Chapter 50

On the field, he was the weakest, and he was the first to attack, shocking all the venerables.

"Fellow Daoist, thank you for saving me!" Venerable Demon Lake was very moved. He was about to die, but Venerable Fire Crow made a move, which attracted hatred.

"I didn't get the mountain treasure." Tiantianque frowned, there are some things that need to be explained clearly, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble.

The mountain treasure is said to have been passed down from an immortal. It is too great. If the worldly venerables really think that the mountain treasure is in his hands, it will be hard to live in the future.

"No? You are so strong, how could you not get the mountain treasure? At that station, Zhuyan and Huoguo Jiling both suffered losses, and Qiongqi is not your opponent. You said that the mountain treasure is not in your hands?"

Venerable Fire Crow sneered, frantically pulling hatred.

The sky-swallowing bird's face was as black as a dung ball.

"It makes sense!"

"I would rather miss it than let it go."

"We five, beat him one, can't beat him?"

"I've seen him dislike for a long time."

The venerables present were all moved, and secretly communicated, if there is no mountain treasure, but if there is a mountain treasure, then you have to give it a try, otherwise, when you think about it later, you will regret passing this kind of treasure lifetime.

The treasured runes covered the sky, and the five venerables attacked together to defeat the sky-swallowing bird.


Swallowing the bird cursed loudly, he stretched out one paw, and hit five with one.

The other claw was cut off by Shi Zhan before, and it hasn't grown out yet.

That's why he got wicker, that thing can regenerate a broken limb, comparable to a holy medicine.

The Little Red Bird, the Spirit of the Fire Nation, seems to recover quickly after getting the willow branch.


The war broke out again.

The Sky Swallowing Sparrow is too strong, it has transformed into a prototype, with a wingspan of thousands of miles, and it opens its mouth like a big black hole, trying to swallow everyone into it.

The Sky Swallowing Sparrow, whose name is Swallowing the Sky, is exactly its treasure, and it is extremely terrifying to swallow the sky and the earth.

Venerable Blood Spear's face was serious, the shape of the runes on the spear was so brilliant that he couldn't see clearly, his whole body turned into a ball of light, and he also changed into a prototype, which was a huge blood bee, also as big as thousands of miles, this blood bee The spear was transformed from his tail thorns, imitating ancient artifacts forged, and its power is extraordinary.

The treasure weapon of Venerable Demon Halberd has been broken into three pieces, and one side of his figure has also turned into a fierce beast, which turned out to be Bi Fang.He imitated Kunpeng and refined a great halberd, but it was a pity that he was too far behind.

The thousands-mile-long Venerable Fire Crow faced the hard steel swallowing bird, and the flames of the furnace shot up into the sky, becoming a fireball, which was caught in the claws and slammed into it.

An unexpected thing happened, the venerable of Demon Lake opened the door of space, and left on the spot, abandoning his teammates.

"I knew that the people of Demon Spirit Lake were unreliable." A humanoid creature towered above the sky, he was a thousand feet tall, holding a big bow in his hand, and when he put his fingers on it, arrows of rune order appeared one after another.

This is an invisible arrow, stronger than an actual arrow.

"You monkeys are really mortal." The blood-colored pupils of the swallowing bird, which are as big as the sun, aimed at this humanoid creature. It was a monkey with a stick that posed a great threat to him, and the mountain-like divine iron was pulled down. , it also has to back off.

In the distance, Shi Zhan did not leave completely. He watched the battle of the five venerables from a safe distance. If the strong fight against each other, if it is a crushing situation, it will usually be one-sided.

If they are evenly matched, they will fight for a long time, and fighting for a few months is common.

These venerable beasts like them have extremely strong vitality. They are so big and have blood like an ocean. If they want to be hit in seconds, there must be a huge gap.

"They're going to lose."

Shi Zhan sighed softly, the realm of the four venerables is not very high, and they have no advantage in facing the top swallowing bird among the venerables.

"Tuntian, if you swallow the teacher, I, Huo Ya, will die today, and I must avenge the teacher!"

In the sky, Venerable Fire Crow let out a howl, burning all the energy in his body, turning into a Fire Crow and melting into the copper furnace.

The copper furnace shook the sky, and the flames rushed out like magma, hitting the nine heavens high.

"Why are you bothering? The teacher is old and dies and dissipates the world. Why don't you let me swallow it, so as to maximize the value." Swallowing the sky bird finally sounded, it turned out that this fire crow's own senior brother.

"Once you die, the Fire Crow Clan will be finished, and it will become my ration at that time." The Sky Swallowing Sparrow swallowed the stove into its body.


Seeing that the situation was not going well, the remaining three venerables prepared to withdraw. This Sky Swallowing Sparrow was too strong, and could defeat them with one hand.


There was a sudden explosion in the sky, like a hole in the sky covered by dark clouds, and one of the copper furnaces emitted endless light like the sun.

"Very good, very good."

Tun Tianque coughed up blood, and his stomach was blasted through by the copper furnace.

Flame Venerable came with a spirit body riding a copper furnace and blew himself up, which caused him a big loss.

"You are also spirit bodies." Tun Tianque looked at the three of them with cold eyes.

"Walking in the rivers and lakes, there is no one who doesn't use a spirit body. The one who really came is the real one, and has already run away." The blood bee fluttered its wings. This is the spirit body of the blood spear venerable.

"We've been fighting for so long, how did you see it?" the bow-wielding humanoid was puzzled.

"Oh, I guess, it's because he didn't practice well in the realm of transforming spirits, and he didn't understand the mysteries of it, and he couldn't even detect it in his own spirit body." Venerable Demon Halberd despised it.

"Hmph!" Tuntianque snorted coldly, fighting with several spirit bodies was too boring, even if they were defeated, they would not gain any benefit.

The sky sparrow spread its wings for eight thousand miles, and defeated the three spiritual bodies with one wing, turning it into the source essence and dissipating it.

Those treasures have spiritual consciousness inside, they opened the door of space and slipped away.

"Hmph, bad luck!"

The Sky Swallowing Sparrow snorted coldly. It looked at the mountains and rivers at its feet, opened its mouth and swallowed it, and swallowed all the human tribes within tens of thousands of miles. It was a miserable scene on earth.

Giant cities stand tall, but there are no traces of people, which is weird and sad.

This scene happened right in front of Shi Zhan. I don't know if Tun Tian Que did it on purpose. He noticed Shi Zhan's position, but he didn't make a move.

If you can't lay down the pattern at the moment of teleportation, the extreme speed of Stone War will have an effect, and you won't be able to catch up at all.

"Tiantianque, you have great karma. It's very big." Shi Zhan walked in the ruins of the deserted giant city, watching silently.

A few minutes ago, there were still countless creatures living here. They were harmonious and happy, struggling to make progress, and interpreting the splendor of life. What a pity.

Shi Zhan wandered around these cities, his eyes shining brightly. This is the method he realized by himself, and he can explore all kinds of rare metal ores.

In this battle, he suffered a blood loss.

There are only one-third of the branches of the willow god left.

The knife embryo that was so hard to cast is completely gone. There are a pile of fragments in the cave, which are from the green tower, engraved with the pattern of the gods, and it will take a long time to refine it.

The economic situation returned to the front of the village.

Now, he was scavenging through the deserted ruins, hoping to get fine walls and metal stones.

(End of this chapter)

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