Chapter 57
Butianjiao has never recognized the orthodox identity of Butian Pavilion.

The old originator was so focused on returning, he didn't even look at the other side.

In the eyes of the lower world, the old originator killed the Venerable with one sword and one person, and was unparalleled in the world.

In the eyes of the upper realm, the old originator is a waste of ordinary talent, a false god who only ignited the divine fire.

The old originator left, unwilling to face reality, his obsession refused to dissipate.

He just wanted to get a word of approval from the sect. In fact, he had already achieved it.

If Butian Sect really disagrees, there won't be only one Butian in this wasteland.

It's because the people in the upper realm can't hold back their face, and it's because the ghost masters in the lower realm are too arrogant.

"What are you looking at, let's go, Ji Ling is about to empower me, do you want to share the benefits here?" Shi Zhan glared at the pavilion master.

"Ji Ling, do you really decide to do this?" Butian Pavilion Master ignored Shi Zhan and said sadly.

He never imagined that Ji Ling wanted to impart the Dharma to this child without any preparation and discussion.

"Flourishing energy, powerful blood, invincible Taoism, and monstrous karma, I have made up my mind, let's go." Lao Teng sent a voice transmission.

"Ji Ling, goodbye."

Old Liu's eyes were moist, he turned and left.

"Hmph! I hope you won't disappoint the spirit of offering sacrifices." The pavilion master threw the remaining jade tokens of mending the sky to Shi Zhan, and then left with his head held high, otherwise tears would fall.

The Ji Ling who had guarded the Butian Pavilion for countless years was really about to leave.

They all left, only Shi Zhan was left here.

"I use my divinity to activate the blood in your body, and you can directly become the top of the venerable. This is why I like you, because even if others inherit my divinity, they are just an ordinary venerable." Old Teng slowly Speak slowly.

"But this is very expensive. You will stay in that realm for a longer time, hundreds or even thousands of years." Old Teng added.

"It's okay, I never thought about normal cultivation." Shi Zhan waved his hand to reassure Lao Teng.

He was already ready to accept the full power of the old vine, and then his blood burst out, breaking through the king's realm and breaking through the venerable.

Forcibly ignite the divine fire and become a god directly!
He has the understanding of this realm, and he has come out of the ancient holy courtyard, and he can control this realm with the enlightenment of the saints.

Shi Zhan sat down cross-legged, the old vines slowly entwined him, a little bit of divinity flowed into Shi Zhan's body, activating his blood that had been excessively explosive and then silent.

"This is, what kind of blood!"

Lao Teng's heart was shaken. He had never seen such a potential bloodline. It was really too powerful, as if the voice of the gods chanted.

"Son, you shouldn't waste such a powerful bloodline like this. You should think about it again." Lao Teng stopped, not wanting to silence this bloodline that was more terrifying than a god.

"Resources like bloodlines are wasted if not used. Hurry up, I haven't broken through for a long time." Shi Zhan urged.

"Son, have you really thought it through?" Lao Teng couldn't bear it.

"Well, come on, I know the consequences." Shi Zhan nodded.

"Excessive stimulation and activation, your blood will be scrapped, you, have you thought about it clearly?" Old Teng said again.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you become a god, you can talk about anything." Shi Zhan made up his mind.

"Okay, child, I am very grateful for your efforts." Lao Teng trembled, and a wave of divine power entered Shi Zhan's body.

In the small courtyard, an illusory figure appeared, and he stared at the young man entangled in vines, dazed.


The sword on Gui Ye's head kept bleeding. He looked at Shi Zhan and didn't understand why.

This child has a very high talent, and it only takes some time to grow up to become very powerful. Even the Butian Sect he was in before will attach great importance to it.

Why do you have to do this?
Master Ghost watched silently, with more and more doubts in his heart.

A month later.

The old vines were squeezed dry, all the divine power flowed into Shi Zhan's blood, and the young Immortal King's blood boiled, so powerful that it would make all the heavens shake and all races kneel down.

"I went to the Holy Court to break through, there is too much movement here!"

