-informed. He can see at a glance that Shi Zhan is not from the wasteland, but a visitor from outside the sky.

"I come from nowhere." The young man stepped on the cloud and looked down at the elders, his voice was indifferent.

"Get out of the way, I'm going in."

"Although the ancient holy courtyard is occupied by me in the Butian Pavilion, we are not able to..." The pavilion owner frowned, the stone battle was too rampant.


However, before he finished speaking, a golden road was paved from the depths of Butian Pavilion, extending to Shi Zhan's feet.

This scene forced the pavilion master to shut up, and the rest of the elders were also shocked. It was unheard of that the ancient holy courtyard would actively ask a person to enter it.

"The frog in the well, how do you know that the sky is high and the earth is thick? Although my talent is not unprecedented, it is also rare in this lower world. There is a spirit in the holy courtyard, and I know that my inheritance must fall into the hands of outstanding people, and it cannot be passed on to waste. See me today It is the right move to take the initiative to open the trail.”

Shi Zhan laughed loudly, stepping on the golden light and going deep.

Laughter echoed in the mountains, and the elders of Butian Pavilion looked at me and I looked at you, and could only sigh that the young man was awesome.

"Pavilion Master, the Holy Court has taken the initiative to open it for one person. Do you want to spread the news so that Dahuang will spread the reputation of my Butian Pavilion?" An elder suggested.

"There are so many things in ancient and modern times, how long can the Butian Pavilion survive in the misty rain on the building? Don't you all know?" The pavilion master sighed, making all the elders silent.

"The Human Emperor of Shi Country has already notified me that when the moment comes, he will make a move. Let us prepare ahead of time. The Human Emperor thinks that we will not be able to survive, so don't place your hopes on the old Jiling."

The pavilion master flung his sleeves away, leaving behind a gradually blurred figure of the elders.

(End of this chapter)

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