Chapter 62
One of the three thousand states in the upper realm.

"Master, great news, great news. After our disciples went down to the realm, we found a ruin in the wasteland, which will be opened soon. It is rumored that there are many gods such as the medicine of immortality, the bones of the sky, and so on. The following disciples can go there!"

In a majestic sacred mountain, spiritual mist is like a tide, and fairy treasures are everywhere. An elder in brocade robes flies with his sword, driving many gods and laws. He hurried to a glorious hall to report some news that he just received.

"Elder Wang is serious! Is there any elixir in the lower realm? And a bone? Is there a kunpeng method?"

Not long after, there was suspicion in the hall, which turned into heavy gasps.

"It's absolutely true!" The elder danced excitedly, his face was flushed, and his voice was extremely trembling.

"It is rumored that there is the world's number one elixir of immortality, the white tortoise, the treasure of the Kunpeng on the top of the North Sea, and in the wilderness, it is said that there is a complete inheritance of the Supreme Palace, and there is also the supreme secret of the original true solution and detachment!"

"The news, is it accurate?" The creatures in the hall tried their best to suppress the turbulent mood.

"It's absolutely true, Yaolong Daomen, Bulaoshan, Butianjiao, Jietianjiao, Tiantian, Demon Sunflower Garden and many other great forces have already sent people to the lower realm!"


A burst of breathing was like thunder, and after a long time, the creatures in the hall calmed down their excited mood.

"Elder Wang, this matter is entrusted to you, and there must be no mistakes!" In the hall, a grand voice came out again.

"Recently, I need to retreat and attack. Ten years later, the lower realm will be strong, and the entire lower realm will be ours!" The creatures in the hall felt a little regretful.

"I just wish I couldn't go down in person, Elder Wang, I will lend you my magic weapon!"

"Wang will live up to the God Lord's entrustment!" Elder Wang took the blood spear, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

The old man, who still doesn't believe me, actually sent his own magic soldiers to monitor my actions!

When I go down to the realm and take the treasure, who the hell will give it back as your grandson.

"Elder Wang, let's go!" the living creature in the hall hurriedly said.

"Yes!" Elder Wang retreated.

Walking out of the main hall for a few miles, the elder took a look at the main hall, and then stepped into the sky.

"All disciples listen to the order, and the younger generation's sect competition will begin. The top ten will be determined within ten days, and they can go to the lower realm to enter the ruins and collect resources. [-]% will be handed over to the sect, and [-]% will be allocated by themselves!"

Elder Wang stepped out of the clouds with a blood spear in his hand, and his voice spread throughout the sect through the blessing of the secret method, like Hong Zhong Dalu, spreading in all directions.

In just a few days, the news of the lower realm has spread throughout the spirit world, and people from these great sects and sects all regard it as a treasure land.

In history, many leaders paid the price of blood to go to the lower realms to hunt for treasures. It has been proved that there are treasures in the lower realms!

At this time, when all the disciples heard this, they all boiled like boiling water, their eyes glowed red, and they all sharpened their knives. The resources in the upper realm are controlled by the Da Neng family, and the lower realm is a treasure land. !
This kind of situation has happened in the three thousand states of the upper realm, and the big religions that have teleportation arrays with the lower realm have begun to select disciples, escorted by elders, and go to the lower realm to hunt for treasure.

Treasures of Kunpeng, elixir, inheritance of immortal kings...they are here!
In the lower realm, the wind is surging, the spiritual energy is revived, the world is upgraded, some old venerables break out, roar, and jump to the extreme, successfully igniting the divine fire, achieving the god position, and deterring the world.

In the past few days, auras of divine fire shot up into the sky, and all the creatures in the wilderness trembled.

Those thousand-year-old venerables are all crazily improving their strength, the laws of heaven and earth are in harmony, and the elixir around them is changing. They all choose to break through instead of fighting each other.