Shi Zhan's eyes were radiant, he tore open the space, and the next moment he appeared in front of the gate of the holy courtyard, and then he looked at Gui Ye.


Ghost Master urged the secret method. Although this ancient holy courtyard has been opened for hundreds of years, it is actually still under his control, and it can be opened whenever it wants.

Shi Zhan entered it, and the deity began to absorb all kinds of Taoist perceptions in the holy courtyard, perfecting and supplementing.


The five spiritual bodies appear in different directions. These spirits have the thoughts of the deity, which can assist in enlightenment.

Dao pattern is like water, feeling is like wind, several big storms have been set off in the holy courtyard, and Shi Zhan's real body and spirit body are respectively in the center of the storm, sitting firmly cross-legged, and his aura keeps rising.

The divinity drives the blood, and the blood improves the strength. After the strength is fixed, the blood begins to fail.

However, there are more divine materials, and a god pushes with all his strength, Shi Zhan's blood is constantly rolling and boiling, and his strength is gradually improving.

The middle stage of the formation, the late stage of the formation, the peak of the formation, and the limit of the formation.

boom!The holy courtyard was shaken, and the mountains of Butian Pavilion shook like an earthquake.

Shi Zhan's whole body energy soared, he stepped into the Venerable!
Your lord, the ultimate level of a mortal monk, if he continues to practice upwards, without the support of the bloodline divine body or the magical medicine and heavenly skills, a regular monk can meditate every day, and he will not be able to break through this realm in his entire life.

The divinity is still there, the blood continues to boil, and on Shi Zhan's forehead, a ball of light is getting brighter and brighter, like a ball of fire.


The divinity gathers, the blood pulses for the last time, the divine light of the spirit gathers the divine fire, and it must be slowly solidified.

This is the most common method of becoming a god, condensing the whole body's energy and spirit, turning it into a ball of flames, intertwining the whole body's avenue and perception, and transforming into a god.

"Do you want to go like this? The future combat power will be weak..."

Shi Zhan slightly delayed the pace of becoming a god, and he was thinking and weighing the consequences of doing so.

"Will I miss some dungeons in the later stage? Countless Tianjiao in the upper realm have proclaimed themselves for millions of years, just to enter the 'Xiangu'. If I become a god, will I be restricted?"

In the Immortal Ancient Trial Field, there is a great opportunity, this kind of dungeon has to be done, Shi Zhan is hesitating.

In the end, the divine light subsided, all the runes fell silent, and the excess divinity was sealed into the divine seed by Stone War, and he did not forcefully ignite the divine fire with a leap.

The Divine Fire Realm is a big realm, very very very very important.

You can't mess around with a little bit.

Venerable state, into.

Venerables aged thirteen or fourteen are very rare in the lower realms, but they are average in other places.

There are eight realms in the lower realm, three thousand states in the upper realm, nine heavens and ten lands, exotic realms, immortal realms, and boundless seas.

At the level of stone warfare, throwing it in is just average.

It is the supreme bone and the double pupil, placed in the upper realm, it is only the first generation, it is nothing.

There are about ten levels of geniuses, which are legacy, half-blood, pure-blood, first-generation, invincible, perfect, immortal one-two-three, royal family, imperial family, and little one.

Before Shi Zhan, it was considered as the first generation (taiyin body), and then the blood returned to the ancestors (royal family), but in the later period, there were no resources to provide cultivation, so the potential was overdrawn (nothing), and it was temporarily classified as... ordinary people.

However, no matter what, he is also a character who walks sideways in the lower realm now, if he doesn't meet those incarnations of fairy kings who travel around the world with nothing to do.

"So, next, before the giants in the upper realm go down to find the original true solution and the detachment chapter, I will be the big brother in these eight realms."

Shi Zhan walked out of the holy courtyard without making a sound, and he came to the old vine. The old vine was dying, and it gave Shi Zhan its divinity, and it will die in a few days.

Shi Zhan returned the seeds to Lao Teng, which made Lao Teng puzzled.

"Are you going to break the contract?"

(End of this chapter)

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