The right time, place, and people are all in harmony, and the aura of divine fire rises like wolf smoke. In the past few days, there have been dozens of gods in the wilderness.

Butian Pavilion, a seed is rapidly taking root and sprouting, he absorbs the aura of the heavens, vines grow, and a gourd grows rapidly.The old priest of Butian Pavilion was resurrected for the second time and returned in a brand new way.

In the end, its realm stopped at the Venerable Ultimate, and the divine fire was not ignited. The old vine transformed into a young man in white, with a gourd pinned to his waist and a vine leaf biting at the corner of his mouth.

"You have guarded for ten thousand years, next, I will guard you!" Ghost Master appeared in front of the young man, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Then Ghost Master asked: "What's your name?"

The young man smiled slightly and looked at Mr. Gui with deep emotion in his eyes: "Well, let's call it Butian."

In the country of fire, a fire tree suddenly revived, and its powerful aura shot straight into the sky. The old sacrificial spirit of the country of fire returned again, proud of the world with the gift of a god.

The Fire Emperor walked in the sea of ​​fire, and his whole body also emitted wisps of divine power, which was the ultimate manifestation of the Venerable. He did not ignite the divine fire, but stopped in front of the door.

The old sacrificial spirit Huoshu told the Fire Emperor that a great opportunity is coming, that place is called the Immortal Ancient Trial Site, and as long as he can live to the end after entering, he can be proud of the world.

Ji Ling asked the Fire Emperor to go for a break, only in this way can the pattern of the lower realm be changed after returning.

"Hearing what you said, the old man's youthful blood has been seduced." The Emperor of the Fire Nation said slowly.

"Go, enter Xiangu. This is the last time it's opened, you must go in!" Huoshu made an old voice.

"Besides, you are only a few hundred years old. You can be regarded as the pride of heaven in the upper realm. I will protect the next Fire Nation. You can go there without worry. The lower realm limits your talent." Huo Shu sighed.

"In this case, I will be self-willed for once." The Fire Emperor stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the rising smoke in the distance from the fire cloud.


Qingtian Divine Mountain...

Taikoo Pengshan...

Devil Lake...

In the wasteland, on the sacred mountains everywhere, the old venerables who lived for thousands of years broke through and ignited the divine fire one after another, and the spirit of the gods soared into the sky.

They were going to die of old age, but the boundary membrane of the upper and lower realms was shattered by the supreme power, and the aura of the rules of heaven and earth was poured in. They seized this opportunity.

In Shicun, a willow tree sprouted thousands of branches and leaves, shrouding Shicun with green light, and then, it was covered by divine light and disappeared from the eyes of the world.

In the ancient holy courtyard of Butian Pavilion, a woman looked up at the sky with double pupils in her eyes. She stretched out her hand in amazement, touched a mass of long-lived biomass, and then fell silent.

The Xiling Realm was surrounded by black mist. When a creature stepped into this area, he roared to walk out of the dark aura around him, as if he had come from a foreign land.

It is pure darkness, with an evil that infects people's souls, can bewitch people's hearts, and inspire the deepest sins.

"Hey, which fairy king did it? Why is it so earlier than planned? Is this era ending so soon?" The creature looked around suspiciously, a little puzzled.

According to the plan, this era will last for a long time.

Suddenly, when the creature was puzzled, a big white jade hand spanned countless spaces and grabbed the creature.

"?" Seeing that the situation was not good, the dark creature turned around and slipped back into the dark passage.

In the void, a figure appeared. He silently looked at the dark creature that had slipped back, and did not make another move.

Because at this moment, he felt more immortal king-level aura flowing out of the passage.

"Please abide by the rules of the game. If you want to overturn the table, we can overturn it more thoroughly." A voice came from the other end.

The figure didn't say anything, and disappeared in a flash.

That is, not long after, the first group of people from the upper realm came down through the teleportation array!

The teleportation formations of the major forces lit up one after another, and outstanding figures from the upper world walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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